Over a year had passed since the battle for Earth had taken place in Winter Valley. Since then, the town had undergone a drastic reconstruction. With many of the buildings having been made in a different architectural style to the town as it was prior to the Invasion, many had nicknamed the town "New Winter Valley", to distinguish it from the original layout of the town. It helped that only a few buildings remained from the old town, such as the Museum and many industrial buildings. And as for the heroes who had fought bravely to liberate the planet, the people had mostly consigned them to urban legends and vague sightings. And the people behind the costumes and the fighting had returned to normal lives. Normal lives that were soon to be upended once more.

It all began with what seemed to be a regular school trip for the High School. After the disruption caused by the invasion, the entire school had been made to retake the entire year they were on before the invasion. As such, the lower year of the High School still had Lulu Goodman and her friends Lila and Sasha among its members, despite all of them being 16. The class had come to the Quarry for a mineralogy project, with the teacher giving out the assignment. "Remember kids, I want you to catalogue at least 5 different samples of unique sedimentary rocks from this quarry.", he said. "And don't just pick up five random stones. I want you to look all over this site and pick up 5 rocks of different shapes, sizes and compositions. You have half an hour."

And so the students all set off looking for 5 unique sedimentary rock styles. Lulu went over to the edge of the quarry, where she thought she had seen something gleaming. When she investigated, she found one of the remains of the metal helmet worn by the Dominion's field commander and last man standing Algrin. "Just when I thought I was over the nightmares.", she commented to no-one in particular. "Well, I guess this broken piece of metal is appropriate for this sicko.", she said as she kicked the shard again. Then she saw a figure entering a nearby cave. "We aren't supposed to go into the cave.", Lulu called out to them. But there was response as the figure continued their advance. "I'm so gonna get in trouble because of you.", she said angrily under her breath as she followed him.

Inside the cave, Lulu found herself being hit from behind. "Wow, brother. This one's become a pushover since I last faced her. That attack was visible for a mile.", a voice giggled.

"Indeed.", a second voice said in response. "It seems that the retirement of the Rangers has made them much less effective opponents."

Lulu regained her bearing enough to make out the identities of her two attackers. They were Kuroden and Aobrix, the two annihilators that Queen Uuhcura had called to deal with her and her friends during their battle. "That's impossible.", she said, shaking her head. "We got rid of both of you." She pointed at Kuroden. "You turned into that growling tentacle thing."

"Ah yes, the Mutabrid that Queen Uuhcura forced our remains into after my unsuccessful attempt at rebellion.", Kuroden mused. "I must thank you for triggering that modified Carrionoid's growth cycle. In the activation of its regeneration ability, it was conflicted over whether to restore that abomination or to resurrect the two of us. In the end, it compromised and split us off from the main body. We lived, but severely drained of our energies."

"So we've been on the sidelines, waiting to regain our power in secret.", Aobrix continued. "We've got to thank you guys for getting rid of Uuhcura, Tann and Algrin. It makes it a lot easier for us to seize power for ourselves. Which is what we intend to do."

Lulu fully uprighted herself. "If you want to conquer Earth, then you'll have to go for me." She instinctively reached for her Morpher, only to Romberg that it was no longer there. Unfortunately for her, neither was her communicator. Both had been turned in when Project: Jetman was shut down. "Guess I'll have to handle this myself.", she said, as she charged in.

Unfortunately, it would be charitable to call the ensuing scuffle a "fight". Lulu found herself on the receiving end of a beatdown from two superior opponents, one of whom was armed with a sword. Within a few minutes, a boy from the field trip wandered by the cave and found Lulu, battered and bruised. "Somebody call an ambulance!", he called back to the rest of the party. "We have an injured girl here."

A few hours later, Mark Goodman ran into the physio ward of the hospital. He had received a phone call from the school that Lulu had been found injured on the field trip and rushed to the hospital. When he had arrived there, he had been told to wait, as she was still in the middle of examination. After an hour, he had been told to head for the physio ward, as her condition had now stabilised. He eventually found her room, and met the doctor, a middle aged black man named Dr. Holman. "Is she going to be alright?", Mark asked the Doctor.

"Her condition has stabilised and she's not suffered any permanent nerve damage.", was Holman's answer. "But as of right now, she'll have to stay in the hospital until we can clear her to leave."

