
It's me again! I'm glad there are some people interested enough to want to read my stories. It means a lot! Okay, so I've written Clover's POV in the 1st chappie, so next is Sam's, which is to be divided into 4 parts (Maybe). Special thanks to CL (Cresenta's Lark) for her beautiful feedback. Boris Yeltsin: Thank u soo much! I'm happy that Clover made u laugh in the first chapter.

Here we go!

Disclaimer: Totally Spies!™ Belongs to Marathon/Zodiak/Nickelodeon©. Bleh!

Sam's POV

(Camera cuts to Sam, who's is seen sitting in a chair in the living room at the Villa.)

Hi! Nice to see you again! It's been a while since you've last heard from me and my family. Last time you saw us, we were dealing with that bitch Miranda James. You know, the woman who tried to destroy my marriage? Yeah, her. I can't believe the nerve of her. She tried so hard to come in-between us.

4 years later, Tim and I are much stronger. We went to marriage counseling and worked out the kinks of our relationship, with Miranda almost being the major crack. Well, the good thing is, she's in Hell and she'll never again be a threat to us.

I have a little secret to fill you in on: I almost filed for a divorce.

Yep. I, Samantha Simpson almost filed for a divorce from my true love, Tim Scam.

Clover and Alex looked at me as if I was crazy for even bringing it up. I admit I was a bit crazy for mentioning the "D" word, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about it.

I mean, what would you do if you were faced with an ex from your husband's past and she practically tried her damndest to make him fall back in love with her? Would you pretend to be okay with it or would you be at your breaking point?

We had a long talk with one another. Luckily, I had changed my mind about it. They were almost in tears at the sudden mention of it. Huh. Who would've thunk it?

My 2 best friends, the same friends who were once against my relationship with Tim Scam, (Alex being against it way more than Clover) were now suddenly rooting for us to stay together.

It's funny to think they were against me being with Tim, but now they can't imagine him being out of my life or theirs. They have since looked at him as a brother-in-law instead of an enemy like before.

I guess you could say that it worked. Now we aren't getting a divorce and Alex was more than happy to learn that I'm not going to give up on the love of my life. We met at a WOOHP picnic back in 2001. This is also where Alex met Jessey.

Now, as you may remember, we met in Jerry's office when we thought he had replaced Jerry as our boss, posing as Mac Smit. But this is a different story. You see, my mother introduced me to him when we were meeting all the other agents from different branches of WOOHP.

When we met, he was working in the Weapons Department. I can see that Jerry saw a lot of potential in him, given the fact that he loves having him around.

The meeting was a part of a job fair, which was assigned to me and the girls for a school assignment (Shhh. That was the lie I told my mom). We got a chance to bring our parents along. Luckily, they had no idea that this was a tie-in with our lives as superspies.

I'm surprised they bought it. They hate it when we lie, so we had to try to convince them that this was for school. You know, to avoid suspicion. They were under the impression that WOOHP was a corporation for office work. We told anyone who grew suspicious of us that WOOHP was a hotel - even Mandy.

Anyway, Tim and I hit it off pretty well. Sure, he was a tad bit older than me, but I instantly fell for him just like that. Kind of like Clover did in the past whenever she saw a cute boy.


We learned a lot about each other in just a short amount of time. I learned that his parents divorced when he was a little boy and that he's a brainiac - like me!

He learned that I love traveling the world, as well as what hobbies I have outside of spying and school. We even talked about our plans for the future - like if we wanted to get married or start a family. I admit it was a little too early to talk about stuff like that, nevermind the fact that we'd just met.

You should have seen how happy my mother was when she saw us communicating with each other. It was as if she knew that we were meant to be together.

Okay, okay. So maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but I can admit that if it weren't for her I wouldn't have met him. I have to give Jerr some credit too because after all, he's the one who recruited him at WOOHP.

I didn't tell Clover Alex about our meeting until we all met him again. As soon as he walked into the room, I started to blush. Of course they were oblivious to my crush on him. Besides, the only thing they cared about was the fact that Jerry was no longer our boss. He was cool, laid back, and he basically let us do whatever we wanted.

Now, don't ask me why I didn't suspect him in the beginning. Like I said, I was blind to his personality. When I found out who he really was, I was crushed to say the least. But, I let it slide, for the time being because I really liked him.

