HEY! Whats up ya'll, finally the kids are going to be making their way to America this chapter. I loved writing this one and I'm pretty sure this is the first time we are seeing a certain characters pov - so I hope I captured their personality correctly (In accordance to their development this story that is) - so enjoy! The next chapter will probably be this weekend so look forward to that, as always thanks for the support!

Dark green strands of hair danced across her face. She smirked at the small screen in front of them as she leaned into him ever so slightly. The movie playing happened to be a comedy - so they two laughed and giggled at the picture. Ochako, well one could say that she had never felt more comfortable in her life.

They'd been doing this a lot lately. Escaping off to his or her room just to, hang out. Whether it was watching a movie, studying, or talking for hours. It felt nice to get away from the rest of the class, especially now that they all seem to love to tease them about the "big date next week." It was a bittersweet feeling, but it was also easy to escape when it became too much. It almost felt like most of their time was spent in either of their rooms over the last few days.

She knew this was dangerous. They were getting too close, and they both had goals in life. Her mind was always in a constant battle - on one side, she argued that there simply wasn't time for romance. Deku has a goal, she has a goal - sure, their goals may be intertwined but with how much they already have on their plate...

Would juggling a romantic relationship be feasible?

She didn't know, but she did know what the other side fought for. The much stronger side, argued that it already seemed like they were dating. They spent a lot of time together, training, studying, and just hanging out like they were now. The only addition that a romance would bring would be physical- Stop!

Thinking about stuff like that, especially when he was literally laying on her, was way too big a risk. It didn't change the fact however, that the only change would be that. Physical affection, romantic gestures, things she wanted so desperately.

That's not even to mention Jiro and Kaminari. They apparently had been dating for a month now, and they seem to be doing fine. Granted, they were secretly dating, and she didn't know if that would be an option. But if they could do it, why couldn't she and Deku make it work too? That is, if he liked her back.

What was the right answer?

Part of her wanted to not care. She could worry about this after they got past this dance. But deep down she knew it was only a week or two away until they would be there. Part of her knew that, pushing it back would only delay the inevitable.

It was already Friday. Friday night to be exact - meaning they only had one more full day until they were leaving. The fear of the situation, although large, was nearly trumped by her overwhelming excitement. Even if the situation itself was dire - the idea of flying to America and attending the National Hero Ball was enough to get her pumped. It was also enough for her to forget about her little problem for the time being. She had decided that there was no harm in enjoying the trip, and just having fun with her friend.

Suddenly, her positive thoughts turned grey as she recalled the utter scene Bakugo had made just a few hours ago.

Of course their accomplice had grown impatient and decided to do the fake phone call a whole day early. Normally, it would have been fine, Ochako didn't see a problem with him getting it out of the way. But his "performance" was short of praiseworthy. Grimacing at Bakugo's acting, she reached over to pause the movie. "Are you sure the class believed all of that earlier?" She looked up to Deku, her face full of worry. He cringed as well, seemingly remembering the event. "I mean, it wasn't that bad, right?"

An odd half chuckle, half sigh escaped his mouth, "It was pretty bad."

Of course it was! Who throws their arms up in a fury and storms off yelling 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN MOM WAS IN AN ACCIDENT!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER!?'

"On second thought Uraraka, maybe it wasn't that bad after all," he chuckled, "I mean, we are talking about Kacchan here. For all we know, that would be his normal reaction to that kinda news."

Once again his words were able to bring her comfort - he always had that effect on her. Maybe he actually was born with a quirk, just a super specific one that was only meant to bring her happiness...

...maybe that was a little much

She smiled, chuckling back at his observation, "You're probably right. I shouldn't worry so much."

He gave her a little side glance, before sighing and sitting up a bit. "Speaking of worrying, how do you think Todoroki's doing?"

She had managed to momentarily forget about yesterday's events. How the entire class crowded around the tv, watching as Endeavor (with help of #2 hero Hawks) battled a Nomu that seemed to have infinite power.

It was truly frightening.