Mark then asked the other burning question. "Do you know who did this to her?"

Dr. Holman shook his head. "As far as we know, there's no way to identify who did this to her. I've never seen injuries like hers on anyone I've looked after in my 11 years of service."

It was then that Lulu briefly stirred, managing to get two words out. "Coo… Ow…" Then she returned to her unconscious state.

Dr. Holman was confused. "Did she just make a bird noise and an exclamation of pain?"

"No.", Mark said. He had committed the names of every enemy he and the others had faced during their tenure to memory. "She was trying to say the names of the people who attacked her. They're a pair of…" he paused to think of a good cover story "thugs we got into a scrap with a while back."

"Shouldn't we tell the Police?", Holman asked. "If these people are after you, then you probably should look for protection."
Mark put his hand on the Doctor's shoulder. "Don't worry about me, Doc. I can handle myself in a crisis. Plus, with a little help from my contacts, I don't think these guys will be bothering us again."

Out in the wilderness, Kuroden and Aobrix were observing another city, known as Angel Grove. "Fascinating.", Kuroden stated. "Not only is there another team of Power Rangers on this planet, but this one PREFERS to make themselves publicly known to the primitives, along with many of their details."

"How did puny humans manage to get so advanced in a short amount of time?", Aobrix asked. "Shouldn't it take a lot longer?"

"As usual brother, intelligent thought is not your strong point.", Kuroden replied. "The previous team got their technology from a Keiam, as we observed during our preparations. And the technology of this new team seems… Eltarian."

Aobrix perked up. "Eltarian? Hey, you don't think…?"

"That would be impossible.", Kuroden stated, preempting his brother's thought. "He died millennia before either of us were spawned, taking down a minor witch and her army of nobodies. His Alpha unit confirmed it in a transmission."

Before further discussion could take place, a teleport beam appeared before them, one that was not technological in origin. Kuroden could sense that the aura was wrong. Once it cleared, they saw a humanoid ape with blue skin, long hair and golden armour, followed by a group of rock creatures that had movements that humans would compare to Neanderthal man. "Greetings, to our newest recruits in evil.", the ape man said, in a raspy voice that sounded like he had a cold.

"Well, well. A Grifforzian on this side of the Universe. That's unusual.", Kuroden noted. "Especially one with intelligence. I bought they'd regressed into misogynistic mutes 270 years ago."

Aobrix circled the Grifforzian. "And this guy doesn't even have the wings that those dumb apes should have. Maybe he's a throwback to when they were actually a threat."

The Grifforzian growled at this. "I only came here to try and convince you to join my Empress in her ambitions of conquering this planet and destroying the Power Rangers. I didn't come here to be insulted."

Kuroden looked the Grifforzian in the eyes, allowing him to read the latter's mind. He learned that the being's name was Goldar, but more importantly, he learned exactly who his 'Empress' was and who she served. "We wouldn't work for your stupid leader in this or any life.", Kuroden declared. "We once served Queen Uuhcura in her mission to rid the universe of her and her ilk, including you."

"I see you've made your choice.", Goldar said. "Putties, attack!"

The rock men known as the Putty Patrollers surrounded the two Annihilators. "Uh, big bro. We don't really have enough juice to bring out any Bio-Roids."

"No, but we can do something much better." Kuroden unleashed some of his life energy, which permeated the rock creatures, causing their eyes to glow. "Now then. Putties, attack your enemy."

The Putties turned around and attacked Goldar, knocking him back. "What is the meaning of this insubordination?", the ape man growled. "You should serve only me."

"Not anymore.", Kuroden informed him. "I've wrapped part of my biological energies around the cores of these primitive rock constructs. They now only obey my wishes. If you know what's good for you, then you'll back off and leave us alone." Goldar snarled and teleported out. "Good, now we can make our way to Angel Grove city."

"And take the powers from that new team of Rangers?", Aobrix asked.

"Why not? It will only make us strong enough to crush all of our resistance. Even our original enemies won't be able to stop us."

Elsewhere, Mark visited the makeshift lab that his former teammates Dr. Wayne Burley and Marvin Hinton (who he had known as Steven Hartford due to a deliberate clerical error) had holed themselves up in. "So this is where you guys have been hiding yourselves for the last few months.", Mark said as he walked in. "Sorry for walking in unannounced."

