Three days later

"Your uncle will be arriving tomorrow." Said Leia, as she was having lunch with Ben in the quiet dining room.

Ben looked at her with interest: "Have you already told him the reason you're calling him here?"

"No. I told him he'll understand when he arrives."

He nodded, frowning slightly.

"You don't look happy about it, son." Said Leia.

"I don't believe he'll revoke the no-attachment rule. Also, I fear he'll expel Sara from the Order, and that will break her." He sighed. "She was so happy when we travelled to the village; she loved helping the people but I could see her refraining from using the Force many times; for I'd introduced her as my companion, so no one could know she was your Jedi guard."

Leia shook her head, her eyes reflecting the sadness in her son's. "Sometimes I wonder if these problems happen in every family or is it just ours that is this malfunctioning."

Ben chuckled.

Next morning

Leia stood close to the door of the house, waiting for her brother to arrive, the rain outside was unrelenting, as if the weather had changed just to match the emotional storm that was about to hit the interior of that building.

Luke's ship landed and he ran out of it and into the house.

"Welcome, my brother." Leia greeted him

He pulled her to a hug, kissing her forehead.

"It's so good to see you, Leia." he looked around. "Where's Sara?"

"In my office." Her brother was about to complain, but she raised a hand, stopping him: "I ordered her there when your ship entered the atmosphere so that we could walk alone for a moment."

Luke frowned a little but offered his arm to her, which she readily accepted, and they walked to her office.

"It's so peaceful here." He commented with certain hesitation.

"But?" Leia asked with a soft smile.

"There's some sort of sadness too. And the Force is very present here. Was it always like this? I don't remember ever learning that Tandankin had a strong Force presence."

"No, it wasn't like this. It changed a few months after your padawan arrived."

"And why was that?"

"You'll see." She enigmatically answered.

They entered her office and she closed the door behind them. Sara was in there, waiting for them.

"Master Luke." Greeted Sara, standing up and bowing respectfully at him.

His frown deepened but he kept quiet.

"Sara, would you give us a few minutes alone?" Asked Leia. "You can speak to your Master after I've had a word with my brother."

"Sure, Your Highness. Excuse me." She left, closing the door.

"What's happening here, Leia?"

"Did you feel it?"

"Yes. Sara is in deep turmoil. Her energy is unbalanced and anguished, so much so that it made me uneasy. What happened to my once perfectly balanced padawan?"

"My son happened."

Luke stared at his sister for a minute, taking a deep breath, heavily concerned about all the implications of that revelation.

"I've always felt something around them." He finally spoke, nodding. "Since they were kids their energies just connected, their friendship was genuine and... It was almost like they could hear each other's thoughts. But they aren't kids anymore, Leia. And she's a Jedi, she must follow the Code."

"And yet the Force has made then more connected than ever before. That's why you felt Sara's unbalance, she's been blocking that connection, avoiding Ben like he's the next Vader. Only... that's causing them both to suffer. My brother, the Force is connecting them despite all of Sara's attempts to stop it."

"That's why you asked me here." He paused, maintaining a serious demeanor. "Because Sara needs guidance. She was always perfect in her training and respectful to the Code, I'm sure this will easily go away once I've helped her control her emotions."

Leia scoffed and smirked, not shy on her way of showing him how wrong she thought he was. "The Force is connecting them, Luke. But, if you don't believe that, do what you can to help her, although I think at this point she'll ask to leave."

"If leaving is the best for her, I'll take her with me."

Leia shook her head in annoyance at her brother's stubbornness. "Leaving won't be the best for her; Luke, I know for sure they are in love; you felt her pain. The Force is connecting them! If she leaves, we'll all lose her; you'll lose your padawan and Ben will lose the woman he loves, for it'll break her to have to choose between Ben and the Order. The only solution is you revoking the no-attachment rule."

"I'm not sure I can do that, Leia." His tone was final.

Leia looked at him with an expression that screamed he was an idiot, but all she said was: "So it'll be best she leaves."

Ben was in the library, nervously waiting for his mother. She'd asked him to stay away from his uncle, for she feared he would resort to physical measures to make Luke revoke the no-attachment rule that was causing him and Sara so much suffering. And Ben knew she wasn't wrong, he wanted to make his uncle revoke it, and he didn't care about the methods he'd have to use to achieve that.

The library door opened and Leia walked in, looking angry but satisfied.

"So?" Ben asked. "How did it go?"

"It'll be harder than I've expected; he said he's not revoking it."

Ben looked at the book in his hands for a moment, suddenly throwing it on the other side of the room in an angry burst of energy.

"This can't go on." He growled. "Where is he?"

"He's in the garden, speaking with Sara." Leia walked to him and held both his arms. "Ben, listen: I know you want to make him understand, but he won't. Luke's never been in love. He doesn't know what that feels like. Sure, he loves us, me as his sister and you as the little starfighter boy he saw grow up. But passionate love, sexual love, he's never had that." She sighed, knowing Ben wasn't going to like what she was going to say next: "I told him it would be best if Sara left."

