The first in my new series of one shots. Prompts welcome. I will update regularly. :)

Bleeding Out:

Peter walked out his room and into the living room, all the Avengers sat together watching a film. Peter was wearing his Spiderman suit and didn't want to be spotted going out on patrol. The film they were watching was Titanic, something Peter was happy to be missing. He jumped onto the ceiling and silently crawled out of the open window. They had met the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman on many occasions, but he was always in his suit and Peter made a point of lowering his voice as best he could. They liked him, or at least his adoptive dad, Tony Stark, had told him so. Tony Stark wasn't one to tell a white lie though.

Peter breathes in the fresh air and its accompanying sense of freedom. He webbed down onto the nearest building and began to run along the rooftops. He was a free spirit, for tonight, it felt good. Peter sprinted from rooftop to rooftop, jumping the gaps, letting the wind whistle in his ears, the wind billowing in his face. It was nights like this the young spider lived for. Long nights to himself, helping others when he was needed.

'Hey, Karen.' Peter addressed his trusty AI.

'Yes, Peter. How may I be of assistance?' Karen replied.

'Are there any outgoing distress signals in Queens?'

'Not currently, Peter. I will let you know if anything crops up.' Karen responded.

'Thanks, Karen.'

Peter flipped along one particularly long rooftop. He pushed all his thoughts that were cramming his brain to the back of his head. This was his time off, his time to be himself, he could do anything he wanted.

Peter decided that now was a good time to practice some flips. He began with just some simple front and backflips and then he moved onto mediocre stuff, like flips of the wall. Then he jumped of buildings flipping multiple times before catching himself on his webs, seconds before he hit the ground. Next Peter made himself a web-hammock and lounged around for a while listening to some TØP that Karen played for him. He called Ned and MJ once or twice and watched the sun set. He played on his phone for a while, watching some Spiderman videos on YouTube. Vain, he knows. Karen was yet to inform him of any problems in Queens, that required the help of the masked vigilante Spiderman. None such problem was yet to arise. As Peter continued to chill on the rooftop of an old high-rise apartment block, Karen informed him that he was receiving an incoming call from his dad.

'Hey.' Peter greeted his dad as he flipped around on the roof.

'Why did I find out from F.R.I.D.A.Y that you have gone on patrol? I'm offended you don't trust me enough to tell me.'

'I would have. It's just y'know all of you were watching a movie and I didn't think I should just walk up and tell you. Low profile and all.' Tony chuckled.

'You're smart enough, you could've figured out a way.' This time it was Peter's turn to laugh.

'I could've, but I really wanted to go out.'

'Very well, when are you planning on gracing me with your presence?'

'I dunno, it's not been a productive night, maybe a couple more hours.'

'Not productive? If you stay out for a couple more hours that will mean you return past four AM.'

'I know.'

'You think I'm going to let you stay out past four AM?'

'I dunno. I was hoping you would.'

'Since you've not be doing much, I'm sure four AM is the latest you can manage. Just a warning, the Avengers have been let loose, I told them you're out with a friend, stay out of our way if you don't want to get caught.'

'I'll stay out of your way just as a rule in general. Why have you been let loose then.'

'Clint's idea, free running. Recipe for disaster, I'm only here to make sure nobody falls off a building.' Peter snorted.

'A) Free running? That's a recipe to run into Spiderman. B) Making sure people don't fall of buildings is more my expertise.'

'Just watch me do it better.'

'I can't watch you, trying to avoid you immature children remember.'

'I whole heartedly agree that they are immature children, but not me.' Peter smirked.

'You wish! I swear you're the most immature out of all of us. Or at least second place to Clint.'

'Ha ha ha, hilarious.'

'Where are you anyway, so I can avoid you.'


'Seriously! Are you trying to find me? I was here first, so I'm not leaving, Queens is my place. Why don't they try Brooklyn?'

'Honestly, I think they might be trying to find Spiderman.'

'Well if I see them, I'll know to run.'

'Well, I think they might chase you.'

'Oh well, they can have fun trying.'

'Bye, Spiderman.'

'Bye, Iron Man.'

Peter decided that it was best not to remain stationary, so he flipped down onto the street, and began to walk along the street. He would just go find the crime, surely the Avengers weren't that good at tracking, if they were even tracking Spiderman. Who was he kidding, they were the best at tracking, they had multiple superspies on their team!

