Long ago the realm was divided into four kingdoms. Richmond, McCarroll, Delta, and Katolis who was formerly known as Ericson's. After centuries of fighting amongst themselves, the four kingdoms finally found a balance, an era of peace. But a new threat had risen from the shadows.

A threat from the north, Solmania, had forced their way into Delta's domain. When the kingdom's ruler, Queen Lily, sent word for help in fighting off the threat from the outlands, they received no aid for their troubles. The other three realms, not being bothered by the outsiders, refused to send their armies into unknown danger based on a two-minute speech in the form of a letter.

Outraged, Delta sent forces across the land. Once former allies turned enemies again as they brought both Richmond and McCarroll's forces to their knees. For on the night of the full moon, assassins were sent over the border, and they murdered their leaders. Resulting in kidnappings from the other kingdoms in order to provide soldiers for the Delta's own personal war.

Now Katolis was the last thing that stood in their way. And with Delta's forces gathering at the border. An invasion was imminent and time was running out. But with the weight of a troubled past resting on her shoulders, the queen of Katolis had a decision to make and only one person stood in her way.

"Do you remember standing on a broken field? White crippled wings beating the sky. The harbingers of war with their nature revealed and our chances flowing by. If I can let the memory heal, I will remember you with me on that field.

For the knight that I lost in battle.

My protector, my savior. You will always be in my heart. Your sacrifice will no longer be in vain."

The sun was on the horizon and a chill still hung in the air from the cold and restless night. Frost clung to the ground in the few waking hours that it had left before it was melted away by the heat of the approaching sun. The sky clear and crisp giving way for the sun to bask the stone walls in its warmth once it reached the peak of the hill. Though the sunrise had its captivating charm, it did little to help lessen the feeling of despair from settling in the air as it only set a marker for what little time they had left.

Strides were taken quickly down the stone corridor. The slight sound of metal being moved with each step as the general who was also the captain of the queen's personal guard made their way to the room at the far end of the hall. Her shadow copying her formal, disciplined, movements against the wall as the sun's first rays shimmered through the windows of the castle from the east.

It reflected across the shiny metal that coated almost every aspect of her body. The incoming light giving life to the blue coloring of her armor, across her shoulder where the symbol of the kingdom resides. Two swords clash together in order to form an X, a symbol once upheld by an honored swordsman or a knight in shining armor if you will. A sword identical to the two hung at her side. The low clink of metal on metal sounding as it rustled against her suit with each step.

As she approached the end of the hall, two guards nodded to her before standing aside to let her pass as the heavy wooden door was opened. She stepped inside, the door being closed behind her, and immediately dropped to one knee. Her arm crossing over her chest as she slightly bowed her head in respect. "My queen. There's been a breach at the northern border of Katolis. Delta raiders gather on the horizon."

A figure stepped forward, her blonde hair cut short unlike all the other rulers before her. But Violet Knight was no ordinary ruler. Unwilling to follow tradition in more aspects than one, she wore a uniform similar to that of the captains but more formal and with soft fitting fabric. A reminder to the one she once lost in battle, for the double swords lay present across her shoulders as well. She also carried a long dagger clipped to the side of her belt, for when the nations were on the verge of war you could never be too prepared.

A smile broke out though, as she addressed the captain. As if the word of incoming threats to her kingdom had not been spoken. "Oooo, so formal." She lightly teased.

Her knight made no move to stand however as she replied with a straight face. "It is my duty to serve you, my queen. I have made an oath and have sworn to protect you with my life and I am at your service."

Violet smiled at her remark knowing that she took her job seriously and would not stand until told to do so. "Clem, you know you don't have to call me that when it's just the two of us."

Clementine nodded her head in approval. "Very well..." She paused for a second as a smirk took over her face and she looked up at the queen of Katolis. "...my flower."

She watched as Violet's face was overcome with red at her comment. The blonde clearing her throat to somewhat hide her embarrassment as she gestured for Clem to stand.

Her knight smiled as she returned to her full height and made her way over towards her liege. She lifted up a hand and brushed some of Violet's hair back behind her ear. "Did I ever tell you how cute you are when you're embarrassed?"