"What?" he exclaimed. "She'll die! The moment she leaves the atmosphere, the Force will make her sick again!"

"Exactly." Leia smiled. "If Luke makes her leave, he won't get very far with her. And then he'll see his only choice is to revoke that stupid law or lose his perfect padawan."

Ben shook his head. "I don't like your plan. But I see how it could work. If he decides to take her away, we'll have the meddroid ready to care for her the moment she's back."

"Sure, Ben." She touched his face. "Though you're all she'll need to get better."

Luke found Sara sitting in the garden, meditating.

She felt him approach and opened her eyes.


"Sara. How is your mission going?"

"Great, Master. We're tracking some possible terrorist groups and keeping the Queen safe."

"Leia told me something that has me worried, Sara."

She seemed nervous all of a sudden, fearful even, she gulped and spoke quietly: "I need your guidance, Master, my feelings are..."

"All over the place. I can feel them." He didn't sound happy with her. "When you came here, you were perfectly balanced and focused. What happened?"

She hesitated, her eyes filling up with tears of fear. "Ben happened." Her voice weak, nearly a whisper. "I need you to help me control my feelings again, Master, so that I can put this behind me and leave."

"Leave? On whose orders?"

She blinked, one tear escaping her eye. "I must leave, Master. Please. I can't take this anymore." Her voice breaking.

"Can't take what, Sara?"

She saw he was using her moment of openness and honesty to test her, and that attitude fed the anger inside of her and she quickly had to control it, before he noticed. She decided to tell her Master the truth, consequences be dammed: "Ben will have to marry soon, and I can't stay here to watch that happen. I don't even know who she is and I want to kill her." She looked him in the eye, letting him feel the strength of her hate. "I feel this uneasiness, this pain... I'm about to break the Jedi Code, and I don't want to do that. Being Jedi is what I love to do and... that's why I must leave."

"You've already broken the Code if you love him." His tone dry.

And his words hit her like a punch, she looked away. "I know." And tears rolled down. "Just let me go. Put another in my place."

"Would you trust Leia's safety to someone else?"

That had Sara wincing; he knew she'd never do that, protecting Leia was the most important mission in the Galaxy. She didn't reply.

"I'll teach you some more mind exercises." Continued Luke. "You must practice them every day, whenever you need. They'll help stabilize your connection to the Force. In the meantime, just avoid Ben. Your will must be stronger than your feelings."

And Sara knew arguing with him would take her nowhere, so she just nodded and sat down for her lesson, certain that her Master's test would be the end of her.

Leia watched her brother's ship depart with a heavy heart, knowing that his going there had done more harm than good. She walked into the Castle after a while, seeing her son coming towards her.

"He didn't take her." Ben asserted.

"No. He told me he's given her some new mind exercises and that she may be in deep meditation in the training room until tomorrow; and she must not be disturbed."

"I regret not burning him down with his Temple." Growled Ben.

Leia touched his arm, "I ask you to trust me, son. I'm not trained like you or Sara, but I've learned long ago to trust my feelings. And I'm certain this will be solved, with the best outcome. I just thought it would be sooner rather than later; but trust me: you and Sara will survive this and have a future together."

He smiled softly and nodded. "I'm not sure I have much of choice, mom. But you aren't the first person to tell me that. So I guess I'll just have to trust the Force."

The Next Day

Ben sat in the shadows of the garden, waiting for Sara, his eyes fixed on the gym's doors. It was almost midnight when he saw her finally cross the grounds and jump into her balcony. He could feel her turmoil, it was even worse than before Luke's new exercises.

He jumped after her, finding her standing by the balcony's door, her eyes focused on something inside her room; he looked at what she was staring at: a table filled with her favorite food.

"This is your doing, isn't it?" Sara whispered, sensing he was behind her.

"Yes. I knew you'd be hungry after..."

The sudden sound of tears made him run towards her as she fell onto her knees, her legs having no strength left to keep her up, and sobs shook her body.

He kneeled in front of her, pulling her to his chest, holding her as she let all her pain out. Her soul connected with his with no interference, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, fisting her hands in his hair.

He held her until her tears stopped, her face buried in his neck.

"I'm so lost, Ben." She lifted her head, touching her nose to his, looking into his eyes. "I love you, when I think of my future, I want you in it, but..."

"I know, love. I understand. You'll never be happy as just a consort, I know." He kissed her lips softly. "But your pain is killing me. Let me take care of you tonight."

"Be your friend again?" she smiled softly.

"No. My bride-to-be-one-day. My wife. My lover."

She looked into his eyes and nodded, so he put his arms under her and stood up, carrying her bridal style.

Sara let her head fall on his shoulder and closed her eyes. He carried her to the bathroom, where a droid was finishing filling up the tub. Sara sensed the warmth of the water and opened her eyes in time to see the droid leave the room. "You planned this." She said softly.

"Yes. I knew you'd be in pain; I can't stand to feel you suffering..." he let her stand between him and the tub and undressed her. "I called the kitchens and asked the droids to send food to your room and to start a bath the moment you walked out of the gym."

"You're so perfect, Ben. In moments like this I don't hate the Force for bonding me to you."