"It's okay.", Marvin assured him. "If anything, I've been grateful to talk to someone outside of the grocery clerk. Especially since I've not been able to hold a job down." He looked accusingly at Wayne as he said this last part.

"What's the point in securing a permanent job if you're only going to have to quit it soon enough?", Wayne asked. "Besides, I've been a little too busy working on the time hole to go out and find work."

Mark tutted at this. "And I bet you've also been too busy to go out and get yourself a haircut. I know mullets are slowly coming into style, but I don't think you were going for one."

This caused Wayne to look up from his work. "Says the guy who decided a beard was an essential part of being a designer." The two men then laughed and hugged each other. "It's good to see you, pal. What brings you around here?"

"Lulu got put in the hospital.", Mark said, his expression now totally serious. "I don't know how it's possible, but I think Kuroden and Aobrix were behind it." Then he saw that Wayne was confused. "We fought them while you were respectively out cold and off in the city before Kodokor attacked."

"I know who they are. Marvin here filled me in.", Wayne clarified. "Plus when we last saw them, the former was mutated into a tentacled freak that we already dealt with and the latter got destroyed by he surprise appearance of Dash Boxer. Like you said, there's no way they could've returned."

"But if they have returned somehow, we need to check it out.", Marvin suggested.

"Which is why I came here for you two.", Mark continued. "I'm going to need you two to help me revive the Flying Rangers for one last job."

"Does Mary know about this?", Wayne asked. "That you're planning to risk your life again?"

"No she doesn't." Everyone turned around to see the eponymous girlfriend walking into the apartment. "I knew you'd come here after Lulu got hospitalised. You want to go after the guys who did this to her."

"How does she know what you were planning so thoroughly?", Marvin asked.

Mark rubbed the back of his head. "We've kinda moved in with each other recently.", he said nervously.

"I'm not going to judge.", Wayne said sheepishly. "Especially considering that I'm living with an even stranger lodger."

"Look Mark, I know you're feeling guilty that Lulu got put in the hospital.", Mary said. "But you can't just decide to reassemble the Ranger team just to get revenge on these guys."

"But "these guys" are Kuroden and Aobrix.", Mark stressed. "You remember what they did to you, right?"

Mary was shocked to hear this. "Wait, Kuroden and Aobrix are back? How?"

"We don't know that.", Wayne answered. "But somehow they are and they're up to something."

Mary thought about this information for a minute, then came to a decision. "If you're going to stop these guys, then I'm coming with you. Like you said, they did bad things to me as well. And I have a score to settle."

"I'm not arguing.", Marvin said. "We're going to need all the help we can get in taking these two down."

"Indeed you are.", Wayne said. "I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but I'm going to have to stay behind. I mean, someone's going to have to launch the two Megazords, or the Dash Boxer in case one or both of these guys grows giant." He then turned to Mary. "Don't you think of trying to take the Black Morpher for yourself."

"I wasn't planning to.", Mary stated. "I'm fact, I already know what power set I want to use. And I think Lulu wouldn't mind if I got a little revenge for both of us."

"Well then, what're we waiting around for?", Mark asked. "If everything's settled, then let's go."

"In breaking news, another pair of monsters has appeared in the city of Angel Grove. But unlike the usual fare, these two seemed focused on nothing more than destruction. Indeed, citizens are baffled as to what the plan for this week could be. Although the Power Rangers have appeared on the scene, our reporter on location has nothing good to say about the scene."

"Well as you can see Bob, things are not going well for Angel Grove's guardian angels. They seem to be having a lot more trouble with simple Putties than they normally do. Now one of these two monsters is saying something, I don't recognise the language. It seems that whatever he's doing is sucking the power out of 4 of the Rangers, with only the red one getting out of his range. Now the others have collapsed and are teleporting out. Whatever these two were after, they seem to have achieved it as they are now pulling out."

In the quarry near Angel Grove, Kuroden and Aobrix laughed over their victory. "These new Rangers really don't live up the hype the stupid humans give them.", Aobrix giggled.

"Indeed.", Kuroden said in response. "Our Bio-enhanced Putties couldn't even be scratched by them. And thanks to the ritual I was able to perform, the powers of 4 of them now lie in my hands." He opened his hand to show a set of intricate medals, depicting a mammoth, a pteranodon, a saber-toothed cat and a triceratops. "Such intricate craftsmanship is now in the hands of someone who will use it to its full extent. We just need to take the powers of that tyrannosaurus warrior and I'll have a complete set."

