Chapter 14: Hectic Week

Monday classes came and went in a flash and not just for Izuku. As the start of the third week of classes, virtually all the freshmen at U.A. had gotten over the novelty of attending such a prestigious school and quickly got into set routines. Aside from Foundational Heroic Classes, which by now were simply glorified P.E. (Physical Education) Classes due to the nature of the training Class 1-A had before the Sport's Festival, regular academic classes were as tedious to attend as they would be in any regular classroom and only lunch spelled any semblance of fun for the high schoolers.

Unfortunately, lunch's advent spelled a 'bad time' for a select few — scratch that; three-quarters of the class… For those determined enough to go through with it, Izuku's training group — or the devil's training group, as it was known to those who looked on from the outside — was a miserable experience to put it lightly.

Just one look at Mina and Kirishima who were among the first to join Izuku in training would put things right into perspective, as they too wished to never attend another session by the time they were finally liberated; free to go home. Practically everyone shared their sentiments regarding Izuku absurd methods, but they couldn't help themselves from returning every single day as the results were more than worth the suffering they endured.

Today, however, even the less physically durable of the bunch that trained with Izuku for the Sports Festival were all at least slightly more excited to return to the hell that was their afterschool training as they would get to work with their sister class, Class 1-B. Another reason to be a bit less grumpy was the fact that Izuku announced that he would start bringing his training group to the beach via his Teleportation Gates. Outsiders may think of them as lazy to feel joy now that they didn't have to walk from school to the beach, but those privy to their training understood how precious the bit of stamina they saved truly was…

After classes were over and students were free to leave for their homes, while those not participating in the Joint Class training left, Izuku rounded up his group and sent a text to Kendo to get everyone participating to meet by the school's entrance. Naturally, he wouldn't only extend the convenience of his teleportation to his class alone.

Alas, troubles arose almost immediately as the two classes met only for Izuku to find that Kendo had only brought three people with her instead of the ten they had agreed on half a week ago. Kendo, sporting a look of disappointment and shame, walked over to Izuku and said, "I think it's best that we call off the Joint Training..."

Without giving Kendo the chance to continue speaking, or Izuku the chance to reply, a blond-haired pretty boy with a look of contempt stepped in between to say, "Now, now, Kendo-san. We can't just waste Class 1-A's precious time after you went so far to get their attention." His voice reeked of sarcasm. "We have to make the most out of this situation and learn from the best, right?" He nudged her, winking for her to play along.

Kendo sighed as she face-palmed, "Ignore this idiot. He's the reason so few people have come and he plans to steal information on your Class' abilities"

"Mhmm…" Izuku sized up the blond boy, only having to look down slightly as he was taller by an inch. He said, "Using this as an opportunity to gather information on the Quirks of each others' classes was to be expected. But why and how did he make it so fewer people from your class came to these training sessions?"

"Can you really not tell?" The blond boy scoffed rather aggressively as a light of disdain crossed his eyes. He continued, "For the representative of your Class you sure are dimwitted aren't you?" The boy smirked seeing Izuku recoil, thinking he must be a pushover since it had taken so little effort to get a reaction.

"Ever heard of strategy? Tactics? I'm just using a simple one to make it so we maximize our chances of destroying you lot at the Sports Festival. Congratulations," he grew sarcastic once more, "you managed to put yourself right where I want you; right at check."

Holding up his right hand level with his face, the boy extended his index finger as he smirked maliciously, "Now you only have two options, either you refuse training with us and I make it my life's goal to make the rest of the school know exactly how cowardly and shameless you are — you know, for refusing us when we showed up and all." He promptly extended his middle finger and continued, "Or, you go through with training with us and I'll record every bit of useful information on each and every one of your Quirks and make copies for the rest of my class. We'll also take whatever training you idiots are going through and double, no, triple it! Then we'll see which class is Number One!"

As if he had already one this would-be battle, the boy started laughing boisterously as he concluded, "Don't think I'll only have my word as evidence for your refusal, if you choose to go that route. HAHAHAHA! I planned for this since Kendo suggested it last Friday and already paid a couple of the General Studies students willing to help me out, record this whole exchange from several angles. All it would take is a bit of editing and Class 1-A will look like a bunch of assholes to the entire student body! HAHAHAHA..."

As Izuku along with the rest of his peers in Class 1-A heard his plan, the couldn't help but watch beyond perturbed. Kendo, along with everyone in Class 1-B also couldn't help but stare at their peer in shock. Though they knew he despised being in Class 1-B and being treated as lesser than Class 1-A, they didn't think he would actually stoop so low…

Eventually, a sound cut the malicious blond boy's laughter. The source of this sound was Kaminari, who could no longer hold back his laughter, "Bro… is this an out of season April Fool's joke? You can't be serious, hahaha..."

Momo for once found humor in something with Kaminari as she covered her mouth with her fingers and fought through her body's involuntary desire to laugh as she said, "I can't disagree Kaminari-san, his strategy and tactics really are a joke… Imagine someone bribing students at U.A. to assist in blackmailing and entire Class. And to blackmail Midoriya-san with something like an edited recording… Hahahaha." She had to bend over and hold her stomach as it started hurting when she considered how easily Izuku could resolve the botched recording with his Temporal Scrying.

"No, no, Yaoyorozu." Kaminari wiped a tear of laughter from his face, "The joke…" He wheezed, "Didn't you hear the second part?" By now mostly everyone in Izuku's group had joined in on laughing as they considered the situation. "Didn't you hear his goal? He said he wanted to watch us train and then triple the intensity! What a riot, hahahaha…"

Izuku being the only one who stood more than confused to be laughing, looked at Kendo intently as he asked, "Does he not know?"

Grim-faced, Kendo replied, "I didn't tell him about you..."

"Welp, I guess that's that..." Izuku sighed, "Anyway, I don't plan on canceling today's training over something like this. I'd still be more than happy to get to know those of you willing to train with us better, and we already kind of planned on something like this happening." Turning to the fourteen other members of Class 1-A, Izuku asked, "Is that fine with you all?"

Most of them simply nodded in through their laughter. Though some like Kirishima said, "I'd pay to see that guy try to complete three times any one of the routines you put us through."

Bakugo smirking like there was no tomorrow said, "Let the idiot come. It'll be fun seeing his spirit break when he sees what we're capable of." Though he didn't realize, Izuku certainly picked up on the subtext to his words. 'What "we're" capable of,' implied that he was starting to see those in the group as more than just extras or rejects to crush.

With nothing else being added, Izuku shook his head and waved his hand in gesture of conjuring a Teleportation Gate. Ignoring the looks he was getting from Class 1-B, he said, "This will take us directly to the beach, so we can start training immediately. Go on, I'll be the last to pass through it."

Nodding at his command like a well-trained squadron of soldiers, his peers in Class 1-A started passing through the Gate without questioning him further. Shrugging her shoulders as she saw the hesitant look in the three other members of her class, Kendo said, "You heard him, he doesn't mind Monoma being insufferable..."

With her taking the lead for her class, she passed through the Gate, though not before Monoma started pestering her over what she hadn't told him about Izuku. More angry over the fact that Izuku didn't seem to care one bit if his class was scouted before the Sports Festival, than the fact that fourteen of his peers had laughed at him, his plans, and he had made a fool of himself, Monoma demanded answers.

