If you have ideas for 'side stories', be they funny, sad, AU or otherwise, feel free to leave them in a review or a PM. All side stories are canon to DDaEP unless otherwise stated.

Imperial Year 1179, Former Nuvelle Territory, Bronze Bear Company Camp

Karin Seymour prided herself on professionalism. She had done ever since she began her career as a healer. It had been about eight years since she had joined up with the Bronze Bears, and she never looked back. True, the Brigidi woman had once been a noted healer at the Temple of the Water Spirit back in her native lands, but the archipelago was such a tiny part of the world. With the Bears, she had been as far afield as Salamis, the Almyran capital, and seen combat on the continents of Fódlan and Almyra.

She had saved lives, and she had taken lives. She had been further east than any of her countrymen before her and made many, many close friends. Captain Jeralt had more than earned her trust and respect. His son on the other hand...

"...You want to what?"

The Demon cleared his throat. "I wish you to teach me how to braid hair."

For a single moment, her eyes drifted up to the young man's own dark locks, and snorted. "Might be a little difficult to braid hair that short, Eisner."

"Not for me, for Amy."

Ah, that makes a lot more sense. Karin mused. "I see.."

The youngest 'member' of their band, the Bears beloved 'Little Cub'. True, it personally made her more than a little uneasy, having a child, a young child, constantly around camp. But the fact that it gave her an excuse to tell someone tales and stories from her homeland was...pleasant. She herself had no children, nor any close relatives with them, so telling the youngest Eisner stories was the easiest way for her to interact with her. The trust it had earned from Amy was also a boon, as it meant that she was the one Byleth trusted the most with his daughter's health. Moreover, it meant that she was the one that Amy trusted most with her health...or as much as a four year old needed to, at least.

"...Fine. We'll use the horses." Karin told him with a grin. "Since it'll be Sunny in Hell before I let you practice on me."

Her practice of her native faith had never bothered any of the Bears, but it did cause some momentary confusion on the Demon's face, before it returned to its usual, neutral appearance. "That is fine by me, thank you."

Her grin widened. "And I know the perfect way to repay me, too."

"That Dagdan brandy you are fond of, I know." Byleth sighed. "Not sure where I'll be able to acquire said brandy, though."

She couldn't resist. "Dagda."

"I can get Dagdan Brandy in Dagda? I never would have guessed." The Demon drawled in response. "You are aware of how rare that is in mainland Fódlan. It may take time, but I'll procure you some, happy?"

"Yep!" Karin cackled. "Now come along, Demon. As much as it is fun joking around here, we both dislike wasting time, no?"

Captain Jeralt had more than earned her trust and respect. His son on the other hand...Karin found him to be no end of amusement.