"You!" The two Annihilators turned around to see Goldar reappear, accompanied by a Minotaur creature and another group of Putties. "Not only am I here for revenge, but I'll take the powers you've stolen for my Empress, along with those Putties you already stole."

Kuroden tutted at this threat. "If you want to take these powers, then you're welcome to try. And as for your foot soldiers, I'll give them back to you." At that point, the captured Putties burst open, revealing some fully formed Bio-Roids. "That is if you can find their pieces among all these stones."

"We only needed them to help incubate our Bio-Roids on low life energy.", Aobrix laughed. "Now we can simply face you with them."

And then a fight broke out between the two factions. Kuroden came into close combat with several of the Putties. "Not bad, but let's see you stand up to this." He summoned up the 4 stolen medals and imbued their energy into his sword, releasing a slash that shattered the rock-like creatures. "Weak.", he commented.

As if on cue, a crescent moon-shaped staff flew down from above, penetrating the ground and zapping energy into it, which caused a fissure. Energy leaked forth from the fissure, bathing Goldar and the Minotaur in its steam. As the steam cleared, the two were now giant-sized. "Let's see what your stolen powers do for you now."

Kuroden sighed at this. "Looks like I was wrong. He is as stupid as most Grifforzians. Brother, if you please."

"With pleasure.", Aobrix stated. He slammed his staff into the ground, surrounding himself with a blue glow that enlarged him to comparable size. "Let's dance, boys." In the ensuing fight, Aobrix maintained the advantage, zapping the two opponents with his staff.

In the Nest's control room, reactivated by the 3 Rangers and their temporary stand-in, Wayne saw the scene on a satellite feed. "Looks like you're too late. Aobrix has already enlarged himself and is engaging two other combatants."

"This isn't good.", Mark replied. He then turned to Mary and Marvin. "Looks like we're going to have to morph a lot earlier than we might have intended."

"Are you sure?", Marvin asked. "These Morphers are still damaged from the last battle with Algrin. We can only Morph once before we lose them for good."

"We have to.", Mary answered for her boyfriend. "If we don't do it now, the entire world could be at stake."

"Exactly.", Mark nodded. "Now, for the last time, let's Ranger up."

The other two nodded and followed his lead in doing the pose. "Let's Fly!" With a flash, the three were once more (or in Mary's case, for the first time) the Flying Rangers.

"Have you managed to get the two Megazords online?", Mark asked.

"I got the Icarus and the Falcon to function.", Wayne said in response. "I'll need some time if you need Dash Boxer, though."

"That's how you beat this guy last time, right?", Mary decided to clarify.

"Yes it was.", Mark answered her. "But we can do without it. I'll take the Icarus." He ran off towards the Rangers' main robot.

"I guess that leaves us in the Falcon.", Marvin said. "Come on Mary." The two then ran out of the room as well.

"Good luck, everyone.", Wayne said quietly. The three Rangers soon got into position in the two robots. "Time to launch both of you." He pressed a button on the console.

Icarus Megazord! Take Off! Go, Go!


Elsewhere, Aobrix was continuing to dominate in the fight with Goldar and the Minotaur. "It's useless to keep fighting me. Neither of you are 2000 years late enough to face me."

"Well how early are we?" Aobrix turned around to see the Icarus and Falcon Megazords standing side-by-side. "Ok, I think I've got the hang of this.", Mary signalled to Mark. "We'll take this freak down quickly."

"Good to hear.", Mark responded. "Now let's crush this guy once more."

From the ground, Kuroden observed this new development. "So, two of the Flying Rangers and the False Princess have seen fit to show themselves. This should be interesting."

"Behind the battle, Goldar decided to stay relevant. "Now we can destroy both these nuisances and whoever these new pests are." But before he and the Minotaur could join the battle, they were blasted back. "What was that?"

The two looked up to see a robotic tyrannosaurus, piloted by the Red Ranger they were facing. "I'm not about to sit this one out.", he declared. "Now I can take on the two of you clowns." After a brief scrap with the Minotaur, for most of which the beast had the advantage, the Red Ranger decided to use his special attack. The Tyrannosaurus breathed a laser into the ground, which created a shockwave that destroyed the Minotaur and knocked Goldar back.

