(A/N I will like to confirm a few things regarding pairings, Tayuya will become apart of the harem. I wanted to do a Karin x Naruto, but I realized that doesn't quite fit well here. Also some of you wanted Samehada to have a human form, which I did touch on, but I'm planning on her being able to use her human form in the Outside world and not just in Naruto's mind soon. Also this is not an OP Naruto fanfic, but by the time of the start of Shippuden, Naruto will be around Fourth Raikage power.)
It has been 6 years since the start of the academy (A/N He started when he was 6 now he is 12) and Naruto had grown quite a lot. His bloodline gave him quite a growth spurt. He was much taller than most 12 year olds, around 5 and a half foot tall. He also has been training a lot. He didn't like over confidence, but he'd put himself in low jounin level. Regarding the villagers, it took them about 3 months to realize that he was Naruto.
Flashback Jutsu
Naruto was taking a stroll around town, enjoying the new freedom he had. Not being hunted everywhere he went meant he could take in the sights, and see where stores and restaurants were. While taking a satisfied sigh, he could hear the all too familiar creepy chuckle of villager who was about to hunt a fox.
"So you thought you could disguise yourself as some freak so we couldn't find you and pay you back for what you did." The villager got ready swing his bat when he was hit in the stomach with a wrapped up Samehada.
"I think it's time to make a proclamation." Naruto rested Samehada on his shoulder and he gained a big smirk.
"I'm not taking any of your shit anymore." One of the villagers simply chuckled.
"You can't do anything to us, the council will have your head." Naruto jumped into the air and hammerhead kicked the village to the ground. (Hammerhead kick is when you do a flip and smash your heel on top of someones head.)
"The hokage decides who is executed. You villagers seem to have forgotten who is in charge. Here let me remind you." He unwrapped Samehada. The seemingly terrifying appearance of Samehada sent the villagers running. Naruto sweatdropped and almost facefaulted.
"They talk so much shit when I was just a harmless kid." Samehada started to make clicking noises.
"(I know, It makes me sick to my stomach.)" He moved Samehada to where her 'face' was looking at him.
"Do you even have a stomach?"
Flashback Kai!
Currently he was on a bench in Anko's and his personal training ground. He was being grilled in his information gathering skills by his surrogate sister.
"Ok, I want you to give me all the genin applicants that you believe will make it, give me their abilities and what team you think they will be on." Naruto sighed.
"I'll start with the weakest to most capable. Sakura Haruno, is just pathetic. Though I do predict she would make a great medic nin. Currently, she is just above average smart, though her fangirl attitude limits her capabilities greatly and it needs to be beaten out of her. She is most likely going to be top kunoichi only because the Yamanaka cares more about her looks than her grades." Anko nodded and motioned for the bluenette to continue.
"Speaking of the Yamanaka, she is next on the list. Ino Yamanaka is the daughter of the Yamanaka clan head. While she lacks in book smarts, she does know the basic Yamanaka clan jutsu, which keeps her from being last on the list. She also has the same fangirl attitude but it's slightly less so than Haruno."
"Next is Choji Akamichi. He knows the basic Akimichi body expansion jutsus. But he is slightly stupid and lacks confidence. More or less due to constant teasing of other kids calling him fat."
"Now Hinata hyuuga, Unfortunately is pretty useless. She doesn't just lack confidence, she requires immense amounts of encouragement just to do any basic thing. But when she can get going she is pretty capable. She is an apprentice in her clan's Gentle Fist Style of fighting and just like the other clan knows the basic techniques of her clan."
"Shino Aburame, nothing I can say but a good all around applicant. He is proficient with bugs and poisons and has a great level of intelligence."
"Kiba Inuzuka, the only reason he is above Shino is because he has skills that are more combat oriented. He knows basic Inuzuka fighting techniques and has a great relationship with his partner Akamaru. Only reason he's not higher is cause he's pretty stupid."
"Sasuke Uchiha is known for the stick that's so far up his ass you can't get it out. His arrogance will be his downfall but for now he knows basic fire ninjutsu and the Uchiha fighting style. Most likely will be rookie of the year."
"Shikamaru Nara, is a kid genius. Honestly if he actually cared he could be Rookie of the year. His intelligence is unrivaled and he will most likely end up being a jounin captain because of his strategic smarts. Just like the other clan kids he knows basic Nara clan jutsu."
"The teams will most likely be, Shikamaru, Choji and Ino, the classic ino-shika-cho team. Sasuke, Sakura, and Kiba, because the deadlast, top kunoichi and Rookie of the year are always put together. And me, Shino, and Hinata making a tracking team." Anko patted Naruto's back.
"Wow gaki, I'm pretty impressed. Your right teams though. I was given a paper with a list of them." Naruto's eyes widened.
"Do you know who the sensei's are?" Anko chuckled at his eagerness.
