Ashara Dayne XXVI
Winterfell, North, Year 283 AC
The days were grimmer ever since Lyanna gave birth to her stillborn child…she did not simply faint…she was in a coma…lingering for her life…Maester Rhodry did not know what to do and so he began asking the nearby Maesters for possible solutions but there was little they could do but admit that she would not wake up again…
Ashara did not wish to even think about it, sweet Benjen was already crushed…seating by his chair in the Great Hall of Winterfell every minute of the day…without sparing as much as a word. The rest of them were not too different from him…
"There are riders approaching." Arthur proclaimed as he entered the grim Great Hall of Winterfell. Her brother and Ser Oswell to distract themselves from Lyanna's horrible condition never spent much time outside of the courtyard where they spared against each other or the Wolfswood where they often went hunting. "The twenty that were sent together with two more, we believe its Eddard and his brother Brandon."
Oh Seven Hells my Ned is returning…Ashara's heart began beating faster at the prospect of seeing her husband again. "Sharley can you take Jon into your arms for a little bit?" she inquired.
"I can Ash." The woman said smiling. "Someone is already going mad with anticipation it seems."
"You have no idea, my friend," Ashara admitted grinning. "We need something to cheer us up in those times of need. Come let us go wait for them outside."
"The furs, Ashara." Jonelle warned after she saw Ashara being too out of her mind to realize she was going outside without the proper clothing. Ashara blushed at the mistake she made before everyone began laughing at her expense to the point she joined in too.
The winds were gentle outside, nothing compared to those blizzards she endured in winter both in the North and the Vale. The long-awaited riders passed through the eastern gates. They stopped and her heart was racing when she saw him unhorse…Walder and the other stable boys took the reins of their horses once the riders dismounted but she found herself running like a child and the next thing she remembered was being on the floor, on top of him…again…
"History repeats itself…" Ned said with a smile on his face.
"It does…" she agreed while she took his lips on a deep and long-awaited kiss.
"Look at this, my brother has become a hopeless romantic below that cold exterior he likes to show everyone else…" Brandon who looked much thinner than what she remembered japed.
Ashara got up and pulled Ned up as well. "That is why I like him so much." she avowed as she hugged her brother-in-law. "It's good to see you safe and sound."
"It's good to see you as lovely as ever and that my brother is a lucky man," Brandon said with a smile. "And it's good to see Winterfell again…"
"Aye, that is true." Ned nodded and Brandon saw Benjen walking towards them.
"Ben!" Brandon shouted. "Look at this pup Ned, he grew a lot!"
"Aye." Came Ned's answer, a proud smile on his lips.
"I did say I would grow taller than you did I not?" Benjen barked at his older brothers as tears began forming in the corner of his eyes from the emotion he was certainly feeling.
"Damn look at his voice, all manly now!" Brandon smirked as he brought his younger brother for a hug. "Seven Hells…a man is away almost two years at this happens…"
"Well…you can't remain the tallest forever…" Ben said with a smirk as well as he went to hug her Ned.
"No I can't, but it isn't going to be today that you pass me in height, Pup." The oldest Stark turned towards the Kingsguard and the ladies and seemed to notice the bundle in the Dustin lady's arms. "Hey Ned, I believe there is someone you must see…"
Her husband noticed the baby covered in furs in Sharley's arms, he must have seen Jon's eyes and expression, signs that gave away who his father was. Then her wolf moved slowly towards the little child…A smile formed in Ashara's face just as the tears of joy once her Ned took the child onto his arms for the first time.
"He is beautiful…" Ned said with a proud smile. "You have not told me his name in the letter…"
"His name is Jon Stark." she replied.
"Jon Stark…" he repeated chuckling. "Jon will be proud."
"He looks like Ned…" Brandon said as he peeked from Ned's shoulder.
"Someone's worst nightmare if I remember right…" Benjen added chuckling.
"It's just one, everything is alright…for now…" Brandon retorted with his own smirk as he clapped Ned in the back. "Congratulations to you both."
"Thank you Brandon." she thanked as she embraced her two wolves, Ned and Jon.
