James had first met Regulus after his first year at Hogwarts, as his best friend was his older brother.

His bearer told him that all Potter's followed the muggle's ideal, love at first sight, he thought that meant Lily Evans but as soon he saw Regulus he knew he was meant to be with Regulus.

He like Fleamont Potter fell in love with a Slytherin Cyrano Lestrange, the twin of Gustav Lestange the lord of Ancient house of Lestrange. James would never carry the lestrange name it was his cousin Rodolphus Lestrange, or his twin Rabastan Lestrange.

Neither would he carry on the Potter name as his older brother who is in his fourth year and a Slytherin was the Potter Heir. Lucien Cyrano Potter, who came off of the Train a bit ruffled with Cordelia Malfoy behind him with a hickey on her neck. Paling when he saw both his parents and Lord Abraxas Malfoy and Lady Ariadne Malfoy neé Selwyn.

Cyrano knew he would have to go to Abraxas and make a betrothal Contract between his son and their daughter much like he would have to go to Orion and Walburga for a contract for both youngest children. He would have the talk to Lucien about proper behaviour with dealing with a female when her father is a powerful lord.

James was worried he knew Headmaster Dumbledore would try to get him to turn in his family he already did it with Sirius Black his best friend, but that was already there in is mind though.

James was looking forward to the end of year results, he was just as smart as Lucien. He was hoping to be at the top of his year, that means of course meaning having to beat Evans. She was smart but only in books where he had that and an older brother.


It was before their first Transfiguration lesson, from the Gryffindor where James was sorted he made his way over to the Slytherin table finding Lucien. "Lucien." James said as he was behind his older brother.

"James. What can I do for Firstie Lion?" The fourth year said to his baby brother who had his transfiguration book in his arms, Lucien sighed and looked at the pleading face of James Potter his eleven year old brother. His father would probably be disappointed in him if he didn't help James.

"What did you do for your first lesson of Transfiguration?" James asked Lucien who glared at anyone who laughed at him it was the Lestrange glare that he saw his father do many times.

"All we did was a matchstick into a needle." Lucien told his younger brother who smiled at him and ran to the Gryffindor table. Unknown to both brothers the Headmaster and the Gryffindor's were looking at the two with rage after all James was a Gryffindor and he didn't associate with the snakes.

"How do you know him?" Lily Evans asked the young lion who looked up form what he was reading to look at her.

"Lucien? He is my older brother." James replied to most of the Gryffindor table had heard was angry at the thought of one of their own been made to live with a slimy snake.

The Gryffindor table was not the only one who was a bit miffed that was Albus Dumbledore. He wanted James who was meant to be the heir to stay or go to the light side of the Wizarding World. Now a Slytherin dark wizard is the future Lord Potter.

It was two months within his first year, when he was summoned to the Headmaster's office. As a first year entering the Headmaster's office he was nervously as he thought he did something wrong.

"Ah James my boy welcome." Albus Dumbledore greeted the Gryffindor first year. The smile on the Headmaster's face unnerved James for some reason like the Headmaster had a secret agenda or something.

"Am I in trouble Headmaster?" James asked the older man in front of him who gave him what was meant to be a reassuring smile but it did anything but reassured the young lion.

"No not all my boy. I just wanted to see how you are doing, and to talk about your slimey brother." Was what the Headmaster said it angered the young boy there was nothing wrong with Lucien and there was nothing wrong with being pin Slytherin his daddy was in Slytherin while his mother was a Gryffindor like him. In a lot of ways Lucien was much like their father Cyrano while he was like their mother Fleamont.

"What does Lucien have to do with this?" James asked the headmaster confused at the words of the Headmaster.

"Well James I'm trying to get something through the Wizengamot making sure the light side heirs should be light wizards." The headmaster said to the young boy making look like he was calm but inside he was angry and shocked his father would definitely would want to know this. His father much like his uncle and Lords Black and Malfoy did not trust Dumbledore he was trying to get rid of much of their traditions to appease the muggleborns who would not learn how to adapt to their world.