With Kendo and Monoma passing through the Gate, the three other students from Class 1-B, including the silver-haired boy that Izuku had seen the day war had been declared, passed as well. Eventually, only Izuku remained on the school's side of the Teleportation Gate, though before he crossed it, he quickly scanned the area with Spatial Awareness to find that there were indeed three hidden students recording his position from afar.

Holding his forehead with the palm of his hand to convey frustration, Izuku shook his head before resolving to teleport and interrogate these students. Vowing to overlook this potential misconduct as a first-time offense, he made sure they understood that the moment they involved themselves in any other slightly dubious activity, he wouldn't hesitate to report them both to the school administration and the police for accessory to commit blackmail.

He didn't force them to hand over the video they had taped as Momo had mentioned he had the perfect counter in his Temporal Scrying. With the last of his business taken care of at school for the day, he passed through a Gate to the beach himself.

Now at Dagobah Beach, as everyone attending the Joint-Class Training was present, it was time to begin warming up. Of course, with the way things had already derailed, Izuku wouldn't allow for unwarranted mishaps, so he turned to Kendo and asked, "So… What 'did' you say this training camp would consist of?"

"Oh, you know..." Kendo rolled her eyes, "I said we would be working together to improve before the Sports Festival. Doing things like sparring with Quirks and some physical conditioning." She shook her head in exasperation before pointing at Monoma and adding, "Last Friday, I managed to get half the class to come and he had yet to do anything ridiculous. But then this morning, he gave this long-winded speech that convinced more than half of the attendees to change their minds; all in the name of "strategy" or whatever..."

"Tsk, tsk," Monoma waved his finger tauntingly at Izuku as he cursed, "You and your little ragtag group of failures can laugh at me all you want. It's not going to change the fact that you're playing right into my hands and letting me lead you like dogs by the nose!"

Sighing, Izuku asked, "Does that mean that you plan on interrupting our training? I don't care if you're only here to take note of our skills, but butting into our progress won't be taken kindly..." Clearly, Izuku had not developed much of a skill for threatening others…

"Hmph! Could it be that your undeveloped Cro-Magnon peanut of a brain has already forgotten that four of my comrades from Class 1-B are attending? If you just thought for a nanosecond, you'd see that it's in my best interest that they at least get something out of this; aside from the obvious. Though, if your training camp isn't up to snuff with what we need to get stronger, you better believe I'll be the first one to call you out on your shoddy methods."

Squinting at the unrelenting insults, but never letting them hit too close to home, Izuku asked, "So you'll agree to follow our lead?"

"Tch," Monoma clicked his tongue, "Part of Kendo's recruiting announcement for this gathering involved her fangirling out on your training methods. Vlad-sensei was also quick to point out how it would be good for those of us who could manage to complete it to the end, so there's no use in trying to argue with who should lead the camp." Vlad-sensei being Class1-B's Homeroom teacher and the mighty pro hero Vlad King, the only reason Monoma didn't continue with his cursing spree was mostly due to his respect for the man. Though, he didn't believe for a second that Izuku's training could be that good; or hard…

"I guess that settles that." Izuku smiled, happy that there should be little to no more obstructions to the afterschool training for the day. He called for everyone to line up and promptly started the week of nightmarish training by declaring, "Alrighty then, in favor of allocating more time to Quirk Development later, let's cut out the simple warmups and dig straight into the main routine for this week. So to start things off, let's do 12 cycles of the 'Ab Routine.' Today's goal will be, say... forty-five minutes~"

Immediately, all the newcomers to the training camp aside from Kendo paled as they fully understood what this 'Ab Routine' consisted of. At U.A. during most of the regular Foundational Heroics Classes, before getting free training time, the Ab Routine made up one of the common workout routines All Might put them through. To summarize, a single cycle of the Ab Routine consisted of 50 sit-ups, 50 alternating sideways crunches, a full minute plank, and another minute of bicycle kicks.

"What?! That's like almost impossible!" The silver-haired boy from Class 1-B yelled. "Even if we took a minute to complete every exercise in the routine, we could at most finish 11 sets!"

"So?" Kirishima asked, "Just finish the sit-ups and sideways crunches faster and you'll make the goal."

"Are you insane? Unless you have some sort of Endurance or Speed-type Quirk it's borderline impossible to ask a normal person complete such a high-intensity routine 12 times over in less than an hour. To do so in forty-five minutes has to be a joke..."

"Um… I'm not demanding you meet the goal," Izuku cut into their conversation. "Just try your best and you'll be fine. To be honest, most of the people in my group still can't make the goals..."

"Some of you can?" One of the girls who had long and wavy dark-green hair from Class 1-B that Izuku didn't know, asked.

"I expect those two over there," Izuku said as he pointed at Bakugo and Todoroki, "can complete all of today's goals since we're skipping the lighter portion of physical conditioning. The rest might be able to complete one or two goals, but everyone should at least get through fifty percent of each goal."

"Oh!" Izuku suddenly started speaking again, "Before I forget, let's add your suggestions to the training camp playlist~" After recalling the struggle Uraraka faced when she joined, he didn't want to make the same mistake twice. Thus, it was only after he added music from all the newcomers that the training camp officially started.

As can be imagined, to complete even the first goal, everyone — including Izuku — struggled. Recently, the Spacetime Esper had ramped up his physical conditioning training by increasing the gravitational pressure he faced. Currently, he was completing the already inhuman goal he had set for the training camp at 2.25x gravity and by his left and right, Bakugo and Todoroki were completing their cycles at 1.25x gravity.

Forty-five minutes came and went and true to his prediction, the explosive blond and heterochromatic half-hot half-cold teen completed the goal with him. Class 1-B could only gawk in disbelief, not only at the fact that they had completed the goal under additional gravitational pressure, but also because they finished ahead of time; and not by a small margin…

Perhaps more impressively, aside from Class 1-A's three most well known physically apt trio, several others from the class had managed to get through the first goal of the day. Some, like Shoji and Sato, managed to get through mostly because of their innate advantages when it came to performing physically. But then there were those who had worked their way up through previous training, like Mina and Kaminari. It made it clear to the doubtful newcomers that it was indeed possible to complete one of Izuku's seemingly absurd goals; even for normal, or at the very least, relatively normal people.

A short break gave the joint training camp a moment of respite, though one that was short-lived as not more than five minutes after the time limit for Goal 1 passed, Goal 2 was declared and crunch time came again. Goal 2 ended with more than half the people that made it through Goal 1 not being able to reach completion and Goal 3 was even more brutal, leaving only "the big three" able to finish today's physical conditioning routines.

All in all, what would have been four or so hours for a normal day's physical conditioning training ended in two and a half hours; breaks included. Though during the break that followed the last Goal of physical conditioning, Kaminari couldn't help but joke with Izuku, walking over to his side and asking, "Sucks that we have to cut the physical training part in half with the Sports Festival almost here. Wouldn't it have been hilarious to see that dude's reaction when you completed one of the usual ones?" His chuckles turning into full-out laughter, he added, "Idiot thought he could triple our usual training routine and he couldn't even make it through half of one that's already nerfed! Hahahaha..."

Monoma, who clearly heard Kaminari's jeers, was too exhausted to fight back. Though he didn't have a Quirk that naturally made himself physically superior or trained his body to its peak possible state, he definitely wasn't a pushover, nevermind a weakling. To make up for the conditional nature of his Quirk, Copy, which needed the help of others to even be useful, Monoma did rather well for his first time training at Izuku's pace; despite never completing even one goal.