"And Sharley and Jonelle are looking good as always." Brandon continued. "So is Harlon, Harwin, and of course Walder."
"We are My Lord." Sharley avowed. "You do seem well too."
"I'm recovering the lost weight but there is still much more to go." Brandon proclaimed as his gaze befell upon both Arthur and Ser Oswell. "Sers."
"Lord Brandon." Her brother acknowledged with a nod, something that was repeated by Oswell. "Congratulations on killing King Aerys and stopping the war."
"Thank you, Ser." The Lord of Winterfell nodded. "I must thank you both for returning my sister home at the end of the day. It was the right thing to do."
"Your sister…" Ser Oswell began grimly. "She…"
"What of her?" Brandon inquired before he finally noticed that she wasn't there to receive them… "Where is Lyanna?" he asked as he looked around to all of them. "Where is my sister?" Ned looked towards Ashara and she failed to meet his gaze and instead called for them to follow her…to their sister's room.
Lyanna was there laying in bed with eyes closed and breathing slowly as if she was sleeping but if someone were to shake her, she would not wake. The fever had decreased but there was no telling if she was to wake or not… "Gods…" Her Ned murmured upon seeing his little sister's dire condition, he knelt before her and picked her hand, planting a kiss onto it.
"Lya…" Brandon said as he knelt beside his sister, doing exactly the same as Ned did. "What happened to you?"
"The babe didn't make it?" Ned asked with troubled eyes. She shook her head and he sighed, planting yet another kiss on Lyanna's hand. "We are all here Lya, we are waiting for you, my sweet dearest sister."
Lyanna Stark XVI
She did not know where she was…she was nowhere near her room at Winterfell which was what she last remembered…she was…she was falling!
It was an endless fall because she kept going and going without stopping but if she were to stop…then she would hit the floor and if she hit the floor she would…die…Lyanna immediately got scared of the notion and realized that there was nothing below her…only darkness…below and around her…surrounding her by all sides…
"Fly…" A voice whispered in the darkness…she was a woman for the Gods' sake, how was she meant to fly? Humans can't fly! She could not see anything but the bloody darkness but she could feel how fast she was falling now…Was this a dream somehow? She had a fever when she went into child labor so she likely fainted…or died…or…Gods, what am I thinking? This a dream and I must wake up from it… "And if you don't?" The same voice from before asked.
The darkness below her turned into some sort of grey mist…it was all blurred still but now she could see that there was ground below her even if it seemed to be miles and miles away from her… "Where am I?" she asked, tears forming in her eyes as she was unable to do anything but fall, the ground would eventually come and she would die...
"Not cry." The voice whisper yet again. "Fly."
"I can't fly you bloody idiot!" she hissed. "I'm a woman, not some bird!"
"How do you know? Have you ever tried?"
"I'm not stupid!" she hissed yet again, searching for whoever was speaking…and there was…a crow falling with her, just out of reach…What? "What are you?"
"Fly…" The crow replied. "Fly…"
"I'm not a bloody crow and how in Seven Hells am I speaking to one?" she asked frightened. Damn fever was making her mad as the Mad King.
"Say, got any corn?" The crow asked curiously.
"Corn? Do I look like I carry corn with me? I have no pockets nor am I a maze field." she barked at the damned creature.
"Search it in your waist…"
"What?" she reached her waist as she was told and…she had pockets now? What? "How?"
"Got any corn?" The bloody crow asked again.
Lyanna decided to search inside these newfound pockets, frightened of what she would find…she felt something inside and grabbed…it looked as if her hands were still on their place so…she pulled whatever she grabbed from inside and…Corn?
The kernels began falling with her and the bloody bird…said bird landed on her hand and began pecking the kernels… "What are you?" she asked again. "How in the Seven Hells did I have corn in pockets I never had in this dress?"
"Are you falling?" The crow ignored her questions with his own…Damn bird…
"No doubt this a dream," she said with a resolution taken. "Otherwise I would have cracked my head on the floor a long while ago."
