AN: continuing the erotic adventures of Clary and Jace. I hope you like it. Leave me a review and let me know what you think.

Chapter 2.

Clary's eyes slowly drifted open not heavy for once but completely rested. It felt wrong for a moment before she remembered why she felt rested and relaxed into the silence of the morning. Silence felt strange these days. Sometimes it felt like her life was one big mess of noise and chaos that never stopped ever since she'd discovered the shadow world. She almost didn't know what to make of it now as she awoke to what felt like almost perfect serenity. Jace had never really been a quiet one, but after 3 children plus him, silence was such an oddity that it felt just as strange as it was relieving. She missed the silence. As much as she adored her children, she craved to be alone sometimes and the luxury of not being responsible for anyone but herself. She loved her children, but she'd been needing this time. Time to reconnect with herself. Time to remember who she was.

Their dynamics had changed after becoming parents. They rarely got a moment alone together amidst their duties as Shadowhunters and responsibilities as parents, but she had to admit that there were things she enjoyed now that she never could've imagined. She loved watching the joy on his face as he held their babies, the way he taught, nurtured and comforted them. Nothing had prepared her for the simple pleasure of watching their little family grow or the way her heart swelled with uncontainable love as she watched her husband surrounded by their children. But she missed the days when it was just her and Jace and she was the only thing he desired. It was only natural to crave alone time after how full their lives had become she supposed. She may be a mother now, but she was still a woman with all of her needs and desires. She missed the solitude and her inner voice debating something other than what everyone else needed, but more than that she missed her husband. Jace.

She gazed at him still asleep in their bed, smiling at the way he sprawled across his side of the bed peacefully. She'd always loved watching him sleep. He was usually guarded in some way when he was awake, hiding behind his humour or his skills. Jace had always been someone who was difficult to truly know beyond the front he put on most of the time. His early years had taught him to be cautious, to never let anyone close enough to hurt him. He wore his reputation, his skills and his humour like armour to defend against anyone who tried to get close. He'd confided in her once that he'd never really been able to open up to anyone until he'd met her. She knew that Alec and Izzy had always known how guarded he was, but even they had admitted how much he had opened up after meeting her in ways he never had before. Not everyone had the ability as those closest to Jace did to see past the things he projected in order to protect himself. That was why she loved watching him sleep. He was completely himself when he was at rest, open and vulnerable and completely breathtakingly the man he knew and loved so completely underneath everything he projected.

Simon and Izzy had taken the kids away for a few days as an anniversary gift to them, probably as a result of Clary's many conversations with Izzy about missing having Jace all to herself. Izzy had always been supportive of helping them get some "alone time" whenever she could, always with a little knowing wink of course. Sometimes Clary thought that Izzy enjoyed helping other people have sex just as much as she enjoyed having sex herself. A trait Clary was very grateful for right now as she gazed at her sleeping husband, a longing to be close to him overtaking her.

Clary slipped closer and wrapped her arm around Jace, laying her head on his chest. No matter how many years had passed, she never grew tired of the way his skin felt against hers. Even on the worst days of her life all she needed to calm and soothe her was the feeling of his skin against hers. She read once that newborns bonded with their parents better when they had skin to skin contact. Something about it making them feel safe and comforted. Perhaps she mused adults were much the same and craved that same feeling of safety and comfort as much as they did sexual intimacy. She didn't know how universal the sentiment was, but as she felt Jace's arms encircle her, his lips pressed against the top of her head, she knew that at least for her, this was when she always felt most secure and safe in her life. Jace had always felt like home to her, but there was something about the feeling of skin to skin connection with him that made it complete.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispered and she could almost sense the smile in his voice. "It's so quiet." He remarked caressing the bare skin on her arms.

"I was just thinking that." She agreed, shifting to lean up on one elbow meeting his sleepy gaze. "It's nice. A little strange but nice."