James remembered that Evans was talking about Religion that there was only one and true god. That confused James to no end he himself followed the old way and prayed to multiple gods of the Greek Parthenon. He knew his mother prayed to Hera, Hestia, Hecate, Hermes and Thanatos.

End of Flashback

Cyrano cleared his throat to his youngest who looked away from Regulus and saw his father. "Daddy!" James yelled running to his father who caught him in a hug.

"James." Cyrano replied as he hugged his youngest and his baby, James was like his mother in too many ways. It was like James was almost like a daughter to him, James was definitely a daddy's girl then.

The Family of four left the Platform nine and three quarters, to Potter Manor the ancestral home of the Potter Bloodline. As soon as the family came home the Potter Lord Ring heated up as there was a meeting called as Cyrano was wearing it as he was taking the responsibilities of the head of the family which suited Fleamont just fine.

"The Wizengamot has been called my love." Cyrano told Fleamont who sighed and looked at his husband who kissed him.

"Of course I understand be safe dear." Fleamont replied which got a cheeky smile from his husband. As soon as the word Wizengamot was spoken Lucien Potter came running into the room.

"Lucien Cyrano Potter! What have I said about losing the decorum of an heir?" Cyrano told his eldest who was sheepish about the lack of decorum he had displayed just now.

"Sorry father it won't happen again, I heard there was a Wizengamot meeting called and I hoped I could sit and watch to learn more about being Lord Potter." Lucien replied, Cyrano couldn't help but smile at Lucien his son was going to be a very politically powerful one day.

"Sure what better way to teach you my father did, he took both Gustav and myself to the Wizengamot meetings to teach us." Cyrano said shrugging his shoulders Fleamont hugged his eldest and kissed his cheek which Lucien tried getting out the huff and not getting kissed by his mother he was fourteen kisses by mothers was for James and younger, he was a man.

"You listen to your father there don't embarrass him by speaking out okay?" Fleamont said holding onto his son who was desperately trying to get out of.

"Yes mother I understand can you please let go so I can go with Father?" Lucien asked he was excited to go to an actual Wizengamot meeting, the only downside is Headmaster Dumbledore will be there Lucien doesn't trust the old wizard.

"All right come in Lucien before your mother here decides to make you stay and make you tutor your brother or do something with him." Cyrano said which made Lucien move quicker not wanting to be alone with James.


"It is June 30 1972, I call this meeting to order." Albus Dumbledore said but eyes the Lestrange who took over the Potter votes and the heir. Who definitely did not approve of it should he James not him the Slimey Evil Slytherin. "There is a bit to go through today." Albus announced the light was listening giving him their attention Albus Dumbledore would do anything for those in the Light.

The Neutral or Grey as they liked to be called were only half listening to the old wizard. The dark however looked at the list it was basically banning the old ways and rituals and magic they practise no surprise there for the dark sect the Headmaster had always despised them and the Dark Creatures or any allies of the Dark.

The voting of all the bills that were being passed through went through since Dumbledore had everyone voting for him Lucien couldn't help but notice the smug look on the Headmaster's face after the laws had been passed. He then remembered the warning over the years in his heir lessons do not trust Dumbledore he is killing magic.

The meeting was over not before Dumbledore sending both son and father a nasty glare that was nothing compared to the glare Cyrano sent to the Headmaster who went pale at looked away in fear.

Cyrano and Lucien both apperated to Potter Manor where both James and Fleamont were waiting. "Daddy!" James called out once he had his father in his sights with that Cyrano had his arms full of James. It was like this for years and Cyrano hope it would continue like this for years to come. James was his baby since they found out that Fleamont was cursed after giving birth to James both had their suspicions that it was Albus Dumbledore Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It hurt both Fleamont and Cyrano which caused both parents to be over-protective (Cyrano) and baby (Fleamont) both men that they were lucky to have Lucien and James.

The years pass for the family of three Lucien and James at the top of their respective years. Lucien making prefect and Head Boy which his mother bawling his eyes and his father proud and his baby brother making his way to becoming a prefect and head boy himself.

