Tenshinhan was never the greatest warrior or defender of the earth. He was far from the strongest person around. He was a martial artist who had put everything he had into mastering his art. The art of the warrior. He spent much of his time fighting against foes he couldn't beat as well. The battle against the Saiyans, the battle against King Piccolo, the battle against the androids now too. Tenshinhan knew that he was not going to survive this fight. He knew that this was most likely going to be the end. At least that was what he thought when he heard from an old friend, Bulma.
The androids had arrived a year before, and honestly they were wrecking shop. They had killed Piccolo, Vegeta, Krillin, Yamcha, and Chaotzu. They had killed all of them as they challenged them. He had survived due to Chaotzu sacrificing himself to safe him. He knew he couldn't win, and he knew they had lost interest in him cause of that fact. He would never be strong enough to win. He worked on the kaio-ken as a last resort and despite the pain, over the last four years he had gotten it down pretty well. That wouldn't make him strong enough to win, as he just wasn't near to being on par with the robot killers.
Tenshinhan slipped into capsule corps quietly using the backdoor. It was good that the area had not been targeted yet by the androids. Those two tended to kill at random and so far had not picked this part of town to attack. The place was still in good shape and working off its own energy as the people inside worked on projects. He knew Bulma was always working on something. Tenshinhan knew that Bulma had a mind that was superior to any other on the planet. He walked in to see her working on a large vehicle. He looked at it and blinked as he looked over at Bulma.
"Well hello, Bulma what is with the machine, you going to try to slip into space to find new namek or something, if you need me to do that. I can go with Gohan no problem if we have such a thing," Tenshinhan reasoned as he looked at her. He figured that she wanted him to do something with the machine given that she had made it and called him here. Since it was him it meant she needed a fighter to use it. There were not many other people she could call that qualified for that anymore.
"No, Ten, this is a time machine, or it is a prototype machine. I have been working on it for the last three years or so. I wanted to figure a way to change things to fix them, so I have been working on this. I don't think it will work, but I think it might be our best chance," she said as she looked at him. "I don't know it if will work at all, but I kind of need someone to head back in time to see if it works. right before Goku got sick or something. If it works, things might change here, and then we can go back to living our lives as normal with our friends still alive. Well, if it was the same time line. I don't think it will work. It will most likely just create a new time line, but will that new timeline replace this one. There is so many things I don't know about this all," she informed him as she looked tired. She had to of been working on the machine for a long time.
Tien nodded his head as he figured he didn't have much or rather anything to lose. He got into the machine as he listened to Bulma explain the details which went over his head. He figured that it was important, but to over his head. He nodded his head as he listened to the basics as the date was changed. He took a bag as he pulled the lever. The machine started up, the lightning around it going all around as the pod grew hotter than ever before. He looked as everything disappeared in front of him as he saw something hit the machine and shake it throwing it off as he was off in a very unplanned direction.
Bulma looked at the machine and saw that things were not different. It told her that time travel would not affect her time line or what she did failed. She was going this failure to help her in the future. She could figure out or make guesses on what went wrong. She would then make her next machine someday more successful as she could account for her errors.. Of course she didn't know and would never know that her first machine wasn't a failure, it just didn't go back to where she had planned.
A/N-Just a simple prologue for an idea I had floating in my mind. I hope you enjoy.