The 2nd time we ran into each other was when he brainwashed my mother along with Clover and Alex's mothers. He created these bracelets, which were programmed to make them act out of character towards us. Our mothers tried to kill us. Can you say horrifying? It wasn't their fault, though.

Luckily, they didn't remember a thing because Jerry erased their memories. We officially started dating a week after that mission of that year. The date was May 14, 2002. I lied to Clover and told her that I was going on a date with David, I needed her to give me some pointers on how to setup the perfect date.

Oh, come on. I couldn't tell her the name of my real date. Cut me some slack. Anyway, as time went on, I was able to keep up with the charade of dating "David". Until one day in the hallway at school...

Flashback - December 12, 2002: Clover learns about Sam's relationship with "David".

A/N: *I'm sorry if this ends up being really long*

Clover was at her locker, getting materials for her Science class, when she was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice - David. David was the boy that she, along with Sam and Alex had been crushing on for a long time.

"Hey David, How was your date with Sam?" she happily asked.

Confused, the boy asks, "Date with Sam? What are you talking about, Clover?"

Scoffing, Clover said, "Hello! Didn't you go on a date with Sam Saturday night? She told me that you had taken her out to a restaurant and she asked me for some tips in order to help her while on the date. Don't tell me you don't remember."

David was clearly confused at his friend's statement. Sure, if he did go out with Sam, Clover would've known about it." I'm sorry, Clover. I just don't remember going on a date with Sam. Maybe it's someone else that she went out with? An ex-boyfriend or an old friend? I went out with Mandy Saturday night." he replied.

He turned to walk away from her when he suddenly stopped. He then says, "Oh, but I did see an older guy with her at The Groove about 3 Saturdays ago." Now curious, the blonde screamed, "Well, who was he? What did he look like?"

Suddenly, a girl dressed in cowgirl attire, her blonde hair in pigtails complete with a big pink bow on each one, along with a southern accent to match, came running down the hallway, crying.

"Dav-" Clover called out, before realizing that the young man had disappeared once she turned to look for him.

"Clover! It's Arnold! He's havin' another panic attack! Said somethin' about Mandy beatin' him at elections for Class President. That girl done probably wrestled up some gullible suckers to vote for her." she replied, with disgust in her tone.

Turning around and breathing out a stressed sigh, Clover replied, "Bethany, I have to go to class. Send me a message to let me know where he's hiding this time."

This time. Yep, he's done this before. Arnold was really good at Hide and Seek. He'd usually do this because he was too embarrassed. The last time he had a panic attack was 2 weeks ago in the cafeteria - in front of the entire Bev High student body.

As usual, Mandy taunted him, mocked him, and would even go as far as throwing jabs at his intelligence. And then there's Clover - his girlfriend.

You can bet she had more than the occasional 'Loser, wannabe, freak' insults to hurl at her. She was well aware of the situation that had transpired before and she wasn't going to let it escalate any more chaos than it should.

Mandy looked at Clover and replied in her usual snarky tone, "Wow. You must be pretty damn desperate to wanna hang out with someone like him."

"Well, I can't be any more desperate than you, Mandy considering the fact that you've always been jealous of me over the years. At least this time, I don't have to worry about losing him to you just as I did with all the other guys that I was interested in." Clover shot back.

"You keep telling yourself that, Clover. The only reason you're sticking with Nerd boy is because you were rejected by all the boys that you oh so desperately tried to ask out last month." she replied.

She continued, "It amazes me just how pathetic you have been over the years. I mean, you would even go as far as trying to change yourself in order to get their attention. Whereas, with me, I can only be myself and not have to change for anyone."

"Oh really? As for me flirting with every guy last month, that's total bullshit. Are you kidding me? You? Being yourself? That's a laugh." she chuckled.

"What are you-" the popular girl starts.

"I'm not finished. Do you mean the time you pretended to be a bad rollerblader in an effort to try to get Jason to notice you? Or the time you lied to David, telling him that you'd gotten a tattoo, which by the way turned out to be fake?" she asked.

She then continued, saying, "Oh, and let's not forget about the time you crucified Alex for not having a tattoo just so you can try to make her believe that you were cooler than she was. And yet you want to sit here claiming that I have always been jealous of you? Wow, deluded much?"

Mandy was speechless. Here, her enemy had just served her on a platter. She did not like being brought down off her pedestal. No one was allowed to trash the popular girl of the school and get away with it.