James spent time with his fiancé Regulus Black, who knew that James would become Lady Black one day if what his parents were saying about disowning his older brother Sirius.

This was not known to the Headmaster until Sirius in his rage thought his friend Who he thought also hated anything to do with the Dark. He told the Headmaster everything from what he heard about the engagement of James and Regulus.

The headmaster was livid they would do this to him he was meant for the light and marry a witch and get the Potter Lordship from that snake. But no the snake is having a child and James is marrying the Black heir. Which soon will be the Black Lord since Sirius was disowned.

What they didn't know was Regulus was the Lord Black and James was his wife Lady Black was pregnant with the Black heir. Both Cordelia and James were talking about their pregnancies and their respective overprotective husbands.

Cordelia's water broke on the seventh of June giving birth to a girl named Astra Calypso Potter, which surprised both families that there was a girl born in both families it's mostly males born to the Malfoy and Potter Lines.

On the thirty first of July on the cusp of the first of August Hadrian James-Orion Black was born. With his grey eyes peering into the world for the first time he saw his bearer and his family.

When the family and father of Hadrian left there was a visitor named Lily Evans who put his mother under a curse and not just any curse an unforgivable the Imperious Curse. "We are going to Marry and Harry will be our son his name isn't Hadrian it is Harry!"

"Yes Lily." James said as he tried to fight off the curse Lily smirked to herself she would be important to the world and that was that. What she didn't know what was planned for as Lady Black he had a Gringotts tracker on him so anywhere even in under a Fidelius Charm.

The curse didn't last long before James Black née Potter eyes were opened around him his little baby Hadrian looking up with his beautiful grey eyes then James noticed they were green how the hell were they green? Evans! That stupid little Mudblood just wait till his husband comes for him or their Lord she will wish she was dead!

"My little Hadrian, your father will come for us my little one don't you worry. The Dark Lord with destroy those in his path of the light after this kidnapping the heir of the Black family." James cooed at his baby who giggled at his papa not knowing that James was his mother.

Hadrian's second Samhain since James was secretly teaching Hadrian the old ways he knew both Evans and Dumbledore would be less than pleased with it. James had a bad feeling that day like something was about to happen, he summoned Tookey his mother's personal house elf. "What can Tookey do for young master? Master And mistress would be pleased at the news of you young master and not to mention master Lucien!" The elf started to rant not even realising the toddler in James' arms.

"Tookey I need you to watch the nursery tonight and if anything goes wrong I want you to take Hadrian to either my parents, his father and my husband Regulus Black or my brother do you understand?" James asked the elf who just realised the the toddler was there and nodded his head with his ears flapping about.

"There is something that you should know master James, master Regulus is dead, he died searching for you and the young master here." Tookey told James whose heart broke at the thought of his husband died refusing to break down in front of their only child James' only link to Regulus.

While Tookey was in the nursery invisible to the Wizarding magic, James spent the day like he would when he was under the imperius curse. He didn't want to give away anything that could make them hurt Hadrian or himself.

It was after Hadrian went to bed after not wanting to stay up too late James and Evans was on the couch before the wards fell. "It's him Lily take Harry and go!" James yelled playing the part of the perfect husband but on the inside he cringed.

With the Mudblood gone he knelt to the Dark Lord who stopped in front of him. "My lord, I can explain." James said which made the Dark Lord look at him with intrigue.

"Then explain." Was the order and James happily obeyed his master.

"It was after Hadrian was born when the Mudblood came into my room and imperious me my lord a couple of weeks ago the curse broke and I found out that my husband is dead." James said it made sense to the Dark Lord after giving birth would be the best time to cast that curse on a woman or a bearer. Much like torturing someone for weeks on end then cast that curse in them.

"Very well James." With that the Dark Lord left Lady Black where he knelt, went in search for the Mudblood to kill her. Which made James very happy his happiness was short lived however.

"James." Came the grating voice of one Albus Dumbledore the Headmaster and yada yada.

