(Author's Note: This is a rewrite of two fics I posted on a couple of small Trigun message boards previously. I decided to do it over completely, change the plot and try to make it darker and more in character. I do realize that probably the only in-character Knives and Milly fic would go: "Knives killed Milly. Then he laughed." But I'm going to try to do my best here, and if there is enough response I will continue. Or possibly I'll just continue for my own amusement either way. Thank you to my husband for reading and editing. Oh yeah, and I don't own Trigun, other people do.)

Chapter 1:

I was standing I at the door of our house, shading my eyes from the suns, as Meryl came running up to me.

"Milly. There's a rumor going around town about who Vash and Knives really are. They've got to get out of here. Vash is heading east to March to look for a new house and I need your help with Knives."

I stood indecisive for a moment. I didn't like being afraid of people but I was afraid of Knives. He went through the motions of a normal person's life, but there was still darkness inside him. But Meryl needed my help. Finally, I nodded, and picked up my stun gun. We rode in my jeep to the house where Vash and Knives lived.

We went back to the house where Vash and Knives lived. Knives lay on his bed, wearing a T-shirt and blue jeans. He had healed significantly from his wounds in his battle with his brother, but he was still weak. Meryl began speaking to him, trying to get him to get up and go with us.

"I've done nothing but move from one town to another for months," Knives was saying as he sat up.

I could see the way he was glaring at Meryl.

"Meryl, why don't you catch up with Vash, and I'll take care of Knives. We'll meet up with you later."

Knives's glare was transferred to me. Why do I always have to take on other people's problems? But I could see how desperately Meryl wanted to leave.

"Are you sure you'll be all right, Milly?" she asked.

I had no idea, but I just said "Yes," and watched her get into her car.

I turned to Knives and opened my mouth to speak, but before I could say anything I heard the noise of the door slamming open.

Two men carrying crowbars came running into the room. "Killer!" one shouted.

Knives stood, and held up one hand. One man suddenly clutched at his abdomen and fell, but the other kept coming. Knives futilely held up his hands to push him away.

I had my stun gun ready, but I was unable to fire before the man had hit Knives in the head with the crowbar. As the gun's bolt finally hit the man and threw him against the wall, Knives fell back onto the bed.

I couldn't decide whom to tend to first. Finally I turned to Knives. He was breathing, but apparently unconscious. So was the man I had shot at. The other man was bleeding from the mouth, and when I felt his arm I found no pulse.

It occurred to me that those men could have friends waiting to come here and finish the job. I had to leave right away with Knives. I knew that moving someone with a head injury was not advisable but I had no choice. Carefully, I picked him up, using all my strength.

Somehow I managed to get him out to the car and put him in the passenger seat.

"He's very heavy," I said to myself. "But I don't think it's because he is full of mercy."

I almost gave in to a hysterical giggle, but I managed to get behind the wheel and start driving.

I wanted to take Knives to a doctor, but there was no safe way to do that here. I drove east. I couldn't help wondering about the man he had killed and the other who I had left. Had I done the right thing? Perhaps Vash would have stayed to help the fallen. But now I had no choice but to help Knives.