Izuku wasn't the type to kick people while they were down, and though he disliked the blond for his unwarranted malice, he didn't have it in himself to laugh with Kaminari. Instead, he simply sighed and said, "I'm sure he wouldn't have said what he did if he knew more about our training sessions."

"Still," Kaminari pressed, "he got what he deserved." Sneering, "Insulting us as a class and attacking you personally... I for one don't feel sorry for him."

"Kaminari-kun," After more than a week of training together, Izuku had grown close enough with some of his peers to address them with less formal honorifics. Alas, the familiarity with which he addressed his friend was canceled out by the serious look on his face as he said, "Right now he's done nothing but try as hard as the rest of us. Let's not give him reasons to antagonize us any further..."

"Whatever you say, bro," Kaminari shrugged his shoulder before taking a swig of ice water from his insulated bottle.

"Tch," Izuku could hear Monoma click his tongue from afar, "I don't need your pity, so you can save your little show for someone more weak-willed. Defending me won't change my plans of dismantling Class 1-A's reputation as the best hero worthy students at U.A."

"Mhmm… As long as that's your goal, I can't really do anything to dissuade you. In all honesty, I think it's fine if you want to improve the impression of your own class. Though to be blunt… Your methods aren't very hero-like..."

"Hmph! Well soorrrrryyy," he rolled his eyes sarcastically, "but not all of us hero hopeful have the luxury of possessing a flashy and powerful Quirk. Some of us have to scratch and claw at every and any opening to even have a hope of succeeding."

"So the ends justify the means? You're telling me you're completely fine with resorting to blackmail if it means getting early information on our class' Quirks?"

"You're damn right the ends justify the means! You wouldn't break a law or two if it meant being able to save a person?" Monoma's eyes narrowed, "I understand that my actions have consequences and the risks involved with what I did. The worst that will happen to me if word got out will be worth it in the end if it means granting my comrades an additional bit of support."

"So now you think of yourself as a martyr?" Izuku shook his head as he asked, "Did you even ask them if they wanted your help? We're students at U.A., the greatest hero high school in the nation, and you think that the members of your Class, Class 1-B, 20 hero prospects handpicked by said school, want you to resort to blackmail?"

Scowling at Izuku, Monoma didn't say a word. He didn't have anything with which to retort. Truth be told, he had yet to ask a single one of his peers if of their opinions concerning his plan. The most he had done was to persuade the six that would have come along with those that did, that Izuku's training group probably wouldn't amount to much compared to the training the students could do on their own. Intelligence wasn't something Monoma lacked and through his cunning and manipulative speech, it wasn't a surprise that he managed to cut the participation rate from his Class by more than half.

After school, just a couple hours before the dual-class training started, after being released, Monoma immediately took to the class' podium to announce, "Guys, I know Kendo-san has been very eager to see this Joint-Class Training Camp come to fruition, but let's not kid ourselves. We're dealing with those Class 1-A punks. After having their heinies saved by All Might, they think their hotshots for coming out of the USJ attack. So, I think I'd be a better use of all our time if we just stuck to personal training. In any case, it'd be better than whatever some random kid our age could think up for us."

"Monoma!" Kendo barely stopped herself from screaming, staring holes into his being as she said, "Have you even met anyone from Class 1-A? Why would sabotage this opportunity?!"

"Met them?" Monoma snickered, "All of us were there on Monday when that angry blond declared everyone outside his class as worthless, rejects, and extras." He turned to address the class as a whole as he asked, "Do any of you guys want to be subject to that kind of treatment for however long this 'training camp' — he used air quotes to intensify his sarcasm — is supposed to last?"

A chubby sheepish-looking boy added, "I also think I heard some of his classmates agree with his actions..." He was naturally referring to the aftermath where Tokoyami among several in Class 1-A, including Izuku, agreed that Bakugo was in the right for aiming for the top.

Of course, Monoma spun the truth such that he merely agreed with his chubby peer, saying, "That was only one of those 1-A punks. Imagine what it'd be like to have to train with fourteen more narcissistic assholes."

"You!" Kendo resisted the urge to chop the disagreeable blond unconscious as she venomously spat, "You don't even know if that guy's going to be a part of the training group! And you don't know how they'll act when they face us for training! Where's this prejudice of yours coming from?!"

Shaking his head as he sighed, Monoma said, "You really have that much faith in your little boyfriend? You think he can better prepare us for the Sports Festival in a week than we can, having trained thus far with our Quirks for as long as we all can remember?"

"Boyfriend? Sorry to burst your bubble, but Izuku's not my boyfriend. He doesn't have to be for me to place that much faith in him as someone who's trained with him before. Moreover, he has Kan-sensei to vouch for him! Doubt me all you want but Kan-sensei wouldn't trick us all for my sake!"

"Alright, alright..." Monoma waved his hands, seemingly acquiescing as he said, "Maybe he can help us with physical conditioning, but we should be focusing on mastering our Quirks as much as possible. You really think he'll be able to work on developing the Quirks of ten strangers he just met? Even if he had the ability, do you really think it would be in his best interest to help our class out in favor of his with the Sport's Festival a mere week away?"

As Monoma caught the eyes of some of his peers that once had the intention of going to the joint-class training look down to reconsider, he smiled internally as he made the final push, saying, "You know what? Maybe I shouldn't assume as much without giving them the benefit of the doubt. I still believe this will turn out to be a great waste of time, but I can't deny your efforts in arranging for this whole thing. So," a light of false acceptance passed through his eyes as he continued, "why don't we test out how they'll receive us first? I can see that a lot of you guys are rethinking going, so for this first day, how about only Kendo and I check out the Joint Training?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he said, "If it bothers the ones rethinking either of our biases," he pointed at himself and then Kendo, "we could add another person and report tomorrow on the validity of the training camp."

With Monoma done speaking his mind, the room grew silent before a fiery silver-haired boy rose up to say, "I still want to go and see if I can challenge that loudmouth blond!"

Monoma nodded, though before he could speak, a girl with dark-green wavy hair added, "I'm also hyped to check out Class 1-A out. Even if they turn out to be jerks, it'll be quite a treat to see some of their Quirks before leaving."

Gritting his teeth, Monoma just barely managed to conceal his displeasure as he asked, "Anyone else want to risk coming with us?" No one said anything and from thereon it was to the school gates to meet with Class 1-A.

"For someone who gets off on calling others stupid, it doesn't seem like you thought through your decision if you didn't even consider the possibility that your peers would turn down whatever material you got from us..." Izuku said.

"Tch," Monoma glared back at Izuku scowling as he spat, "Like you'd ever understand where we came from and where we are. For a second, I had an inkling that you might be worth respecting, but on second thought, 'big-shots' with Quirks like yours will never understand the struggle we go through."

Chuckling to himself, Izuku earned Monoma's ire as this was the first time he had managed to get a reaction; one he very much didn't appreciate... "What's so funny? You didn't laugh when I made a fool out of myself earlier..."