Anybody who even attempted to do so would be humiliated for the rest of the school year, or worse - the rest of their lives.

"Aww, are you speechless Mandy? Usually, I can't get you to shut up. Now, if you excuse me, I have a crisis to take care of." Clover said as she made her way out of the cafeteria.

Just then, her compowder rung. She opened it up, viewing the message on the screen, which read: "He's in the Science class. Sitting in a corner - again. He keeps asking for you. Cutest little guy ever. Really is smitten by you." She blushed at the last two sentences of the text.

'He's smitten by me. And before, I wouldn't have given him a single thought. He understood that I didn't use him for my own personal gain. I mean, he went above and beyond in terms of helping me with my campaign against Mandy earlier this year, in exchange for me being his girlfriend for about a day. However, that day turned into a full week, then a month, then 8 months. My best friends don't even know we're dating. Sam would just accuse me of using Arnold for personal reasons, whereas Alex would just be happy for me.' she thought to herself as she continued walking down the hall until she reached the Science class.

She turned the door knob, opening the door.

Once she was in the room, she immediately spotted a tall, blonde-haired young man, with glasses on. He was also wearing a sweater vest with beige Khakis, along with black sneakers to compliment the look. Cowering in the corner of the room, whimpers of fear could be heard.

Clover walked over to her assigned seat, sat her books on the desk and her backpack on the floor. She then slowly walked over to where the boy was and carefully knelt down so she reached his level.

"Arnold, what happened? What did Mandy say to you?" she asked calmly.

"Clover, I don't know how much I can take. All I want is to be appreciated. I don't even care about the popularity thing. I just wanted to get into the election so I could be heard. You know it's bad when I couldn't even get the attention of the Lunch lady." he replied with a slight chuckle.

He lowered his head down, continuing, "All Mandy has to do is throw up a goody bag with a platinum credit card to match and just like that the entire school is under her spell - well, except for Sam, Bethany, and Alex." Arnold replied, tears streaming down his face.

"And me. You don't think that I'd betray you for a goody bag, do you? Besides, what would I need a platinum credit card for if I have the next best thing - you." Clover said as she gave her boyfriend a kiss.

Arnold looked up at his smiling girlfriend asking, "You really mean that? You can have all the finer things that Mandy would buy with just the push of a button, and you'd still choose to be with me?"

"Well... if I'm being honest, the shopping spree at the Mall would definitely come first, but all the shoes in the world wouldn't stop me from loving you... except Yves Mont Blanc boots." she assured him, giving him another kiss.

"Well, I can always count on you to be honest." he laughed.

He then turned serious and replied, "Thank you. I needed this. I know you don't want to deal with my drama. Must be pathetic for a guy like me to have his girlfriend fighting his battles for him. If I could stand up to Mandy, I would. But sometimes she can be so damn intimidating, not to mention full of herself." Arnold replied as a flush of embarrassment touched his face.

"Me? Fight your battles? No. Stick up for you? Yes. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Arnold. You know that, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, I do. Hey, you were a little distracted when you came in here. Are you okay?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's Sam. She's been acting kind of weird lately. She mentions that she went on a date with David 3 Saturdays ago, yet when I asked him, he didn't remember even going on a date with her."

She continued, "She's starting to act really strange and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. He said he went out with Mandy, though. I truly don't see what anyone sees in her." Clover explained, her voice full of disappointment.

"Well, I'm sure it's nothing, baby. You shouldn't pry too hard or you'll end up pushing her away. If she wants to come clean, she will. Just give it time." he assured her, giving her a kiss on the lips.

"Clover?" he said.


"I love you." he said.

"I love you, too." she said as a shade of blush spread across her face.

Meanwhile, after Science class - in the hallway...

Sam was walking down the hallway, now on her way to her Calculus class. She was beyond prepared for today's exam, as she'd studied hard the night before. Since it's already Lunch period, she decided to use that time for some last minute cramming.

However, she couldn't bring herself to stay focused on the exam alone, as her mind was more focused on him. Yep, the man whom she was secretly dating for the past 6 months.

That man is Tim Scam - or as Gabby refers to him: Mac. Mac was a kind, gentle soul, who was a gentleman. Whereas Tim Scam was a cold-blooded criminal who's quest was to seek out revenge against those who wronged him - mainly Jerry.