Not only watching as Todoroki feared for the life of his father, but watching as everyone around the seen panicked. Then, their was the "Can't ya see?" kid. Hope was something he instilled, and in the end - Endeavor was able to stand proudly in victory.

"I'm sure he's fine." Ochako responded, leaning reassuringly into his shoulder, "You spoke to him earlier right?"

"Yeah, he seemed fine but I don't know," she watched as his eyes store into the keys of the laptop in front of them, "something tells me he's not completely ok."

She paused before her next words, not really sure of what to say. Deku cared so much for Todoroki, and telling him that everything was fine wouldn't necessarily help ease his worries. "Deku, it's hard to, really, pinpoint what's wrong there."

He gave a small sound of confusion, "Hm?"

"You know, their entire family is so... complicated."


She forced a smile onto her face, "It's ok though. You already helped him back at the sports festival, and I think from here you're gonna have to let him handle that type of stuff."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he smiled, moving his fingers to the space bar, "It'll be fine."

It took another hour or so for the movie to end, and when it did, Ochako happily closed the laptop. "I guess I should head back to my room, I'm pretty tired and it's," she glanced down at her phone, "w-wow, it's already 1:30."

Expecting him to get up and move, or even say something in return, she awaited his voice. Only, she never got it. All she did pick up was the tiniest snores she had ever heard.

He had fallen asleep on her shoulder.

It was such a common occurrence for them at this point, she barely flinched. Only offering up a faint chuckle and smile as her eyes trailed across his face. His mouth was slightly ajar, and the freckles on his cheeks were so defined, she could probably count them.

This was definitely over-stepping at this point. She could feel that it was time to get up and leave him to sleep, so she did. She sat up from the pile of pillows they rested on and moved to climb over her sleeping friend. When she planted her hand next to his waist, she definitely hadn't expected him to grab on to her wrist.

Don't freak out

She gave a gentle tug. Nothing. A little less gentle tug. Still nothing. She breathed a heavy sigh before climbing back over him to try and detach his hand from hers. That didn't work. Finally she resorted to her words, "Deku, your kinda grabbing me there, can you let go?"

His asleep-self was obviously not very coherent. He did let go however, only to curl back into the pillows and murmur out a low and choppy, "s-stay."

Her breath hitched, he wanted her to stay? The sane part of her mind rolled her eyes and wished him a goodnight.

But unfortunately that didn't seem to be the part of her brain that controlled her body. Because, she still hadn't moved. She kneeled on his bed, breathing consciously - the heat rising to her face was slight, but it was there.

What if she did stay?

In a moment of mental blockage, her body laid back down. Her head rested inches away from his, sharing the same pillow, and her arm tucked closely to her chest. Really, what was the harm in staying for just a few more minutes? At least until, his consciousness was fully...lost...

"..doriya, Young Midoriya."

He could feel the crust on his eyes give way as he peaked them open. His room was dark, but in front of him, stood a thin framed man, crouched down next to his bed. For a split second he nearly screamed. Who was in his room at a time like this?

It took a few seconds for his mind to catch up, but as soon as it did, the figure became clear. All Might, of course. Who else did he know with hair shaped like that? He must have been half asleep, "All Might? W-What are you doing here?"

Sitting up, he noticed an unusual weight to his left. His hand accidentally brushed the side of this weight, letting him know that it was in fact a person who was next to him. Once he glanced down, he saw Uraraka, laying there facing the wall. Oh no

They must have fallen asleep while watching the movie. And now, All Might was standing in the middle of his room watching them sleep next to each other. This was bad, not only was this breaking so many rules, but it was also extremely embarrassing for his idol to be watching something like this. He quickly glanced back up to his teacher apprehensively, afraid of his reaction - but he simply received a small smirk. "It's fine Midoriya, but there is a reason I'm here. There's been a change in plans, we need to leave on a plane to America in two hours."

His eyes widened, "W-What?"