"Is it really a dream?" Asked the crow, insistent as he was. She looked down below and the mists were clearing…there were…mountains below her! She could see their white peaks, there were rivers too, she could see their courses from up there and the green of the fields and trees…What is happening to me? "Crying will do you no good." The crow said. "I told you, the answer is flying, not crying. How hard can it be? I'm doing it." The crow took off and flapped his wings around Lyanna's hand.
"You have wings, you bloody stupid creature!" she hissed bitterly. "I have none!"
"Maybe you do too…"
"I swear to the Gods if I could get my hands at you, I would pluck all your feathers off!" she barked angrily for the bloody bird was annoying her more than what she was used to be. "You bloody stupid creature!"
"There are different kinds of wings." The crown insisted.
In an act of stupidity, Lyanna search for those bloody wings but she failed to find any. She noticed a face forming in the grey mist, shining with light, silver… "Oh child you are so very kind and yet so very reckless." The old woman's voice…from Summerhall…
The crow flew once more, cawing as crows did. "Not that!" It shrieked at her as if angry. "Forget that! You do not need that now, put it aside, put it away!" It landed on her shoulder and pecked at her, making the old lady's face disappear.
Now she was falling ever faster… "What are you doing to me, you stupid creature!" she hissed at the crow once more, crying… "Stop it you cursed beast!"
"I'm teaching you how to fly…"
"I can't fly you, ignorant creature!"
"You are flying right now…"
"I'm falling, you stupid!"
"Every flight begins with a fall…" The crow said. "Look down."
"No!" she barked at it.
"LOOK DOWN!" It hissed at her and she ended up doing what it wanted…the ground was closer and closer…she could distinguish everything clearly now…she could see…the entire realm and everyone in it…
She saw Winterfell…the tall towers looking weirdly from above, the castle walls just mere lines in the dirt. She could see Ashara with baby Jon at her breast pacing in the halls of Winterfell, Ser Arthur, and Ser Oswell practicing in the yard and sweet Allyria waiting patiently at the Great Hall…She saw Sharley and Jonelle bringing Nan towards her room…the Maester running from place to place…in the distance she saw Walder, her friend, carrying buckets of water and ice…and in her room she saw herself, inert without moving, all of her brothers near her…her brothers were with her…all there for her and she was here...falling…
"No." The crow shrieked. "No! Fly! You must fly!"
"I don't want to fly, I want my brothers…I want them!" she hissed back, crying like a baby but she cared not anymore. Then she saw the Godswood, the great white Heart Tree of Winterfell…its leaves rustling in the wind…when it felt Lyanna's gaze it stared back at her…as if there was someone there…
"FLY!" The crow shrieked.
Lyanna looked towards the fucking crow, seating on her shoulder and it looked back at her. It had three eyes now and the third eye was nothing but a foul thing that sent chills down her spine. She averted her gaze from the crow, looking down in the process, there was nothing but snow, cold and death…a frozen wasteland where jagged blue-white spires of ice waited to embrace her…she saw more bones, impaled upon their pointy ends and she screamed in utter agony. "NO!"
"Now Lyanna…" The crow urged. "Choose…fly or die!"
Death was coming for her, screaming just as loud as her… "I WANT MY BROTHERS!" she screamed and a bright light shone around her.
The rest of the crow's speech she did not hear. What she saw next however seemed to calm her, she was somehow at Winterfell's Godswood…near the Heart Tree…the same one that had looked at her moments earlier…She wasn't falling anymore as she was on solid ground…Thank the Gods…
"You don't need to worry about falling anymore." A sweet and feminine voice proclaimed. Its source was a woman who looked like a copy of Lyanna just an inch or two taller…a full-grown woman as well… "You must be wondering who I am."
"I actually am." she replied, thankful that the crow was not with her anymore, saying his bloody nonsense and annoying her.
"Well…unlike your dear brothers, you were but a babe when I passed away so…"
"When you passed away? Are you…dead?" she asked aghast.
The woman laughed upon hearing her question. "And here was I thinking you would say my name but it seems I was wrong…yes, I'm supposed to be dead."
"Am I supposed to know your name if you died when I was little?" she inquired skeptically.