"Do you hate it sometimes?"

"A little, yes. Because I shouldn't be the one hurting when this is all my Master's fault. Love should never be a source of pain, only of acceptance and comfort."

He touched a finger to her lips. "Clear your mind now." His voice soft and compelling. "Focus on us tonight, leave the Jedi Code outside; tonight, you're mine."

"Not your consort." She added, smiling.

"No. Never." He chuckled and kissed her shoulder, moving up her neck "My queen, my fighter. Anything you want to be, as long as you're mine." He softly said over her ear.

She nodded, lifting his shirt off of him. "Can I be your Master?" she asked, her voice sexy, her eyes filled with desire as she caressed his chest.

"You already are." He replied, taking her lips in a passionate kiss, removing all of their clothes faster than before, desperately needing to feel their bodies touching.

When they were both naked, Ben pulled her towards him, her soft breasts against his chest and his hard dick poking her lower belly. Sara had done as he'd asked: her thoughts were of him, of them, and nothing else; she was fully his: body, soul and mind.

He picked her up again and lowered her into the hot water, sitting behind her so that she was lying between his legs, her back on his chest, her eyes closed, completely his to pleasure. He grabbed the soft loofah near the tub and started to clean her up slowly.

Sara sighed in pleasure, enjoying the sensual touch of his hands and the loofah on her skin, over her breasts, between her thighs. He held under her chin and lifted her face to his, kissing her lips passionately. Sara turned around and straddled him, her hands on his shoulders, her lips never leaving his. She caressed down his chest, his abs, until she grabbed his dick, pumping him a few times before she guided him into her body, sitting on him; his name leaving her lips in a pleasure-filled gasp when he was balls deep inside of her. He grabbed her wet hair at the nape of her neck and pulled her mouth to his again, devouring her in a scorching kiss. Sara started to circle her hips, getting lost in the delicious feeling of having him deep inside. She began moving up and down, the water sloshing around them, her moans getting louder as she moved faster.

"You're so sexy, love." He whispered. "Using me for your pleasure." He pinched one nipple.

"Oh, fuck." She gasped loudly, one of his hands found her clit and her moans increased, signaling her orgasm. He followed her, spilling jets of cum into her clenching pussy.

Sara pressed her forehead to his, just breathing into his air, trying to regain her breath.

"I love you." She whispered.

"And I love you." He replied.

She smiled, "I dream of you every night." she admitted. "No matter how many times during the day I meditate, at night, when I close my eyes, it's you that I see, it's us together, making love, traveling places, playing with our kids..." she closed her eyes again, remembering that sweet dream.

Ben noticed she was allowing herself a moment to enjoy that dream. "How do they look like?" he whispered.

"Our son has my eyes and your hair. Our daughter looks almost exactly like me."

"They are beautiful then." He said, kissing her shoulder.

Sara lay between his legs again, his arms holding her close to him and she sighed.

"The water's getting cold." He whispered after a while. "Let's go to bed."

And Sara got up, reaching for two towels, and they dried their bodies before lying in bed, naked, legs entwined, both dreaming of a future they wished they could make true.

Two weeks later

The guards had intercepted a terrorist group that was planning an attack on Leia's house; the mission was a great success; all five members of the group were arrested.

Sara was called in the middle of the night to help with the interrogation of the prisoners. She didn't think that was a good idea but she couldn't simply say "No.", she was part of Leia's security team, she had to help.

She reached the prison cells.

"Sara." Greeted General Ryan, "Two of them prisoners don't want to talk. The other three say these two are the brains behind their organization here in Tandankin. We need to learn what they know; what else they were planning and who are the others involved."

"Yes, General. I'll get you what you need." And she walked into the cell where the two prisoners were.

They looked apprehensive when they realized who she was.

"Hello, there. I'll give you one chance to tell me, willingly, what the General wants to know."

"W-we won't say anything to you!" shouted one, looking nervously to the other.

"So unwillingly it is." And she raised her hand towards one of them, "Tell me about the beginning of your organization, The First Soldiers."

And as the man started to speak, the other began to shout: "Shut up! You idiot!"

"Don't worry, your turn will come." And she felt stronger, looking at the man blabbing all of the organization's secret, a new power awakened inside of her, she raised her hand to the other man and controlled them both at the same time, making them speak everything they knew about any attacks not only on Leia but on other Resistance Generals and members as well. When they stopped, she released them both from her compulsion and saw them slump down onto the ground, both unconscious.

She blinked, that power-surge was slowly leaving her mind, and clarity returned. She looked at both men and realized what she'd done.

The door opened and General Ryan walked in, looking at her with fear, one hand on the blaster on his belt.

"What happened here, Sara?"

"Their minds weren't strong enough to withstand my compulsion." She replied, half-lying, half-not. "You can remove your hand from your blaster, General. If I had snapped, you'd be dead the moment you opened this door. You have all the information you need, don't you?" he nodded. "Good. Excuse me." And she passed by him on the door, leaving the prison cells and going to her room.

