Disclaimer: not mine other than original characters

Author's Note: So this isn't exactly the normal kind of Hobbit story where a girl appears in Middle-Earth but it's something that popped in my head and refused to leave until I wrote it out. Some people may not like it but I'm writing it for myself rather than anyone else and just hope that some of you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed creating it.

Chapter One

Erebor was taken back from Smaug over a year ago, the dragon destroyed and the battle of five armies ended with the Orcs going back to whence they came. Lives had been lost; Human, Elf and Dwarf alike, but through it all the line of Durin persisted and Thorin, Fili and Kili lived to see another day much to Dis' relief. They lived to see their kingdom of Erebor restored to its former glory and prosper as it once had when Thorin and a few of the others of their company recalled it as when they were younger and Thorin was officially crowned King Under the Mountain; helping the people of Laketown rebuild their own kingdom of Dale, creating trades and deals – even with the Elven king Thranduil. Their people were no longer homeless, they no longer needed to call the Blue Mountain's their home, but only needed to journey back to their birthright – Erebor.

"Prince Fili! Prince Fili! Please, your uncle-"

Fili quickly ducked behind a set of heavy doors where some of his uncle's advisors attempted to catch up to him, the dwarf was a decent man and was one of the more bearable councilors that were staffed but that doesn't mean he didn't want to hide from the man and whatever duty his uncle decided to thrust upon him. Hiding from advisors of the court was very unprincely of him, but Fili decided he was allowed to be selfish at least once in a great while, and right now looking or dealing with what this advisor had brought to him by order of his uncle was not on the top of Fili's priorities.

As thankful as Fili was to be in the homeland of his people, to be back in their kingdom, he needed a break once in a while from all of the princely duties that he had to do for being Thorin's heir, sometimes he wished that he was the younger brother with less responsibilities but he wouldn't actually wish this on Kili. It is not as if he despised these responsibilities and hated his position; he did enjoy it, he enjoyed his people and helping them, he liked to learn new things and the things he needed to know when he eventually took over for Thorin. Somedays, somedays he just wanted to be Fili a dwarf of Erebor. Not prince Fili, future King of Erebor.

"Fili! Brother!" Kili yelled to Fili, who was getting a pony ready to go out on a ride for a little bit. "Where are you going?" he questioned him once he reached him.

Fili turned to his brother with a forced smile, "Kili. I just need to get away for a little while from all the duties and everything." He said to him, looking at him imploringly, hoping he understood his need for this. "I need to just be Fili for a while, even if it is but for just a few short hours. I haven't been just Fili since before the quest for Erebor."

Kili looked at his brother in concern and understanding; before in the Blue Mountain's they may have been princes but they weren't treated as such like they were now, they were treated like every other dwarf was for the most part but now, now that reprieve was gone. They had official duties that they couldn't just not do as they used to, they had to follow through on their duties because they were princes of Erebor, Heirs of Thorin, and needed to be princes that their people could count and rely on. They needed to be seen as honorable and reliable. Kili did not envy his older brother in any sense; Kili may have princely duties he needed to do but they were nothing compared to Fili's, being future king added more responsibilities than just being a prince, there were things Fili needed to learn the ways of, needed to learn the politics of the land and the politics of making deals and trade with other kingdoms among many other teachings and duties his other brother needed to know of.

"I will keep Uncle and mother distracted as long as I can if they ask your whereabouts." Kili told him.

Fili smiled at his brother, "Thank you brother." He said and stepped towards him and gave him a genuine hug in thanks, bending his forehead to touch his brothers. "I will be back in a few hours." Fili told him as he mounted the pony and pulled the reigns and guided the horse towards the exit, hoping that the people that did see him would not mention it to his uncle or mother until he had gotten a substantial distance away.

"Be safe." Kili said as his brother rode off.

"Mother would say that it is you that need to be safe, you were the troublesome one." Fili quipped back.

Kili scoffed, "You always started the trouble." He responded. "Go, before I tell mother for that comment." He said with a laugh.

Leaving Erebor Fili headed towards the wooded land that was almost an half an hour+ ride from Erebor, it was a place he sought solace and a place where he was able to be alone and just be himself for a while. Nothing was expected of him there and there were no responsibilities there that he had to live up to and there was most definitely no one to let down; his mother, his uncle, his brother, the people of Erebor. There were so many people that he could let down and he wished not to do so, he wanted to live up to their expectations and be who he needed to be for his people.