Violet's face burned hot again at her knight's words, which only made Clem smirk more. Violet grabbed her by the collar and pulled her closer. "You know I could still have you thrown in the dungeon."

Clem smiled at the thought. "I don't think you'd do that. You know you love me."

Violet didn't respond and instead closed the gap between them and she could feel Clem smile into the kiss. Pulling away she said, "You play a dangerous game Captain. Words like that could get you in trouble."

Clem hummed in thought. "Hmm, maybe so. But a knight's job is always dangerous. And besides..." She brought a hand up to caress Violet's cheek before leaning in for another slow kiss. "I'm pretty sure the queen has a thing for me."

Violet smiled warmly at her words and grabbed a hold of her knight's hand, intertwining their fingers. "That she does." But her smile slowly faded as her gaze drifted to their interlocked hands.

Clem caught her expression and her face turned to one of worry. "My queen?"

Violet looked up at Clementine expectantly. "How long do we have?" Her gaze then drifting to a table nearby. A map laid out across the wooden surface, with little blue and red flags decorating the layout of the four kingdoms. A map which she spent hours upon hours staring at late into the night as visions of fire and destruction formed in her mind. Lingering images of the last time she was put in a situation like this one. Except last time she was not the one to make the life and death decision.

Clementine understood what she was asking as she let go of her queen's hand and walked towards the table. She reached out and pushed one of the red pieces past the black outline that served as the border between Katolis and it's neighboring kingdom. "Delt has surpassed our borders in the north. Last known sighting showed them at a days march before reaching here." She pushed another red marker to a hilly terrain just outside of Castle Violet's vicinity.

"And that leaves us with how much time?" Violet asked quite worriedly as she tried to take in as much information as she could about their approaching enemy.

"I'd say anywhere between the span of a day to a few hours," Clem replied honestly. "Do not freight my queen. I have archers set up all along the wall. My men are to keep watch at all times and have been instructed to shoot on sight." But Violet wasn't listening anymore as she thought about their limited amount of time.

Clem caught Violet's line of sight as the newly made queen studied the map with great interest, she could see the war raging on in the young ruler's mind. Both figuratively and literally. "But a decision still needs to be made." She said regrabbing her attention. "My men are ready at your command if you are to give the word. For no sacrifice is too great for the kingdom of Katolis. If needed be I will gladly lay down my own lif..."

"Dont!" Violet cut her off sharply. "Don't you dare finish that sentence."

Clem was troubled by the blonde's request but obeyed her command. She placed a hand over her chest and bowed in a sign of respect. "Forgive me, my queen."

Violet didn't reply and instead walked over towards the window. She stared out at the snow-covered mountains that lay in the distance, the morning sun just now reaching the peaks as it blazed over the high stone walls of Castle Violet. She sighed because anyone else would call the scene before her breathtaking, but in her mind's eye, the picture was painted much differently. "When I look out all I see is fire, death, and destruction. I'm taken back to that night and I see fire inside the mountains. I see fire burning the trees. I remember the lost souls of those fallen before us and the scent of blood in the breeze."

She turned around, folding her hands behind her back, and her gaze drifted upward to a large portrait that hung on the wall. Painted years ago, but carried a memory that felt like yesterday. Her seven-year-old self along with the former king and queen and another young man who stood beside her wearing the armor designed for the captain of the royal guard. Sword at his side and shield in hand. The double sword painted across its surface to form the X.

Clem followed her line of sight and stared up at the picture as well. "You miss him, don't you?"

Violet gave a long sigh closing her eyes. "Every day." She opened them once more and she glanced at the picture before resting her gaze on her new knight. "I already lost him in battle, I won't lose you too." She took a few steps forward until she was side by side with Clementine. "I really care about you, Clem. If something happened to you and it was my fault...I..."

She felt tears prick her eyes and Clem was by her side in an instant. "I really care about you too, Vi." She wiped away a single tear that fell from her lover's eye. "But it's my job and my honor to not only fight for this kingdom but to protect you." She reached up and ran her thumb across Violet's cheek before cupping it. "And I will not hesitate to put you first...my flower."