"We are still kin so yes…I expected that you knew my name…"
"Kin?" she asked confused. If the woman resembled Lyanna so much, was older, dead, and kin then…No way… "You are…my mother?"
"There we go, my sweetest Lyanna!" The woman said laughing a sweet melodic smile. "I knew you would see through it."
"So…you are really my mother?" she asked, caught by surprise with the whole thing, and yet she shouldn't be, just a couple of minutes ago she was speaking with some crow…I'm definitely dead too…
"I am." The woman replied. "I'm Lyarra Stark wife of Rickard Stark, your late father." Late father…she still couldn't believe she would not see him again, killed unjustly by the Mad King... "Your father would not wish to see you sad, my sweetest daughter." Her mother proclaimed as she cupped Lyanna's cheeks.
"Can you read my mind?" This was too much for her poor head…
"Maybe…" Her mother said smiling. "Maybe not…"
"Mother…can you tell me what I saw?" she questioned worriedly, this was clearly a dream but perhaps…perhaps she could get some answers… "Why I was falling?"
"Because you are neither dead nor alive."
"I'm neither dead nor alive? What does it mean?" she asked even more confused.
"You are in a coma as your fever was too high and childbirth took a heavy toll on you my sweetest Lyanna." Mother said with a grim look. "Hence why you are neither dead nor alive."
"I see…" It made sense and it definitely tied up some knots in her head…she was fighting for survival by the looks of it… "But what was that crow?"
"You will find out soon my beautiful daughter." Mother proclaimed as she held her chin. "There are many mysteries to solve. That is just one of them."
"Mysteries to solve…About what?"
"Life and death perhaps? Something bigger than us. I actually don't know it myself, I just know it will be hard my love." Mother avowed with a worried look. There was some sort of warmth coming from her mother's fingers and hands… "You have truly grown into a beautiful woman my love, you are a worthy Queen of Love and Beauty even if…things only turned south because of that title…"
"I didn't wish for anyone to suffer…I didn't wish for Brandon to suffer and for father to die…" Lyanna confessed as tears came to her eyes. "I just wanted to be at Winterfell and not marry and now that Robert died I feel like shit…I didn't want my child and know that it died and I feel like shit…I'm a terrible human being…"
"You are not my dear." Her mother assured with a warm smile. "You are selfish but that's in human nature to be selfish. Plus because you feel bad for your selfish wishes, it means you still have goodness in you."
"Goodness in me…" Lyanna whispered. "Do you really think so?"
"I know it so."
"I'm afraid mother…" Lyanna whimpered, still shaken by everything, her selfish wishes, her father's death, Robert and her baby's death, that crow that was nothing but cold… "I don't want to die…"
"You didn't forget about the words of the pack did you, my love?" Mother questioned with a raised eyebrow. "They are very important!"
"When the snow falls and the white wind blows, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives…" she recited.
"Correct." Mother smiled. "The choice is yours Lyanna. Do you wish to live marked and face the mysteries that await you or die and be done with your suffering?"
The words were harsh and made her unsure and confused. "But what marked me, mother? I just don't understand all these secrecy and mystery." Lyanna hissed at her mother, longing for concrete answers.
"I wish I could tell you more but I know not my love…" Mother said with a sigh. "I'm not omniscient, I'm unreliable at the end of the day."
Lyanna inhaled some air and let it out. "So I only have two paths to choose, life and death?"
"Yes, like every human being."
Despite feeling stupid for asking such a trivial question, Lyanna knew that her decision was made…she wanted to be with her brothers and friends because she was selfish like any human…
"Then, if you want to live my beautiful daughter, you will live." Mother said smiling after seemingly reading her thoughts. "Make the pack stay strong for what's coming, my love, and tell your brothers I love them, and every Stark, grown-up or not."
"I will, I promise," Lyanna assured. "And I will solve those mysteries I have to solve."
"I know you will, my sweetest Lyanna, be strong and brave." Mother wished as she planted a big kiss on her forehead, tears in her eyes. "Goodbye, my dear daughter."
"Goodbye, mother…" Lyanna whispered with tears in the corner of her eyes too, thankful that she met her mother somehow be it a ghost or some weird vision…A bright light shone around her once more…and she remembered nothing afterward.
