Jaguar D. Saul never met anyone as lovely and at the same time as terrifying as the one who is currently before him, a man with black hair and sparkling emerald eyes filled with power.
"Now if you'll excuse us Kuzan-san. We'll just get out of your way for now, you can tell whatever you want to your hot-headed partner on the other side of the island. Jaguar D. Saul is coming with me."
Kuzan just closed his eyes and gave a tired smile.
"Alright. For what it's worth, you're dead to the world anyway."
"Dereshishishishi, we'll meet again, brother."
The black haired man extended his arm to Saul and Saul took it without a hint of hesitation.
"Before you go, may I know your name?"
Green eyes looked at him with a smirk.
"Potter D. Harry at your service."
With that both Harry and Saul disappeared with a crack leaving nothing but the blowing wind as Kuzan's company. The sounds and smell of the crackling fire has finally reached the distant beach. Kuzan let out a relieved sigh, he didn't have to kill a close friend for absolute justice.
"A D., huh? Looks like another one is on the prowl."
Nico Robin landed on one of the islands in west blue and the residents were not friendly. She ran from trash cans to back alleyways just to look for food, sometimes she was chased away by the building owners because they didn't want street rats going through their trash.
As she ran to the nearby forest, she collided with someone. She looked up to see a man with black hair and the greenest eyes she's ever seen. He smiled down at her and offered her a piece of bread. She took it with wonder in her eyes. It was the first time someone gave her something in this island. She looked up into his eyes and recognized him as a gentle soul and she was reminded of Saul and his funny laugh which made her chest hurt. He just smiled at her and went on his way to the forest. She stood there looking at him until he was out of sight. Robin ate the piece of bread with delight. She hoped she will see the kind man again.
And she did see him, again and again, but only on the path to the forest. He always gave her something to eat and one day he invited her to eat with him in the forest. For some reason, Robin trusted this man not to do anything bad so she followed him until they reached a clearing where a tent was mounted and there was a campfire with smoking embers.
"My name is Potter D. Harry."
Robin was then again reminded of Saul, he also had a D. in his name.
"I'm Nico Robin. You won't take me to the marines do you?"
Harry gave her a secretive smile and held out a ringing den den mushi.
"I think there's someone who would like to talk to you for a while now."
"Dereshishishi, Harry did you meet Robin?"
Robin couldn't believe what she just heard. It sounded like Saul but she was pretty sure, Saul was also killed in Ohara.
"…Saul? SAUL!"
Now Robin was full on sobbing in front of the den den mushi.
"Robin, is that you? Don't cry, you hear? Remember to laugh even in hard times."
"…Yes, dereshishishishi."
Harry found the laugh adorable on the little girl's part.
"Now, listen to me, Robin. Trust that we will see each other soon, just listen to what Harry is going to say and you'll be safe again."
"I understand, Saul."
"We'll talk more later."
The den den mushi then fell asleep.
Harry held out his hand to Robin.
"Are you ready to leave this place?"
With a firm nod and tears still streaming down her face, Robin took his hands and everything Harry owns together with the both of them disappear from the clearing, as if no one ever stepped foot in the place.
"I know what you're here for, Harry, but it's no use. I'm going to die either way."
"Very well, Tom. Let me accompany you until your last breath falls."
"Hmmm, if that is what you want."
Silence rang in the cells, only the sounds of Tom's heavy breathing can be heard.
"I have a favor to ask, Harry."
"One last wish, eh?"
"You could say that. I have an apprentice, Franky, he can take care of himself but make sure he's okay, yeah?"
Harry nodded and even though Tom didn't see it, he finally relaxed waiting for his end to come.
Franky was badly injured but all he needed was some parts which Harry provided.
"I hate him, I hate him!"
"Who else, Harry?"
Franky kept on tinkering with the parts and his body.
"It's been four years, Franky."
"I know and I'm going back to Water 7. Thanks for everything, Harry, I owe you."
Harry nodded as a reply.
Franky looked away from his work which was coming along nicely and looked at Harry's direction.
"So, you finally leaving for good?"
"Yeah, still got a lot of things to do."
"Okay, bro. If you're ever in the area, holler and we'll go have a good time."
"Of course, Franky. Goodbye."
Harry disappeared with a crack.
"Super cool!"
Trafalgar D. Water Law was having the worst day of his life not counting Flevance, of course. He was sobbing onto Cora-san's bleeding chest when he remembered something in case of emergencies. He pulled Cora-san's clothes to reveal a glass shard pendant. He squeezed it with all the might he could at his battered state.
"Harry-san, please help!"
The pendant glowed brightly.
The next thing Law knew, he was sitting up on a bed on what looked to be a med bay. He turned to see that the other occupant of the bed was-
He rushed to get out of his bed to get to the other's bedside. In hindsight, Cora-san looked better than when they were travelling and so did he now that he took notice that the white spots were close to none as if they weren't there in the first place.