He'd been riding for a while, heading towards the woods but there at the edge of the woods but just as he neared the woods that were his destination Fili was attacked. A party of five Orc's, small for Orc packs but intimidating for one dwarf nonetheless, Orc packs hadn't been seen this close to civilization since the battle a year ago. Fili was holding himself well which is to be expected, he's been training for decades with Dwalin and his uncle and other warriors that his uncle deemed that he needed to spar and learn from, and just because he and Kili were prince's did not mean that any of the warriors – Dwalin especially – would go easy on them. He killed two of them already and gained a few more battle wounds to show for it, but five less orcs in Middle-Earth is more than worth a few scratches and scars.

Fili, snarling fiercely at the Orc he was fighting. "Men an Shmek menu!" With that Fili shoved one of his swords up through the neck of the Orc he was fighting, it's dark body falling to the ground, dead.

There was only two Orc's left to kill, even if there were only two now which is much easier than five Fili was getting tired, when a person was in battle you had comrades with you and fellow warriors who had your back. Fili didn't have any of those and had to fight with all his might and will to kill them or else he'd be the one getting killed and if he ended up being killed his mother would bring him back from Mahal's Hall just to give him a proper tongue-lashing and possibly kill him all over again.

Fili was blocking an attack from one of the last two Orc's that were left, while doing so an odd blue hue of light suddenly surrounded the three of them and the brightness forced Fili to close his eyes so that he wouldn't go blind but when he opened them again not even a moment later he was in unfamiliar surroundings. He was still near woodlands, but they were not like the ones that he had just been in a moment ago, and he could not spot Erebor or Dale in the distance instead there was a sea of trees and a mountain far in the distance. The trees were different even, he could hear a stream or a small river close by and there was nothing such as that close when he was fighting the Orc's.

So shocked by the bright light and suddenly appearing in a land that he did not recognize Fili nearly missed ducking out of the way of an orc blade, ducking and rolling out of the way Fili adjusted his grip on his two swords and dug deep in himself and found a renewed vigor for the fight that was at hand. He would not fall by an orc, not after all the years of yearning for a home within Erebor and especially not in a strange land that was not his own.

"What the fuck!" a feminine voice suddenly burst from the right of Fili.

Blocking the blade that was coming for his face, Fili kicked the orc in the stomach as best he could being a bit shorter than the six foot creature and quickly peered at the owner of the voice. It was a human girl, or woman rather, wearing the strangest of clothes that he had ever seen in his eighty some years and beside her, was a massive dog that was growling menacingly and on her other side a smaller dog that seemed to be cowering behind her.

"My Lady, you must run, get far away to safety!" Fili yelled in the midst of fighting, hoping his fighting would buy her enough time to get away to safety.

Once he said that the other Orc realized that they were not alone and turned his gaze to the woman that was standing stock still, too in shock to move at the sudden appearance of two Orc's and Fili. The Orc wore a malicious grin as he looked over at the woman and made his way over to where she was, ready to swing his dark blade to cut her down. The woman backed away but kept her eyes on the Orc, Fili hoped that she would be able to stay alive long enough for him to finish this one off and then kill the one after her, but his hopes were dashed quite quickly once the woman tripped over something behind her and fell to the ground.

Fili, refusing to allow an innocent woman be harmed by these Orc's fought viciously with the one that was in front of him, determined to kill it before the other one had a chance to harm the woman in any way, who from the looks of it seemed to be in too much shock to heed his warning to run away from where they were battling. Fili, glaring at the Orc twisted himself away from the swinging black metal blade of the Orc and parried the next blow before he shoved his sword deeply up into the body of the Orc, right where the heart lay and then kicked the body off of his sword and away from him. Turning away from the body Fili was about to run towards the woman to kill the Orc that was advancing on her but before he had a chance to the giant dog – the biggest one he's ever seen in his life – that was beside the woman jumped up and latched its powerful jaws onto the Orc's neck. The dog held tightly and didn't let go even when the Orc tried to hit it and shake it loose from its neck, the dog growled and continued and held steadfast to the neck of the Orc. The dog was too massive and big for the orc to get a proper angle to use its blade on the dog, thankfully for the dog's sake.

"GODZILLA! NO!" The woman yelled, attempting to get up and off of the ground where she had fallen when trying to escape from the Orc's advance not but a few minutes prior.

Quickly running as much as Fili could in his injured and tired state, he went and grasped the woman around the waist stopping her from going to her dog and the Orc. "No, you mustn't. You could be harmed and killed by the Orc." He said to her softly into her ear from where he stood behind her, for a human the woman was surprisingly short.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" she questioned incredulously. "That's my dog, I'm not about to let that…that thing kill him." She said and pushed against his muscled arms from decades of training to no avail, his grip like an iron vice. "Let me go!" she said fiercely, attempting to get out of his grasp.