"This isn't over, human.", Goldar declared. He then teleported out.

A few feet away, Aobrix continued his fight with the two robots. "You're going down.", Mark said, clenching his fist. "Again."

In the resulting fight, Aobrix slashed the two robots with his staff, as Kuroden continued to observe. "Why aren't they using their Dash Boxer?", he wondered. "It secured them victory the last time."

The Falcon jumped at its opponent, only to be knocked back by his staff. The Icarus stood ready to take over. It threw the AviMace at Aobrix, only to have it knocked back by Kuroden, causing the Icarus to recoil. "He's really powerful.", Mark said, uprighting the robot.

"Don't give up.", Mary replied. "We know he can be beat."

"I owe you Rangers a lot of payback for what you did to me last time.", Aobrix shouted as he jumped up and knocked he two robots back. "Time I did what I was called here to do. Wipe out you foolish humans." He zapped the Icarus and the Falcon with energy, causing them to fall down.

In his cockpit, Mark was once more rocked. "Now would be a good time for Dash Boxer.", he wheezed over the radio.

"As a matter of fact, I've just managed to access his system." Wayne reported over the radio. "Prepare for a special delivery."

Vehicle Shift, On! Boxer! Take Off! Go, Go!

"Say goodbye, Rangers.", Aobrix declared as he threw the Falcon into the Icarus, downing the two robots. "Now my mission will finally be complete." He zapped the two with energy and began running towards them, ready to deliver the deathblow."

From the Falcon's cockpit, Mary sent a message to Mark. "You keep him busy. Marvin and I will deal with Kuroden on the ground."

"Okay.", Mark responded. "Now I just need to wait."

As if on cue, Dash Boxer flew in and ran towards the charging Aobrix, beating him back and unleashing a total thrashing. "How did I forget about you?", Aobrix asked, angry.

Dash Boxer continued with its beatdown, eventually making its way to the Icarus. "What d'ya say, big guy?", Mark asked. "Lie our first time." Dash Boxer nodded and began to transform.

Action Shift, On! Boxer! Boxer, Power On!

The Boxer Cannon landed in the hands of the Icarus. "Second time's the charm.", Mark said. "Victory Dynamic!"

The Icarus fired the large cannon, once more vaporising Aobrix. "Not again!", the alien cried out as he died for a second time."

"No!", Kuroden growled. "Rest assured, my brother. The Rangers will pay for this."

As he finished saying this, he was attacked from behind by a shot. He turned around to see Mary standing there, holding a Beak Blaster. "You forced me to acknowledge the torment I was going through. And you hurt Lulu as well. This is for both of us." She then pulled out her AviAttacker, fiddled with the settings and fired.

Thunder Attack!

Kuroden took the hit, recovering in time to see Marvin jumping towards him, with his Sky Enforcer deployed. He delivered a flurry of punches to the remaining Annihilator. "Don't think I'm gonna go easier on you than her, because I'm not." He then delivered a final uppercut which launched Kuroden into the air.

But Kuroden was quick to recover from these attacks. "You both just got lucky. I'll use my new power to finish you off." He raised his sword and summoned up the 4 medals.

But before he could commence with his powered-up slash, he saw the Red Ranger whose power he had failed to absorb earlier strike him with his own sword, one that he recognised as being of Ryugekiken origin. They were the most prominent iron workers in developing flawless weapons. "Not so fast, ugly. I'm taking back what you took from my friends." He held his sword up in a position, which allowed him to siphon the powers of the 4 medals into it. He then pulled out his sidearm and shot at Kuroden knocking him back.

"He's not the only one to have a beef with you." Everyone looked up to see Mark jump down with his Wing Saber. "You beat me and left me for dead in our first encounter. I want to truly settle this."

"Very well, Mark Goodman.", Kuroden replied as he pulled up his own weapon. "Let us see who is the superior warrior." The two promptly ran into battle with each other, both managing to score some blows on each other. However, Mark managed to jump over his opponent and use his wings to glide to a position where he could get the drop on his foe. He descended to the ground, delivering a slash of his sword as he did so. This blow knocked Kuroden to the ground. "I don't believe it. I've been bested by a mere human."

"Thanks for the assist.", the new Red Ranger said to his predecessors. "Who are you guys?"

