It's been a veeeeeeeeeeeery.. veeeeeeeeeeeeeery.. veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long time since I've posted and I'm super stoked to publish this. It's a little bit too short and I know it's not even February but I hope you still like this.


I just actually saw this story while looking through my files and wondered why I haven't posted it.. so I'm posting it now. :)


Ever since Tenten knew how to make chocolates and mold them to different shapes, she began giving chocolates to the guys every Valentine's Day. Until one night (after VDay), the guys hang out and talked about lots of things until they discussed about the chocolates they've received the day before. Naruto and Lee where so jealous of the "cool guys" having so much chocolate and how Shikamaru - the laziest guy in the world- also received a lot of chocolate. They also said how it was a shame that they just threw those chocolates away.

"I just don't like sweets, okay!" Sasuke defended himself.

"Oh really?" Naruto asked mischievously. "Then why did you keep one particular chocolate?"

"None of your business, teme." blushed Sasuke.

"Well, as long as I can have those you threw away then I have no problem."

"Speaking of sweets, don't you think Tenten's chocolates are the sweetest of them all?" Lee said enthusiastically. "I mean, for obligatory chocolates, they were still handmade. Hers was the best milk chocolate ever." Everyone agreed.

"Wait a minute, did you say milk chocolate?" Neji asked suddenly.

"Yeah! Everyone received milk chocolate from Tenten." Lee said.

"She even shaped them all to stars even though it's supposed to be heart since it's VDay after all." Naruto added.

"Yeah! Why does she gives us stars?" while the discussion went on as to why, Neji realized something. He never received any star-shaped milk chocolate from Tenten. She always give him heart shaped dark chocolates (which he was thankful for because he can't stand sweets). And when he thought more into it, he realized that those chocolates where bigger compared to Lee's and Gai-sensei's. He also realized that whenever she gives him the chocolate, it's always away from the prying eyes of the Green Beasts of Konoha and she would always say to keep it a secret from both of them. He also remembered that those chocolates have the word love onto them written intricately. Shikamaru then looked at Neji's still confused face and smiled.

"It's called obligatory chocolate for a reason." Shikamaru interrupted the boys' discussion. "Because the girls feel obligated to also give chocolates to their guy friends if they're going to give any to the one they like." This surprised Neji. "Our obligatory chocolates all look the same and not so much as a design because we're just her friends and she knows that you'll cry Lee when you found out she gave chocolate to someone. On the other hand, honmei chocolates are unique, elaborate and mostly handmade to show their dedication to the one they like." Neji then looked at Shikamaru who is staring at him all knowingly. "It's shaped into a heart because they're pouring their heart out to the guy they like and telling him to notice her or to accept her love. It's pretty much like a subtle declaration of love if the girl hasn't confessed yet."

"Well, I think that made sense." Naruto agreed.

"But I wonder," Lee added. "To whom did she gave her honmei chocolate to?" the guys then stared at him like he was stupid.

Neji suddenly stood up. "I-I've got to go guys! I forgot. My uncle needs me to train with him." and ran off to only he knows where.

"Is he upset that Tenten likes another guy other than him?" the guys stared at Lee again in disbelief.


I hope you like it. Do leave a comment if you like this or not. Thank you for reading til the end. :)