Long before Sam had began working at WOOHP, Tim had worked there for a somewhat 20 years. However, he was unfortunately let go due to the illegal use of weapons. This was the side that Sam didn't want her mother to see. So far, it's worked and she hasn't grown any suspicions.

That's a good thing for most daughters. One would think that a teenager dating a much older guy is wrong, but it wasn't wrong in Sam's case. Besides, that wouldn't be much of a problem anymore once she enters college.

One of the smartest girls in Beverly hills high, was dating a well-known criminal, and no one, not even her best friends or boss knew about it. You don't hear stuff like that everyday.

Gabby was okay with the fact that her daughter was in a relationship with an older man, but her husband, Lance wasn't too thrilled about it. Who could blame him? Lance is what you'd refer to as the 'Overprotective' father. Always there to give all the boys the third degree...even Tim.

However, Lance wasn't the only one who wasn't on board with Sam's relationship with Tim. There were also Gabby's two best friends - Stella and Carmen. Much like their daughters have often reminded Sam, Stella and Carmen also never hesitated to remind her first hand that Sam being with this man was a bad idea.

Of course, she didn't listen to them because all she cared about was her daughter's happiness. And Carmen wasn't really the best person to give advice, given the fact that she herself has become obsessed with the idea that Alex has to find herself a nice man. Maybe she wants to become a grandmother.

Stella on the other hand, had her own problems. Now, she too was shocked at the idea of her friend letting her daughter engage in a relationship with an older man, but it didn't bother her as much as it did Carmen.

She is the one who's the most level-headed of the trio. A high-paying job as a brain surgeon, plus a teenager who is more obsessed with the latest fashions than her school work, not to mention the fact that said teenager also has an undercover job - one that she knows absolutely nothing about.

And just like her daughter, Stella also has had her share of rivalries over the years. The 1st one being Phoebe Johnson, Mandy's mother, the 2nd one being Savannah Jackson, Arnold's mother. However, Stella was glad that Sam had finally found someone who made her happy...

Sam was so busy with her thoughts she didn't even realize she'd bumped into Clover at her locker a few seconds ago. "I see that you're daydreaming about David again." she replied with a smirk, followed by a raised eyebrow.

Snapping out of her trance, Sam choked out, "Huh? What? Oh, right. My date. It was great. David is such a gentleman."

As she placed her hand on her hip, Clover said, "So...that date with David. It happened three Saturdays ago, right? So tell me. Where'd you two go?"

"I told you, Clover. We ate at The Groove." she lies. "You ate at The Groove, just not with him. When I asked him, he told me that he didn't remember going on a date with you, Sam." she replied, her suspicions growing by the second."

"Clover, I don't have time for this. I gotta get to Calculus for my exam." Sam replied as she started to walk away from her friend. "You do realize it's still Lunch period, right? You don't have Calculus until last period, Sam. History's your next class. You're a good liar." she replied.

Taking a deep breath, Clover then replied, "There's something else David told me, Sam. I think you should hear this." Now nervous, the redhead asked, "What did he say?" There was a long pause, with Sam's anxiety growing by the second. "Clo, what is it?! What did he say?!" she asked.

Sighing, Clover replied, "He said that he saw you with an older man. That's the man you went out with 3 Saturdays ago." she replied.

Suddenly, Sam started to feel uneasy. "Uh...an older man? David told you that he saw me with an older man? Did he give you a name?"

"Hello! If I knew the name of your mystery guy, don't you think I'd tell you?! Why are you being so secretive about this, Sammy?" Clover asked, growing even more suspicious.

"Clover, I'm not being secretive about anything! Now, can you let me go so I can study for my exam, please?" Sam replied in an annoyed tone.

Clover slammed her hand on Sam's locker in an attempt to keep her from leaving. As she does so, a picture of Sam's "Mystery man" falls out, and lands on the floor at her feet, leaving Sam with a horrified expression on her face. She was too busy shooting daggers into her eyes, she didn't even notice the pic fall out.

"Not until you tell me who your mystery man is! Is he a WOOHP employee? Oh, my God, is it Tad? The guy we met when we first started out as spies? Or is it Rick from the Dunkin donuts in the Mall-"

Clover stopped mid-sentence as she noticed Sam's finger pointing to the floor. "What are you pointing at, Sam? And why do you look like you saw a ghost?" she asked.

She then looked on the floor and saw the picture of a man, a man who looked a lot like her enemy, Tim Scam, his green seafoam eyes staring right at her. She knelt down to pick it up and got back up, glaring at her friend with anger filled eyes.