"My lady, please, look." Fili said softly to her, ignoring the pain that the woman was making worse by struggling in his grasp to get free to save her dog from the Orc. "He is bleeding, your dog is killing him. And your dog is much too large for him to get after him with his blade, he cannot harm him." He said soothingly, he himself shocked that the dog was able to take on a full-sized Orc.

The girl seemed to calm down a bit at that, but even so Fili kept his hold around her in case she decided to toss reason away and go towards her dog to help it. She cared deeply for the dog and if somehow the Orc did manage to get the dog off of itself then things would go downhill quite fast and Fili refused to let the woman die, even if it was for a loyal companion such as her dog.

What seemed like forever but was actually only a few minutes, the dog tightened its hold on the Orc's neck – Fili could see more Orc blood seeping from the wounds that the dog inflicted upon it – and the dog which he heard the girl call Godzilla shoved all of its weight on the Orc making it fall to the ground then the dog planted its paws onto the Orc's chest and pulled back with all of its power, and it's teeth still attached to the neck and blood spurting from the wounds. The Orc now laid dead on the ground, the black blood of it seeping onto the ground from its wounds and covering the dog's mouth. The dog immediately started to make a disgusted face and rubbed its face on the grassy ground and eating the grass, trying to get the Orc blood taste out of its mouth.

"Never have I seen a dog such as him, nor one as loyal and protective." Fili stated as he released the girl from his hold and stared at the massive dog in amazement, just the dog's back would reach at least his waist in height.

The girl nodded dumbly at him, saying nothing and instead staring intently at the Orc that laid dead in front of her, too shocked to really respond to what Fili just said to her. The girl looked pale in comparison to when she was fighting him to get to her dog to help him and her eyes wide, more white in her eyes than the dark brown color he could see in them.

"It is dead my lady, the Orc can no longer harm you or your faithful dogs." Fili said softly, one arm holding his side in pain and the other gently touching the girl's shoulder in reassurance.

His touch to her shoulder seemed to snap the girl out of whatever trance like state she had been in because the moment Fili did so she stepped away from him by a few feet and looked between him and the two Orc's a few times, scrunched her face in confusion and settled on looking at Fili. "What…what the, what in the fucking hell just happened? What are those things? What are you? Who are you? How did you get here? I mean Jesus you and those…those things just appeared out of this blue light thingy that just appeared out of nowhere. I was just trying to enjoy the weather and take the dogs on a walk and you all appear on my property what the fucking fuck is fucking happening?" she questioned a bit hysterically and looked at Fili expectantly, her eyes wide and obviously still in shock.

"Orc's my lady, those were Orc's." Fili answered her simply and to the point. "I was attacked by them near my homeland, the blue light took myself and the Orc's from where we were fighting to here. I am sorry that I brought you to harm." He said sincerely, a hand over his heart as he bowed his head in apology.

At that she looked at him as if he had lost his mind, "Orc's? Are you bat-shit crazy?" She questioned disbelieving. "Orc's aren't real. Those are things of fantasy." She said to him.

Hearing that Fili looked at her concerned, "My Lady, I am quite serious. Those were Orc's and then are very real beings that care not what race you are; the race of Men, Dwarf or Elf. They will not hesitate to kill because that is what they are made for, to kill." He said to her.

"Dwarves? Elves?" She asked now and started pacing, looking at him and the orcs and then at her dog who had just killed the Orc, saving her life. "What are you talking about, this isn't a fantasy movie. There are no such things as those things, there are no dwarves, no elves, no Orc's, just plain Humans." She said to him and looked at him in concern.

At that Fili looked at her with a raised brow, "If such things as that is true then how do you explain the two dead Orc's that now lay on your lands, how do you explain myself who just appeared out of thin air, how do you explain my race of being a Dwarf, my Lady?" he asked her, staring into her eyes intently and waiting for her to answer those questions.

The woman opened her mouth to say something, to argue against what he said but she stopped herself and shut her mouth and stayed quiet for a few moments before she answered him.

"I can't, I definitely can't explain those things…Orc's." She said and gestured towards where they laid. "We don't have anything like them here, and their blood is black! I mean that's…that's not normal. I just….I can't explain any of that." She said and shook her head in disbelief. "What the hell is going on?" she said more to herself than him.

