A/N: Hey guys,
So this chapter was originally supposed to be about twice as long, but I'm sorry to say that this is probably the end of A Knight's Honor.

Someone who I put in this story betrayed my trust deeply and hurt me, so now I'm afraid it's too painful to continue writing this. I could come back one day but I don't have much hope. So for now this is the end.

I deeply apologize. I know you guys don't deserve this and I'm sorry. :(

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I don't feel any different. Do I seem any different?" Ty asked her.

Agar looked him up and down, concern in her eyes now that they were alone again in the meeting room of the High Council. "You look fine to me." She sighed as she crossed her arms and leaned back against the desk behind her. "I'm just worried." She stole a glance at the magic book laid out on the table a few feet away. "I was warned about how dangerous that book can be. Magic in the wrong hands is incredibly dangerous. The high mage from before became corrupted by power and sought the throne for himself."

She looked at the letter that sat next to her from the Captain herself, then back up at Ty. "Dark magic is a dangerous power, but the Captain did say that not all magic is bad."

"Well, the page I found had the words Natural Magic written at the top. It was a separate piece of paper, it didn't look like it was part of the book." Ty explained. "Maybe that's what she meant."

The acting Captain gave him a questioning look. "Maybe. But even still, I doubt we should attempt anything like that again, at least not until the Captain returns. This could be bigger than just you and me. We have to swear not to tell anyone about this. The queen might not even know."

He saluted her. "Yes, Captain. I'll make sure no one finds out about it."

She shook her head and unfolded her arms. "That's not going to cut it. Magic is still outlawed if anyone found out what happened the High Council could have us both stripped of our titles. We have to swear...by the sword."

Ty pulled his sword from its place at his side and held it out to her. "I swear by the sword."

Not having her own weapon on hand at the moment, Agar walked forward and gripped the handle of his sword as well. "And so do I."

Ty nodded in approval before placing the blade back into the sheath at his side. Then his face turned to one of sympathy and concern. "How's your arm?" He asked, nodding towards her injury.

Agar folded her arms once more and looked to the bandaging that covered the upper portion of her right arm. She had to take off her armor in order for the castle's healer to clean and tend to the second-degree burns that had been inflicted. She ran her fingers across the white cotton bandages lightly. She had to admit, it stung more than she let on.

"Hurts like hell. I'm lucky it only burned the skin, rather than punctured it deeply. It'll be blistered and red for a while, but I'll be fine. Kind of comes with the job though. You're not really a knight until you have a few scrapes here and there." She joked with him while turning back to lean against the desk once more.

Ty didn't seem very amused by her remark however, as he seemed to be thinking of something more concerning. He folded his arms. "Have you thought about what happens if neither of them comes back?"

She raised a brow at his question. "What do you mean?"

"The Captain put you in charge in leave of her absence. And the queen never married, she has no heir to the throne. Which means the right to power goes to the highest in command." He looked up and met her gaze. "If neither the queen nor the Captain come back...that makes you the queen."

Suddenly it made sense for why David had been so eager to be left in charge. If Clem failed in her mission, that would of made him King. She swallowed nervously. She had never given it a second thought on what would happen if the Kingdom's ruler did not return. It was an honor to be proclaimed as Captain of The Royal Guard, but was she really ready to take up the title of queen?

She shook the thought from her mind and came up with a new plan. "I'm sending you on a special mission." She said as she walked over to the desk and pulled out a piece of parchment that she had written on earlier.

"What?" Ty asked in disbelief.

She rolled the message up and picked up the blue candle from the desk. She held it above the paper where the edges met and let the pool of wax drip down. Then she opened a drawer and pulled out the stamp that held the kingdom's symbol on it, pressing it into the wax to leave the stamps imprint before it dried. "I want you to take this message to the Captain. She needs to know what we found and about David's betrayal." She held out the message for her knight to take.

Though Ty seemed reluctant to. "But why me?"

She smiled at his questioning. "Besides the Captain herself, you're the best tracker Katolis has. And there's no one else I'd rather trust for this mission. I need your help, Ty. Can I count on you to do this!"

He placed an arm across his chest and bowed to her. "You have my word Captain." Then he rose and took the parchment from her hand.

She nodded her approval. "Good." Then she watched as he walked across the room and picked his helmet up from off a table, but a flash of color caught her eye. "What's this?" She asked as she reached out and pulled a reddish-orange feather from the side of his helmet.

She chuckled. "Why do you have this?"

He pulled it from her fingertips. "It's my lucky feather."

"Well, your little feathered helmet really gives you away like a target." She pointed out. The bright orange clashing with the gray and blue of their uniforms.

Ty sent her an unamused look. "For your information, I'll have you know, feathered helmets are in this year."

She folded her arms across her chest and nodded. "Ah, for Delta, sure. That's not even a traditional feathered helmet, you just stuck a feather on the side of it."