It was a cold night, but Sara felt even colder inside, not because she thought those men didn't deserve to die, no, but because she knew killing wasn't the Jedi way – and she feared where that newly discovered power of hers could take her. She jumped to her balcony and walked into her room, her mind was a mess, the General was right to fear her – right then, she also feared herself. The Force was doing everything to bend Sara to its will, and she was close to giving up being Jedi and becoming Ben's wife, for the sake of her own sanity and the safety of others. Not that it would be a hardship to marry Ben – no, she would gladly do that – but what she'd be then? Just a consort, not even politically relevant. And therein lay the problem: she was a fighter, not a princess.

Sara took a long shower, wishing she could solve her problems as easily as the water removed the smell of the prison cells from her skin. She quickly dried her body and put on a dress, sitting on the bed to meditate – at least the Force seemed to be giving her a break for the rest of the night.

The sun started to rise in the horizon, and Sara slowly came to from her meditation. Besides the sun announcing the beginning of a beautiful day, she heard her stomach signaling she was hungry, but she didn't want to face either the guards or Ben and Leia, so she'd have to starve for now; maybe later she could grab something in the kitchens, the droids liked her enough to make her something.

But she wasn't able to retain her solitude for long, for Leia knocked on her door a little after 8 a.m. and didn't wait for an invitation before opening it and walking in.

"Sara." she closed the door. "I heard about what happened. How are you?"

"I wanted to kill them, Leia." she just blurted, her voice a bit above a whisper. "I had a choice, but I felt a power inside of me and I used it. I killed them because I wanted. Because it felt good." she looked into Leia's warm eyes, there was no judgement there just pain and worry. Sara averted her eyes. "I must leave. I told Master Luke I had to leave." Then she broke down, the tears and her feelings loose. "I'm tired. I can't fight it any longer."

"Fight the Force?" asked Leia, getting close to her, sitting on the bed by her side.

"Yes, it has bound me to Ben." She admitted. "That's what I've been fighting against: the Force wants me and Ben together, but I don't want to renounce the Jedi way, so I can't have attachments." She let out a shaky breath. "I've finally reached my limit. I'm not stronger than the Force itself; but, I know I won't be happy if I renounce being a Jedi, only I can't be happy without Ben either. I don't know what to do..." And she let the tears run freely, sobs shaking her body and making it hard for her to breathe.

Leia hugged her and let her cry on her shoulder, her heart breaking for the young woman.

Leia left Sara's room and found her son walking towards her.

"How is she?" Ben asked.

"Broken." she honestly answered. "Torn apart by her duty and her love." she touched his face. "She said she'll give up, that she'll bow to the will of the Force. But you and I both know she won't ever be happy being just a consort."

"I know. I'd never ask her to give up being Jedi."

"And that's the problem." Suddenly she realized something. "Son, if the Force has connected you two, and not accepting said connection has literally broken Sara, why aren't you as affected as her?"

"Because I'm not fighting it. I feel my energy looking for hers and I don't stop it. She does, however. And because she's strong with the Force, that power struggle has lasted this long." He paused, anger rising in his chest. "We must do something! I can feel her pain from here!" he moved to Sara's door, but Leia held his arm.

"Don't go in there, Ben. I don't think seeing you will help her." Leia sighed, before continuing: "I'll have to call the stupid Jedi Master I have for a brother here again."

Two weeks later

The last dinner party

The parking lot close to Leia's Castle was filled with ships from several sizes and origins, Luke remembered his sister saying that that night would be the last dinner party she'd be throwing for Ben to find a fiancé, for since those didn't seem to be working, she wasn't going to keep on having them.

Leia didn't wait for her brother by the Castle doors this time, he was instead informed by a guard that he should go to her office the moment he arrived.

As soon as Luke walked into Leia's office, she was on his face, demanding: "Revoke the no-attachment rule."

"What?" He frowned. "We've already had this conversation, Leia."

"The Force's bonded them, Luke! And Sara has been fighting it, and losing herself in the process. She killed two men, while interrogating them, two weeks ago."

"Why didn't you call me?" he sounded deeply concerned.

"I did. You're here, aren't you?"

"Sara was always disciplined and balanced. My best student. I can't believe this is all happening because my stupid nephew seduced her and..."

"No! The Force..." but Leia suddenly stopped talking, exasperation taking control of her. "You know what? I'll let you see it for yourself. Follow me." and Luke followed her out of the office and into the ballroom, where at least a hundred people had already arrived.

As they entered the room, Luke felt the same anguish he had felt the first time he'd been there, only amplified. He looked at his nephew, who was speaking to a young pretty woman, the distress was coming from him this time.

"I felt the same thing from Sara the last time I was here." Luke said to Leia in an unimpressed tone.

"No. This is not all that I want you to feel. Wait for it." Said Leia, rudely, letting him see how angry she was.

So Luke waited beside her in silence, just observing Ben's interaction with the many females guests – he was polite but his body language showed he was not in the least interested in them.

Luke soon got distracted by the beauty of the party and even forgot, for a moment, why Leia had called him there. However, a few minutes later, when Leia's security team walked into the room, he was unable to stop the gasp that left his lips: "What's this?"