Jace shifted to his side and brought his hand to her face. "It's nice to have you all to myself." He smiled gently as he caressed her cheek. "I've missed being alone with you." He confessed sincerely, holding her gaze. "Not that I don't love our kids, but they do tend to get in the way of certain things I love to do with you." He smirked.

"It's a good thing we have the next 3 days all to ourselves then." Clary laughed lightly, placing her hand on his chest caressing his skin with her thumb, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Jace smirked. "Why Clarissa Fairchild Morgenstern Herondale, are you insinuating that we should stay in bed for 3 days straight?" He mocked scandalisation.

Clary smiled seductively and raised one eyebrow. "Like you haven't been thinking the same thing…" she teased. "…I'm game if you are."

Jace caressed over her arm slowly holding her gaze. "Well we'll have to pace ourselves… take breaks…"

"Make sure we eat and drink…" Clary nodded, mock serious before her desire overtook her need to jest. "…though if I'm completely honest, the thing I'm most ravenous for is you…" She confessed sliding her hand up his chest to the nape of his neck.

Jace laughed heartily. "Well I can't say I'm surprised… I am quite irresistible."

Clary shook her head, half feigning shock. He could be such an ass sometimes, the annoying part was even when he was an ass he was too adorable to really be mad at. "I know you're joking, and I really don't want to inflate your ego, but right now…" she slid her leg up against his, gazing hungrily at his lips for a moment before meeting his smouldering gaze. "…you are pretty damn irresistible."

Jace's face softened with desire. He took a moment to just look at her as he caressed her face, running his thumb along her jaw, over her chin, along her bottom lip already parted and waiting for his kiss. He always marvelled at how beautiful Clary was, her pale, lightly freckled skin, piercing green eyes, crimson lips and fiery red hair. Every year that passed only made her more beautiful to him. Her face was sharper than it was when they first met, partly from the simple passage of time, partly from the many troubles and tragedy she had endured. She was so much less innocent, but so much stronger, confident and poised. Every little change only made him appreciate her more because he knew how hard she fought and loved every single day in her life.

So many people dreaded ageing, but Jace had always had a kind of fascination with the process, perhaps because so few Shadowhunters got to live that long. He'd always thought that he would be one of the many to die young, never hesitating to run into battle no matter what the risk was. He was well aware that most people genuinely thought he had a death wish. If he was perfectly honest there was some truth to it. It wasn't until he met Clary that he'd ever considered the possibility that he might want to live a long life. After all the years he'd spent with her, the most perfect thing he could wish for was to grow old together with her.

He leaned in pressing his lips to hers tenderly, sliding his fingers to the side of her neck. Clary's kiss was soft and seeking as she pressed her body into his, swinging one leg over his hip. Jace caressed his hands down, over her shoulder, her torso, stopping at her hip. He massaged gently, pressing himself closer to her as Clary ran her fingers through his hair, deepening their kiss, sliding her tongue along his bottom lip and then meeting his, gently caressing as they opened their mouths deeper to each other. Their kisses were passionate, slow and full of desire, reacquainting themselves with each other as their hands roamed, feeling the need to touch as much of each other as they could. Jace slid his hands under Clary's slip delighted to discover the lack of underwear underneath. He gently squeezed her ass causing her to buck her hips closer to his. She was tugging at his underwear as she gently caressed around his hips, knowing how it drove him wild when she touched him there. He shifted around as she slid his underwear off, tossing them behind her as she smirked down at him before throwing her leg over him settling just above his shaft already starting to harden.

She felt his sharp intake of breath as she settled low enough to brush over him, her core already moistening with desire for him. He wasted no more time sliding her slip over her head, tossing it aside. He took a moment gazing over her body, taking her in. He reached up cupping her face gently, almost gingerly, as if she was the most precious thing in the world and needed to be treated with the utmost care. "You are still the most beautiful woman in the world to me." He stated sincerely, love and desire shining in his eyes.