"Let's just say we're people with a history with Kuroden here.", Mark said to answer his question. "A history that's about to come to an end. Let's finish him off."

"Right!" Everyone got out a different weapon, Mark using his Sonic Smasher, Mary using her Hyper Cannon, Marvin using his Sky Enforcer in Burst Mode and the new Red using his sword, supercharged with the energy of the 4 medals. "Fire!"

The 4 beams flew from the Rangers and hit Kuroden dead on, causing him to spark. "So this is the power that bested Uuhcura and Algrin.", he stated as he began to collapse. "We never stood a chance of winning. You were simply too powerful and determined to beat. And for that, you've earned my respect, Rangers." With that said, he collapsed into the ground and exploded in a large fireball.

"I'd better take my team's powers and restore them to their rightful owners.", the new Red said, putting his hands on his hips. "See ya 'round, guys." With that said, he vanished in a beam of red light, that zipped away.

"Yeah, 'see ya 'round.', Mark repeated as the powers of himself, Mary and Marvin failed on them, shutting down for good. "Well, that's it."

"The end of the Flying Rangers.", Mary nodded. "Let's hope that this time, it's for good."

A few days later.

After Lulu had recovered enough to leave the hospital, albeit requiring a crutch and having bandages on her left arm, the 4 Rangers (and Mary) had gathered in Wayne's lab. Whatever the occasion, Mark had shaved his beard off and Wayne had cut his hair down into a more reasonable shape. "Alright, what's the special occasion that required everyone to look their best?", Mary asked. "Because I was actually starting to like Mark with the beard."

"I've called you here to demonstrate my creation.", Wayne answered. "After a year of trying, and with a few setbacks and delays, I have finally completed the time hole for Marvin."

Everyone was pleasantly surprised to hear this and started clapping. "So does that mean I can go back to 1968 at last?", Marvin asked.

"Not exactly.", Wayne said sheepishly. "I was only able to send objects back as early as 1971 with this thing. I think the time distortion effects of the warp core only encompass 22 years."

Marvin shrugged at this. "Well, I guess that being out by 3 years is good enough. As long as I can get back to an era where I can easily catch up with events, then I'll be fine." He then began hugging everyone of his teammates, saying "I'm really going to miss you."

"And we'll miss you too, big guy.", Lulu said, a tear forming in her eye. "It's too bad Carrie can't be here to see this, considering how much time she spent with you."

"That's okay.", Wayne assured her. "I made sure to record this entire event so I can transmit it into space for her to see when the Avions can pick it up."

"If that's the case, then how about I give her something else to take away from the recording." He then got down on one knee and reached into his pocket. "I've been trying to find the right time to do this, and what better time than right now?"

Mary recognised the position he was getting down into. "Wait, are you about to…?"

"We've already been living together for a while now, and I want to take our relationship to the next step." He pulled out a small black box and opened it, revealing a silver ring. "What'd you say? Are you willing to make this commitment?"

Mary was shocked by this, but soon composed herself. "Of course I'll marry you, you…." She picked up the ring and kissed him on the lips.

"Welcome to the family, Mary.", Lulu commented from the sides.

Marvin braced himself. "Well, I'd better get out of here before this gets anymore mushy.", he joked. "My best wishes to you two." With that said, he entered the portal and vanished, returned to the 1970's.

Wayne smiled at having successfully created his time door, before turning to the soon-to-be happy couple. "So, do you need a best man, Goodman?", he asked.

This epilogue was not part of the original plan for my series. It was just that I had to replace the Megazord battle with Aobrix during chapter 13, but I still wanted to use the actual fight. I considered several variations of his return, but the reasoning behind it (the two Annihilators broke off the Mutabrid as it was growing) stayed the same. I also incorporated some Zyuranger stock footage of Giant Goldar and the Tyrannosaurus Zord's breath attack, alongside some stuff from episode 3 of that series

Having Mary sub for Lulu was planned for a while, as I felt that trying to help out in the endgame (key word "trying") wasn't enough to redeem her. So I had her take over to add some uniqueness to the battle.

The crossover with Mighty Morphin' was also planned for this chapter since early on. I intended it to be less "team-up" episode and more "early appearance of the next characters."

So that's it for the Flying Rangers. My next project will be an adaptation of Kousoku Sentai Turboranger, to be posted soon after a full sub of that series is released.