Leia smirked at him, glad he had been taken by surprise by the strength of Sara's pain. "That's the Force showing you that you must revoke that stupid attachment rule!" she whisper-shouted. "That's what happens now every time they are in the same room."

Luke was speechless. "I... I don't know what to do. I must think."

"Think?" Leia nearly shouted, if it weren't for the music playing everyone would've heard her. "Are you feeling the same thing I'm feeling? They feel like this all the time!" She took a deep breath before speaking again: "Luke, they have already been together, they love each other... All this secrecy, the misery of having to be apart, the fear of losing each other... this is the kind of pain that drove our father insane." Those words made Luke look at her with worry in his eyes. "Sara has already killed two people." Continued Leia. "You are giving her very poor choices here."

"She could leave."

"No, brother. It won't help; Ben was in Naboo for a few days and Sara fell sick the night he left. I didn't think much of it at the time, but she got better the minute – and I mean the exact minute – he landed back here. If you just take her off planet, I believe you'll see it happen again."

"I've never heard of such a bond before." he sounded skeptical. "I'm sorry if I don't believe you, Leia."

Sara looked around the ballroom and saw Leia talking to Master Luke, she had no hopes of him changing the rules at that point; she was so tired of fighting against the Force's will that she just wanted to leave the planet and if she fainted and got sick again at least she'd be unconscious and could rest.

She watched as a young woman in a very beautiful gown walked by her, talking animatedly with her mother about the prince. And Sara took a deep breath, the thought that she could put an end to all of that just by renouncing the Jedi path crushed her; she was torn between her two loves all because of an old rule that had already caused troubles in the past.

She saw the young woman approach Ben and introduce herself. He smiled, greeting her politely, as he did with all of them. Then the woman whispered something to him, boldly touching a strand of his hair that had fallen from behind his ear and he laughed.

Sara felt her stomach churn and told Captain Joff she was going to patrol the garden. She glanced at Ben once more and her eyes met his, she blocked her thoughts and walked to the exit.

Sara reached the garden and let out a sigh, the crisp night air always helped her get her emotions back on track. She looked at the beautiful garden – the white canopy where Ben had kissed her before they made love for the first time – and sighed; she could stay and marry him and never be on the field again, throwing away all her years of training and her honed skills to be his consort. She scoffed at that thought: I'd be miserable. But thinking of leaving had her feeling desolate; she knew never seeing Ben again would break her. Just keeping her distance from him for the past two weeks already had her on edge.

And as if her thoughts had summoned him, Ben appeared behind her, "Sara." He whispered.

"Go back inside, Your Highness. I'm just finishing my patrol."

She sensed his anger before she felt his hand on her arm, pulling her towards him. He quickly wrapped her in his arms, holding her as close as possible to his larger body. She looked up at him, all her anger and frustration mixing with her desire, he looked so sexy and powerful with that official uniform; she wanted to hurt him then fuck him. She raised her fisted hand, aiming to bruise his chin, but he held both her hands behind her back, stopping her assault and smiling.

Sara lost control over her energy and it connected to his fully, a relieved sigh leaving both their lips a second before said lips met in a desperate kiss.

Meanwhile in the ballroom

"Do you feel that?" Luke whispered to Leia. "That angst is gone all of a sudden."

"That's how I know they're making out." She chuckled. "Whenever they touch, the energy inside and around them finds its balance again. This is the Force itself telling you to drop that stupid rule, Luke." Repeated Leia.

"Wait. It's coming back." He closed his eyes, bracing himself.

Sara used the Force to send Ben backwards, a few feet away from her.

"I'll leave." she gasped. "I can neither stay and become your consort, nor stay and watch you marry someone else, so I've decided to leave."

"Stop it, Sara. You know you offend my love for you when you speak like that. I'm not marrying anyone but you."

"Enough of it, Ben." She closed her eyes, if only life was as easy as it seemed when she was close to him.

"I love it when you say my name." He got close to her again and touched her face. "Whenever you call me 'your highness' I just want to kiss you until you're moaning my name again." he looked at her with a serious expression. "You're not leaving, love, you know you could die..."

"Yes, I know, but I'll find a way to survive. Otherwise, I will kill her. Your wife. The moment you make your choice, I'll end her. I have this anger growing inside of me, Ben, and I know I can't control it. She'll just drop dead." She sounded desperate.

Ben chuckled at Sara's words, he could also see himself doing exactly the same if their roles were reversed.

In that moment, Captain Joff walked into the Garden, stopping on his tracks at the unexpected scene of his Jedi General in the Prince's arms. The couple took a step away from each other, not saying anything about the position they'd been caught in, and waited for Joff to speak.

The Captain cleared his throat before speaking: "Excuse me, Your Highness, General Antilles, but Master Skywalker is asking for the General's presence in the Queen's office."

"Thank you, Captain. I'll be there in a moment." Replied Sara, feeling Ben's hand on her lower back, as if he was showing the other man she was his.

The Captain frowned a little but didn't say another word, he just bowed and left.

Ben pulled Sara against his body again, kissing her breathless before letting her go towards his uncle.