Clary placed a hand over his, smiling almost shyly. It still amazed her how steadfast Jace's love for her was even after all these years. She leaned down, pressing her body into his as she kissed him deeply, caressing his face. She felt his hands warm on her back gently massaging as he kissed her, both of them revelling in the sensuality and the closeness. He shifted flipping her beneath him as he threw the covers aside and settled between her legs. Clary smiled up at him as he lowered his mouth to her neck planting slow kisses there as he started massaging down her body to her hips. He took his time massaging around her hips and inner thighs as he kissed his way down her body. He payed special attention to her breasts before moving his way down her abdomen. He stopped when he reached her belly smiling at the marks which held evidence of their children she'd born. She had never complained much about them, but he knew part of her was not 100% comfortable with them. He kissed there gently, reverently, honouring how amazing her body was and letting her know that what she might see as ugly was beautiful to him.

He kissed his way down, paying special attention to her hips and inner thighs before settling his face between her legs. He gazed hungrily at her moist folds, already glistening and red and used his thumbs to gently spread her as he ran his tongue over her, earning a gentle gasp from her. He explored her lips with his tongue, taking time to circle around and suck on her clit as he went, feeling her becoming wetter and more turned on with each stroke. It wasn't long before she was moaning louder, gasping and bucking her hips into his mouth. He sucked gently on her clit as he slid two fingers into her, swirling them in and out as he sucked flicked and swirled circles around her clit driving her wild with desire.

Clary's moans soon because cries as she came closer to her peak. Jace knew her body better than he knew his own, every stroking, sucking, penetrating touch he gave sending waves of pleasure through her as only he could deliver. She loved the feeling of his tongue stroking over her. There was something about it that was just so much better than anything else. The gentle texture, the warmth and wetness and the way he loved using his tongue on her always got her over the edge no matter how she felt. She threw her head back as the waves of pleasure increased steadily as Jace spread her lips wider with one hand while continuing working her with his fingers as he devoured her clit until she was practically screaming in pleasure as her orgasm exploded through her.

Jace stroked her down until her breathing slowed as he kissed his way up her body. He wiped his face a little on the sheet before bringing his lips to hers again lingering in their kiss for a few moments after. Clary was smiling ecstatically. "That was amazing." She stated feeling both satisfied while also longing for more.

"Well I have been told I'm fairly amazing." Jace jested smirking.

Clary slapped his arm playfully before sliding her hands to the back of his neck and pulling his mouth back to hers. She kissed him hungrily enjoying the warmth and softness of his lips against hers and the delicious way his body pressed against her. No matter how much time passed she still wanted him as much if not more than she had that first night in Edom. Time had given her confidence and skill in loving him, but her desire had never dimmed. She still wanted him so much she could hardly contain herself. She slid her hands over his shoulders, his chest, to his back, enjoying the rippled feeling of his muscles so strong and well defined from all his years of fighting and training. She dug her nails in a little more than gently. Jace groaned his muscles tensing reflexively as his hips instinctively ground into hers. Clary gasped as his perfectly hard shaft slid against her core and kissed him harder biting his bottom lip gently before pulling back to meet his smouldering gaze. His eyes burned into hers, desire radiating from every part of him.

"Jace… please…" she pleaded, sliding one hand down his chest, teasing around his hips. She felt his muscles tense in anticipation and took it as her signal to continue, sliding her hand along the underside of his shaft, earning a small gasping breath from him as his eyes burned into hers. She slid her hand over him a few times until he was as hard as he could be, before grasping him gently and leading him to her entrance. He let her play around him, teasing his tip around her wetness, feeling his desire building as she dragged his tip slowly along her slit, until she felt herself opening to him again. He brought his lips to her neck, gently sucking and kissing his way around her throat and collar bone as he slid his hands over her sides. It had been such a long time since they'd had the opportunity to be this openly naked and free together. He was ravenous for her in a way that made him feel like he really could spend an entire weekend buried inside of her.