While she had been talking Fili took this chance to take a closer look at the strange woman who had come upon him and the Orc's, a girl whose dog managed to save his and the girl's life. Fili was more than certain that if it wasn't for the woman conveniently going out for a walk with her dogs, especially the giant one, that he would be long dead. As Fili noticed earlier, the girl was shorter than him by a couple inches which was surprising considering that she was a human, she had dark brown eyes that stood against her lighter skin color and had shoulder length blonde hair that was lighter than his own and very curly and wild.

Other than her odd clothes – a sleeveless shirt that was blue with odd…creatures on it, and dark green pants that were made of a material he's never seen before and looked as if they were painted upon her person – the strangest thing that he noticed about her was that she had tattoos. Not just a few tattoos which was odd enough on a woman, she had an arm that was all tattoo other than from her wrist to her fingers but from her shoulder and collar bone area down to her wrist were tattoos of all sorts. He's seen tattoos before, Dwalin had quite a handful, but none of them were as detailed or real looking as the ones that were on the woman's left arm. Tattoos were uncommon among the people of Middle-Earth, the only people who really used them being the wildmen and the Dwarves, but even among the dwarves it was few and far between and even stranger to see a woman with tattoos.

"I'm Charlotte," the woman said introducing herself to him, "I prefer Charlie. Only Charlie." She said leveling Fili with a look.

Fili gave a grin and bowed at the waist, "I am Fili, son of Dis." He introduced as he stood back from his bow. "I have never heard a name so strange as yours before." He said to her.

Charlotte shook her head, "If I were you I wouldn't talk about strange names, Fili," she over exaggerated in pronouncing. "Isn't exactly the most normal or common sounding name either."

Fili gave a laugh at that but then groaned in pain when the laugh hurt his insides, he seemed to be much more injured than he first thought he was. Glancing around the land that they were in he looked back at Charlie, "Where are we? What lands are these?" He asked.

"You're literally bleeding right now and you're instead asking where we are?" Charlie questioned with a raised brow. "Your priorities are messed up. You're bleeding from somewhere on your chest, favoring your arm, tons of smaller cuts from the looks of it and you look like you're about to die on your feet dude." She pointed out.

"I am stronger than I look, I may lack height but I don't lack strength." Fili said to her confidently, an arrogant smirk on his face as he glanced down towards her. "But if it concerns you so we shall venture towards your home while you tell me of this land that I am in." he told her. "What is a dude?" he questioned as an afterthought.

Charlie laughed and shook her head, "It's a way to say guy or friends I guess." She answered. "This land, as you called it, is Montana by the way. Over there is my house." She said and gestured towards the two-story home that they were slowly making their way towards, the dogs running around them.

Fili slowly breathed in and out before he responded to Charlie, "Montana. That is a strange name for a land." He said to her.

"You are super judgey with the names of things right now, aren't you?" Charlie joked to him with a smile. "It's a state within a country called the United States. No idea why or how they came up with the name of Montana but that's where we are." She said to him with a half shrug. "Land of mountains and trees and people with an obsession with horses and other kind of animals."

Just as Fili was about to ask another question, he suddenly started to feel light headed, dizzy and all around not the best any longer; it was as if all of the strength had decided to leave him and he was nothing but weak bones. His body was rebelling against him, all the fighting he had done in the last however long he had been fighting the Orc's in his world and this new one that he had appeared in without a moments notice taking a toll on his body. He was utterly exhausted, he fought with all he could but fighting five massive Orc's on one's own took the energy out of you and not to mention the injuries and the fact that he now was in a land that was strange to him.

Fili looked at Charlie and was about to say something but before he had a chance to blackness took over his vision and her questions were muffled as if being said under water and that was the last thing he heard or saw.

~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ ~ Charlie ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~

Looking down at the dwarf from another world Charlie gave a heavy sigh at his passed out form not ten feet from the porch steps, he just had to pass out this close to her house didn't he, he couldn't have waited just a few more minutes and passed out on the porch or even the steps. Make it a bit easier on her since she was now the one who had to drag him to her house and up the steps and inside. The dude, Fili, was short but taller than her, but he was not a small twig of a thing, he had muscles from what she could tell and had layers of clothes on and who knows how many weapons. He had a sword so who knew what else he may have on his person.

Her dogs, Godzilla and Ragnar the last of which was a pansy when it came to fighting and confrontation, immediately started licking Fili's face to try and get him to wake up, but Charlie pushed them away, "No, go lay down, off." She said sternly and then attempted to pull Fili towards her house but he barely moved more than a few inches. "You had to pass out here didn't you?" she questioned rhetorically.

