Double update? Double update! Hopefully I can write the next chapter soon since it should be smooth sailing now that we have the set-up! :D

Not knowing what to do but seeing that Arthur was in a state of distress, Matthieu decided to take matters into his own hands and call the person who could handle England at his craziest. Matthieu decided to call Scotland.

As Matthieu dialed England's brother-who was his ex-colonizer's emergency contact-, he had to question if this was possibly the best option. Before he could answer that question, the aforementioned answered the call.

"Ello'?" The scottish man answered, the tone in his voice suggesting he was preoccupied.

"Y-yes, hello. This is Canada-"

"Oi, laddie! Now what's yeh' reason for a call?"

"'Well, you see...England is acting...different."

There was a pause on the other end of the line before Matthieu received the answer of, "Different how?"

Matthieu took a breath before continuing, "England seems to be in a very confused state a-and-" He spared a glance at his parental-figure, "in pain as well."

"Could ye' put him on the phone?" Matthieu nodded before passing Alfred off to eager Francis. Once he made sure Alfred was fully stabilized, the canadian continued approaching a still grimacing Arthur. He grabbed the older man's shoulder, and held out the phone to him.

"For you," Matthieu said. Arthur took the phone from Matthieu and pressed it to his ear, the noise no-doubt not helping the headache.

"Okay, Arthur, what'd you get yourself into this time? Hangover? Depression? Spell?"

"Wot?" Was Arthur's astute answer.

Scotland breathed a deep sigh, "Did you get drunk last night? Or are you having another episode?"

"Episode? Wot do you mean by episode? And yes I had few things to drink last night, but not too many seeing as I had a had a meeting in the morning."

"Mmhmm, and did you possibly do any spell casting last night?"

"None that I can think of. An' what's with all this questioning? If you can't tell, I'm quite preoccupied."

"Kay', Arthur, the lad spoke of you being confused, so what's tha' about?"

"Well, Alistiar, you know there could have been some spellcasting last night of the amnesia variety because my family doesn't seem to remember that we are such?"

Scotland leaned in on the other side of the phone, "An' what do you mean by forgetting you're family?"

"Well, Francis seems to have forgotten our marriage, and the boys seem to have forgotten that I'm their father. And they seem to think I'm delusional one," Arthur let out an airy laugh at that, glad to share his disbelief with someone else.

Scotland pulled out his tarot cards and runes to consult them on Arthur's condition. After Scotland received his answers he quickly picked up the phone he had set down, and asked for it to be handed to Matthieu.

"Hello," Matthieu said into the phone.

"Ello' again, laddie, y' listening good?" Alistair needed to make sure Matthieu got the information that soon going to be relayed to him.

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, mah runes are telling me that Arthur casted a fantasy spell on himself which basically means he believes he lived a different life than the one he does. Does the idgit' act weird when presented with facts that contradict this make-belief world?"

"Yes, he...he is pained, I think? He definitely hurts from it?"

"Mhhhmm, just what I thought. That fecking' idgit casted a Perspective-Spell. Sometimes, when casters become depressed their magic senses it and decides to create a world with everything you ever wanted. It basically takes the best possible outcomes from troubles in your life and builds a happy world off that. When anyone disputes the fact that the world is fake, the spell takes that as a threat and distracts the caster by causing pain."

"So, how do we fix it? What can we do to help him?"

"Well for fixing it there's only one known cure which is convincing the spell it doesn't have to exist by proving that his real life can be just as good as the fake one. So I'll be doing some research for that, but the way to help him the most…"

Scotland paused in thought, "Well...To cause him the least distress...You're just gonna have to pretend that his fantasy is true."

Thank you guys for reading! And once again I love and read all of the reviews! 3