Tears dripped down Violet's face as Clem slowly leaned down and connected their lips in a slow and sweet kiss. Wanting the moment to last as if it might be the last one they'd ever have together. But an abrupt knock was heard at the door before it was flung open, not even giving them time to pull apart.

Another knight barged in, clad in his own suit of metal. "General Clementine, news from the...!" He stopped abruptly as he took in the sight of both girls. He quickly dropped to one knee and bowed his head. "Forgive me, my queen."

Both, the captain of the guard and the queen, wearing a bright blush as their faces burned at being caught together. Clem taking the moment to speak for the queen to regain her composure as both of them were a bit put out. "This better be good Louis. I could have you executed for this."

It was an empty threat, but that didn't stop him from taking a nervous gulp. You did not want to get on the captain's bad side, but the fact that he walked in on the queen as well was bad enough. "A thousand apologies, my liege." He bowed his head again. "But we are under attack. Delta raiders have stormed the castle."

"What!" Both Clementine and Violet yelling at the same time. Shock completely overtaking the embarrassment they both felt moments ago.

"Show me," Clem demanded as the seriousness of the situation overtook her, and she changed back to the disciplined warrior that she was raised to be.

"Yes, Captain," Louis replied before standing once more and heading back out of the room.

She nodded to him before turning her attention back to the blonde and producing a letter with a blue seal across it. "Here. This is for you."

Violet stared at the rolled parchment knowing exactly what it was. She shook her head rejecting the offering. "No, don't do this. Don't..."

"Please..." Clem cut her off, though her voice was gentle as she spoke. "Violet...take it." This wasn't exactly easy for her either, but she had been trained when not to show emotion. Even though it tore her apart knowing what that letter said.

Violet had tears in her eyes, but she nodded and took the parchment from her hand. "Promise me you'll come back. Promise me."

Clem dropped to one knee again bowing her head and placing her arm across her chest once more. "You have my word, my queen."

With that, she stood once more. "Stay here. We'll handle this." She turned around and exited the queen's quarters at a brisk pace joining Louis out in the hall. The door was shut behind her and she addressed the two guards who stood watch. "You two, guard that door with your lives. No one comes in, no one comes out! Understood?"

"Yes, Captain!" They both reported back, standing at attention as their swords were drawn from their sheaths. She nodded in approval before gesturing to Louis. "Commander, with me!"

She took off at a run as they traveled down the castle's corridors, Louis right at her side keeping pace. She addressed him as they made their way to the front gates. "You know you're damn lucky that this is the reason for coming to get me. A word about anything and you won't have to worry about the Delta. I'll take this sword and stab you myself. Understand?" She threatened.

Louis swallowed hard again as they came to a slow at the doors of the castle. "Yes, Captain."

The doors were pushed open and they walked outside into the courtyard where rows of soldiers stood at attention as their general made her appearance. Louis fell back into his rank and Clementine paced in front of knights.

"Katolis is in grave danger! Delta surges onto our land in hopes to take what is rightfully ours! But I look at you and I don't just see soldiers! I see strong, brave, individuals who have stood by each other's side and have never ever backed down from a fight! Today we face a danger all too familiar! Now the lines in the sand and our home is at hand! So as you're fellow knight, you're friend, and as you're supporter, I ask you to fight one more time!" She was handed her shield and she pulled her sword from the sheath at her side with one swift motion and raised it to the sky. "FOR KATOLIS!"

All the knights produced their swords and shouted at the same time. "FOR KATOLIS! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!"

Clementine stood at attention and nodded her approval as her knights cheered. For she was no longer the queen's secret lover, but her knight in shining armor. Stripped of emotion, and equipped with a blade of steel, she wore the symbol of their kingdom with pride. For there was no greater honor than that of a knight. And whether she died in battle today or years from now, she would stand up and fight. She was a servant of her kingdom and she would uphold its honor and her own by fighting for her home and her queen.

"Long live the queen."