Giving a sound of frustration, Charlie took off Fili's swords and the few knives she was able to find and rolled him a bit so that she could take his coat off – she had half a mind to steal it for herself, it was freaking awesome with what she assumed was real fur. Once she had discarded those items from his person and shoved them in one of the chairs in the living room Charlie went back and grasped Fili by the back of one of his shirts and pulled as hard and fast as she could, the idea being that if she did so she could get him closer to the house faster before she had to take a break to get a breather and get some traction. After doing that for about fifteen minutes Charlie finally…..finally, managed to get Fili into the house but now she had to figure out to get his heavy frame onto the couch.

"You can help anytime Fili, really, I won't stop you." Charlie said sarcastically and out of breath as she sat on the ground, her back against the couch and looked and the splayed Fili who was on the ground. "Godzilla, if you can kill an Orc you should be able to get him up and on the couch." She said to which the dog gave her the most offended look she's ever seen a dog give someone. "Rude."

Sighing, Charlie stood up and after almost twenty grueling minutes she managed to get Fili up and onto her sectional couch, at least she wasn't a fan of white furniture otherwise it would be dirty beyond repair. Taking a breather after that adventure Charlie took a good look at Fili; he really did look like he came straight out of the Vikings tv show, maybe a smidge but more advanced than then but the style and design of his clothes very similar. His hair was a golden/ash blonde color, his eyes a deep blue color which had distracted her a bit earlier when he had been talking, he had a few intricate braids in his hair and some of which were mainly to keep some of his hair out of his face and there were beads at the end of said braids to keep them secure. What Charlie liked the most was the fact that his mustache was braided on either side – she had an urge to touch and pet his moustache and beard but held herself back. Charlie appreciated a good beard and 'stache.

Carefully, so not to hurt Fili anymore than he had already been hurt Charlie look what looked like bracers off (she did play video games and Skyrim is very fantasy based), then went to somehow take his multiple tops off which she had no idea what the names for all of them were but was sure there were certain names considering they looked different from one and another. Undershirt? Overshirt? Super long shirt? Who knows. Most normal people would probably take a person who was injured to the hospital to be fixed up but considering Fili didn't even come from this world and the fact that there were two dead Orc's in her yard, Charlie figured it would be best to not take him to a hospital. She did have nursing training and was a year away from being done but decided it wasn't for her and switched to English, she wanted to do something with writing and editing. Charlie may not be able to diagnose if Fili had serious internal damage but she could at least do the basics for him and hope what he said about dwarves being strong was true and that nothing too serious was going on internally otherwise she would have a dead Dwarf on top of the two dead Orc's.

In the end Charlie cleaned off the blood on his face the best she could with him laying on a couch, the wound on his forehead was a bit deeper than she expected but hoped the butterfly bandaids she had kept it closed well enough that it healed without too much scarring. Moving on to his other injuries she cleaned and bandaged up the slice that was on his upper chest, which was four inches long, it was deep but not so much that she wasn't able to stop the bleeding. After she took care of that injury she moved onto his arm that she noticed him favoring earlier and wrapped it tightly, hopefully it was sprained and not broken because that would definitely be outside her set of skills. Once she had finished Charlie grabbed a throw blanket from the back of the couch and covered Fili with it and hoped that some rest would help him.

"Ragnar, seriously." Charlie chastised her Australian Shepherd dog which had one blue eye and one brown colored eye. "Stop licking him, I get it, he's someone new. Go lay down." She whisper yelled, not wanting to wake Fili up and gestured for the dog to go lay down somewhere. "Damn dog." She said quietly to herself.

Not wanting to leave Fili alone yet, just in case, and Charlie herself needing to calm down and just figure out what the hell was going on because truthfully, she was still confused as fuck. Its not every day that a strange blue light appears out of nowhere and then suddenly in its place is two Orc's and a dwarf fighting, no, definitely not things that happened to most normal people. Charlie wished she could say she was hallucinating or dreaming, that none of this real or that Fili was crazy and not actually from a different world but seeing him and those Orc's appear out of nowhere kinda made her believe that he came from a different world.

Grabbing a book off her bookshelf, Charlie was in the mood for some fantasy considering all that happened that day, maybe gain some insight onto Dwarves and Orcs. Opening the Hobbit, Charlie settled into her overstuffed teal colored chair and flipped through the book briefly before she began to read. It was a couple chapters in when she suddenly dropped the book in shock at the names that were on the page; Fili, Kili, Thorin. Middle-Earth. Fili was from Middle-Earth. Charlie read about him and the quest for Erebor to retake the mountain from the dragon Smaug. He was Fili, nephew and heir to Thorin, King Under the Mountain of Erebor.