"Are you ready?" He whispered low and gruff against her ear in between kisses. Clary answered by stilling him at her entrance, lifting her hips just enough for his tip to slide inside of her. He brought his head back just enough to hold her heated gaze as he slid himself in slowly, enjoying the way her mouth fell open in a gentle gasp as he buried himself deep inside of her. He loved the feeling of her silky, hot walls clenching reflexively around him as he moved how, even after all these years, she still trembled slightly under his touch. He could never grow tire of her, even if they lived a million years he knew he would still feel the wonder and ecstasy he felt now.

Clary moaned loudly as Jace slid slowly in and out of her, holding her close, his mouth exploring the tender flesh around her neck, gently nibbling on her earlobes, devouring her mouth like she was the only sustenance he would ever need. She couldn't imagine a day when being with him wouldn't feel like the best thing in the entire universe. He always gave her the best of him when they made love, even after all these years his passion for her had never waned. It made her feel secure and loved in a way she could never fully explain. It was so much more than sex. "I love you…" she whispered in his ear, feeling the smile in his lips when he kissed her neck before affirming his love for her as well.

"I will love you until I cease to exist..." he whispered as he continued worshipping her with every part of him, feeling her shiver from the passion of their lovemaking and his fervent declaration.

Their bodies spoke of devotion permeating every cell of their beings, moving together in a blissful harmony that sprung from their many years of knowing and loving each other. Their bodies shared in passion born from the reality of the dangers they faced and the remembrance of the times they'd almost lost each other. Their bodies understood what their words could never fully express in the love they shared, tenderness and passion igniting a shared desire for each other that never dimmed. Clary stilled him for a moment, motioning for him to shift. He rolled to his back taking her with him, keeping them connected until she settled her legs either side of him. She slid down harder on him as the waves of pleasure continued to build between them, as she kissed him like he was the only air she would ever need, until they were both gasping from the ecstasy between them.

She tugged at his shoulders motioning her him to sit up, he obliged holding onto her back for support as she wrapped her legs one by one around him, digging into his ass as she continued to move, holding onto his shoulders for leverage. The new position made her walls clench around him more powerfully, drawing out louder cries of pleasure from both of them. Clary shifted her hands to rest on his thighs for more leverage, pushing her breasts close to his lips as she thrusted her hips harder and faster, riding his shaft like she would never have the chance again. She threw her head back in ecstasy as he held onto her body, his lips and tongue exploring her breasts hungrily, sucking gently on her nipples, running his tongue down the centre, kissing her chest, her collar, her neck between groans of pleasure from him, feeling his release building, almost ready to explode.

He was holding on as long as he could, waiting for her release to allow his own. He could tell she was close, but she needed more if he wanted her to cum with him. He backed off just enough to slide one hand to her core, earning a loud gasp as he began expertly rubbing circles around her wet, throbbing clit as she continued to thrust her hips over him. They held each other's gaze, completely enrapt in the sheer ecstasy, so familiar and yet so new as they moved together, faster, harder, higher and higher, crying out freely, their sounds of pleasure filling the room until their climax crashed over them, hers first closely followed by his, their screams and groans exploding out of them unable to be contained as they fell together, holding onto each other, foreheads pressed together as they stayed connected stroking each other down from their high.

Jace held onto her face stroking her cheeks tenderly before tilting his head into their kiss, open mouthed and hungry, tongues sliding together slowly, passionately. "It's been too long…" Jace whispered breathily as their lips parted after a few minutes, meeting her gaze still clouded in pleasure from their shared orgasm. Their bodies were still connected, neither one of them able to bear the separation just yet.

Clary smiled ecstatically, holding onto his shoulders. "Far too long." She agreed before pulling him in for another brief but passionate kiss, sucking on his bottom lip a little more than gently as they parted, amazingly feeling him starting to fully harden again inside of her. "Really?" She asked, desire rising inside of her again.

Jace's face lit up in half cocky grin. "I mean you did mention staying in bed all weekend…" He breathed, already starting to feel a second round building in him.

Clary bit her lip, her face betraying her undeniable hunger for him as she pulled his mouth forcefully to hers revelling in the feeling of complete connection and passion between them like never before.