"Clo, let me explain." Sam pleads.

"Janitor's closet. NOW." Clover demands as she grabbed Sam by her wrist and pulled her along with her.

Once they made their way to and inside the closet, Clover slammed the door shut, immediately checking her surroundings to be sure no one was hiding in the shadows listening in on their conversation.

Once they were sure that they were alone, Clover returned her focus back to the newfound picture that was hidden inside of her friend's locker.

"You wanna explain to me why you have a picture of HIM stashed away?" she asked. When Sam didn't answer, Clover grew more agitated.

"Cat got your tongue, Sam? Answer me! Why do you have a picture of Tim Scam in your locker?!" she asked, this time more demanding.

"Because... he's the older man that I went out to dinner with 3 Saturdays ago. Not David. Tim Scam was the one that I asked for your advice on." she confessed.

"So, what the hell are you telling me, Sam? Th-That WOOHP's most notorious criminal...is your BOYFRIEND?! You've been dating Tim Scam?!" Clover snapped.

"Yes, Clover. We've been dating since May. A week after our Mother's day mission. Actually, our friendship started after we met at the annual WOOHP picnic last year, but it was after that mission that we officially started dating." Sam explained.

"So, let me get this straight. You met "Mac Smit" way before Alex and I met him? You knew him before he introduced himself to us as our new boss?" she asked. "Yep." Sam replied.

Suddenly, Clover came to a realization.

"That's why you were going to give him that shredded sweater as a gift from the Mall last year! You even said, and I quote, 'Could he be anymore money? He's got the brains, he's kinda cute, and his car is the bomb!' If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were into him at first Hello." she indicated.

Defensive, Sam replies, "How do you remember that?"

"You do realize that Al and I were in the car with you when you said this, right?" Clover stated with a laugh.

"You're supposed to be pissed at me. It's almost as if you were waiting for this to happen. You are okay with me going out with Scam... aren't you?" Sam replies, slightly confused.

"Well, let me put it this way, Sammy. The spy side of me disapproves of the fact that you are involved with a criminal - the same criminal who has an axe to grind with Jerr, not to mention the fact that he tried to kill us TWICE, then moved on up to our mothers... but as your friend, I have no choice but to just try to be happy for you, no matter how much I hate it." Clover explained.

"O...kay? I don't know how to respond to that, except I'm thankful that you're being supportive about this." Sam replied with a smile.

However, her smile quickly diminished when she noticed that Clover was about to open up her compowder, prepared to call Jerry."

"What are you doing?" Sam asked, fear in her voice."I support you, but I wonder if Jerry will. You're not keeping this from him, Sam." Clover replied.

"Th-That's emotional blackmail. You can't do that." Sam replied.

"Sam, if you lie to our boss, your spy career will be over just as fast as it began. If you're honest with him, we can remain a threesome. Alex and I are NOT going to be able to survive without you on the team." Clover stated.

She adds, "Listen, I love that you are with Scam, but I respect Jerr too much to betray him, Sam."

"And you think I don't? I don't wanna hurt him either, Clover. Besides, you and Alex have done just fine without me before. And what about Britney?" Sam replied.

"That's because we had to save you from becoming stupid (Twice I might add), and becoming a pro wrestling champion, among other things. Not to mention later on in the future, we'll probably have to get you out of sticky situations." she replied.

She then continued, "And about Brit, she's not on our team. She's assigned to a team of her own, remember?"

"And as a thank you for saving me on those missions, as a favor, I want you to help me keep my relationship with Scam a secret." Sam replied.

Clover felt her heart drop at her friend's request.

"Are you insane?! Did you not just hear me say that I wasn't going to lie to Jerry?! No...I can't do that." Clover replied.

"What? Why?" she asked.

"Because you're not the type of person who is deceptive, Sam. You're more of an 'Honesty is the best policy' kind of girl. You freak out over the fact that you have bad grades. You care about and respect your parents. As long as I've known you, you've bought them a gift every year for their wedding anniversary." Clover replied.

"Well, yeah, but I do that every year to show them how much I love and care about them. Maybe I wanna break away from the 'Good girl' stereotype for a little while. You know, be a rebel." Sam replied.