She woke up panting and sweating heavily…in her room…her brothers around her, their tired bulging with the sight of her waking and their mouths opening with surprise. "Lya?" Ben inquired, aghast, after finding the words to speak.
"Yes?" she replied, a smile forming on her lips, happy to see her brothers at last. "Is something amiss with me?"
"For fuck sake Lya, don't be stupid!" Brandon barked, tears in his eyes. "You were in a coma!"
"Brandon is right Lya, we were worried for you…" Ned said, his eyes had tears as well.
"I know my dear brothers…I just…I don't know…I'm happy to be next to all of you…I have missed you so much…" she said, tears in her eyes too.
"Look at us…a bunch bloody crybabies…" Brandon laughed. "How far we have fallen…"
"Indeed…" Lyanna agreed as she noticed that she had a beautiful silver neckless with a direwolf head with two small emeralds as eyes on her neck which made her curious. "What is this?" she questioned.
"Robert wanted to give it to you during your marriage but he…" Ned began explaining.
"Died…" she whispered sadly. Maybe Robert did truly loved her…maybe she would have been happy with him if she truly had the chance to let him prove himself…It hurt her quite a lot but to honor his memory and everything he did for her, she would never take the neckless away. "Thank you for giving it to me Ned." she said as she held the direwolf head tightly.
"It was one of his final wishes so I had to do it anyway." Her brother confessed grimly. "Alas, I thought it could lend you Robert's superhuman strength so you could snap out of the coma…"
"It seems to have worked," Brandon added. "Robert saves the day again…"
"Yes…" Lyanna whispered, thinking about all those she lost…father, Robert, and her babe…
"We suffered a lot but we survived," Ned said smiling. "When the snow falls…" The words of the pack…
"And the white wind blows…" Brandon added.
"The lone wolf dies…" Ben said.
"But the pack survives…" Lyanna completed, remembering the talk with her mother and her kiss…I will survive…I will solve the mysteries with my brothers and family. The pack stays strong. "Winter is Coming."
"Winter is Coming indeed…" Her brothers nodded before they all hugged her. She was happy now, happy with her brothers at Winterfell.
Eddard Stark XXVII
Winterfell, North, Year 283 AC
After Lyanna woke up a while back, a feast to celebrate that event as well as the return of both Starks was held at Winterfell for the entire household. There were plenty of whispers in the servant's mouths but for the day they cared little about it, they were more concerned with Lyanna who despite feeling better was still as pale as milk and shaking.
Nevertheless, they enjoyed the feast, Brandon made the classical japes that got everyone laughing and Ashara also japed a few times, after pressuring the Kingsguard knights to join them in the Lord's Table. The hours went by and so more and more servants began excusing themselves to go to sleep, a sign that the feast needed an end.
"It seems someone can't stop their tired eyes from closing…" Ashara murmured to his ears and Ned noticed his sister-in-law fighting to remain awake while his little son was already asleep in his mother's arms…His son…Ned still could not believe that he had a son…It still sounded so weird in his mind but he was proud of it. How could he not? It had been a dream of his to have a son of his and it was now fulfilled. He just felt bad for not being with Ashara during her pregnancy…it must have been hard for her…she could have died just like Lya almost did and both their mothers…
"We should finish the feast too," Brandon suggested. "I will have to leave for King's Landing soon so the bloody Regency can begin." Yes…Ned had kind of forgotten about that…he just hoped everything turned out well for them and the realm but it would be hard with the likes of Lord Tywin Lannister lurking around…
"Aye." Ned nodded in agreement as he motioned the servants to begin packing things up. Brandon had told him that he would not marry and it would be Ned the one who would continue the lineage because it was Ned who fought in the war and Ned who had more capabilities than Brandon for the job. Ned obviously felt the contrary, everything was destined for his brother, not him. It was his brother who was groomed since he could walk and talk to be the Lord Paramount of the North and Regent while Ned could only dream of a simple holdfast and kind wife, therefore he told Brandon to not make everything final and give it some more time to think about things more clearly.