Peter ambled along the street, occasionally gazing up to look at the stars. It was funny to think he had been up there, had friends who were up their now. Other Peter, Gamora, Groot, Rocket, Drax, Mantis, Thor and probably Loki. Nobody really knew where "Reindeer Games" Went in his free time, you only really knew when he was right next to you. The stars were twinkling brightly all seemed to be at peace up there, although that was most probably down to the Guardians.

As he walked Peter kept to the shadows, he didn't want to deter the criminals with his presence, he wanted to catch some. As if on que he spotted an armed bank robbery, no fancy alien tech this time. Just some nice sharp knives. Peter swiftly pulled out his own knife, sleek and black. Peter handled the knife and jumped over to the bank, the men were no longer wielding their knives, they had lain them on the floor. They were now rifling through large wads of cash, before they hastily shoved them into black duffel bags. Peter crept into the bank and snuck up behind the thieves.

'Y'know if you're robbing a bank you really shouldn't leave the lights on, dead giveaway.' The men grabbed their knives and turned to Spiderman who was now perched on the roof. One man high-tailed it out the bank and out the door, that left two more men. Peter expertly webbed the first to the wall, he was an easy target. The second, however, put up a bit of a fight. Peter dodged the first time the man plunged the knife towards him, and the second, third, fourth, and not the fifth. The knife's edge caught the side of his stomach, it wouldn't have hit anything, it was definitely going to be bleeding, a lot. 'C'mon, let's hurry this up, it's the holidays, I wanna get home.' Peter, after many failed attempts, eventually managed to web the second man to the wall. 'Hey, Karen. Please can you track down the man who ran away.' Peter clamped a hand to his side to stop the steady flow of blood that was leaking form his wound.

'I have located the man you are looking for, Peter. He is currently one block away, heading east.'

'Thanks, Karen. Can you show me the way?'

'Of course, Peter.' A small map of Queens with a little red blip that was steadily moving away from him appeared at the corner of Peter's heads-up display. Peter pushed down hard on his wound as he jumped up on top of a building. He stumbled along the rooftops of Queens until he had the thief in sight. Peter flipped down onto the street, he landed directly in front of the man. He placed the tip of his knife against the man's stomach.

'Move, and it goes in.' The man quickly reached into his bag and pulled out his knife, mimicking Peter's action.

'Why don't you tell yourself that.' The man sneered.

'Stab me, I stab you and break your back.'

'Violent, for a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. I don't think murder is really your style kid.' Peter's sensitive hearing picked up on the distant sounds of the Avengers arguing, just great, he'd have to hurry this up. 'I don't think you would even know how to break my back.'

'Try me.' Peter and the thief stood there for good few minutes, neither of them made a move. In the background, Peter could hear the Avenger's arguing getting louder. Peter could feel the steady flow of blood trickling down his side.

Suddenly, the man jabbed his knife into Peter's stomach, an action which Peter quickly reciprocated. They hadn't stabbed each other too deep, just enough to draw an unhealthy amount of blood. The thief took off down the street. Peter followed, pushing the unruly pain that shot through his body to the back of his mind. He was gaining on the man. Reaching out a hand the spider managed to grab the man's hair and yank his head back, almost breaking his neck. The thief let out a faint yelp as Peter pushed him down hard against the sidewalk. Peter proceed to web the man up before he jumped up onto the nearest building.

Only once he reached the roof did Peter take the time to look at his wounds. 'Shit!' He exclaimed. 'Shit! Shit!' Peter hastily webbed up the two stab wounds, that would hold them until he finished patrol. Peter's ears picked up on a conversation, the Avengers conversation. The spider realised that he had left his knife on the sidewalk, if it was just a plain knife that would be fine, but it had Peter's signature spider emblem engraved at the bottom of the handle. 'Karen, activate enhanced reconnaissance mode, please.'

'Sure thing, Peter.' Karen replied.

'There's blood, everywhere.' Came Clint's voice. 'Look that man is webbed up, but this can't be just his blood, he'd be dead.'

'It has to be Spiderman's too.' Natasha stated.

'Shit!' His dad, Tony, exclaimed. 'We need to find him.'

'Karen, deactivate enhanced reconnaissance mode.'

'Enhanced reconnaissance mode deactivated.'

'Thanks.' Peter began to sprint along the rooftops, he couldn't let the other Avengers catch him. That would risk his identity. 'And, Karen.'