Laughing, Clover says, "As if! Please, that'd never fly, Sammy. How'd that work when we go on missions for WOOHP? Are you suddenly gonna stop coming up with plans to help distract the villains or helping us look for clues that will lead us to them? Are you gonna suddenly become a slacker, leaving Al and I to finish the job? What about your parents? I'd imagine your father isn't too thrilled with the idea of you...dating an older man."

"No, but I'm not gonna let Mac-I-I mean Scam distract me from my job, Clover. Not after what we all went through with James earlier this year. Besides, I've been really focused on WOOHP and school. I promise you that I'll not let my relationship with Tim Scam take that away." Sam explained.

Inhaling a deep sigh, she went on to say, "And of course my father isn't okay with it, and I don't expect him to be, but my mother is on board with it and she just wants me to be happy."

"Well, I wonder just how happy she'd be if she ever got a glimpse of the real Mac Smit - the one who's really known to be a criminal. Will she be supportive then?" Clover asked, raising an eyebrow.

Now defeated, Sam replied, "No, she won't be supportive of our relationship if she learns of the real Mac, and I pray that doesn't happen. Clover, if you respect Jerr, promise me that you won't tell him anything about this - or Alex."

"Sam, I-I can't lie to Alex. She's like a little sister to us. Think about what this would do to her when she comes to terms with the fact that we lied to her." Clover says as she heard her voice begin to break.

Sam backed away from her friend saying, "Clover, I know that you don't wanna betray Jerry or Alex, and you can back out now if you're still unsure about it, but I'm begging you. For me please. If you do this, I promise you I'll never ask you for another favor again."

"Fine. I'll help you keep this secret. But you owe me - BIG TIME." Clover said with a defeated sigh.

"You mean it? You'll keep this secret? Oh, thank you so much, Clover! This means a lot!" Sam exclaimed in excitement.

With that, both girls started to head out of the Janitor's closet. When Sam opened the door, to her surprise, Alex was standing out in the hallway, hand on her hip, obviously waiting for an explanation.

"Alright, what was the argument about this time? Clover's tank top? Sam's Backstreet Boys CD? What?" Alex asked, already knowing the reason her two best friends were once again in the Janitor's closet.

She knew that they hid in there because they didn't want her to know that they'd gotten into yet another one of their petty quarrels, much ado about nothing. But she knew better. Yes, there were times where she'd appear to be dense, but she was always on the up and up.

"Alex, we weren't arguing. We were uh, working on a study strategy to use for our Physics Exam." Sam lied.

"Really? A study strategy? That's the excuse you're going with, Sammy?" Alex asked. "Come on, I know you can come up with a better excuse than that. Is this about Tad? I know Clover had a huge crush on him-you know, before he turned evil." she replied.

Alex then put an arm around Sam's shoulder. "Are you falling for him? Because I can handle you crushing on him instead of Tim Scam." she said as Sam felt her heart sink into her stomach at her friend's words, cutting at her like a knife. 'Oh, you have no idea how wrong you are.' Sam thought to herself.

"Uh, yeah. Good thing I'm not dating Tim Scam. That'd be a nightmare." Sam laughed nervously as she and Clover hurriedly walked out of the closet, brushing past Alex.

"Sammy, why are you acting so bizarro? I mention Tim Scam and you tense up?" Alex yelled after her.

Shrugging her shoulders, Alex said to herself, "Something's up with her. I don't know what it is, but I'm not just gonna sit and wonder." She then ran to catch up with them and they all headed to Calculus.

Sam's POV (Cont'd) - Present Day

Well, I can't say she was lying. I do have a tendency to be a 'Do the right thing' kind of girl. I'll admit that I was rebellious when I was dating Tim. I did some things that I'm not proud of. There was a time when I snuck out of the house, just so I could see him. But I'll get to that later on.

Before we get to that, I have to go back to last year and tell you about when Tim and I met. I mentioned earlier that we met each other at WOOHP's annual picnic in Hawaii. Jess and Alex met and they instantly clicked.

Like Al, Jessey also had a love for animals. Clover didn't meet anyone, I guess she found someone special in Arnold. I don't know why she was so worried about my reaction. I was okay with it. Yeah, I'll admit I had my suspicions, because she did use him for her own personal gain, and he did the same in reverse, immediately feeling bad afterwards.

I love them together, though. He makes her happy, as she was in a bit of a slump after breaking off her engagement to Blaine. She was completely honest with him about the engagement. When they reconnected at Mali-U, she was still wearing the ring, this was before she found out about his affair with Mandy.