Leia's office

Sara walked into the room and felt the air was tense between the Queen and her brother, they stood on opposite sides of the room in silence, barely looking at each other.

"My dear." said Leia, walking towards her.

"We'll be leaving soon, Sara." Declared Luke. "You'd better go get your things and meet me by my ship in twenty minutes."

"Yes, Master." She sounded insecure, glancing at Leia, understanding her worried expression.

"I've told Luke about your problem..." Said Leia. "He is aware you may need to return here as soon as you leave the atmosphere, however he doesn't believe what I've told him is true. So you go knowing that we'll have the meddroid and its team ready to care for you the moment you return; that is if Ben doesn't go after you first." She hugged Sara. "I know this will cause you pain, but I think this is the only way my brother will believe us."

Sara nodded and walked to her room to get her things.

Ben returned to the ballroom after Sara had left the garden to go speak with his uncle. He kept on welcoming the incoming guests and talking to all females – always polite and keeping his distance. However, he started to feel uneasy, after a while, realizing Sara had been gone from his sight for almost an hour.

He saw his mother walk into the ballroom alone, neither Luke nor Sara beside her. He frowned and walked towards her; but before he'd reached her, he felt it: Sara was in trouble. He walked faster, reaching Leia and touching her arm to make her look at him, trying not to be alarmed, "Where's Sara?" he asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Luke has taken her off planet." Confirmed Leia. "They're going to Yavin 4."

And Ben left the party, running to the hangar.

Inside Luke's ship

Sara sat in the passenger seat behind the pilot's chair and buckled up, looking worried. Luke didn't understand why she felt concerned, he wasn't kidnapping her, she knew where she was going – to Yavin 4 – and as far as he remembered, she liked living in the Temple.

He sat in the co-pilot's chair and said to the pilot, his padawan Ken: "We're ready to leave."

"Ok, Master." Said Ken, turning on the engines and preparing to take off.

As they were leaving the planet's atmosphere, Luke kept his eyes on Sara, she had changed her Jedi clothes for a very pretty blue dress, and he remembered that dresses were her outfit of choice at the Temple, she loved to change her training uniform for a dress whenever she could. "Why did you change?" he asked, in an effort to make conversation.

"To be more comfortable." She closed her eyes, one hand on her stomach and other on her head, looking about to be sick.

"Suffering from space travel sickness now?" Luke asked her, frowning.

"Not exactly." She muttered, touching both hands to her head and blinking with difficulty – as if fighting to stay awake.

Suddenly her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she lost consciousness, her head falling onto her right shoulder, and the seat belt was the only thing holding her limp body to her seat.

"Sara!" Luke called, unbuckling his seat belt and kneeling beside her seat. "Sara!" he touched her face.

"What's wrong, Master?" asked Ken.

"She passed out." He said, confused at how fast that had happened right in front of his eyes.

Sara moved her head from side to side, mumbling incoherently. Luke touched her forehead and noticed she was getting warm. "A fever?" He whispered, in awe, remembering all that Leia had told him about Sara and Ben's connection. He stood up, not knowing what to do; he wasn't sure ending the no-attachment rule was the right way to go. But seeing Sara falling sick just for getting too far from his nephew was a shock.

"Should we go back, Master?" asked Ken, worried. "Get her some medical attention?"

"No. Maintain our current course to Yavin. I'll try to heal her through the Force." He kneeled beside her again, lifting his hands in her direction to access her mind. The moment he touched her inner thoughts, he sensed the presence of the Force, strong in her mind as always; but the energy was commanding – which was strange – as if the Force was trying to make Sara do something; and there was an empty space too: some part of Sara's inner Force was missing. Then he heard her whisper: "Ben." And he left her mind, stopping his attempt to heal her. Luke was lost; he remained on his knees, looking at Sara's pale face; and after a while, he reached the conclusion that there was only one thing he could do.

"Master." Said his pilot, concern and confusion in his voice. "There's a Tie fighter coming towards us."

"A Tie-fighter?" Luke asked with a frown, getting up from the floor and going to look at the monitors.

"Yes. It's a Tie-Whisper. It's definitely following us and getting really close fast."

Suddenly Sara gasped, waking up and looking around trying to remember where she was.

"Sara." Said Luke, going to her side again. "What's happening? Why did you faint?"

"The distance from Ben made me faint, it's happened before." She softly replied with a small smile.

"Master." Called Ken, alarmed. "The Whisper is about to collide with us!"

"Do you have any idea why a Tie-fighter is following us?" Luke asked Sara.

"That's Ben's Tie from the First Order." She explained. "He's kept it. He says it's a good ship."

"So that's Ben in the Tie? You're sure?" asked Luke.

"Yes. It's definitely him." She smiled weakly. "That's why I'm not feeling so sick anymore."

Luke didn't say anything to her, he just walked to the control panel and contacted the Tie.

"Uncle?" said Ben through the intercomm. "How's Sara?"

"Come aboard and see her for yourself, Ben, I'm opening the cargo door, park inside."

"Copy that." Was his only answer.