Ty placed the feather back into its place and put his helmet on. "I look fabulous, thank you very much." He said confidently as they walked towards the door and exited the room of the high council. "I even have a purple one as well."

She shook her head. Those aren't even the right colors for Katolis, ya dork."

"I still think I make it work." He told her as they followed the blue carpeting down the corridor.

Agar shook her head as they stopped right before they reached the grand looking doors that led to the courtyard. "Sorry soldier, but as acting Captain, I'm gonna have to ask you to hand it over. It's too much of a risk for the mission I'm sending you on." She held out her hand.

"Fine." Ty reluctantly placed the feather in the palm of her hand. "But if anything happens to it I'm holding you personally responsible." He said in a serious tone.

"No problem. I'll keep it safe for you until you get back."

They continued forward and the knights standing watch bowed to their new Captain and opened the doors for them as they walked through and into the courtyard. It was deep into nightfall now as the stars shimmered above. An image that could put the mind at ease if not for the turmoil below that the kingdom had been thrown into not even twenty-four hours prior.

A slight breeze blew past and the chill of the night air brought goosebumps to the exposed skin on Captain Agar's arms, no longer having the protective layer of armor to cover her with the intense burn that had scared her skin in blistering red. She stared out into the courtyard with her gaze coming to rest on her sword that still stood with its blade stuck into the ground. A reminder to what she had told David about mercy. Katolis held deep honor for what it meant to be a knight. The symbol of a sword was almost considered sacred in their kingdom, and the judgment of knowing when to raise that blade or lower it proved your worth as a knight.

She quickly turned away not wanting to think of the traitor who was locked away in the dungeon and instead focused back on the knight next to her. "I'll have a horse brought out to you." She called for a man to bring a horse out before turning back to her most trusted ally. "I suggest you get some rest and leave at the first light of dawn. If they get too far up the mountain you'll never catch up in time."

"Why wait. I should leave now before they head out again at daybreak." He told her.

"It's night, how are you going to track them in the dark?" She asked him.

He smirked at her. "I have my ways." Then he looked to the sky and brought a hand to his lips and gave a sharp whistle. Much like how Clem would to call Thunder.

It wasn't even a minute later when his call was answered. He held out a hand and suddenly a flash of movement could be seen as a bird glided down and perched itself on his hand.

Agar was shocked to see such a magnificent creature. Reddish orange in color, with feathers gleaming like gold to resemble the bright flames of a fire. It was probably a stunning sight to see in the morning sun. "A Fire Falcon?! How did you ever...?"

Ty reached up and stroked the feathers down the bird's head. "I found her when she was just a baby, but I couldn't find the parents. So I raised her myself. I named her Pyreflie after I saved her from a forest fire that had started. I call her Pyre for short though." He explained.

Pyre shook her feathers after Ty stopped petting her. And Agar just watched in amazement. "Incredible. They say Fire Falcons used to be considered magical creatures. They're extremely loyal to the people they trust, and it's said that if anyone they distrust tries to touch them their feathers burn like fire. They're so rare now that no one knows if the stories are true. It's a wonder how you have one in your possession."

"Well, I don't know about magic, but she is quite magnificent. I tried to release her back into the wild once she learned how to fly, but she didn't want to leave. So from then on, she was my bird. The only other person she'll consider listening to is the Captain." He told her.

"You know the king before Violet had a pet bird as well. Except his was black and green. They called him Stonebill, but he died not long after the king and queen had both been killed." Agar explained, knowing that Ty was fairly new as a knight and was not part of the force during Violet's father's reign. But she wore a puzzled look on her face. "How come I've never seen her before?"

"Pyre may belong to me, but I still let her roam free. She still lives in the forest, but she'll come when I whistle." They both looked up once they heard the sound of hooves against the cobblestone as Ty's horse was brought out. "Now I'm gonna use her to help find the Captain."

He placed Pyre on his shoulder and walked up and placed the letter for Clem inside his saddlebags then turned back towards the Captain. "Stay safe...and good luck. I hope you find them and they're alright." She told him.

Ty knelt and bowed to his Captain. "I will find them, Captain. You have my word." He stood back up and looked to the golden bird on his shoulder. He brought his hand up and she climbed onto his wrist. "The Captain, Pyre." He swiftly raised his arm into the air prompting her to take off. "Find her."

Pyre flapped her wings propelling herself into the air and gave a loud screech before flying off into the distance. Ty stepped into the stirrup and swung himself into the saddle. He flicked the reins and his horse speed off after her, the iron gates closing behind him.

Agar stared after him for a few minutes, watching his horse fade off into the distance. A sudden shot of pain that filled her arm being the only thing to tear away her gaze. She gripped the bandage and gritted her teeth as it felt like fire spreading through her arm, almost like acid eating away at the skin. But the pain stopped almost as suddenly as it had started.

With the pain gone she decided to pay it no mind and turned to walk back into the castle. It was going to be a long night, waiting for her knight to return.