"Well, the team with Sasuke is getting Kakashi so he could train Sasuke in the use of the Sharingan. Ino-shika-cho team is getting Asuma Sarutobi, and your team is getting-" Naruto looked at her with high expectations. "Nah, Why would I want to spoil it for you?" Her smile got bigger when she saw Naruto's pouting face.
"Nee-chan, anyone ever tell you that your a pain." Anko gained a tick mark.
"THE HELL YOU JUST CALL ME BRAT!" Anko chased the shark boy all across the field all the while the kid was yelling about how sorry he was. After a few minutes, we could see Naruto hanging upside down by his feet with a snake that had came out of Anko's sleeve wrapped around his feet.
"I swear if you didn't have the exam tomorrow i'd train you till you drop." She dropped the kid, who hit his head on the ground.
"Now let's go home before it gets dark." Naruto nodded his head and walked beside Anko.
"So kit, finally genin huh?"
"Not yet."
"(You know there's a saying amongst shinobi, old enough to kill, old enough to drink, and old enough to have -" Samehada's perverted comment was interrupted by an outburst from Naruto.
"HEY LOOK ITS THE HOUSE, I'M VERY TIRED I'M GOING TO GO TO BED NOW!" He ran through the door of his house and went to his room. Anko raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off 'weird kid'
"(Oh I didn't know you wanted to see me so badly in your head.)" Naruto's simple response was to walk over to a wall and hit his face over and over again on the wall.
"Kit you can stop now, and Samehada can you stop teasing him, just because you love him doesn't mean you can toy with his pubescent hormones."
"(What does pubescent mean?) Samehada wasn't listening to Kurami's explanation, she was too focused on what she said before that. "(I don't love Naruto-kun, He's just fun to make fun of, and he's nice and caring and has gained quite the bod- wait what am I thinking?)" Naruto sighed and set Samehada down next to his desk and laid down on the bed
"(Wait Naruto, can I sleep next to you.)" Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Same-chan you haven't done that since I was ten." Samehada wiggled a bit, causing her to fall over.
"(There, now you have to pick me up.)" Naruto sighed and got up. He picked up Samehada and put her on the bed before laying down next to her. Naruto suddenly got an Idea.
"Hey Same-chan, Is there a way for your human form to be out here." all he got was silence for a minute. But the moment Naruto was about repeat himself Samehada responded.
"(There is one way. You see I wasn't always a sword, I was originally a demon. I lived in the seas in the Inazuma no Kuni.(Land of lightning). A Young third Raikage before he became a kage defeated me and a friend of his who was an Uzumaki sealing user, sealed me inside a sword. Which my power transformed into what you see today. The only way to transform me back is to reverse the seal.)"
"But wouldn't that keep you in your demon form."
"Hmmm, Maybe we could design a seal that could work both ways, allowing you to change back and forth between Demon form and sword form."
"(Really?! We could do that?!)" Samehada asked, sounding like an excited kid.
"Yes, while i'm not as knowledgeable as even Jiraiya, I learned a couple things while being Kushina's tenant. It will take me a few years though. Since nothing like this has been done before and I'd have to start from scratch."
"Is that really how long it takes to make a new jutsu." He could feel Kurami getting a tick mark from his whining.
"Let me put it this way, do you know any lightning jutsus." Naruto shook his head. "Well then, what if I told you right now to make a completely new lightning jutsu." Naruto made an 'Ah' sound "Now shut up and go to bed." Naruto pouted but reluctantly fell asleep.
The next morning, had left his room to notice that no one else was in the house. He also noticed that there was a note on the coffee table in front of the couch.
Sorry gaki but the old man gave me a mission in the middle of the night. See ya in a few days Naruto.
Naruto sighed and started his trek to the Academy. When he entered his class room he noticed that the Sakura and Ino were fighting over who'd sit next to Sasuke. He got mad, He's had enough of their 6 year long childish love rivalry. He wanted to explain something to them.
"Hey!" the two girls turn to him. "Honestly there is no fucking reason you two are here. Oh wait I know the reason, you're a clan head's daughter and you have parents on the civilian council that want the Uchiha to fuck you so they're name can actually mean something. You just got accepted into the most dangerous job in the world. They are people out there with the same job description as you, dying out there. At least act like your trying to hold that kind of responsibility." The entire class was in silence. Satisfied with his lecture to the fangirls he went up to Shikamaru, who was surprised at the event that just happened, and sat next to him.
"What's up Shika?" Naruto asked casually, as if he didn't just roast two people.
(A/N wow honestly I don't like any of the konoha girls in the original Konoha 9. A few things. While chapters will be a little bit slower because I have another story I want to do a story called "A Promise Broken, A Promise Made." Where Neji dies during the Retrieval arc and request Naruto to protect Hinata and He gives Naruto a gift. Also Updated Pairings list.
Naruto x Fem Samehada
Naruto x Tayuya
Naruto x Fuu
Good bye!