Let's just dance.

Sparring session.

Wonderbat Key Phrases - October 2019

A/N: This story takes place after "Justice League Unlimited". As usual, I don't own any recognizable characters. DC Comics does. I just like to play with them.

October 20, 2019 – "Let's just dance."

"Thank you for helping me today. I'm not taking you away from anything important, am I?" Diana asked Batman as they entered the largest training room on the Watchtower.

"Not at the moment, but I'm needed back in Gotham for a very important meeting in a few hours," he grumbled.

"Hot date?" she teased.

"Something like that."

There had been several requests over the last few months from some of the other League members, for the senior members to give abilities presentations or skills showcases. While Batman had not been a fan of the idea, Wonder Woman enthusiastically volunteered to demonstrate some Themysciran fighting styles. She needed a partner who was well versed in many different styles of hand-to-hand combat, so she naturally asked the best warrior she knew to help her out. Batman said no as quickly as the question was out of her mouth. She knew how to entice him though; all she needed to do was bat her eyelashes and give her best "puppy dog eyes", and make some kind of physical contact with him. Hook, line, and sinker… he changed his tune quickly, not wanting to be the reason she was unhappy.

The room was packed with almost all available League members for Wonder Woman's demonstration. Some were there for the actual demonstration, others wanted to see if Batman and Wonder Woman would end up getting into one of their legendary arguments. Bets were already being made.

Once everyone was settled, Diana took her place in front of the audience to address them.

"Thank you all for coming today," she began. "As per the request of many League members, today will be the first in a line of seminars, presentations and showcases to improve skills or learn something new that can be used in your League duties. Today, with the help of Batman, I will be demonstrating a few Themysciran fighting techniques."

Wonder Woman gestured towards Batman, who remained stoic and wrapped in his cape, "Batman, would you please step forward?" Batman came to stand beside Wonder Woman and faced her. "Batman will be on defense, as I demonstrate a few types of hand-to-hand combat manoeuvres."

Diana moved quickly and gracefully through the exercise, backing Batman up to the edge of the designated training area. They switched positions and worked their way back to the other side of the training area. This went on for several more minutes before Diana switched to a different technique. Everyone watched quietly, in awe of the two warriors in their elegant dance. The odd smirk or amused look they would shoot at one another every once in while didn't go unnoticed by the League members who had suspicions about whether or not Batman and Wonder Woman had a "thing" for each other.

"Did you need a break, Batman?" Diana quipped with a chuckle as a kick she just threw at him almost connected with his head.

"In your dreams, Princess. Let's just dance," Batman smirked.

They carried on like this for the rest of the presentation. Time seemed to pass more slowly, the world around them faded away. It was a primal dance they both shared; their bodies moving together as one, it was a memorizing sight to behold. Every once in a while, Diana would hesitate a few seconds longer than needed to break out of a hold or a pin that Batman had put her in, or vice versa. Her breath would hitch every time he pressed the full weight of his sculpted body against hers while pinning her to the mat. Batman's heart was pounding so hard in his chest, he thought for sure she could feel it through his armour; her scent, and the way her breasts heaved against his chest as she tried to catch her breath, driving him absolutely crazy.

The silence of the crowd gathered was palpable. No one dared to take their eyes off of the scene unfolding in front of them. Everyone in the League had heard the rumours about Batman and Wonder Woman. Few people believed or gave credence to them; just idol gossip that was laughable at best. What the assembled group was witnessing, made those rumours a little easier to believe. Sure, it was subtle, Batman's not going to let his guard down while in such a public venue; however, the rise in room temperature and the flawless execution of their back and forth gave those rumours a little more fuel.

Once the demonstration concluded, Diana stuck around to field questions about certain techniques; Batman disappeared the moment he could, as usual.


Batman returned from another successful patrol. It had been rather quiet tonight, but he wasn't going to ungrateful about it; quiet nights in Gotham are few and far between. Things had improved in the last year or so, but they were still far from ideal. He exited the Batmobile, and made his way to the changing area. He removed his uniform before heading to the shower.

Turning on the facet and stepping under the shower head, Bruce let the hot water sooth his muscles. His mind wandered to Diana and their sparring earlier on the Watchtower: the flirtatious back-and-forth, the way her body felt pressed under his, her scent that seemed to overload his senses, all of it… all of her, caused his body to react to his arousing thoughts.

Bruce quickly set the water to its coldest setting in an effort to tamp down his rapidly heating blood. He stood under the cold water for a few minutes before turning off the water and making is way back to the changing area.

Bruce quickly put on a pair of black workout shorts and running shoes, a gray t-shirt in hand, he made his way to his chair stationed at the Batcomputer. As he got closer, he noticed the chair was occupied.

"You're early," Bruce greeted his guest, as the chair turned to face him.

"I have a debt to be paid, and I prefer to pay back my debts as soon as possible."

"You owe me big for today, Princess. I should get you to wash the Batmobile and the Batwing," Bruce smirked as he sat on the edge of the desk in front of Diana, arms folded across his bare chest in mock annoyance. He immediately noticed that she couldn't take her eyes off his semi-nude form from the minutes her eyes settled on him coming out of the changing area. He took in her appearance as her eyes continued to greedily drink in the sight of him. Diana had on a white chiton and a pair of gold sandals. Her hair fell loosely around her face and down her back. Her breathing hitching with her own increasing arousal, as she watched a rogue water droplet running down his chiseled abs, stopping as it hits the waistband of his shorts. "See something you like, Princess?"

The sexy sound of his rich baritone voice woke her from her daydreams. Diana's face turned bright red in embarrassment, having clearly been caught ogling his physique. "I… uh, that is… I… uh…" she stuttered.

Bruce found her embarrassment quite endearing… and arousing, given what she was doing in the first place. Add that to the long list of "Reasons Why Dating Diana Would Be Amazing" he started shortly after they met. Her innocence and her positive nature made it hard not to find her charming. The warmth he felt when she was around, slowly started to thaw his cold heart.

"What did you have in mind, Bruce?" she said, once her tongue united itself.

"I was thinking of getting two birds with one stone, and pay off my own debt with you, by having the dance I owed you from Paris," he said, no longer leaning again the desk.

Diana stood to meet his eyes with hers, "…But?" she said, sensing the hesitation in his voice.

"But now I think I want something else for your debt before I clear mine," he said, wrapping is left arm around her waist, while the right came up to her face.

"Whatever you want from me, Bruce, it's yours," she whispered, their lips inches apart. He couldn't wait any longer, as his lips crashed against hers. The passion and intensity shocked Diana, as she poured all the love she felt for this man into her kiss. This moment had been building for years, today's sparring had only fueled his growing need for her in his life as more than "just good friends".

They broke the kiss after several long minutes to catch their breath, their foreheads touching.


"Shhh, Princess," he said, starring into her beautiful blue eyes. "We can talk later. Right now… let's just dance."



A/N: Eight stories done! I hope you enjoyed one, or all, of my key phrase stories! I'm so sorry it took me a little longer to post these last chapters, I was hunting in middle of nowhere with no power or cell/internet service. I know these last few stories are a little shorter than I normally write, but between work and hunting, I've found it a little difficult to put out so much all at once. For those of you who do this and write solid stories for each event, I applaud you! This was a very tough challege, but rewarding at the same time. I can't wait until the next Wonderbat Holiday Event! Cheers for now!