Prompt Suggestion by: Guest
As their powers grew, the connections they had with their elements continued to grow stronger.
Clay could sense people approaching, the vibrations through the Earth telling him people were near. He was beginning to learn which vibration belonged to which monk.
Omi's movements became more fluid as if he were water himself. His element allowed him to stay underwater for longer, earning the longest time spent underwater in one sitting. His three teammates managed mere minutes where he lasted almost an hour.
Raimundo's ability to fly had become effortless. He and Master Fung were planning airborne obstacle courses for him to attempt; to truly enhance his combat skills.
Kimiko had kept quiet on her new connection with fire. While Omi pestered her from time to time, Clay and Raimundo respected her wishes, presuming it affected her on a more personal level.
It wasn't until one evening when Raimundo caught her running to her room that he unintentionally learned what her element did for her.
Her body shook as she took quick sharp breaths. Pulling a small candle out of the drawer, she lit it with her finger before sitting to watch the flame.
Fighting the urge to run to her aid, Raimundo watched as the small flame calmed her panic attack. Her shoulders relaxing as she became mesmerised by the flame before her.
Knocking on the door, he gained her attention before asking about what he'd just witnessed.
"I've had a lot of anxiety recently, It all started to feel like it was too much until a candle caught my attention," she explained; her face a light shade of red. "My element now calms me down, quite easily,"
He nodded to show his understanding, before pulling her into an embrace, whispering promises that she could always find him if anything ever became too much and she wasn't able to create a fire.
He vowed to himself he'd keep an eye on her from now on. Nothing too much, but enough to know she was doing okay.
He'd found her on a few occasions watching lit candles, zoned out as her eyes watched the small flame glow.
There were times where he kept his promise, holding her close as her shaking figure wrapped around him. He couldn't help but smile when he realised holding her calmed her as easily as a flame would.
He never told the others about her new connection to her element. That was for her to do, should she want to.
Raimundo couldn't help but realise over time, just how much wind influenced fire; how fire thrived on it.
Which is why he would never complain when she'd hold his hand on Wu hunts, knowing he helped calm any fear she had. He'd become her safe place, something he wouldn't give up for the world.
Authors Note:
For Flame I always had the idea of Kimiko watching and admiring fire. My anxiety has been acting up quite a bit recently which is why I decided to incorporate it into the fic. I think I made it fit nicely, using some of my own experiences here and there. Anyway, I don't tend to do Authors Notes as I feel awkward writing this, so as usual...
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