"Oh, it's just..." Izuku couldn't stop himself from squeezing out a laugh in between his sentence, "This is going to be like the fifth time I have to explain that I'm Quirkless." It was seriously starting to become a chore, yet he managed to find humor out of his tedious predicament…

"Quirkless?" Thinking Izuku was making fun of him, Monoma poked the green-haired esper's arm, ready to blow up this obvious lie right in the boy's face, when he suddenly froze. Upon succeeding in making skin contact, his Copy Quirk should have replicated Izuku's power, but it didn't; there was nothing for it to replicate; there was no Quirk…

"What the hell?" Monoma withdrew his hands mildly frightened. "Clearly you showed off a Space Manipulation-type Quirk. Just how are you Quirkless?!"

Dismissing the random physical contact as Monoma had already scurried away, Izuku ran through the Esper Speech — as he had come to call it… — loud enough that those out of the loop would hear and would save himself from having to repeat himself; again…

When Izuku finally finished, Monoma only stared at him uncomfortably. Eventually, he asked. "Why… would you tell me everything I would want to know about your Esper power? I'd guess it was to show off if you didn't just breeze through your list as if it were a chore..."

"Listen Monoma, I don't really care if you know about my powers. After becoming a pro it's inevitable that all our abilities will be well known; if not internationally, then nationally. It will become routine having to combat against people that know all if not most of my abilities while I know next to little about theirs. So losing the element of surprise is something I think would be better to get over as soon as possible."

"That and you're overpowered beyond needing to hide anything," Kaminari blurted out as he stood up and stretched. "You took on a monster that was made for the sole purpose of killing All Might, dude… The least you could do is give the rest of us a chance by listing off your abilities."

"We were supposed to keep that under wraps..." Izuku face-palmed as Kaminari panicked.

"Sorry! Training as a group after school made me forget Class 1-B was with us and it just sort of slipped..."

"Welp, good thing Monoma was the only one close enough to hear." Izuku lamented his friend's forgetfulness as he commented, "He's the last person I'd imagine wanting to give me or anyone from our Class credit for playing my role at the USJ."

Now unsure of what he should say or do Monoma could only stare at Izuku, looking lost in thought. Though Izuku didn't mind, break time was almost over so he said, "Alright guys, let's get to Quirk Development training already. We've rested for long enough~"

As Izuku walked over to start giving people directions for today's Quirk Development Training, Monoma had a look of self-doubt that no-one had ever seen. Looking at the odd Spacetime Esper, the blond Copy-Quirk user thought, 'Is he just the best actor I've ever seen or is he really that humble? Shit… I better not drop my guard. Overpowered and infinitely powerful people are the last people I should be trusting.'

Quirk Development time had arrived and Izuku found it rather easy to set up the members of the group he was most familiar with. Kendo had the right idea when she declared that Quirk Development would involve a lot of sparring as that was what most people were going to be doing. Todoroki fighting Bakugo went without saying, but the others required Izuku to think deeply about how everyone would stack up.

However, before that, Izuku had to better understand the newcomer's Quirks that he didn't already know. Understanding of his reasons for requesting information on their Quirks, Izuku talked to each of the arrivals from Class 1-B, before taking a solid minute to come up with apt match-ups.

When he was done, he started his announcement, saying, "Alrighty then, Shoji-san, you've made some progress in replicating new types of organs, right?" When he received a nod and short explanation from the tall masked teen, he returned a nod of his own and stated, "Good, you're up against Hagakure-san. As the only one that can her body aside from me, you're the only one she could find any worth in fighting. She should also be able to teach you a thing or two about martial arts." He shivered as he recalled Hagakure's horrifying talent for learning martial skills; slightly fearful of what might happen to the boy if he underestimated her.

"Next would be Kendo-san and Sato-san. Kendo," Izuku peered at Kendo with a palpable warning, "Since both of you are power types, your martial arts will probably give you an advantage. Though you shouldn't expect an easy victory, I know how competitive you are." A depressing aura shook the hearts of everyone that looked at Izuku as he said, "Please for the love of god, don't overdo it..."

Turning to those who were next, Izuku said, "Kaminari-kun you're up against Iida-san. You're control of that technique you've been practicing should be good enough to make you a worthy opponent for our very own speedster. As for you, Iida-san, Kaminari's basic shock attacks added to his newfound speedy technique should be able to work out the kinks in your stiff fighting style. He'll also be giving you a chance to improve resistance to the numbing after-effects of electricity. I'm not expecting you to gain immunity even if you spared till the day you died, but learning to fight through the pain and numbness that comes from battling with most Elemental Quirks is a skill any hero should develop."

"Tokoyami-san, you and Dark Shadow are up against Tokage-san. Your progress in developing resistance to light has been coming through quite nicely, but it's about time we got you to start fighting hand-to-hand; and I do mean literally. You've got to stop over-relying on Dark Shadow and I can't think of a better person force you into doing just that than Tokage-san."

Turning to the girl with dark-green wavy hair, who he now knew as Setsuna Tokage, Izuku said, "As for why Tokoyami-san is a good match-up for you… Well, it basically boils down to a battle of versatility. Dark Shadow is not only good offensively, defensively, and suitable for auxiliary support, it's also sentient; in your battle, it will be the embodiment of offense. From what you've told me, your Lizard Tail Splitter Quirk would be his perfect counter as the embodiment of defense. Being able to split up your body, regenerate, track, and scout will make it a living hell for him to get a good hit in, while you have an untold number of chances to improve your own power." Knowing that power was something her Quirk severely lacked, Setsuna nodded; wholeheartedly in agreement.

"Kirishima-kun..." Izuku addressed the next group he would set up. He could already feel a headache coming through as he said, "You are up against Tetsutetsu. You two have eerily similar Quirks which just so happen to be well suited for training each other."

"Similar? They're totally different!" The silver-haired Tetsutetsu yelled. "I transform my skin into Steel and he just hardens up like a rock! I have temperature resistance while transformed, while he gets all jagged and sharp! See? Totally different!"

Pinching his nose in frustration, Izuku said, "You two are the only ones that can go all out in a sparring match without risking significant damage to the other. I'll agree that there are nuances to each of your Quirks; they're not entirely identical. But beating the ever-living crap out of each other through brawling would probably lead to both your Quirks becoming more durable before the Sports Festival."

Fortunately, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were happy with their Quirk Development assignment after Izuku laid it out for them with simple terms. However, now it was time to address another potentially disastrous match-up. So, after drawing in another deep breath, Izuku turned to Monoma and said, "If you're fine with my suggestion, I'd put you against Ojiro-san."

Seeing no resistance aside from a twitch of his eye, Izuku explained, "Since your Quirk is dependant on skin contact to even work, pitting you up against him will help you develop two rather important skills. First and foremost, he's a prime example of one of your worst possible match ups. As a mutant-type that has been trained in hand-to-hand combat, if you were unprepared you might not even get the chance to Copy his Quirk before being incapacitated. So by learning to handle those like him, you might be able to net yourself the extra time to survive the encounter even if unprepared. Then there's also the benefit of picking up some martial arts skills from him, which should be important for obvious reasons."

With no retort from the Copy-Quirked blond, Izuku turned to the Tailed blond from his class and said, "Now, there may not seem to be anything in it for you to be fighting Monoma, since he's clearly weaker than you physically as proven by your individual physical conditioning training outcomes. Kendo-san has also told me he's not proficient in martial arts, so there's also that..."

"But," Izuku eyes glimmered seriously as he said, "His Copy Quirk seems to be more formidable than I originally anticipated..."