"Cora-san… I'm glad. I got help from the right person this time."
"Oh, you're up already, that's good."
Law looked to the doorway to see a girl a little older than him holding a bowl of soup.
"I'm Robin, by the way. Harry said you'd need to eat so here's some soup."
"I'm Law, thanks for the soup. Is Harry-san around?"
"Yes, he's coming later to check up on the both of you."
Law went back to his bed to eat his soup.
"I'll see you later, Law."
Robin waved at him and left the room.
Law ate half the bowl and couldn't bring himself to finish the soup. He looked at the other occupant of the room.
"Things are going to get better now, Cora-san."
Bellmere served hot tea to her guest and sat down in front of them.
"I don't know how you found out but thanks, Harry. The whole village owes you."
"No one gets to hurt those who I consider as friends, Bellmere. Always remember that."
"Yes, yes, now drink your damn tea, my friend. It's the best tea you're gonna have from this backwater village."
Harry laughed at her crudeness.
The front door opened to reveal two girls running towards them.
"Harry-oji, look! This is for you."
Nojiko gave Harry a fruit.
"A tangerine? That's sweet of you, thank you."
"When my tangerines grow bigger, I'll give Harry-oji all the tangerines he wants, it will be more delicious than this one."
Nami promised him.
"I'll look forward to that, Nami."
Both girls gave him sunny grins. Bellmere massaged the bridge of her nose.
"Great, now all they're going to talk about is how great their Harry-oji is."
Harry laughed at her mock demise.
"Well, ain't that fun?"
Sanji was helping Harry at the kitchen while Zeff was taking a rest.
Sanji was glad a friend of Zeff was near their location when it happened. He never wanted anyone to ever go hungry like they did as long as he can help it. The pain was still bearable because it meant you still lived but the numbness after was the worst experience he ever had. It was even worse than when his brothers were bullying him. Never again he swore.
"Sanji, can you please pass me the salt?"
"Yes, Harry."
"Thanks, Sanji."
Sanji was really getting to enjoy his time at Harry's place. There were also kids close to his age though older but they were nice to him and the adults even complimented his cooking skills. But the best part of it all was how Harry treated him seriously, like a grown up. He trusted him to take care of himself and he trusted him enough to help out in the kitchen which the other kids weren't allowed to. He felt kind of special like that. He knows they're going to part ways later on what with Zeff getting better by the day but he's going to treasure this moments forever.
Kuina had the scare of her life the other day. She fell head first down the stairs! She was scared to know what might have happened if Harry oji-san didn't catch her before she landed. She was given a stern warning by the adults to watch where she steps a little more carefully. With the lesson learned by heart she was more careful not only on where she was stepping but also with other matters in life especially with Zoro. She was much more careful not to lose in a fight and also with her relationship with Zoro even if he was a brute of a child. She is going to teach him manners one way or another.
"I think this one belongs to you."
Harry was carrying a bandaged blonde child in his arms.
"Ji-san!... SABO?!"
There was a ruckus at the bandit's home in Mount Colubo as Ace and Luffy were attaching themselves on Harry's legs trying to climb up his body to check on Sabo. Harry went inside the house undeterred and continued walking towards the boys' room. He laid down Sabo in one of the mats and the two boys jumped down Harry's shoulders to sit down beside the mat.
"How is he, ji-san?"
Ace may have said that in a straight voice but his shoulders were shaking and Harry can see tears dropping on the mat.
"He's going to be fine, he had a concussion but I fixed it up. He also didn't remember a thing so don't be mad if he doesn't remember you."
"So like a mystery sickness?"
"Yes, Luffy. Like a mystery sickness."
Harry stood up to leave.
"If there's any problem with Sabo, you know how to contact me, other than that, I trust that you will take care of him more now. Goodbye."
With a crack, he left the brothers to take care of their other brother.
"Ah, Harry-san. It's nice to see you again. Though I have no eyes to see, skull joke! Yohohoho!"
"It's nice to know you still have the same brand of humor when you still had flesh and not just bones, Brook. I brought some tea with me."
"Excellent! Come, let's enjoy ourselves in the deck."
Both man and skeleton had a good time reminiscing.
"I know you're not going to ask Harry-san but I'm still not coming with you. I feel like there's something for me later on in this sea. I rhymed, yohohohoho!"
"Very well but just in case, the offer still stands. Farewell, my friend."
"Have a pleasant journey."
Harry disappeared with a crack.
Hiruluk was lucky this one time, his long-time friend Harry finally helped him in something he never would have helped in normal circumstances but he was dying anyway so what was one last wish. Harry gave him a bomb. Harry did promise him that he will see to it that Chopper was well after what he was planning. Ah, Chopper. How could he have refused him after he risked his life for the mushroom? At least he had a wonderful life, a wonderful life indeed.