Ben stormed into the cockpit of the ship, the room just a couple of meters bigger than the Falcon's. He went straight to Sara, kneeling beside her seat.

"How are you, love?" he asked, touching her face.

"I'm fine now. Thank you for coming after me."

Ben kissed her lips softly, "I left the moment my mother told me you were going back to Yavin." Then he looked at his uncle, anger replacing the love in his eyes.

Luke was frowning at them. "I can sense your connection." He seemed baffled. "And I don't think I've ever sensed such a thing before."

"Revoke the no-attachment rule." Said Ben, standing up to his full height, menacingly looking at Luke, a blue crossguard lightsaber igniting in his hand, his official uniform making him look even more dangerous.

"Ben!" exclaimed Sara, one hand on his arm.

"Revoke it, uncle. Or I'll make sure you won't live long enough to expel Sara from the Order. I love her and she loves me; I can't stand to watch her suffer anymore because of an old stupid Jedi rule!"

Luke smirked at his nephew, still analyzing the couple. "It's more than just love, though." He murmured. "The Force has truly connected you two." He sounded really impressed.

"Yes." Ben was furious. "My mother's told you that more than once."

Luke seemed lost in his thoughts for a minute, completely ignoring his nephew's threat.

"Put that thing away, Ben!" said Sara, standing up. "You'll get us all killed if you hit any part of the controls. There's not enough space here for a lightsaber fight!" she got dizzy and was going to fall down, her legs a little weak still.

Ben held her immediately, stopping her from falling, his lightsaber turning off before hitting the floor.

"I got you, love." He whispered, both hands around her.

Sara held onto his vest, pressing her face to his chest.

Luke watched their interaction with attention, sensing the presence of the Force around them, if he tried to see their auras he knew they'd be connected just as their minds were.

"I'll revoke the no-attachment rule." He suddenly said.

Ben and Sara stopped talking to each other and looked at him, not even breathing, afraid they'd heard it wrong: "What?" Asked Ben.

"You heard me, kid."

"So I won't have to renounce being a Jedi to marry Ben?" asked Sara.

"No, dear. And I must say I'd hate to lose such a great Jedi because of my stupid nephew."

Ben ignored his uncle's insult and tightened his arms around Sara, kissing her, feeling her arms wrap around his neck and her mind completely open to his. She laughed when their lips parted.

"Let's go back home, love." Ben whispered.

Sara nodded, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears of happiness. "Yes!"

"Good bye, uncle."

"Can I expect an invitation to the wedding?" shouted Luke as they were leaving the cockpit.

"No." Said Ben at the same time Sara said: "Of course, Master."

And Ben pulled her out of the cockpit with him, and they ran to his Tie-Whisper.

When they reached the cargo bay, Sara looked at the black and red Tie with interest. "That's such a sexy ship." She whispered, running towards the Tie and touching one its wings. Ben held her from behind, his desire was to run to Tandankin and marry her before his uncle changed his mind. But seeing her caress the Whisper gave him a better – more pleasurable – idea.

"Would you like to go for a ride?" he asked against her ear, his question meaning more than just flying home.

"Thought you'd never ask."

He jumped into the cockpit and she followed, the space just big enough for two people to squeeze in together.

"We're lucky this isn't the Silencer, we'd never fit in that together." Ben said as he sat on the pilot's chair and Sara sat on his lap, straddling him, he clicked something in the control panel and the door closed, the engines humming.

He looked into Sara's eyes, his hands on her thighs. "I love seeing you in a dress."

"Really? Why is that?" she fisted his hair in one hand, kissing his lips as she rubbed herself on his hardening dick.

"First: you love dresses; second: they make things very easy for me." His hands went under the dress, caressing her butt.

She moved faster against him, pulling his hair on the back of his head and ordering: "Get us out of here." She bit his bottom lip.

And he grabbed the ship's handles and did his best to maneuver the Whisper out of his uncle's ship without hitting any walls, while Sara opened his vest and kissed his neck.

Once they were out, he set course to Tandankin, put the ship on autopilot and held her waist again. "You're all mine now, Sara. There's no Code stopping you from being my wife."

"Yes. I am all yours." She whispered with a sexy smile. "So, we got the marrying part on the way, now if I remember the second part of your plan." She unzipped his pants, getting his dick out of his underwear. "It had something to do with getting me pregnant." She slowly jerked him off.

He groaned and smirked, "Yes. Let's start working on that right now." He lifted her dress up to her waist and touched her pussy over her panties, watching her move her hips against his hand. He pulled the straps of her dress down her shoulders and her bra to the sides, exposing both her breasts; he pinched each of her nipples, loving the way she gasped his name. Then he pulled her panties to the side, nearly ripping the wet fabric, and helped her sit on his dick slowly.

Sara gasped at the feeling of having him entering her. She fisted one hand on his hair, the other on his shoulder, as she fucked herself on his cock; he gripped her ass and pulled her down, fully penetrating her, helping her move up and down on his lap.

Sara arched her back, staring at the beauty of the dark space around them as her body was taken by the pleasure of being fucked by him.