The face All Might was making was similar to the one he had made earlier that week; When he had told them about the lock-down, and how the class was on a suspect list. It looked full of pity. "It's a long story, but essentially the committee is sending their people a day earlier than planned. So we need to leave, and fast." He stood up and sighed, noticeably upset at the circumstance. His body turned towards the door, only to look back after a few seconds. "Wake Uraraka and tell her to have her bag packed with what we discussed, we leave in half an hour. I need to go inform Bakugo."

His eyes lingered on Izuku's for a few seconds, before he smiled and nodded. Just like that, he turned once more and exited the room.

He took half a second to breath, there was so much they needed to do, and so little time. His immediate thought was Uraraka, so he turned to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Uraraka. Hey, you gotta get up."

Not wasting time on watching her wake, he quickly turned around and moved towards his closet. He needed to grab his suitcase and make sure he had everything. Thankfully, he had packed already for this trip. All Might had given them a list of things to bring, such as formal wear, travel documents, and in Izuku's case, a pair of shoes that weren't his red high tops. Thank god he had chosen to pack the day before, he had no clue what he would be doing if he had 30 minutes to get his things together. He just needed to add his toiletries and he'd be set.

Behind him, he heard her stir, "D-Deku? W-What's going on, wait why am I-"

Quickly, he turned around and rushed over to her, "Uraraka! There's no time, you need to go to your room and pack." He helped her sit up quickly, silently praying that she had already packed like he did. "There's been a change in plans, we're leaving in half an hour for the airport."

If he hadn't been freaking out over their inherent lack of time, he would have taken a moment to help her catch her bearings. Maybe he would have chuckled at the half confused, half dazed face she was making as he pulled her off his bed. But they didn't have time.

She shook her head a little and ran a hand through her hair, taking a deep breath in the process. There was brief moment of silence as he grabbed his phone charger from his desk, before suddenly he heard a gasp, "W-Wait, Deku! What about Bakugo?"

He had already turned to shove the item in his suitcase, "it's alright, All Might is going to tell him right now."

Once his suitcase was zipped, he began slipping on his shoes. Suddenly, Uraraka struggled to push out a, "N-No! Deku, I was talking about the plan! The class doesn't know Bakugo is going to the hospital for his mother!"

He froze. He had completely forgotten about that, and now they were leaving in 20 minutes with a large gap in their story. A gap that could cost them their safety and the very secret of One for All itself. This was bad, very bad.


"C'mon Kirishima! Open up!" he screamed, pounding on his friends door like his life depended on it.

It basically did at this point. If he didn't get someone to help him out with this lie to the class, the entirety of One for All would be made public to the heroes safety committee. Then, really who knew what could happen. Actually, he did know.

All Might had explained thoroughly how dangerous that would be for not only himself, but for Deku, Uraraka, their families, and their entire class.

So it wasn't an option. He wouldn't allow the secret to be outed like that, not if he could do something about it. He just wished that he had his original plan to fall back on. But unfortunately, that wasn't in his playbook anymore.

Katsuki had to say, getting woken up by All Might at 3:00 in the morning was not on his to-do list. When he had learned that they had thirty minutes to pack and leave for the airport, he nearly screamed in the former number one's face. Could you blame him though!? He had zero knowledge of anything, and his plan wasn't even fully complete. That made it twice as hard for him to do this. What was this? It was him relying on one of his best friends.

His fist tightened uncontrollably, he didn't want to drag anyone else in this shit.

Suddenly, the door in front of him swung open to a nasty looking face, "BAKUGO! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LATE IT IS!?"

"Quiet the fuck down! You'll wake up the whole floor!" He shouted back, not taking his own advice.

Kirishima reluctantly sighed and shut his mouth. Now, Katsuki ran into a problem, what the hell was he going to say? He was standing right in front of him, staring into his eyes, and he had zero clue as to how we was going to explain this. It's not like he could just tell him the entire situation, and he couldn't make up some bullshit lie, that wouldn't go over smoothly with the one person who could tell when he was lying. But he needed his help.

He took a deep breath, he needed to calm down, "Listen, I need your help Kirishima."