'Yes, Peter.'

'Give me an alert if any Avengers make it within three hundred feet of me.'

'Of course, Peter.'

'Thanks, Karen.' Peter continued to sprint along the rooftops of Queens, if he stayed away for long enough, they'd lose interest and go home, right? At least, Peter hoped they would. So many thoughts were buzzing through his head;

What're they going to do when they see Peter Parker has stab wounds?

What if they find out he's Spiderman?

What if they catch him?

How long will these gashes take to heal?

What's his dad going to say?

Will he get caught?

Peter continued to jump from roof to roof for what felt like hours.

'Peter, Iron Man and Hawkeye are both within one three hundred feet of you.'

'Thanks, Karen. Take me to a nearby crime.'

'There's another armed robbery a block away, turn right here.'

'On it, thanks Karen.' Peter made a sharp turn right and saw the robbery in the distance. As he approached, he flipped down onto the street. That was a bad idea, because it sent a shooting point through his body. He let himself into the bank and closed the door. 'Y'know, I was telling some other robbers this evening about leaving the lights on during a heist, it makes you easily spotted.' Peter quipped, leaping into action. Straining himself to dodge each hit. There were only two robbers this time, they were more skilled though. Either that or his two wounds were slowing the spider down. After a short struggle Spiderman managed to web the first robber to the wall, a few seconds later and the second man was webbed next to his friend. ;Maybe next time think twice before you rob a bank.' When Peter turned he saw Black Widow standing with her arms crossed outside the bank.

'We have specific intel that tells us you're injured.'

'No. No-No I'm not. Your intel is wrong.' Peter stuttered.

'Something tells me it's not.' Peter started walking down the street backwards away from Black Widow.

'I'd give it a double check, though. Y'know, just in case.' Peter jumped up onto the roof of the nearest building. 'I'm fine.' He shouted at Nat, who was now walking towards him.

'I don't believe you.' Then she said something along the lines of. 'Found him.' Into her comm.

Peter decide the best option was to keep moving. He jumped and sprinted along the rooftops of Queens, looking for crime, making sure to keep to the shadows. The pain in his stomach was beginning to subside, he was hoping that meant his wounds were hearing. He stopped a minute to check. The first wound was almost healed up, the second was showing the tell tail signs of it beginning to close up. If he could evade the Avengers for another hour or so, he would be fine.

'Peter, Bucky Barnes is now within three hundred feet of you.' Karen warned the spider.

'OK, thanks, Karen. Any crime nearby perchance?'

'No, not currently, Peter. Would you like me to keep a look out?'

'Yes please, Karen.'

'OK, Peter.'

'Thanks.' Peter could hear the footsteps of Bucky running along the street below him. If Karen didn't find more crime soon, then he would have to change back into his Peter Parker clothes. At least then he would only have to suffer the wrath of his anxious father. Although, Peter didn't know why he thought that that was any better.

'Spiderman! You gonna keep running from us? Or can you just admit that you bled all over the sidewalk back there.' Bucky shouted up at him. Peter stopped to look down at the century old man.

'If you're talking about the thief who got stabbed back there, the situation called for it.'

'Right, he stabbed you, you stabbed him.'

'W-what, no, n-no.' Peter scoffed. 'T-that's n-not what h-happened at all.'

'Sure, it's not. You're a very bad liar, Spiderman. I'm surprised we don't already know who you are under that mask.'

'I-I'm n-not lying!' Peter stammered, he sounded guilty as hell. 'W-why would I be l-lying. W-what benefit w-would that have?'

'Cut the crap.' Bucky said, narrowing his eyes at Peter. 'You're injured, you almost bled to death back there. Admit it to me. If you do, I'll back you up when the others come.'

'Well I guess that's my que to leave, then. I'm not injure, your intel is wrong.' Peter started running from rooftop to rooftop again, this was tiring. He suddenly felt a pang of empathy for all the people they had chased through the streets of New York. Checking his side he noticed that the first wound had healed leaving a small scar that would vanish by tomorrow, and the second, bigger gash was almost closed up. He had managed to by himself a fair amount of time.

'Falcon is less than three hundred feet away from you.' Karen warned him.

'Shit! Another one?' Peter picked up his pace, listening intently to the sound of the Flacon's wings cutting through the air, followed by the sound of two feet landing not so far away from him.