"Dumbledore." James said with a cold icy tone which made Albus step back and look at his former student.

"I see." He tried to say.

"You see?! I was under the influence of the imperious curse probably at your orders you stupid little Blood Traitor!" James yelled out the. Started to gurgle as the Headmaster slit his throat with a diffindo James who fell to the ground from los of Blood.

"Shame." Was all that was said as Albus moved through the cottage and found lily dead, and destroying the Dark Lord otherwise known as Tom Riddle Jnr turning him. Into ash, a rat scurrying away with a wand in its mouth and a baby with its house elf. He looked to see where the brat was and saw it in a house elf's arms.

"I demand you release the child at once!" Dumbledore said to the house elf who glared at him.

"No, I will not master James told me if anything happens to him I am to take the young master to my master." The house elf told him, Albus was enraged with anger he was about to curse the elf when it had apperated with said child.

With a roar of anger Albus Dumbledore left to go to the ministry of magic to get Custody of one Hadrian James-Orion Black, who he thought is Harry James Potter.

He apperated into the ministry's atrium and stalked towards the Minister of Magic's office. Where he knew the minister would give him what he wants, and then he was going to Gringotts to organise a betrothal contract with Harry and Ginevra Weasely.

Millicent Bagnold was in her office when a very irritated Albus Dumbledore came in without so much as a knock which was very rude but at the same time very common. The Headmaster never really cared for manners but still instilled in every child in Hogwarts.

"Minister Bagnold. I need custody of one Harry Potter." Dumbledore demanded of the Minister of Magic who raised her eyebrows at the said man, Potter? She didn't know Lord Lucien Potter had a son all she knew that he has a daughter and another on the way. He did have a nephew which was his younger brother's son.

"I'm sorry Dumbledore but the closest living family gets the boy Lord and Lady Potter will get him. By the way what happened to the boy's parents?" Millicent asked the aging man who looked to be annoyed that he wasn't obeyed and was to answer questions.

"They were killed by the Dark Lord and Harry was taken by a Potter House elf in the orders of James." Dumbledore ground out he had to walk on eggshells for his plans to come to fruition.

"If a Potter house elf on the orders of a Potter too Mr. Potter then I am sorry to say magical blood out trumps anything all the time." Millicent said to the angry Headmaster he would not forget this and this fight was not finished!

-in Potter Manor-

In the ancestral home of the Potters, when Tookey apperated In with a child in his arms. "Tookey." Lucien said and the elf looked at him with such sadness in his big eyes.

"I'm sorry Master Lucien but Master James ordered Tookey to be Invisible in young master Hadrian's nursery as Master James thought something was going to happen tonight the Dark Lord came and killed the Mudblood that stole Master James from his husband. Before Tookey took the young master Tookey went to see Master James and saw the mean headmaster kill him and apperated and took the young master in my arms and came here the Headmaster was angry and ordered Tookey to let him have the young master it Tookey said no. The Dark Lord is no more as the Headmaster destroyed him." The house elf said making everyone cry at the death of James they started to grieve for the or son.

"Where is James Tookey." Cyrano asked the house elf who looked into the older man's eyes and told him.

"Master James' body is in Godric's Hollow in a destroyed cottage." Tookey answered and both Lucien and Cyrano apperated to collect the body of James and bury him in the Black family crypt next to Regulus so they can be together in the afterlife.

"How did he get the scar Tookey?" Fleamont asked as his husband and son went to James' body.

"Tookey doesn't know mistress." Tookey answered and Fleamont had his grandson in his arms holding him the only peace of James that he had. Cordelia left the room to let Fleamont grieve in peace while holding Hadrian.

-Godric Hollow-

Both Cyrano and Lucien found themselves infringe of the cottage where Tookey said it was and went in and found out that Dumbledore was there with the Ministry. No one noticed the pair until they were about to take James and bury him in the cemetery in Godric Hollow on the orders of the Headmaster.

"Leave him Alone." Came an angry voice behind the group all saw a furious Cyrano Lestrange and one equally furious Lucien Potter. The Headmaster equally shocked and annoyed that Lestrange and Lord Potter were there stopping his plans.