The upset look on Kirishima's face fell, getting replaced with one of worry and curiosity. He took a step closer to Katsuki, and leaned on the door frame that separated them. "What's wrong man? Is everything alright? Does this have to do with your mom?"

He had to fight back the urge to let off a small explosion, "Uh, kinda. I, I can't explain everything right now." He could see the look in Kirishima's face, it was so skeptical. Not that he could blame him, this probably sounded bat-shit crazy. "But you need to trust me and just know that whatever ends up happening this next week, me, Deku, and round cheeks are innocent, alright?"

He paused, watching his friends face for any sign of, well, anything. Kirishima was Katsuki's best friend, he knew him better then anyone, but this was a rare occasion where he couldn't read him. For a moment, silence overtook them. It was almost frightening, but suddenly, a smile planted itself on Kirishima's face, "Of course man, I will always trust you and I trust Midoriya and Uraraka as well."

When he let out a breath, it came with a bit of shock; he hadn't realized he was holding his breath in the first place. "T-Thanks man. I just, I don't have much time, but I need you to make sure that by tomorrow morning everyone in the class knows and understands that I left to visit my mom in the hospital. And Deku and round cheeks went to the dance a day early."

The confused look returned, "W-Wait, why?"

He sighed once more, "Like I said, I can't explain. It's too complicated, but I promise you when I get back I'll give you as good an explanation I can, alright?"

For another second, silence filled in around them once more. Katsuki trusted Kirishima, with his life even, but he couldn't just share this secret with him. It wasn't his to share, nor did he want to risk another person's life. He would have to come up with a way to skirt around the real explanation later.

"Ok, I'll do it. I trust you man, just make sure you tell me what's really up when you get back."

He couldn't help the grin that edged its way up his face, "Thank's shitty hair, so much, and I will. I promise."

"Kacchan has it handled!" He exclaimed in quiet voice, running down the stairs to the first floor.

"Really? Are you sure?" Uraraka asked quickly, dragging her suitcase behind her.

He glanced back down at his phone, "Yeah. He's having Kirishima let everyone know tomorrow morning! It's gonna be ok."

Behind him, he could hear Uraraka let out a big sigh of relief. He too was relieved, after he remembered that Kacchan hadn't finished his lie, he was rather shell shocked to say the least. But after Izuku had received a text from him that let them know he had it covered, he calmed down a bit. Enough at least to follow Uraraka to her room and wait outside as she grabbed her pre-packed bag.

He was thankful she had taken the liberty of packing before hand as well. They would have been really in trouble if she hadn't, and she had to somehow make sure all of her things were packed within a mere 20 minutes. He assumed that Kacchan had packed already as well, considering he didn't express any concern in his text. But then again, it was Kacchan, for all they knew he was cursing himself out as he tried to zip up an overstuffed suitcase.

As they made it down to the first floor, his eyes immediately spotted All Might standing by the front entrance. He sported a form fitting suit, holding the jacket to his attire at his right side, and on his left his gripped his large suitcase. For a split second, he wondered if they were supposed to already be in their formal wear. But that thought quickly left as he realized they were only going on a plane. Formal wear would hardly be necessary for that, and if it was their current combo of sweatshirts and sweatpants would be a bit concerning. But then why was All Might dressed up?

It didn't matter, he would ask later.

Standing next to All Might, was their teacher, Aizawa sensei. His attire resembled what he had worn the night of his and Kacchan's fight. The dark hair that usually fell messily in front of his face, rested in a loose ponytail. A thin, black, long sleeve shirt with grey pants fit the rest of his attire. Seeing Aizawa there was not the most surprising thing that night, especially since they knew he was aware of the plan (in some fashion that is).

He chuckled at Uraraka's surprised, "Oh.." at Aizawa's attire. Not that he blamed her, going from his usual grimy and almost scary like manner of dressing to this, was a little shocking. Still, it was a bit funny seeing her react to the dramatic change their teacher could pull off.