"I have had the servants prepare your room, Brandon," Ashara said to his brother. "Hopefully it will be as you last remember it."
"I care not how it looks, I just want me bed. That's all."
"Arthur, will you help me with Aly?" His wife questioned as she patted her sleepy sister.
"Of course." Ser Arthur assured as he stood up and walked to his little sister who protested a little but did not complain when her brother picked her up and took her away. Ash's sister was cute…
"Say goodbye to your father Jon." Ashara commanded as she brought their son closer to him. Jon was tired and did not open his eyes at all and so Ned smiled and pressed a kiss on his son's forehead.
"Sleep well, little pup." Ned said as he caressed his son's cheek.
"I will be waiting for you in your room once I'm done putting our boy to sleep." she told him.
"My room?" he asked confused. "What are we to do in my room?"
"Is that even a question?" she giggled as she took off with Jon in her embrace. Lady Sharley and Jonelle left after Ashara and so Ned glanced at his siblings because frankly, he missed this view so much, of seeing the pack together.
"Lya…are you alright?" he asked concerned given what happened to his sister. "Are you feeling ill again?"
"No...I am…I'm just…tired…I believe…" she replied with a shy smile and yawn. It was still too soon for her to be alright considering that she lost a child and almost died. "I'm going to retire…"
"You want some help Lya?" Ben asked as they saw her struggle to get up.
"Perhaps…" she said and Ben stood up and embraced her as to support her while they left the Great Hall to her room. It was so hard to see his vivacious sister this way but he was sure she was going to be alright, the worst had already passed.
"I'm worried about her still," Brandon said worriedly when she was gone. "She almost died and doesn't look too good…"
"She woke up today from comma, I think it's normal for her to look like that," Ned said as he rubbed his jaw. "All we can do is to let her rest and recover."
"You are right...in a few moons we will have good old Lya back," Brandon said with a grin. "At least I hope so..."
"Lady Lyanna went through a lot after the King demanded her presence in the capital…" Ser Oswell proclaimed to the two of them. "She fell from a horse and was with pain in her back for months. I'm not even sure if that pain is gone or not." The Rivermen then sighed with a hint of guilt in him. "I don't presume to command anything here, far from it but it would be for the best if she is confined to her bed for a while."
"She will have to even if she does not wish it." Brandon avowed. "Normally I would hate to see her have a tantrum but after all this time...I would let her scream at me..." Chuckles followed his brother's words.
"When do you intend to leave?" Ned asked.
"Wishing to have me gone already, brother?" Brandon inquired with a serious expression.
"No! I would love to have you stay Bran…"
"I know brother, I was just messing with you." Brandon laughed as he clapped Ned's back. "We need to make the realm return to its pre-war rhythm. We lost quite a lot of time already and the longer we take the worse it will be to have lasting peace."
"Let's just hope the kid turns out to be on the saner side of the coin." Brandon murmured. "Otherwise we will be remembered as the foolish wolves…if not something worse…"
"The Kingsguard will make sure the kid turns out well." Ser Oswell avowed. "Rhaegar was our friend before he descended into his own sort of madness. It seems right his child learns from his mistakes and proves the realm that not all Targaryens are cunts."
"We have fifteen years to put that in the kid's mind." Brandon proclaimed as he stood up. "Anyway, I'm tired and I'm going to retire to my chambers. I plan on resting the whole day tomorrow before I make way to White Harbor in…two days from now? Yes…it should be enough…"
"Can we travel with you, Lord Brandon?" Ser Oswell questioned. "Arthur and I would like to resume our duties as Kingsguard knights…that is if the Regency deems us fit of course."
"I think it can be done," Brandon said while he rubbed his chin. "We will worry about that in a few days, Ser. Get some sleep too."
"Will do." Ser Oswell got up. "I'm tired as well."
"Then I wish you all the rest of a good night." And so his brother left the Great Hall and Ser Oswell followed not long after.
Ser Arthur reemerged in the Great Hall a few minutes later. "Lord Stark, you are still here?" The knight questioned.
"Yes…I'm going to bed too, however…" Ned admitted because he was very tired for the trip, they made their way from King's Landing to Winterfell in what seemed like a record time.
