Hey! So one of my favourite ships is GaJucy/GaLu, honestly, I love them. I've decided that there's not enough fics of them together, so I'm writing this multi-chapter fic based on '18' by Anarbor. It just fit so perfectly. Don't forget this is an AU.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. :)

Chapter 1

Lucy stared down onto her laptop, her brown orbs fixated on the screen. She just couldn't bring herself to look away, ever since she started this series she hasn't spoken to anybody. Everything was perfect. Good girl meets bad guy. They fall in love. Basically all she wants in life.

Bad boys have always been her thing. Maybe it's the sensation of breaking the rules. Or maybe it's like a forbidden love, almost. They seem so mysterious, and boy did Lucy love to solve mysteries. She'd kind of accepted her fate though, no bad boys like girls like her. Usually, they don't particularly like anyone but they go for girls much more... experienced. Lucy was the complete opposite.

Not to mention, her dad was always hassling her every chance he had about her choice in boys. He insists they've got to be smart, polite and basically everything Lucy dislikes in a man. It was exhausting hearing him go on about it, not once had he mentioned looks because he doesn't care much as long as the guy she dates has money.

As much as she loved her dad, and appreciates what he does for her, it's frustrating when her preference in boys doesn't matter and has never mattered. She can hardly ever get a word in when he rambles on and on and on. Lucy was definitely sick of it.

The outro popped up and she guided her mouse to the next episode sign, but it wasn't there. Lucy gasped and shook her head in disbelief. It's finished. Over. This can't be happening. She slammed her head down on her bed and groaned. Why does this always happened to her. Finally, after hours of searching, she found a good show and it's already finished. Lucy felt as though the universe held something against her.

Dragging herself out of bed, she decided that she should probably do something with her life, even though she felt as if her soul had been sucked out of her. She giggled as she began thinking of the dementors from Harry Potter. Boy, did she love those movies. And books, of course.

To the shower, she went, freshening up would be a good idea considering her first day of school would be tomorrow. God, summer flew past so quickly despite her doing practically nothing. Lucy was so unprepared for tomorrow that it wasn't even funny, she'd moved at the start of summer to Magnolia and of course that means new school. Yay.

The blonde stepped into the shower, sighing as the warm water trailed down her body, providing her warmth. She soaked for at least twenty minutes, shaving her legs and lathering her body in strawberry body wash. Strawberries reminded her of her mother, who passed away at the start of the year. Her mother always loved strawberries, so that's why Lucy had strawberry scented everything. It was just a personal comfort.

The death of her mother had been hard on both her and her dad. It was disheartening to see, if she was honest, her once bright dad who was filled to the brim with jokes, had been reduced to a lifeless man who worked himself half to death. She brought him back out his shell, because despite her hurting, she needed her dad so much. He was her lifeline and it killed her to seem him working his problems away.

Eventually, he had pulled himself together, with help from Lucy of course, and they decided a fresh start was in order. So, now here they are in Magnolia, trying to get on with their lives, though the loss of her mother would always hurt, she would still try to smile for her. The blonde just knew that she was watching her from heaven. Constantly, she reminds herself that she's in a better place now.

After her lovely shower, she wrapped herself up in a pink towel and plucked out a random pair of sweatpants and a tanktop to sleep in and dried her hair. Maybe tonight she would go to sleep early, considering the fact that she had to wake up at six-thirty in the morning.

As she lay on on her bed, hugging her pink comforter close, her legs tangled in it, she hoped tonight her dreams wouldn't be plagued by the nightmare of losing her mother. It was hard to deal with at times, and it caused her to lose a lot of sleep when she woke up in the middle of the night, because when she has that particular nightmare she never wants to go back to sleep. Maybe. just maybe, her dreams would be plagued with her bad boy charming instead.

Lucy frantically awoke she heard her extremely loud alarm rung loudly in her ears. Ow. She turned it off and lay back down on her bed. It was too early to get up, and she was just so comfy. No nightmares occurred last night and she inwardly cheered. Closing her eyes, just for a tiny rest, Lucy mumbled something along the lines of "Stupid school." and drifted back off again before she could stop herself.

An hour later she woke up to her dad screaming in her face about being late or something like that. Wait. Dread settled in her stomach when she finally realized what she did. Shit. Lucy scrambled off her bed as the speed of light and told her dad to get out. Her dad did what she ordered, assuming she was going to get changed.