"Holy shit." Charlie whisper yelled to herself as she looked over at Fili in shock. "You have got to be shitting me." She said to herself. "This…what the hell is happening?" she asked herself and gave herself a pinch just in case she was in a really vivid and real feeling dream, it wasn't a dream.

Sure, Charlie had always joked to her friends back home in Minnesota that she wished she could join a different world; like Harry Potter, Narnia and of course Middle-Earth, Lord of the Rings had always been one of her favorite books. Just because she joked about it didn't mean that she thought it was an actual possibility, she never thought that time or rather, world travelling was possible, and definitely didn't think that she would ever end up housing a dwarf prince from Middle-Earth. The idea of being able to travel to a different world was just something to dream about, something she realistically knew would never be able to happen but fun to imagine.

Honestly, Charlie had no idea what she was supposed to do or how she was supposed to help the guy…help Fili. Its not like Earth had wizards and witches and magical beings, least of all like the ones that they had in Middle-Earth and the ones that did call themselves wizards and witches who 'practices' magic weren't able to do what they described in Tolkien's books. No one could defeat a Balgrog, no one could heal someone from being near death like the Elves could and she doubted any of them could send a dwarf prince back to Middle-Earth.

Fili was a prince, a prince she had made fun of earlier for his name since he did the same thing to hers. He was a prince but was the least princely acting prince that she had ever met, not that Charlie has ever met another prince before but still all the ones in movies acted all hoity toity or were assholes. Fili acted normal, or at least what she assumed was normal for people from Middle-Earth.

Glancing outside Charlie saw that it was starting to get dark out, enough light to still see and to see where Fili and the Orc's had been fighting, the bodies still laying there out and the open and for any scavenging animals to come and take a bite out of or drag to their den or whatever. It was probably a very bad idea to leave the Orc bodies out there like that, so grudgingly Charlie got up off her comfortable chair and glanced at Fili to make sure he was still breathing before heading out the door.

Getting tarp from the barn which was more like a mini barn since it wasn't nearly as tall or wide as a usual barn, then grabbing a wheelbarrow that Charlie definitely knew wasn't big enough for the two orcs but it was all she had to work with really. Gotta use what she had available and all that, McGuyver it.

"You guys couldn't have been midget Orc's or anything could you, just had to be full sized." Charlie said to herself as she laid a tarp next to the body of the Orc that Godzilla had killed and bend on the ground beside the thing and started to push at it and roll its body into the tarp before she then wrapped the rest of the body in it.

Looking from the tarp wrapped Orc and then to the wheelbarrow and back again Charlie gave a sigh, this was not gonna work how she planned. "So plan A out of the questions." She said to herself and then resigned herself to pulling the tarp with the Orc in it over to the barn to store them until tomorrow after both she and Fili had gotten a full nights rest.

What originally she had hoped would only take a half an hour ended up being a nearly hour project, the Orcs were heavy for one being that they towered six feet if not more, they were muscley adding weight to them, she was doing this on her own and attempting to roll them and then pull them from where they were in the tree line towards the barn. Doing house work was more fun and she hated doing housework.

"This was not how I wanted my day to go today Godzilla," Charlie said to her massive dog as she looked down at him after she locked up the barn and hoped no wild animals tried to get in to get to the dead Orc's. "Next time we're going to a river or a pond when we want to go for a walk." She said with a dark chuckle.

Once the dead Orc bodies thing was dealt with Charlie went inside and just felt completely and utterly exhausted, both physically and mentally. All Charlie really wanted to do after she had gotten done editing peoples writing for the day had been to spend time with her dogs, make some food and maybe watch some Netflix – she was in the mood for some 80's movies. Most of that didn't happen, instead while walking with her dogs in the woods a blue light appeared and out of it a Dwarf prince appeared with two Orc's one of which tried to kill her. Even though Charlie barely had much to eat other than the sandwich she made herself earlier she decided that she was done with the day and wanted to take a very long ass bath with as many bubbles as humanly possible and then was going to go to bed and deal with everything else tomorrow.

~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ Author's Note ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~

This story has been in my mind for a while and decided to write it, it's a bit different than most of the other ones I've seen out there so hopefully you all like it!

Khuzdul translations:

Men an Shmek menu: I will kill you