"My sister is surely waiting…" The Dornishman said as he clapped Ned's shoulder. "Keep her happy and I will be happy too."
Ned smiled at his brother-in-law and stood up. "I want nothing else but that." And with that said, Ned excused himself and retired to his room. Upon arriving, he knocked on the door and then opened it as he found it unlocked. His wife was waiting for him on his bed and she was naked…something in him just made his blood boil and yet he could not fail to notice that his room looked so different from the last time he saw it…
"I was beginning to think I would have to go and fetch you by your ear…" His wife told him with that smile he loved as his eyes began consuming her god-like body.
"Care to explain what happened to my room, Ash?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well…let's just say I took lair here while you were gone…" she murmured. "We are to share it…"
"I like that idea…" he nodded as he approached her. "I especially like the decoration that is in my bed…"
"I know…" she picked his arms and made him fall on top of her. "We need to rekindle our love yet again…" her hands picked his and led them to her perfectly shaped breasts and he knew he wouldn't hold his lust for long… "Are you up for a night like our marriage night?"
"I don't know if I can last as long as I did then but it's worth a try."
"Oh my sweet Quiet Wolf…I will be happy to have you by my side tonight and the days after tonight. The coupling is just a little bonus." she assured him as she kissed him. "I have missed you so much…"
"I have missed you more than anything Ash…I feared to die before I could save Lya and Bran but also because I would never see you again…" he said as he kissed her forehead. "There wasn't a single day that I did not think of you…"
"Then show me how much you thought of me and I will show you just the same."
"As My Lady commands…"
As always thank you for all the reviews:
TimeParad0x: I'm sorry to have disappointed you...while I don't have planned a story like that for now, I have something similar planned for a not so distant future with Daenerys being raised at Winterfell with Robert as King.
Lex: If you say so...
HyperboreanRealist: The name Loyalist and Rebel will quickly fall obsolete given the nature of the councils. The kids are likely to be the same with just a couple of them having different names.
RedRat8: That's the premise of Part 2.
Radomir's Renegades: You and I seem to share the same view on Robb being crowned King, it was a rash decision and a result of centuries of resentment by the Northerners, I believe if Ned was in Robb's shoes he wouldn't have accepted the crown, Robb was still green and Catelyn protested but in the end just allowed it go further. I will admit that if the North wanted independence that was the perfect chance to do it but with the Riverlands to defend they just were in for a never-ending war because the North is easy to defend but not the Riverlands.
miguelgiuliano: Admito que la reunión fue un poco floja y ya me han dicho eso. Cuanto al Advisor de Dorne…tal vez se esté entre los nombres dichos…
El futuro de Rhaenys es para más tarde, ella tiene solo 3 años. Dale algún tiempo más para crecer.
Cuanto a Dark Sister…quizás aparecerá…un día…
C S Tolkien: While I won't oppose your views on Tywin and Cersei, I just don't understand what fan theory I'm feeding the fan theorists with? As I said before I don't dislike the character of Lyanna and I prefer to look at her as an Arya rather than a Sansa like in the show. She is flawed like everyone else but not a monster. So I did not understand your review.
Okay everyone so here is the final chapter of Part 1 (Finally…2x...). I'm also quite sure that this was a weird chapter especially Lyanna's POV.
I know it took way more time than what it should but it's finished and I also know that many are not happy with the ending but you can't please everyone except yourself no matter how hard you try. Independently of which ending I chose I would have criticism so I'm following the end I feel comfortable with.
I will not go and repeat myself for the third or fourth time, but…thank you for everyone who gave this story a chance, it was a good and enriching experience, I think I grew as a writer with it and I definitely learned with my many mistakes. I'm quite proud to say I "finished" a work twice, as I set myself to do.
I will grant myself a week to rest before I begin Part 2, this month was hard especially given the rhythm I was following with the updates as I promised myself that I would finish before the end of July, which I succeeded in most time zones. Expect an Appendix for Part 2 soon.
As always, thank you for sparing time reading and I hope everyone has a nice day and stays safe.
Red Aquilla.