"You haven't even seen my Copy Quirk. What the hell are you talking about?" Since they met, Monoma had only attempted to use his Quirk on Izuku, which obviously failed since Izuku didn't have a Quirk. Naturally, it would raise alarms for someone who had never even seen his Quirk to judge it in any capacity.

"You don't know?" Izuku's eyebrows raised in mild surprise, "Your Copy Quirk seems to have a passive ability to improve anything you dedicate yourself towards." Seeing the blond draw blanks, Izuku felt a drop of sweat creep down the side of his face as he continued, "As you completed the physical conditioning part of today's training, your body showed increasingly noticeable levels of improvements the farther into the training we got. Before I knew you had a Copy Quirk, I assumed you had some sort of Quirk to facilitate adaptation, but on second thought, the ability to copy any Quirk under the sun, in and of itself, should be considered one of the highest forms of Adaptability-type Quirks."

Seeing Monoma's incomprehensible expression, Izuku concluded, "My guess is that since your body can adapt to so many Quirks, albeit only after making skin contact, your body is innately capable of mitigating Quirk drawbacks. If real life was an RPG game, you'd basically have natural resistances to everything or at least the potential for that."

"Tell me," Izuku suddenly had an interesting question, "What have you been doing before now to improve your Quirk?"

"Since Copying is the only thing my Quirk can do… the only thing the Quirk Doctors confirmed that my Quirk could do… the only training I've done is become as familiar with as many types of Quirks as possible."

"Mhmm… Have you ever done physical training as rigorous as today's?"


"What about school work? Let's say that hypothetically, your Quirk works how I imagined it and anything you dedicate yourself towards is improved very quickly. Do you find schoolwork easy?"

"Y-yeah..." As Monoma thought about it, school work never had been difficult for him to understand. In fact, the more he studied, the easier it became for him to study at a later time…

"Welp, I'm adding that to my notebook," Izuku said as he conjured up a pencil and his notebook from his pocket dimension to write in an early entry for Monoma. "If you decide to come tomorrow, I'll have a bunch of other questions and information I'd like to get on your Quirk to see if I'm right. But for now, just start sparring already. We've wasted a lot of time..."

Though before moving on, Izuku addressed Ojiro and said, "Anyway, if Quirk really has that passive ability, you already know how much of a pain it will be to fight him; especially by the end of the training camp, right?" Seeing Ojiro nod, Izuku wished him good luck and moved on to the next group.

The next and final group to begin sparring was decided to be Mina and Tsuyu. Unfortunately, they didn't really have ways of improving each other's Quirks than by giving each other the chance to use it in combat. But since both were more than ready to begin sparring, they accepted being each other's partners.

Uraraka was still in the early phases of figuring out the nature of her Quirk. Though she made considerable progress in elevating her weight capacity limit and even reducing the level of nausea she felt, she was far from being able to apply her gravitational arrays for anything other than nullification. This was especially aggravating since Izuku had already derived secondary effects her arrays should be capable of achieving.

As for Momo… For some reason, she declined the chance to spar in favor of continuing her Creation Speed Training. In Izuku's opinion, she was probably suffering from tunnel vision, not being capable of seeing how terrifyingly fast she could create basic armaments. But since she had moved and was working on creating new things, he didn't bother her too much; for now, anyway.

That left out only Izuku himself and since he needed to take care of something, now that the training camp had been sorted out, he wouldn't feel guilt over leaving. After a quick announcement, Izuku created a Teleportation Gate and returned to U.A.'s Main Entrance. While en route to the principal's office, he made a phone call to his homeroom teacher.

"Aizawa-sensei, sorry for disturbing whatever you may be doing at the moment, but I only now managed to sort out the day's dual-class training camp."

"Oh? Sounds to me like you've left the training camp." The ever-tired pro didn't sound too bothered by the phone call.

"Yeah, I can imagine you already finished talking to Principal Nezu about Toga-san's situation. So, I'm headed to his office to check on what I should do; if he's there, anyway."

Izuku could hear a sigh escape from the other end of the phone line as Aizawa muttered, "And just when I thought I could finally go home…" Class 1-A's very own homeroom teacher brought the phone closer to his face and tepidly said, "You'll be glad to know that he's still in his office. We were just finishing our discussion over that very topic..."

After a few more pleasantries were exchanged, the phone call ended and in less than five minutes Izuku could be found standing right before the principal's office. As he was already expected to show up, he didn't even have to knock before the doors opened to reveal Aizawa seated before the school's principal.

"Good evening, Aizawa-sensei, Principal Nezu," Izuku bowed.

"Take a seat," the principal said as he gestured to the open seat next to Aizawa. "You don't strike me as the type to be in this sort of predicament over something shady. But the circumstances as Aizawa-san has explained them to me are rather… peculiar." the furry principal took a sip of his mug before continuing, "If you don't mind telling me, I'd like to hear how and why exactly you met and decided to help this girl last night."

Izuku recounted everything that happened last night aside from the obvious details that he wouldn't share for personal reasons. There was no use in telling his school principal and homeroom teacher about his status as a Time Traveller nor did they need to know about the time Toga tried to seduce him…

"...It might seem silly and irrational to place so much trust on someone who just barely avoided crossing the line into villainy; I know," Izuku said. "But Toga's situation is one I can relate to on a personal level. She might be a timebomb, capable of blowing me up at any moment, but I wholeheartedly believe that we can figuratively defuse and rebuild her into being a top-tier hero. She just needs the support that I'm willing to give..." He concluded.

"Mhmm..." Nezu tapped his chubby paws on his desk as he thought about Izuku's story before saying, "Alright then, let's get down to business and review the things we'll need to resolve before she can enter U.A." Stopping here as he saw Izuku's look of confusion, Nezu correctly presumed the source of Izuku's confusion and said, "You must be worried over why I'm so supportive of your plan, no? Why I haven't at least tried to amend it?"

Receiving a nod in response, Nezu chuckled as he said, "For the most part I agree with your ideas, if only a little hesitant on allowing you two to live together for obvious reasons. However, it can't be helped in this case considering that the girl's like the timebomb you used as an analogy. Knowing how close she came to becoming a villain while also knowing how far down that road she might venture, it would be impossible for me to get anyone to adopt her into a family."

"It's fine and all if you and your mom are fine with having her live under the same roof so long as you know the risks, but more important than that, I can't think of any household that would be safer than yours to even recommend. Not only do you have those Spacetime powers to keep her in check should she ever act up, but you and your mom are in the extreme minority of people who don't mind her for the nature of her Quirk."

"So." Nezu drove the conversation back to what needed to get done, "I'm going to need you and your mom to fill these in and turn them back to me before Friday. Though the sooner I get them back, the better," Nezu said after pointing at the large stack of papers atop his desk. "There, you'll find many types of forms. The Child Custody Form should obviously be filled by your mom to have Toga's guardianship transferred over to your household."

"But aside from that, there are also some permission slips to visit the girl's previous schools along with some to allow your use of Temporal Scrying at those places. Along with video footage as proof that she had no part in any of the marks she was written up for, I need you to make reports for each and every case that we could use against the schools should they attempt to fight us on this. Lastly, there's a copy of the Transfer Exam request form in there which you'll need if you want Toga to enter the school as a General Studies Department Student."