"Midoriya, Uraraka, I'm sorry for the short notice. The committee only informed us a mere thirty minutes ago that they would be sending their people tomorrow instead of Monday like originally planned." Aizawa explained, having noticed their arrival across the room. All Might seemed to pick up on their presence as well, somehow locking eyes with Izuku from the other side of the poorly lit room.

"It's alright Aizawa-sensei, it wasn't your fault." Uraraka said, picking up her pace to reach the two just a bit quicker.

There was an odd silence from All Might that radiated towards him - almost like he was trying to tell him something. The only problem, was that Izuku couldn't figure out exactly what that unspoken message was. Although, judging from the small glance he made towards his brown haired friend, it was likely it had something to do with Uraraka. Possibly, something to do with the fact that he saw them sleeping in the same bed earlier.

Oh, that..

All Might had said it was fine before, and in the midst of his rushed frenzy to get their things packed and worrying about Kacchan, he had almost completely forgotten about that slightly awkward exchange before. Well that was great, now All Might thought Uraraka and him were much more intimate than they actually were. He hadn't realized that he wasn't moving anymore, so he jump started his legs and caught up with Uraraka.

"Have you heard from Bakugo on his plan," All Might asked her, "He was quite, angry, when I let him know of the time constrictions."

Before Uraraka could answer, Izuku chimed in, "Yeah, he just texted me saying that he had it covered. So we don't have to worry about that, I trust his word."

The others nodded, and they fell into a comfortable silence. A glance up at their homeroom teacher told Izuku that he was, as usual, exhausted. The surprise alert from the heroes committee in the middle of the night probably cut into his already small sleeping time. Come to think of it, everyone their looked tired. All Might had small bags under his already sunken in eyes. Uraraka definitely could use another six hours of sleep before she was fully well rested. Hell, even he could feel the small sting behind his eyes from the lack of sleep.

They'll sleep on the plane, no doubt. Hopefully they would, spending a 13 hour flight from Tokyo to New York awake would be rather boring.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he tapped on Kacchan and his message chain. His tired eyes squinted at the brightness of his phone, but they still re-read his words

I'm having Kirishima let everyone know in the morning, he's got it covered

An unwanted frown edged it's way onto his face. It wasn't that he distrusted Kacchan, but his brain wouldn't let him stop thinking of worst case scenarios. Such as Kirishima accidentally forgetting, or a few people in the class mishearing him. His thoughts were interrupted by a small nudge on his left side. He glanced down and saw Uraraka looking up at him. "Uraraka?"

"You ok?" Her voice was quiet, enough for him to hear, but not enough for their teachers to.

He sighed, locking his phone and slipping it back into his pocket. "Yeah, just... worrying. You know me."

"It'll be fine," she leaned into his side ever-so slightly, "Kirishima isn't one to mess around with stuff like this. He'll pull through."

He let himself cherish the small amount of warmth he felt from her half embrace, but taking a deep breath and nodding, he went back to reality. He knew she was right, Kirishima would handle it correctly. Deep down he had already known that. His smile came back and he brought his hand into a tight fist in front of his chest, "You're right. I'm sorry."

He could feel her tiny chuckle at his words, "Don't apologize idiot. Worrying isn't bad, it's just better to not let it get to you."

His head fell and a tiny bit of laughter followed, "Alright."

It took a few more minutes, but finally a half asleep and angry looking Kacchan came marching down the steps like a man on a mission. If it wasn't for his tiny fear of dying, he would have laughed at the scowl that had plastered itself on the blonde's face.

Once he had reached the group, Aizawa stepped forward to address them all at once. "Listen, I don't fully know why this is happening. All I do know, is that this is for safety of the class and yourselves. I trust All Mights word, and I myself will be doing what I can to help out here while they are interviewing your classmates."

A firm nod from the three kids is what he received, and that was enough for him to continue. "You kids don't need to know specifics as to how we are going to set up your disappearances to the committee. But, expect some odd behavior once you return. It will be hard to explain how three students weren't in school the same week they decide to investigate a possible traitor."

