My dear little broccolis💚💚💚
💚 Well, first of all, hello to those who don't know me yet and are just stumbling into the crazy place that is my mind. This is my first FSOG fanfic, but I have been dabling for a while with FF in other worlds, so be more than welcomed to check my works there.
💚 So, this is a story that has been hanging in my mind for a little while, and here is the twist, you can read it as a TMI fanfic, or a FSOG one. I will update at the same time for both of those stories, so pick the characters you want to follow, or do both, haha.
💚This story is already finished in my head and already has a beta. Also, if you know me, you know my chapters are usually long, so don't judge the length of the prologue.
💚And finally, I am trying to get back into fanfic lately, because let's be honest, my updating schedule hasn't been that great. I've just had so much on me over the last three years. I was in a bad place, and I am still struggling to be back to me and not what people have been expecting of me. But anyway, I am coming back, but don't expect daily updates, though I won't make you wait two years for an update. I am back and will finish all my stories.
Love, Mina 💚💚💚
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💚 Give Me The Daddy, I'll Give You The Sugar 💚
As she looked down at the picture in her hands, a tear roll down Ana's cheek. She had been clearing her one-bedroom flat, putting everything that belonged to Henry in a box, and had found in the back of her closet that picture she had not thought of in a long time.
It was a picture of Mia and her, that dated from ten years ago. In fact, it had been ten years since she had seen Mia. They were both runaways when they met, and they both ended up crashing the same summer house in the middle of the month of April. It had been the best month of Ana's life, the one time she had been truly happy, the one time she had felt completely loved.
And of course, as the two teenagers were making plans to stay together and start a life somewhere just the two of them against the world, social services found them and put them back in the system. She never saw Mia again. She had no idea what had happened to her, or where she could be. All she could do now was hope that the one person who had truly loved her had managed to succeed in life better than she did.
With a heave, she sat down on the wooden floor, resting her head against the wall as she contemplated her life. She had been bounced from foster home to foster home until the ripe age of eighteen when she was no longer considered suitable to do so, nor she wanted to. As soon as she was legally responsible for herself, she took a waitressing job and earned enough money to live in a shared house.
It worked for a while, she even met her first love in that house. Of course, he wasn't the one who had deflowered her, but Ana had always known the difference between love and sex. David and her dated for two years. Until he decided that she wasn't enough and that he should go see elsewhere. She didn't even wait for him to come back from one of sexcapade that she was out of that house. She had saved enough money during those two years to rent a small shitty apartment, but it was enough for her.
For a year she lived there on her own, dating a few guys but never lasting more than a couple of months. And then came Henry. Henry and his beautiful words, Henry and the way he could take her breath away, literally, Henry who broke her heart for good.
Everything that she did was always something that needed to be questioned or put down. When she decided that she wanted to try and get a degree in law, he literally laughed at her idea, saying that it was ridiculous and that they would never see each other if she went down that road.
She wasn't really sure what finally made her realise that they weren't good enough for each other, but she knew that she needed him out of her life if she wanted to get what she wanted. She might not be made for relationships, nor wanted to be in one anymore, but she would damn well make sure that she would have the best career out there. She would help kids in a way people hadn't helped her before.
She had already found two part-time jobs to help her go through Uni and had been accepted in the first year of Law School. She had no doubt that it would be harder for her than others because, despite the fact that she was already twenty-five, she did not have the luxury to have Mom and Dad looking out for her, but she had no doubts that in time, she would achieve her goal.
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💚 E L James owns the names of the characters from the Mortal Instruments franchise, everything else is mine.
Love, Mina💚💚💚