"I'm sure you don't need to be told this last part, but everything I mentioned is just the simplest summary of what you'll be doing with these forms. For legal reasons, you'll be doing a lot of tedious but necessary things which will be clearly listed on the papers and tutoring the girl such that she passes the Transfer Exam goes without saying."

After going over the more delicate details about the Toga's situation, Izuku left school. Though he felt a bit odd about returning home while the sun was still very clearly out; the earliest he usually returned was after dusk started settling into twilight. Alas, going early didn't mean anything when there was work to be done. Only the question still remained over how much work 'could' be done, after the bombshell he would have to momentarily drop…

To put things into perspective, Izuku forgoed using a Teleportation Gate to return home immediately and even went so far as to stand before his house's entrance for a couple minutes before he steeled himself enough to enter. It might not have been nighttime, but it was well into the evening and his mother was already home from a hard day of work. This instantly made Izuku's confidence waver as it brought both good and bad news.

Walking over to her, Izuku hugged her and said, "Evening, mom. I just got back from school after discussing Toga's situation, but I think it would be best if we got her with us before I talked more about it."

Letting him separate from her embrace, Inko said, "Alright Izuku, I'll be waiting by the couch."

After walking over to his room, Izuku squinted as he found that the spatial barrier he had left in the morning was still fully intact. The expression turned downcast as he probed the barrier and found that the door hadn't even been opened. He had made the barrier such that she would have been able to leave to get food from the kitchen or go to the bathroom, but in the more than twelve hours he had been away, she hadn't done so...

After opening the door, Izuku almost wished he hadn't as the sight before him caused him to nearly break the door from how hard he had pulled on it to close it before a reiteration of this morning's misunderstanding with his mom could come to fruition. Face fully crimsoned, Izuku teleported into his room to keep the door locked before he shouted, "Why?! And in my room of all places?!"

Toga, red-faced as well, meekly wiped her slightly sticky and wet right hand with the 'used' shirt she had been holding up to her face with her left hand, when she had been caught; it was the same shirt that Izuku had used the day prior to train in; one of the sweat and dirt-stained shirts he had yet to wash…

Utterly devoid of shame, Toga smiled psychotically at Izuku's back as she giggled; fixing her clothing all the while. As she adjusted her clothes to be as comfortable as possible, she remarked, "Sorry, a girl's got needs, too. Plus, there was nothing else for me to do after being locked in here for so long~"

Not daring to turn around, Izuku brought his palm to his face as he retorted, "I told you before leaving where you could go without disturbing my barriers… If you really couldn't have helped yourself, you could have gone to the bathroom! And what do you mean you had nothing else to do?! My computer isn't locked up, so you could have just watched some videos or played games to distract yourself!"

"Tch," Toga clicked her tongue at the mention of his computer. She went over to get him to stop staring at the wall and after succeeding in doing so, she pouted in presumed annoyance as she said, "I logged into your computer, but quickly got bored after realizing there would be nothing I could do to learn more about your preferences. Your search history is filled with nothing but articles and videos on heroes, the news, or medicine… What, are you like the type to keep those kinds of naughty things on your phone or something?"

Toga's seductress speech might have continued had she not finally seen the utter look of shock that now consumed Izuku. He didn't so much look repulsed by the questions she asked, as he was nonplussed by how she was able to take the situation with such stride, but to Toga the two expressions were indistinguishable. More than anything, she didn't want to lose his support, so as she saw a most familiar face of bafflement appear on his face, the thought that he would suddenly want nothing to do with her shook her to her core.

"S-sorry, that was uncalled for..." She backed away shamefaced while looking at the floor. Admittedly, she understood that her behavior couldn't be helped as a part of her personality. She had gone through a couple of harsh rejections in middle school after successfully creeping out guys she had crushes on with these kinds of displays. But for Izuku, she was willing to admit fault and try to change for the better.

"It's… fine," Izuku rubbed the back of his head. Though for some ungodly reason, he felt the need to say, "I'm not mad at you, just try to contain yourself better in the future. Touching yourself is completely normal, probably even more so for us teens that are in the process of turning into adults, but these things call for the right time and place..."

Barely able to not return to her previous lustful self as she picked up on Izuku subtly hinting that he too 'engaged' in that kind of act, Toga could only say, "Thanks for not getting creeped out. I've been rejected enough times to know that most guys don't appreciate me coming on to them like that..."

"Mhmm… You're really serious about having a crush on me," he sighed. "Sorry Toga-san, but I have someone else that I like. We may not be in a relationship yet, but I want to make things work out between us and taking you up on those advancements wouldn't be good for our relationship."

"You..." Toga's world just about collapsed — at least going by the look on her face — as she continued, "You aren't even in a relationship with this person and you won't even consider becoming partners with me? W-why?" She broke into tears, "Is it because I'm not as pretty? Is it my creepy personality? W-what would I have to change for you to consider it?"

"Don't do this to yourself, Toga-san..." Izuku reached down to pick her up, lest she keep tarnishing her dignity, "Right now you're just being influenced by the fact that I helped you through one of the worst if not 'the' worst point in your life. I don't want to see you lowering yourself like this for anyone, especially not for me. Come on," He helped her up to her feet and said, "It's not like I'm the only guy in the world."

Pushing his arm away, Toga made direct eye contact and with all the seriousness in the world retorted, "You may not be the only guy in the world, but for the last twelve years, you're the only one who's accepted me; the good and the bad." Sniffling, she continued, "I don't care if I'm being influenced by your help, even if you only wanted to keep me as a dog, a plaything... I wouldn't mind if you just promised to never leave me like I was before we met."

After she stopped talking, Izuku could do nothing to stop his instincts from pulling her into a tight hug. Toga, caught off guard, didn't resist, though after she felt and saw his warm tears start to stain her shoulder, she couldn't stop herself from looking up at his face. When she saw him silently cry, a primal panic started intensifying until he finally called her name, "Toga..."

"Never, and I do mean never, ever offer to become someone's servant or slave for anything… Not to earn someone's love, not to get what you most desire, not for anything." That kind of offer was something of a reverse scale for Izuku. As he had wished to have a Quirk of his own more than anything in his first life, that kind of thinking had led to him tolerating Bakugo's harassment and systematic bullying; it had eventually driven him to the deepest depths of desolation.

"Just because we aren't a couple doesn't mean I'll just forget about you and toss you aside. I'll still value our friendship and offer to help whenever you need it..."

"Sorry..." Toga whispered — though whether that was intended to be addressed to Izuku or herself, even she didn't know. At regular volume, she continued, "But, I don't want to remain as only friends. I want to mean more than that to you, I want you by my side until one of us dies..."

"..." Izuku's hold on Toga wavered a bit as he was conflicted about how to proceed. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn't even that invested in Hagakure; not like he should be, considering his personality and utter lack of experience. She might have been the first to want to enter a relationship with him, but it wasn't like they had already declared themselves to each other. In fact, as Izuku recalled why he was even pursuing Hagakure, he started running into logic loops that left his brain like Kaminari after using his Quirk, before he started training — in a state similar to short circuit.

Hagakure had been the one to thrust him into the world of romance and he had only been after her in hopes of learning whether or not he could even belong. Thinking a bit deeper on what he knew about romance, the key element from every piece of media he had ever read or heard from, including something he found arcane; love. The foundation of every romantic relationship was mutual love — or at the very like attraction — that Izuku couldn't honestly say he had for Hagakure. But then again, he didn't feel like that towards Toga.