I'm sure she told you all about when they broke up after our High school graduation. His mother, Savannah didn't approve of their relationship. She didn't think that Clover was good enough for him.

In a way, I kinda agree with her because Clover did have a tendency to flirt with a lot of guys, but she never once cheated on him. I'd be shocked if she did, though. Ever since they reunited, they've been inseparable. Okay, okay. I'm sorry for boring you all to death. I'll get to the juicy stuff.

May 11th, 2001 - Beverly Hills high - 9:45 A.M.

"And then I can free up some time to get to know Brad on Friday, then take Saturday and Sunday to date Dan." Clover happily stated as she stood in the middle of her two best friends, Sam and Alex as they all walked down the hallway, headed to their next class. "You are such a slut." Mandy said as she walked up to the trio.

"Well, it takes one to know one, Mandy." Sam retorted. "Sam, I don't think you've got the right to call me such a horrible name. Besides, I wouldn't think that you'd be able to get a guy, considering the fact that you're completely boring." she shot back. "Don't you have to go make out with the Quarterback behind the bleachers, Mandy? Alex asked, trying to keep Sam from lunging at her.

Scoffing, Mandy replied, "No, but I do happen to have a date with Dan and Brad this weekend. Later losers!" Soon after Mandy walked away, Sam turned to Clover and Alex, asking, "Guys, am I boring?"

"What? No, absolutely not, Sammy. You're the coolest girl I know! And if being an International you-know-what is considered boring, then sign me up!" Alex said in a cheerful tone. "Sam, don't let that witch bring you down. She doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. Half of the guys she's snagged away from me rejected her anyway." Clover assured her friend.

"Thanks guys. I needed that. I really don't know what I'd do without you." Sam said as she hugged them.

"You know what we need? A Mani-pedi! And a shopping spree." Clover happily cheers.


Alex's House - 5:54 P.M.

"Clover, did you really need another pair of shoes to match your outfit? I mean, you already have an entire shoe closet!" Alex says with a laugh as she stuffed her face with a handful of nachos.

"Duh! They're not for me, they're for you, silly. For the WOOHP picnic this weekend. I just wanted to help you out." Clover replied, dipping a nacho into the big bowl of melted cheese.

"I almost forgot about that. Jerry never said anything about where it'll take place. I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Sam replied.

"Alex, honey, we're home!" a woman's high pitched voice could be heard calling for her daughter. "Hi, mom! The girls and I are just hanging around, studying." Alex replied as she got up from the couch and ran over to hug her mother. Sam and Clover's mothers were also with Carmen.

"Hi, Mrs. Stella! Hi, Mrs. Gabby!" Alex says as she moved away from her mother and embraced her friends' mothers in a hug. "Hello, Alex. Nice to see you again." Gabby replies with a warm smile.

"Alex, how are you?" Stella asks. "I'm good. School's doing well. Oh, except for the fact that I have to write a report on the French Revolution for History." she replied as her lips curve into a frown.

"Well, I'm sure you'll do fine on it, honey." Gabby assured. "Thanks for the reassurance. I hope I do good. History's not my best subject." Alex replied. "Ally, I'm gonna go start dinner. Sam, Clover, you can stay if you want." Carmen replied.

"Are you making your famous Steak Fajitas?" Clover perks up. Laughing, Sam replied, "As long as you don't eat too much."

"Yeah. Remember the last time you are too much Fajitas? You couldn't even get your job done correctly and we had to ask Jerry to give you a day off." Alex chuckled. Sam looked over at Alex, with a raised eyebrow and mouthing the word, 'Job?', earning a nod from her.

Of course, she understood that gesture. Job was a code word for mission. At least no one would ever find out about the actual job. They just couldn't risk it.

Jerry could send them to Siberia if anyone ever found what the hell they actually did for a living, aside from school. That had to be some sort of joke - she couldn't tell if he was serious about actually sending them to another country. He'd told them that as a way to swear them to secrecy.

"Sammy, I have to talk to you about the 'thing' that our boss informed us about." Alex said as she gestures for her to come to the front porch.

Sam gets up from the couch and follows Alex outside. Once they made it out, Sam looked at her confusedly, asking, "Alex, what are we doing out here?" "Sam, I don't want to do this anymore." Alex replied.