Ben watched as she rode him, her breasts bouncing near his face, as she moaned on his lap, "You're mine." He groaned, pulling her down on him, hitting deep inside of her.

"Yes!" she gasped, one hand going down to her clit, stimulating it until she was crying out his name, her pussy clamped down on his dick, as if sucking it deeper, and he filled her up with jets of cum, feeling some of it drip out on his balls.

They shared a slow kiss, as their breaths returned to normal.

"Estimated arrival time: ten minutes." the ship's voice broke their romantic afterglow.

They chuckled and Sara moved out of his lap, kneeling beside his seat to set her dress straight and help him get presentable as well. Ben pulled her to his lap again, she sat with her back to his chest, both facing the stars, and enjoying each other's presence.

"Can we marry at the village?" she quietly asked.

"Yes, love. I think that's a great idea."

"Estimated arrival time: two minutes." Said the ship.

"Disengage the autopilot for me, please." He asked.

And Sara clicked the blinking button that indicated it was on.

"We've been gone for about ninety minutes." He checked the time. "So dinner must have been served just a little while ago, that means everybody is still there. We'll go straight to the ballroom to announce our marriage." Ben said, speeding it up towards Tandankin.

"I can't believe this is happening." She whispered. "I wish we could marry tonight. We've been waiting for this moment for so long..."

"My mother will probably ask for at least a week to organize everything."

"Oh, well... I guess if we've waited until now, we can wait another week." She kissed his lips again, before jumping onto the gunman seat behind Ben's seat and buckling up, for they were about to enter the planet's atmosphere.

They walked into the ballroom hand-in-hand and Ben went straight to the small stage where a band was playing, asking them to stop for a moment. Sara stood close to the stage.

As Ben had guessed, dinner was being served, so everybody was sitting at the long table. He got the singer's microphone and started to speak: "Good evening, sorry for the abrupt way I left a while ago, thank you all for your presence and patience. It's no secret that these dinner parties are part of my quest to find a bride. I must say I was reluctant to have them, for I couldn't see myself marrying out of duty – I've done too much already in my life out of duty." He paused and he could see many people nodding all around the room. "Also, there was another reason I didn't want to have these dinners: my heart was already taken. It was taken years ago – actually some could say it has never been available, for I met my fiancé when we were still kids."

The room went absolutely quiet, the guests looked at one another in confusion and curiosity.

Leia stood up and walked towards Sara, holding her hand and whispering: "I'm glad my plan worked out, dear."

"Thank you for helping us."

"Don't thank me, Sara. Give me a few grandkids and we'll be even."

Sara chuckled. "We're working on it."

"I'm sure you are." Replied Leia, chuckling too.

Ben looked at them, "Sara Antilles, please, get up here."

Sara blushed and walked onto the stage. Her simple blue dress completely clashing with Ben's more formal attire.

He took her hand and got down on one knee, in front of all the guests. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes, Ben." She replied, tears falling from her eyes.

"It was about time!" they heard one of the guards shout, making everybody laugh.

Then Ben stood up and accepted a box that Leia was reaching out to him. He opened it, picking up a beautiful ring with a solitary red stone from it.

"Wait, is that your Rol Stone?" Sara gasped. "Your lightsaber! It is blue now!" she suddenly remembered from when he had ignited it in Luke's ship.

"Yes. It stopped working a week ago, I opened the hilt and the rol stone was loose inside of it. I've decided to give it to you."

"A piece of your lightsaber." she whispered, knowing how meaningful that gesture was.

"Yes." He slid the ring onto her finger, and pulled her to a kiss as the room exploded in claps and happy shouts – as well as some angry women's cries.

Ben and Sara married a week later, in the Aldera village; it was a beautiful ceremony conducted by the elder Dego.

They danced as the moon shone bright in the sky. Sara had chosen a knee length white dress and comfortable flat white sandals, her hair was cascading down her shoulders in beautiful curls and waves, just like Ben loved, on her head a small tiara with the symbol of the royal house of Alderaan.

Ben wore a beautiful dark blue suit, with the alderaanian symbol embroidered on it and other pins showcasing his status. His hair perfectly styled.

"You look so beautiful, love." He whispered over her lips, before kissing her gently, holding her very close as they slowly moved to the sound of the music.

"And you..." she whispered, her hands caressing his chest. "I don't need to say what this formal clothings of yours do to me..." she bit his bottom lip. "I wanna drop down onto my knees right now and suck you off, have you cum in my mouth." She bit his neck. "Can we leave?"

"Fuck, yes. Let's run for the landspeeder before anyone can stop us."

And that's what they did, fleeing their wedding party to spend a few days traveling around the planet, talking to their people and making love under the moonlight.

As soon as they had returned home, Leia passed on the crown to her son and, as Dego had predicted, all alderaanians were ecstatic to have an amazing couple such as Ben and Sara as their King and Queen.

And, for Leia's utter happiness, Sara gave birth to twin girls about a year after marrying Ben. So Leia could finally be a full-time doting grandma for her long-desired granddaughters.


Note: Short and sweet. I loved writing this story. Hope you've loved reading it!