Caught in a maelstrom of questions, Izuku's face grew unsightly. 'What am I supposed to do in this situation? Give up on Hagakure, or reject Toga? Logically, it would probably be for the best that I do everything in my power to keep Toga stable, and giving her… this… should make her less prone to acting out. But then again, her mental state is definitely being affected and this could be doing more harm than good.'

'But wouldn't that be unfair for Hagakure? She was the first person to ask to become partners and with all the training we've done I'm starting to get her better.' Face slightly cringing, Izuku thought, 'It just seems wrong to bring Toga into the picture as my girlfriend after all we've done; like spitting I'm in her face…'

For a while, aside from a frankly unsettling silence, nothing happened. Alas, as Izuku continued devolving further into madness trying to figure out a way to resolve his situation, he couldn't help but grow frustrated. Under his own system of time, a couple seconds gave him more than enough time to drive himself thoroughly manic and under that kind of mental stress, his spacetime powers started manifesting subconsciously.

'What about me? I don't even know how I feel... Am I feeling for either of them? If I'm not, does that mean I'll never be able to like or love someone romantically? Am I fated to simply die alone...'

One moment, Toga was being held loosely in Izuku's embrace, anxious about his response, and in the next moment, she could feel the gravity around her start to fluctuate erratically. Soon enough, she felt the need to snap Izuku out of his rut as the gravity was quickly elevating to levels potentially dangerous. Grabbing his hands, she said, "Snap out of it. You're going to break the floor..." She thought that by prompting him with something off-topic his out-of-control powers would slowly subside.

Upon returning to the world outside his head, Izuku quickly shut off his leaking mental pressure before giving Toga a strange look and simply stating, "Sorry… I guess I'll need more time to think about it. Though I'm not head-over-heels in love, I can't just abandon the relationship I've built up."

Grasping at straws at this point, Toga mindlessly blurted out, "I… W-would you mind me as a mistress, then? I know you're not a mindless pervert and could probably live happily with one person, but it would still be completely acceptable in this day and age for powerful people like you to end up with many girls."

For a second Izuku was confused, thinking, 'Mistress? A polygamous relationship?' Though as his memories on the topic were kick-started and he started recalling a whole array of additional context, it was like a bulb lit up in his head. 'That's right! I forgot about this was actually a thing people started doing again.'

Interestingly enough, before the Modern Age of Quirks — during the rapidly developing period of technology just before the first Quirked person was born, over 200 years ago — polygamy was outlawed for being barbaric and 'disharmonious' to the economic system of governments at the time.

As nearly 90% of Izuku's knowledge on the topic of relationships, love, marriage and and all things concerning came from comics and like-minded media of that period in time — a time where he, a Quirkless, could only imagine living in a world where he wasn't ostracised for lacking a superpower — the recent resurgence of polygamy, among other social changes, simply slipped his mind.

People still weren't exactly fond of the practice — most still believing it to be an archaic practice — but in this superpowered world where everyone was not equal, where battles that could leave cities and countries forever changed could happen whenever a new supervillain made their debut, the public didn't protest when heroes pushed to legalize the practice.

Heroes were the ones that upheld the current functioning society and were sadly the overwhelming majority of those that practiced the act; as often broken and flawed humans, what else could have been expected when they had to face horrible disasters and deadly villains at a moment's notice? When drinking or drugging yourself could lead to an even quicker death while on the job, it only made sense that other avenues to vent one's frustrations would be sought.

Still… Less than a month ago Izuku couldn't even imagine himself in a relationship with one girl. To suddenly have the concept of polygamy offered his way… it was a mild under-exaggeration to call him 'merely' overwhelmed. Then again, practicing polygamy wasn't against his code of ethics. His philosophy on the matter boiled down to letting consenting adults do whatever they want; so long as it didn't bother or harm others, anyway.

It would also be quite a suitable solution to his otherwise impossible problem, though not without its share of potentially cataclysmic drawbacks; namely, Hagakure would have to be on board with the suggestion, else there would never be peace.

In any case, Izuku thought it was worth a try discussing the matter with Hagakure first, but that would be done at a later point in time. For now, he simply separated from Toga and said, "That… that might just work. But never mind that, come follow me to the kitchen. We still have to talk with my mom about what I discussed at school about your situation."

As expected, the following conversation Izuku had after bringing Toga to the kitchen, left him with more than a mild headache. To put it bluntly, although Izuku was intellectually gifted and immensely educated, he had very poor social knowledge. Things that people would normally find intuitive or common sense would slip his mind; like the topic of polygamous relationships. Discussing what they would be doing with Toga only exacerbated his borderline social retardation.

"Izuku, son..." Inko stared at her son with a disconcerting look. "You do understand how bad this looks on your part, right?"

"What? Why?!" Izuku asked, more than a little confused. He had just finished passing out the papers his mom would have to fill out to adopt Toga into their family temporarily.

Squinting as she started questioning whether her son was a reverse idiot savant, she sighed and said, "You want me to adopt her and let her live with us?"

"I already told you it's only temporary. Until we can find a foster family that can take her off our hands and still let her attend U.A. Plus, I'll be paying for her share of our living expenses. How is that a problem?"

Facepalming, Inko asked rather contemptuously, "Where in our house is she going to live? The living room?"

"Oh..." Izuku cursed himself internally as he realized there weren't any extra unused rooms in his house. Despite his mother making much more money in this life along with him already earning the salary of a doctor, because it was just the two of them, they never moved to a bigger house. So currently, his home only had a kitchen, living room, and the two bedrooms…

Still, as the one responsible for proposing the idea — the only idea that would allow Toga to enter U.A. in time to attend the Sport's Festival — Izuku thought for a bit before offering, "Honestly, I only need to sleep for around half an hour to get me through the day and my room is usually used as a makeshift gym for training. So… I could make do by living in the living room on a futon."

"That's… a bit much," Toga chimed in, "At most I'd be happy if you shared your room. But I wouldn't dare tell you to give it to me and live in your house like a stranger. I could sleep in the living room on a futon..."

With Toga finished saying her piece, Inko's squinting softened as her face morphed to convey smugness as she said, "So you're going to share the room with a girl?"

"I guess…"

"Ho?" Inko smirked, as she started reading over the papers he had given her. As she started writing things down and signing various parts, she knowingly chirped, "Now I'm not sure whether I should be worried or not, since another one of my trips has been scheduled for this Friday."

Slightly cringing as he watched his mother not-so-subtly laugh at his predicament, Izuku nervously asked, "Y-you've got to be joking, r-right? You haven't had one in almost half a year!"

"Ha," Inko chuckled under her breath, "Shouldn't this make you excited? Not only will you get the house to yourself, but you'll also have the company of a pretty girl and I won't be around to… well, you know," she snorted…

"H-how long is the trip this time around?!" Izuku started sweating bullets.

"Not very long, only a week."

"..." Speechless, Izuku just blankly stared at his mother, eyes keen on picking up on any signs of anger or like-minded emotions. His cold sweats only got worse as he realized she didn't seem bothered by the arrangement at all, and couldn't help but ask, "How are you fine with this?"