"I'm sorry Misters Lestrange and Potter but I was there when James and Lily wrote their will I'm executing their will." Albus said in a condescending way that made the hackles of both males rise with agitation, the ministry workers didn't know what to do here stood both Cyrano Lestrange and Lord Lucien Potter telling them not to disturb James has there were funeral right to the Potter family and the Headmaster with the will of one James Potter.

"Will or not I am Lord Potter what I say goes for those under my house!" Lucien yelled out to the Headmaster who glared at the young lord. He was Albus Dumbledore! People had to bow to him and agree with him like mindless sheep!

"We will follow the direction of the Will and you will hand over Harry Potter!" Albus demanded and the two men looked at each other then to the Headmaster then to the Ministry workers.

"There is no Harry Potter." Lucien said to the Headmaster there was not Harry Potter unless he was unfaithful to his wife and she gave their bastard son his last name. No that did not happen if he cheated on his wife Cordelia would have his balls.

"James' son the heir of the Potter fortune." Albus declared which baffled both Lucien and Cyrano there was Hadrian but he was the Black heir not the Potter.

"Hadrian Black is James' son Dumbledore." Cyrano gritted our through his teeth this was getting ridiculous at the behaviour of this man I front of them who thought he knew best for their family.

"No! James married Lily Evans Potter Lady Potter!" Albus tried to say but was cut off.

"There is no Lily Evans-Potter on the Potter family tapestry I would no as my daughter checks it every day!" Lucien said for some reason his little girl likes to check the family tapestry seeing everyone on it even here uncles and cousin to whom she has never met.

"What would you know Potter?" Albus Dumbledore said quote rudely to Lord Potter and his father but was going pale by the dangerous smirk that Lucien had upon his face. With one hand up everyone saw the Potter lordship ring in his hand like it had been there for years since it had been there for years.

"That could be a fake!" Albis tried another route trying to get his way like all the other times. He did not like this he doesn't like things not to be his way of thinking.

"Are you that daft? Headmaster?" Cyrano sneered at the old man his baby was dead his only grandson an orphan! And the man kept saying his son in-law was a daughter in-law? The stupid blood traitor! The father of the late Lady Black was furious he wanted his boy with his son in-law not with a stupid disgusting Mudblood!

Someone got the headmaster's attention James' relatives went to his body and apperated with James' body to bury him with Regulus' so they can be together in the afterlife once again.

Albus turned to see where the pop came from to see James' body gone! He went to the ministry of magic to the ministers office. "I want you to sign an arrest warrant for Cyrano Lestrange and Lucien Potter!" Albus said to the Minister of Magic, who did not look impressed 'What is with this man and the Potter family?' The Minster thought to herself when the Headmaster demanded that she write an arrest warrant with no evidence.

"Their crime?" The Minister asked the Headmaster hoping for a straight answer out of the man he never gave one just talked about riddles and nonsense.

"For disobeying a will set by James Potter." Albus said ignoring the change of last name for the youngest potter child of Fleamont Potter and Cyrano Lestrange.

"Do we know of the authenticity of the Will?" Millicent Bagnold asked the Headmaster who looked less than pleased at being questioned like that. 'They should all be on their knees for what I did with Gellert!' Albus Dumbledore thought to himself after she asked the question.

"I was a witness." Albus said quite rudely to the Minister of Magic of the British Isles. Whom were raised an eyebrow at the man decorum and him loss of his grandfatherly persona.

"I only asked Albus as I do not want to start another Goblin rebellion." The Minister said cooly as no one wanted another war with the goblins, they kept their gold for them.

"Fine but I want custody of James' son!" Albus demanded and it was back to this again Millicent took a deep breath and looked at the seething eyed man and told him once again.

"I'm sorry Albus my hands are tied James' son be with his father's family as they are the closest magical blood he has and that will always matter to our world." Millicent said to the man who left with a huff and slammed the door like a petulant child who didn't get their own way.