"Sir," Izuku started, raising his hand slightly, "What do you mean exactly when you say odd behavior?"

A low sigh came from Aizawa's mouth, "What I mean, is we might have to deal with them investigating you three and your whereabouts. If that is the case, it's going to get a lot trickier."

"But with our current plan that shouldn't happen," All Might chimed in, stepping in front of the three as well, "you can trust us, our priorities are your safety."

With that, the five exited Heights Alliance with their bags in tow. Izuku's eyes were drawn to the dark outline of U.A. The towering glass structure being impossible to miss, while at the same time somehow blending in seamlessly.

It would be a while before he saw it again, so he took it in one last time. And with a final glance back at their dormitory, he continued on towards the car waiting for them at the front entrance.

The train ride was short

It only took around 20 minutes to reach the Tokyo International Airport. Izuku hadn't really know what he was expecting when he got there, but it had been much busier then he thought it would be. Not that it was packed per say, but there was enough people there to keep the staff relatively busy.

Aizawa had stayed at U.A. after authorizing their leave at the main gate, so now it was only All Might, Kacchan, Uraraka, and himself. They moved quickly, shuffling around strangers as they made their way to checking. He took note of the rather large hat All Might was wearing, most likely to hide his identity. He had somewhat forgotten how easily the media could pick his presence.

As soon as they got up to the front line, All Might suddenly flashed his hero license and another document that seemed incredibly important. He didn't even know that All Might kept his hero license when he retired, but at the same time it didn't make much sense for him to get rid of it. Next thing he knew, they were getting ushered into a side room where a separate line of security was held.

That was, different.

When he had flown with his mother in the past, they never went through a separate system. It was always the normal process, but he guessed a group of heroes would be treated differently at an airport.

Or maybe All Might was just treated differently

Sometimes he forgot of the insane status his mentor held in the world. A former number one hero, probably with his own private plane - or at the very least a higher class expectancy while flying.

Once they actually made it onto the plane some of those questions were answered. It wasn't exactly private, but it was much smaller than the planes he had flown on in the past. If he had to guess it probably sat around 15-20 at max. A few others shared the flight with them, he didn't recognize them as pro heroes or anything. They were more than likely just high class citizens traveling on a more expensive flight.

Their seats were very different. They were in bunches of four, two facing the other two, a good amount away from each other. All of them reclined fully for resting, and they each came with a cup holder. Extremely different to the normal airline seats he was used to.

Once they had started to sit down, he was ushered in by All Might who offered the window seat to himself and Kacchan. Both sitting down and facing each other, it was kind of hard to not notice Uraraka standing, dazed like she had just walked into a room full of gold.

"Uh, hey Uraraka? Is everything alright?" He asked, waving his hand to try and get her attention. Her face brightened for a second before she seemed to snap back into reality.

"Oh! S-Sorry!" Now with a small tint of red covering her cheeks, she hurriedly took her seat next to Izuku. "It's just, I wasn't expecting things to be this, um, high class."

It made sense, she had mentioned on more then one occasion that she and her family came from rather rough upbringings. He briefly recalled how she had told them her motive to becoming a hero was for the money, so her parents could retire without worry. It was such a noble cause in his mind, while she had called herself selfish and greedy. He didn't see it though, she was just trying to save her parents, that was amazing in his eyes.

He could see the amazement in her eyes as she leaned back into the hand stitched leather. Her hands grazed the sides of the chair, and the smallest of smiles appeared on her face.

"Yes, well, if not for planes like these, we would be swarmed with media and fans wanting autographs." All Might explained, sitting down on his chair as well. He rested the black jacket to his suit on his lap before leaning back into the headrest, "You probably haven't learned this in class yet, they usually don't teach this until your third year. But airlines have separate planes for heroes, and high class citizens who would be troubled to fly in normal planes - but don't find the need to own their own private jets."

That made a lot of sense. But still then, if All Might was protected from the media by this plane, then why was he dressed up like he was ready for an interview? "Sir? I was meaning to ask this earlier actually.."