"You know, at first I was a little worried, but you just keep making these hilarious lapses in common sense. Now, I more or less understand you wouldn't do anything questionable behind my back; or if you would, it would be… responsibly. In any case, I think this might be a good opportunity for you~"

After getting the OK from Inko for Toga to become a member of the household, the three ate dinner. Dinner marked the end of the happy times for Toga though, as she quickly learned the misery that was being tutored by Izuku. The experience wasn't miserable because of Izuku's teaching ability; he was actually very patient and elaborate on his lessons. However… Toga's sensibilities were constantly being tested as she was locked in a room with him for unbearably long periods of time.

As an already 'slightly' manic young girl, the time being isolated inside the room might not have bothered her much and it wasn't like there wasn't anything for her to do, but… Izuku's ability to distort time was limited. Putting himself under distorted time — whether to fast forward time, or dilute it as he had done to give himself and Toga the time to prepare her for the Transfer Exam — was beyond easy for him at this point, but for Toga to experience the same benefits, she had to be within the range of one of his Time Barriers.

This being the first time he used said Time Barrier on another person, Toga had to be within a meter of him throughout the sessions. Needless to say, throughout the night of tutoring, Izuku called for several breaks before Toga got ahead of herself. Many times, he cursed his 'laziness' for not training this ability as much as he could have. Perhaps, if he had trained his ability to cast Time Barriers, its range could be comparable to the impressive twenty-meter reach of his current gravitational manipulation.

Alas, there was nothing he could do as training anyone of his abilities was slow and gradual accumulation of proficiency. Before the Sport's Festival came, he wouldn't even add a single meter to the casting range of his Time Barriers. Fortunately, that just about covered the negatives he experienced over the week.

For the rest of the weekdays, life progressed routinely with very little impact; to Izuku, at least. The day's schedule consisted of going to school, training after school, returning home to tutor Toga, and after Toga passed Izuku's desired level, she would train with him in his room. On Wednesday, Toga legally became a part of the Midoriya household and by Thursday she and Izuku had covered all the material she would need to ace the Transfer Exam come Saturday.

On Friday, after the apprehension of seeing his mother leave for the week died out due to Toga asking for a bit of training before the Sports Festival, Izuku was given quite the shock. Toga, despite not being trained in combat not only boasted ridiculous physical abilities, she also had a kind of battle instinct that threatened even Izuku when he wasn't serious in fighting with his spacetime powers.

'Holy fuck… she's like a female Bakugo, but somehow even scarier…' Izuku thought by the final night before the Sports Festival. Like Hagakure, sparring with him led her to develop as a fighter absurdly quick. But while Hagakure did so through her ability to perfectly mimic the moves Izuku used to subdue her due to her acute spatial awareness, Toga improved by becoming more experienced and unorthodox.

On Saturday, Toga took and passed the Transfer Exam to enter the General Studies Department at U.A. Using the evidence Izuku collected from her primary and junior high schools throughout the week, many people lost their jobs and some were even convicted for what they did to her.

With Nezu pushing the envelope — after carefully considering everything Izuku had told him and weighing out the pros and cons of adding Toga to the school — Toga officially became a student on Sunday.

Finally, on Monday, the day of the Sports Festival arrived. It saddened Izuku to see the joint-class training camp end the day prior; even more so as no newcomers arrived after Monoma, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, and Setsuna. But, it was understandable as Kendo had told him, "Sorry… you kind of scared off most of the rest of my class from coming. With how we've started showing up to school barely even functioning in the morning and how you flipped Monoma's attitude… I wouldn't doubt that they think you've been torturing us…"

In any case, Izuku wasn't too bummed out as the festivities would flip anyone's mood the second they entered the Sports Festival Stadium. Simply passing by the outside would see the atmosphere turn joyous and festive, as various food stalls and concession stands lined the roads and paths leading into the site of the event. In just a couple short hours, would Izuku be able to compete in one of the most prestigious events in all of Japan!

Aight, heads up~

I know I skipped a bunch of stuff, but I can just reveal things throughout the Sports Festival Chapter/Arc. I'm pretty sure the arc will have to be split up into two or maybe more chapters even with my current 10k+ word releases, as everyone who joined in on this chapter's training will be much more powerful than they were in the original canon.

Here's a list of his powers:


Spatial Awareness: Spacetime unravels before him, allowing him to see through practically anything. Trained to the point of giving him telescopic sight.

Spatial Contraction: Able to shorten or lengthen the space between two points; kind of like a wormhole.

Spatial Warping: Able to distort space. Used to conceal himself.

Space-derived Invisibility: An Advanced application of Spatial Warping to best redirect light around his body. Basically, makes him truly invisible like Hagakure Toru — the person he learned the technique from.

Spatial Tearing: Able to cut into space and through the void. Contact with the exposed void is highly volatile and dangerous.

Spatial Locking: Able to smother an object's form with spatial energy and effectively lock with space.

Teleportation: Capable of using Remote Teleportation on objects to himself. Capable of accurate self teleportation, albeit at very short distances.

Gate Teleportation: Capable of conjuring portals which function based on coordinates for long distance teleportation. Capable of passing several people or objects through conjured Teleportation Gates.


Temporal Acceleration: Speeds up his perception of time. Basically this increases his reaction time. Shows he is able to apply this effect on other objects aside from himself.

Temporal Deceleration: Slows down his perception of time. This allows for to quick passing of time. Shows he is able to apply this effect on other objects aside from himself.

Temporal Restoration: In a localized setting, Izuku is able to rewind time so as to restore something to a former state. However, the farther back of a state he wishes to bring and the more complex the object he is interacting with, the more this ability drains mental power.

Time Stop: Izuku mentions this among his powers over time, but has yet to use it.

Time Locking: Similar to Space Locking in that it restricts an object or person from moving. But the technique exists on a higher level such that any effects done to something locked in time are locked as well until the effect is undone and the totality of effects done to said object happen all at once.

Temporal Scrying: Able to project holographic images of the past, though limited to recent events or events with set temporal coordinates (This is my pretentious way of saying he needs to know when an event occurred to rewind time to that point and play it back. Otherwise he'd be draining too much mental power and sifting through projections of very little to no value~)

Precognitive Alerts: Triggered by unknown means, Izuku will periodically get visions of the future which usually result in unwanted outcomes, lest he prepare beforehand and intervene.

Internal Clock: Always knows what time it is.

(NEW!) Time Barrier: Able to share time shortening or lengthening properties with others so long as they are within his casting range; 1 meter currently.


Gravitational Manipulation: (NEW!) Within 5 - 20 meters in any direction, he can apply additional gravitational force to anything. Started learning how to "negate" gravity like Uraraka.

Extradimensional Creation: Capable of creating pocket dimensions; though to a very limited capacity. Took several months of dedicated effort to complete a small dimension of 10 cubic meters.

Spacetime Barriers: Able to conjure barriers wherein his laws of Space or Time override natural Spacetime Laws. (Space Barriers are useful in locking down an area and isolating sounds, while Time barriers are useful and slowing or speeding up the rate of time a group of things experience.)


Physical Cultivation: Has a body that has been trained for years. Also, he's competent in martial arts; how many depends on how OP I want to make in the future...

Cooking: Due to having home schooled himself for over a decade, that amounts to a decade of cooking for himself and his mom.

Doctor: He's a certified nurse, and doctor.

Scholar: Has a high school degree — or the equivalent they give to home schooled kids — and is on track to get University-level Degrees in Biology and Biochemistry before he starts high school.