"Do what anymore, Al? Be a spy? Why would you want to give that up?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, suspicions? Face it, Sam. How long will it be before our moms find out what we do outside of school? What's gonna happen when they learn about WOOHP? We might have to give up our lives as International spies!" she replied in a panicked tone.

"We don't know what'll happen, Alex. So far, we're good. And besides, the less they know, the beterrrrr!" Sam screamed as she felt the porch give out from under she and Alex's feet. Soon both girls were falling into the tunnel leading straight to WOOHP, which meant that they were due for another mission.

"Not now, Jerry! I'm supposed to be helping my mom with dinner!" Alex screamed as they continued to fall down and soon their bodies were twisted and entertwined with one another as they plopped down on the O-shaped fold out bed.

At WOOHP - 6:15 P.M.

"Hello, ladies. Where's Clover?" Jerry asked, a look of confusion on his face.

"Up here! My head's stuck! Jerr, you ought to have these tunnels resized!" Clover yells. "I'll take note of that, Clover." he replies with a small chuckle as he pressed the button on the remote to release her from the tunnel, causing her to land on top of Alex.

"Ouch! Thanks for the hard landing!" Clover yells as she rubbed her bottom to try easing the pain.

"Any reason why you summoned us, Jerr?" Alex asked. "Ah, yes. The reason I brought you all here. I know I have kept the location of the WOOHP picnic underwraps for quite some time now, but it's time for you to finally know." he says excitedly.

After a long period of silence, Sam says, "Well, come on, Jerry. Tell us why we're here." "Alright, alright. I'll tell you. This year, the annual WOOHP picnic will be...in Hawaii!" he replied.

The girls had what looked like annoyed expressions on their faces as they stared at their English born boss. "Well? What do you think?" he asked excitedly.

"Again." Clover says. "We're going to Hawaii? I don't know if I should be excited or cautious." Alex follows up.

"How do you mean?" Jerry asks.

"Jerr, I know you mean well, but how do we know that you're not setting up another 'test' for us to pass? We were naive to think you would actually give us some time off." Sam replies.

"Yeah, and if this is a real vacation, Alex owes me an extra hour of tanning due to my giving her a surfing lesson." Clover stated as she gives her friend a light punch in her arm. "Hey! I wanted to impress Rory, Cory, or whatever his name was. How was I supposed to know he was a total flake?" Alex replied in defense.

"Think of this as a thank you for all your hard work this year. I promise you that this is a good thing. No tests, tricks, nada." Jerry smiles. "Well, this is our very first company picnic, so I think we can make the best of it. What do you guys say?" Sam replies with a shrug of the shoulders.

"I say... let's go to Hawaii!" Clover squealed. "Again!" Sam and Alex chime in unison, putting their fists in the air.

Jerry couldn't help but smile on as his agents talked amongst themselves. They were discussing the things that they were going to do once the jet landed. They were finally going to meet up with dozens of agents from different branches of WOOHP and who knows? Maybe they'll get to know some interesting people.


Meanwhile, back at the Vasquez home...

"Girls, dinner's ready! Come get it while it's still hot!" Carmen yelled. When nobody answered, she began to worry.

"Sam? Clover? Ally? Where are you guys hiding?" she asked, shaking her head.

"Stell, I can't find Sam!" Gabby cried in panic. "Gabs, what are you talking about? She and Alex were just sitting on the couch 15 minutes ago. Clover had gotten up to set the table." Stella replied.

"Maybe they went to wash up. No worries, right?" Carmen replied with a chuckle, trying to calm down her rapid heartbeat. "Car, it's okay. They'll be fine. One thing I know is that they always stick together, like us over the years." Stella assured her friend.


Oh, no... the spies' mothers are worried about their daughters. This may turn ugly pretty fast. Meanwhile, the girls are going to have fun in Hawaii. Next chappie is when SamxScam officially meet for the first time.

I'm sorry for the long flashback. My goal was to provide a little bit of insight in Clover's relationship with Arnold, plus her learning about Sam's relationship with Scam. I hope you all enjoy it.

Fun fact: Bethany makes a small cameo in the flashback, from the Season 6 episode, "Super Mega Dance Party, Yo!" She's introduced as Clover's friend here, but was introduced as the girls' new roommate in that episode.

To Cresenta's Lark:

I really hope you enjoy reading this BIG chapter I wrote! I'm really enjoying RM? and I'm almost finished with it. It's really good!

- Shae