All Might's head turned towards his, "What is it my boy?"

"Why exactly are you dressed up? It's a solid thirteen hour flight, and if this plane is meant to hide you from media and fans, why prepare for them?"

Their teacher let out a small chuckle, "Ah, well. Usually you would be correct, I wouldn't have much need for dressing up when flying." His head turned to look out the window at the dark sky lit up by the lights along the runway, "but we're flying to America for an event that is broadcasted on television around the globe. It is extremely important, so the media will be camping all the major terminals and roadways in the city once we arrive."

He nodded his head, also looking out the window. The lights danced across the ground, filling the dark void that the night had created. In the window, the smallest reflection from the main lights inside the plane had caught his eyes. It was a girl, with blonde hair.

His eyes quickly turned to the right, and he caught sight of the girl. She looked to be around their age, maybe a year or two older, and sported a low hanging braid for her blonde hair. In an instant she had walked away, taking her seat on the other end of the jet.

Uraraka seemed to notice his sudden jolt, "what was that Deku?" Her eyes followed his, "What are you looking at?"

'It's just your imagination, calm down' He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head and letting out a small breath. For a second, and only a second, he swore he saw Toga. But he knew he was imagining it, the blonde hair was just enough for him to get a bit frightened.

There was no way Toga could get on this plane. She's a wanted villain in Japan, she couldn't even make it into the airport.

"It's nothing Uraraka. Sorry, just... thought I saw something." His eyes lingered on the seat she had chosen down the aisle. He noticed Uraraka still looking worried, so he gave her a small, genuine smile that showed he wasn't lying - she relaxed after that.

But why did he get the feeling that whoever he just saw was...

"Wait hold on," Kacchan suddenly exclaimed, "What does that mean for us? If you're going to get mobbed by the media once we get there, what are we gonna do?"

"Well," All Might adjusted in his seat, leaning forward a bit to address all three of them more directly, "You three will be able to fly under the radar. I will give you all the details once we land, but essentially we're going to split up."

"W-Wait! Split up?" Uraraka asked, eyes wide with concern, "We're going to America right? How are we supposed to find our way around in a city we are completely unfamiliar with?"

"It'll be fine," All Might reassured, "Like I said, when we are about an hour out, I'll give you all the specifics of the plan. You'll be given directions, time stamps, everything you'll need."

The concern from Uraraka seemed to lessen slightly, but the pandering thoughts in Izuku's brain didn't. She had a really good point, if they were to split up in America, he doubted it would be easy to find their way around. But the words from All Might were enough for him to keep calm on the outside for now. Honestly, he was a bit too exhausted to voice any of his own concerns at the moment.

"For now though, try and get some rest. It's a long flight, and you all look like you need a good night's sleep." It was almost like All Might had read his mind.

As the plane took flight, he took note of the dimming lights around them. Kacchan was already passed out, utilizing the complimentary blankets and pillows that had been passed out moments prior. All Might was following a similar routine. Uraraka and himself were the only ones still sitting up, their blankets laying over them and their pillows in their lap.

"You okay?" He whispered, careful not wake up the two sitting across from them.

He could see her twitch at the sudden shift in pressure, and her hand suddenly gripped the side of her chair a bit tighter than usual, "y-yeah, sorry."

It was quite obviously her first time on an airplane. Not surprising, due to her family's financial situation. Still, the twinkle in her eyes as she seemingly felt the plane take flight was impossible not to gawk at. She wore a shocked and excited look as she gazed out the dark window into the night sky. The plane had finally found its altitude after a minute or so, and now it began flying straight.

She was still holding the side of the chair, a bit less tightly, but it was noticeable. He wanted to do something, but for a second he hesitated. His old nerves getting the better of him, stopping him yet again from doing something that he truly wanted to do. But then he remembered his newly found resolve. Like you mean it-

Because you do

Reaching over, his hand took hold of hers. He could hear her breath hitch as he gave her palm a reassuring squeeze. "Kind of cool right?

There was a second where she paused, before she squeezed his hand right back, "y-yeah."