The blonde quickly threw her blue plaid skirt on, which was quite short, and her yellow blouse on, completed with a blue tie and long thigh-high socks. Her beautiful hair was lazily shoved into a messy bun and she put a tad of lipgloss on before she grabbed her bag and- was out the door.

"Bye, Dad!"

"Bye, honeybear!"

She rolled her pretty brown eyes at her dad's atrocious nickname for her. Luckily, the school was only round the corner from her, but that didn't stop her from already being ten minutes late. As her legs rounded the corner, she saw the school. It was huge. Massive, even. How many people went to this school? It wasn't the only school in Magnolia, but apparently it was one of the best.

Fifteen minutes late now, she noted as she entered the large building. The first thing she was greeted with was a white-haired woman who was so gorgeous she could surely be a model.

"Ah, hey. I'm new, and a bit late." The woman sweatdropped and greeted her still.

"I'm Mirajane, I'm the headmaster's secretary. I assume you've already got your schedule?" She smiled at the small blonde, and it was a breathtaking smile. How could one woman be so pretty?

"Yep," Lucy looked down at her watch, "Eighteen minutes late to Maths."

"You should probably get going, I'm sure your teacher will forgive you for being late just this once. Unless Aquarius-san is your teacher." Lucy nodded slightly worried, and then made her way down the hallways of Fairy Tail High.

For the life of her, she couldn't seem to find where her class was. The blonde isn't exactly the best at directions. Ahead, she saw the maths department. That was a good start, at least. A sign caught her eye, it was on a classroom door and it said '2B' on it. Glaring at it slightly, she looked back down at her schedule and brightened up immediately. She found it! By accident! Oops.

Anxiety bubbled in her stomach as she opened the door, wincing slightly as everybody's eyes turned to her.

"Hello, Lucy Heartfilia, correct?" Her head snapped up at the voice, to see the teacher was talking to her.

" A-Ah yes, that's me. Sorry. For being late, I mean. I slept in. Whoopsies. Silly me. Okay, I'm rambling now, I'll stop talking." Her cheeks flushed a bright pink, realising she had just embarrassed herself in front of the whole class, she looked at them only to see their amused expressions at her slight outburst.

"It's okay, Heartfilia- san. It's your first day. Don't let it happen again. I'm Gildarts, your maths teacher," He grinned at her and she smiled back.

"Ah, a seat for you," his eyes scanned the room and landed on an empty seat next to a pink-haired boy," next to Natsu." The boy smiled at her, and she found herself returning the smile.

It had been at least ten minutes into Gildarts' class and Lucy found herself conversing with the pink-haired boy, only to find out his hair was natural and he was a funny guy. Very innocent as well, she noted. They quietly whispered to each other throughout the whole class and the blonde was sporting a huge grin at the end of class. It was nice to finally have talked to someone after six weeks of isolation. That was, if you didn't count her dad.

Leaving the classroom, she felt happy with herself for making a new friend. Natsu was a good guy from what it seemed. But she wouldn't ever date him. Her mind had already been through that, he was just too childish.

Her next class was English, and she couldn't have been more blessed. It was her favourite subject, due to the fact her dream was to become an author. Problem was, she didn't have a clue where she was going, and she had the mere amount of five minutes to get there before she was classed as late. Sometimes, Lucy hated her life with a passion.

With one minute to spare, she got there. That was a miracle in itself. The teacher, Wakaba, had sat her next to a petite blue-haired girl named Levy. The girl was very smiley, and chatty, but Lucy didn't mind one bit. After finding out that Levy loved books, Lucy couldn't stop herself from squealing, she had finally found someone like her!

It was five minutes until lunch, and she was working on some questions from a science book, though she wasn't at all confident in her answers, science had never been her strong suit. Her head was stuck in her work, not because she was actually working hard, but because she was bored. Levy was a complete nerd, which was cool, so she didn't talk much when she got going. She felt a slight tingle in her hair, like a hand or something. Her head whipped round, her eyes wide, when she realised someone was touching her hair.

"You look like a bunny, gihi."

End of chapter one! They've met. Kind of. Next chapter will be coming soon. Feel free to review!