It was a stormy night in North blue. In Nottingham, there was a war going on but it was so bloody and violent than the world government staid away. Because there was no strategic value to the kingdom it was no loss to them. The Yoko did not want it or anything so it was lawless until a young boy with a sword raised and became himself known. This boy is Naruto the long lost descendant of Shimotsuki Ryuma the defender of Wano and the man who cut down a dragon.


Naruto and the man who accompanied him to the village of Nottingham in the North Blue. The reason is that 20 years ago Kaido and the current shogun of Wano Orochi outlasted the kyozuki Oden and became the new rules of Wano.

" Don't worry the Shimotuski Ryuma Bloodline runs strong in you. You are destined for greatness " Naruto sword teacher thought.

13 years later

" why old man why ?" Naruto asked as he looked at the dying old man who taught him his heritage and the way of the samurai and the sword. He learned about the world and seen the corruption. Naruto with his help survived the harness of North Blue.

Naruto got up and heard a cry for help with that he left to see bandits and pirates abusing the populace.

Naruto took out his long sword and he charged at the bandits and pirates.

This is when Naruto's life changed. When North Blue became the most dangerous place of the four blues and produce the most powerful of pirates to a place where they will all have the greatest military might.

"What is that boy ?" A bandit leader asked.

"I don't know but kill him !" A pirate captain yelled out orders.

The pirates and bandits of North blue are far stronger than east blue. But are boy Naruto is much stronger than them.

Naruto began engaging the first one as he cut the bullets in half as he cut his opponent down.

Then all hell broke loose. The bandits and pirates all charged at him with ill intent.

Naruto dodges a pirate and cuts him down with his sword. He then grabbed a punch and tossed the guy into his comrades. He then goes to the head guy and he uses his Flying sword slash and cut him down.

"Ok you fool I will only ask this once where is the head bandit or pirate of this town and if you lie or refuse to tell me then I will kill you, " Naruto told the bandit seriously.

"Go North of here you can not miss it, " the bandit said as Naruto knocked him out.

Naruto went up North and found a giant baboon with a sword as well as other bandits with weapons.

"So this is the hideout here ?" Naruto asked the pirates and bandits in the room.

"Who the hell are you punk? You think it is okay to roll up in our joint and think that you own the place? Not a chance " A random pirate yelled.

"Ok so I kill all of you then and my home town would be free and they would have food eh ?" Naruto asked with a cheeser cat grin that leaked killing int.

"Kill him" the leader of the base yelled out in apparent anger.

Naruto charged at them and said "Polka Remise" which he sent a comprised air slashes that were orange-reddish. It was Naruto thrusting his sword strikes fast that they became visible and he used it to attack the henchmen. Some of them dodged it and Naruto then used his sword to attack some of the henchmen.

"Ok come on out where ever you are " Naruto called the boss out. "I have already dealt with your henchmen all I have to do is defeat you and this farmland will be free" Naruto called again.

What happened next shocked Naruto from the rails a man jumped down to address this interloper from interfering in this town.

"So you're the bastard who has been making my life difficult eh you don't look like much you look like a kid who is barely a teenager. Whatis your name eh ?" the tall man said as he looked at his enemy.

"Oh my name is not important but I will humor you. My name is Shimotuski Naruto and I have come to free this farmland of it's a current state. A state where corruption is rampant. A state was the people have no hope. A state where you have to kill each other to survive. A state where vermin like you and others prosper where others have to live in fear and die" Naruto said seriously and passionately.

Clap clap

That is what Naruto heard from his opponent "what a speech but do you think I care. These people are weak and the weak service the strong or die. They have no right what so ever " the big man said.

"By the way what is your name ?" Naruto asked his enemy.

"Hmph, it is Sora no last name now it is time for you to die, " Sora said as he runs towards Naruto.

As they clashed there swords the shockwave of it was great. They were in a blade lock until they pushed each other away. Then Naruto clashed again when he jumped and clashed again from mid-air. Naruto pushed Sora with his strength and pushed in the wall of the pirate handout. Naruto then slashed at each other with there swords.

Naruto through another Flying sword slash at Sora but the big man blocked it with his swords.

Sora- is a bulky man with blue hair and tan skin. He wears a black shirt and red pants and a longsword and aa green hilt.

"You are something else huh ?" Sora said with a smirk.

"You to it is not every day that you see people block my flying sword slash even though it was not at full power," Naruto said shock and slightly impressed.

Then Naruto clashed again and they clashed again. Naruto dodged some sword strikes. "he's trying to break my sword !" Naruto thought angrily.

Naruto kept dodging and then he dodged again and get behind Sora and tried to stab him but Sora turns around fast to block it. They broke off and then kept slashed at each other.

Sora jumped in the air and came with a kick but Naruto blocked it with his sword. Naruto kept dodging his enemies kicks and Naruto grabbed the kick that was aimed for his head and tossed him into a wall.

Sora gets back up and surprised to attack him with an elbow to the gut. Naruto was out of breath and before he could get back up Sora kicked him in the face and he was kicked so hard that he went through the wall.

"Damn you sure kicked hard," Naruto told him as he gets back up. " Damn that bastard almost broke my jaw," Naruto thought angry.

"Oh come on man. come and attack me with everything you got " Sora told him as he charged again. Sora slashed again right and left-right and lefty again Naruto dodged all of them then Sora kicked him in the gut and then punched him in the face and he went through another wall and he went through it as well.

"Is that all you can do? I thought you would be different oh well you will die. It was a shame you were such a disappointment" Sora said with mock disappointment.

As Sora charged in think he has this battle won Naruto said two-sword style: Orange tiger clash. An aura of a tiger in orange overtook Naruto and he clashed with a Sora who underestimated Naruto and they clashed.

"Haha ! That did not even... " Sora said as he falls with a huge gash of a wound on his stomach towards his left arm to down.

"Now they are free. Nottingham is free. But the rest of this country is not I will not stop until all of North Blue is under my control and then we will have reign and have prosperity for all" Nauto thought.

Well, what do you guys think huh?

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Darth Plageuis signing out