"It gets a lot easier after the first time. It's kinda like your quirk you know." His eyes shifted from hers to the window on his left, "Floating above the ground, like no one else could reach us."

Their hands stayed locked for a few more seconds, before he reluctantly pulled away. Like they were in sync, their chairs both reclined back at the same time. He leaned back into the soft leather, placing his pillow behind his head and looking up to the ceiling.

"Good night Deku." He heard her whisper from his right. The lights in the cabin dimming even further as the plane began picking up speed through the air.

"Good night Uraraka."

A few hours passed.

And then a few more.

Until, Izuku opened his eyes. He was rolled over on his side, facing his friend. She was still asleep, her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open. His eyes lingered on hers for just a second more before he brought them over to the rest of plane.

The cabin was lit now, in fact, he could see the orange haze of the sun peaking through the windows. Thankfully, it didn't seem like many people were sitting around them. Something he hadn't taken note of before, his own exhaustion having eclipsed his priorities.

That meant they could talk freely at least. The only other passengers that were visible were towards the front end of the plane. A good ways away, not near enough for any one to pick up on their conversations.

The next thing he noticed was All Might. He too was awake, and it looked like he was typing away on his laptop. Kacchan's blonde hair peeked into the corner of his eye, telling him that he was also awake. His earbuds were in his ears, and he stared out the window, almost in a trance.

"Ah Young Midoriya," All Might whispered, "Good Morning. I hope you rested well."

"Good morning," he responded just as quietly, careful not to wake up Uraraka. He began sitting up in his chair, he definitely felt much better than before. "Yeah, it was a lot more comfortable than I was expecting."

"That's good to hear. We are about four hours out from New York, I was planning on giving you two another hour before I woke you up and explained what we are going to be doing."

Four hours, he had definitely slept a long time. It was a thirteen hour flight, they left around 4:30; that meant it was around two 'o'clock - and Kirishima should have already told everyone by now.

In front of him, he could see Kacchan take out one of his earbuds. "Kirishima texted me, he said he let everyone know and that it went fine."

It was almost odd hearing Kacchan whisper, although it was definitely nice to see him being considerate to others. While he had definitely gotten better around him, other people weren't always as lucky. Nevertheless, Izuku let out a gentle breath, and nodded, "that's good to hear." It was one less thing he had to worry about at this point, and that was a big relief.

"I guess I'll give you two a heads up, I'll explain it again when Uraraka awakens." All Might closed his laptop, and leaned back into his chair slightly. "When we land the first thing their gonna check is your hero license."

Kacchan visibly flinched at the mention of a hero license, he still hadn't gotten his. The extra classes he was taking wouldn't allow him to receive his until around November.

"Bakugo, you're going to be a bit different. Essentially, those who have hero licenses, in this case you Young Midoriya and young Uraraka as well, are checked in through those licenses. Bakugo will be checked in along with me."

"I was actually meaning to ask you All Might," Izuku broached, "how will our hero licenses work here? Do they count in different countries as well?"

"Well, technically they do." All Might pulled out his license from his back pocket, "When you receive it, technically it is valid internationally. In some countries it's a bit different, but in America you will have the same liberties the license gives in Japan..."

Well, that was good news. If there was one thing he knew, they had a tendency to attract trouble.

"...But, I want you to seriously refrain from any hero work this week alright? Only under absolutely dire situations may you act, think of it like a vacation."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yes," he brushed back his blonde hair, "we have to remember that we are first and foremost here to hide. Of course we can enjoy the festival and ball but you three are mainly here to keep the secret of One for All safe. I'd rather you avoid and publicity if possible."

Him and Kacchan firmly nodded at his words.

Soon the plane would land, and they would be in America. America, he had researched a bit of their culture before hand and it all intrigued him deeply. He had brought a brand new notebook just for notes on heroes and how it differs from Japan to America.

He was excited. Sure, All Might had a very good point; their purpose for coming is to keep the secret safe. Keep them safe. Time would tell if they could truly accomplish that goal.