Sorry for the lack of update, I was on vacation. I don't own Harry Potter. This is an AU of DH that begins at the chapter, "Malfoy Manor." The spell below is Latin that roughly translates: Male to Female.
Chapter One- Harry's New Fate
Harry was cut separate from his fellow prisoners and Lucius dragged him down the hall. He got a glimpse of Hermione being left with Bellatrix while Fenrir herded Ron and the others toward the cellar before he lost sight of them.
"The Dark Lord has plans for you, Potter," Lucius drawled. "Big plans."
Harry felt the Stinging Hex wearing off as he grunted, "I already know that he plans to kill me."
"Oh no, Potter," Lucius said. "He has a different plan in mind now. I, for one, look forward to witnessing some part of it." He opened a door and threw Harry into it before pushing back his sleeve and pressing his Dark Mark.
Harry felt his scar sear with pain. The room dissolved and he saw the outline of the tall tower and felt elation: They have the boy! He wrenched himself back to his own mind to find the door closed and he looked around to see he was in a spare bedroom. He was distracted from the room and his situation by a long scream: Hermione!
"Hermione!" Harry yelled and began to struggle against the ropes. He had to get loose and rescue his friends fast: Voldemort was on his way! Harry struggled hard against his bonds, pausing only to yell Hermione's name whenever she screamed. His struggles only resulted in abrasions and left him exhausted; nevertheless he continued to struggle, but to no avail. His scar twanged and he saw the manor gates briefly; Voldemort was here!
He heard the front door open and close followed by the drawing room door open. He closed his eyes and allowed the pain in his scar to show him what was happening. He saw Bellatrix kneeling before him as did the others in the room. Hermione laid on the floor, almost unconscious.
"Where is the boy?" Harry asked in a high cold voice.
"He is down the hall, my Lord," Lucius answered. "I will bring him to you."
"Very well. Bella," he pointed at Hermione. "Dispose of her."
"Yes, my Lord." Bellatrix rose and pointed her wand. "Avada Kedavra!" There was a flash of green light and Hermione was dead.
Harry came back to himself, tears streaking his face. Hermione was dead and it was possible that Ron and Dean were next as was the goblin, Griphook. It was all his fault; he said Voldemort's name and broke their protective spells and charms. If he hadn't been obsessed with the Hallows, he wouldn't have said the name. I don't know what plans Voldemort has for me, but I probably deserve it. He bowed his head, waiting for the door to open and for Lucius to drag him to his fate.
The door opened ten minutes later to reveal Lucius as Harry knew would be the case. Lucius grabbed the rope, pulled Harry to his feet, and hauled him into the drawing room where he pushed the boy to his knees at the dark wizard's feet before retreating to where the others were.
"Well, Harry, you did well to evade me, but Lord Voldemort has you at last. Your Mudblood friend is dead and the others will be tortured before being killed or Imperiused. I have no desire to spill magical blood. I have a different plan for you, however."
Harry said nothing; merely looked blandly at him, however his eyes held a saddened look in their depths. He would prefer to die, but as Lucius had said, he was not going to be killed. He waited for Voldemort to announce his intentions.
"You will belong to me, Harry Potter. I will own your body, possibly your mind and soul as well. However, for that to occur, a change is required." He drew his wand and aimed it at Harry. "Vir Tenus Femina!"
Harry groaned and fell onto his side. He felt something happening to his body, but he was in too much pain to look. Slowly, the pain faded and he felt the ropes being severed. He sat up, rubbing the side of his head before opening his eyes and looking up, noticing the astonished looks of Bellatrix and the Malfoy family and then the satisfied expression on Voldemort's face. He looked down to understand their expressions and his mouth dropped.
He was a woman now! Her hands were smaller and the fingers were longer like Voldemort's, but slender with nails. Her torso was also slender with curvy hips and large breasts. Some of her hair had fallen over her shoulder showing that it had gotten even longer, ending just past her breasts. She had no doubt that her feet, limbs, and face had altered too. He wants to own me with me as a woman. She felt anger at his intention and also felt violated with the gender switch. He may own my body, but he won't own my mind or soul.
Voldemort gripped one of Harry's hands and brought her to her feet to truly admire her. He had an ideal image of how he wanted Harry to look and it seemed he had succeeded. She was still the same height as before, but she had a slender torso and limbs, a curvy waist and hips, delicate hands and feet, large breasts, and a graceful neck. Her face was equally beautiful. It was hairless save for her delicate eyebrows and long hair. Her cheekbones were high and the cheeks themselves were rosy. Her nose was long and slender, her lips were full, and the shape of her face was all curves. Her eyes were wide and still bright green which were burning with anger at the moment. I did well in designing Harry's new body. She is absolutely stunning.
He took hold of Harry's other hand and pulled her close to him. She tried to pull away, but he maintained a firm grip. He smiled coldly. "Yes, Harry. I will have my way with you. I will have to use the Imperius Curse to make you want my advances."
"No!" Harry exclaimed in a high, sweet-sounding voice, finally pulling away.
Voldemort smirked. "I don't see how you can stop me. You have no wand. Believe me, you will eventually be glad I chose to keep you alive and you will love me."
And I have ways to make sure of that. You will love me and be grateful that I Transfigured you.
"Lucius, take this young lady to my chambers and lock the door. Bella, see to the torture of our prisoners. Kill the Mudblood. I will personally control the others."
"Yes, my Lord," they chorused. Lucius seized Harry and led her out of the room while Bellatrix headed down toward the cellar.
Lucius smirked at Harry. "That was quite entertaining. I must say I didn't expect him to Transfigure you into a woman. He must fancy you, Potter, which is interesting since most believe he can't love.
"I suggest you not fight him. He can and will control you if you do. He may even threaten the life of the Weasley boy if you don't cooperate. Face it, Potter: It's over and you would be well advised to join our side."
Harry paled. He would do that. He could control Ron and convince him to endanger himself in order to force my cooperation. Perhaps, for Ron's sake, I'll submit. But, I will not join His side of the war. I'll keep fighting.