'Cut it out, Spiderman. We know your hurt.' Sam called after him. 'Just give up.'

'I'm not hurt, wasn't my blood, it was the other guys.'

'Then why are you running?'

'I'm patrolling. I'm not running.'

'From my point of few it looks awful like you're running.' Sam remarked. 'If you don't stop and let us help you then I'll just come capture you and drag you back to the others.'

'Trust me, I have practice when it comes to evading bird-men who are trying to track me down.'

'Really?' Sam sounded genuinely surprised.

'Yep. Now if you'd excuse me, me and my perfectly healthy body would like to get back to patrolling. Guten Abend. (Good evening)' Peter jumped down into the street and continued to run along. 'Any crime, Karen?'

'There is a group of men three blocks away dumping, what appears to be, a body.' Karen reported.

'Ewww… That's gruesome. Activate, Droney, Karen. Send him to the scene.'

'Of course, Peter.' Karen replied. The little spider drone detached itself from the emblem on his chest, before it sped off ahead.

'Karen, please show me the drone footage.'

'Of course, Peter.' The drone footage appeared in the corner of his heads-up display. Peter jumped back onto the rooftops, stopping when he reached one that gave him an ideal view of the dump. He crouched down so he could see better.

'Iron Man is within three hundred feet of you, Peter.'

'Idealistic timing.' Peter muttered sarcastically. He could now hear his dad's repulsors. 'Just have to ignore him.' He heard the all too familiar clunk of the Iron Man suit behind him. Then he heard the silent hissing of its mechanisms as the suit opened to allow Tony Stark to walk out.

'Evening Spiderman, fancy seeing you here.' His dad came and crouched down next to him. 'Any particular reason why you keep running from everyone and are now crouched on this particular rooftop?' Peter pointed to the now criminals, who were now trying to heave a black bag into a bin.

'Something came up.'

'Murderers.' Tony mused, clapping Peter on the back. 'Excellent plan, son, let's go ambush murderers.' He stated sarcastically.

'Yes, let's do.' Peter smiled, jumping of the roof, landing silently behind the men. 'What have me got here? You know you're a day late for the bins, right?' Peter quipped, the men turned around, dropping the bag. The men began flinging punches at him, which he dodged with ease. He could hear his dad getting into his suit. Yay, for Peter. The men were agile, almost as good as Peter, almost. He heard a clunk and looked over one of the men's shoulder to see that his dad had decided to join the party. 'Mr. Stark, I've got this covered, it's OK.'

'I'm just helping to speed up the process, I've got a bone to pick with you, Spiderman.' Peter sighed, just like his dad. Finally, Peter managed to web the first guy to the ground. The second man pulled out a knife, making a move to attack Peter. Tony shot him with his repulsors, then Peter webbed him to the ground. Peter jumped back up onto the roof, his dad followed.

'Thanks, dad, but I had that, you didn't have to help.'

'In don't doubt that you didn't have that, but I need to talk to you about running around the streets of Queens whilst being injured.'

'I-I'm n-not injured, dad.'

'The hell you aren't, Peter.'

'I'm really not.'

'Then why are there half dissolved webs covering up suspicious knife shaped wounds in your suit.'

'N-no t-there i-isn't, dad.'

'What the fuck, son. Just admit you got yourself stabbed.' Peter hung his head.

'I did. But the first one is healed and the second one is probably healed too, by now.'

'TWICE! Peter! TWICE! You got stabbed twice and you didn't tell me.'

'It's not that big a deal.'


'Sorry, I-I d-didn't want to b-bother y-you.'

'Peter, why would you think I wouldn't be concerned if my son got stabbed?'

'Sorry.' Tony walked back into the Iron Man suit, letting it close around him.

'Don't be sorry.' Tony put an arm around his son's shoulders. 'Just tell me next time, you know how worried a father gets when he hears that his son is running away from Avengers claiming not to be hurt?' Tony chuckled.

'Oh yeah, I should probably clean up my blood, DNA and all that.'

'It's OK, Rhodey took care of it. They're all surprisingly protective of you, even though they don't know you. They're way too trusting, I mean you could be a mass murder.'

'Probably talk to them about that, for good measure y'know. Oh! I know, we should pretend I am a mass murderer. I need to see Steve's face when he finds that out.'

'Sounds fun.' Tony smiled; he loved his reckless kid.

Thanks for reading, I will try have the next one out ASAP. :)