Maggie had no idea how to go about it.

They had a task at hand, a task they had no idea how to go about doing, because they had never been in such a situation. The Hunger Games... They'd been abolished years ago. The Capitol had been, according to Maggie, really kind to the Districts, and yet they revolted, yet they remained dissatisfied, yet they treated the Capitol like the villain.

Now Maggie had been tasked with thinking of a way to teach the Districts a lesson.

The first answer to come to mind was to bring back the Games, but both Maggie and their spouse, President Vladimir decided it to be a really bad decision. They were past killing people, children especially. However, they both knew that things were going out of hand, and they had to resort to violent means.

And now Vladimir wanted Maggie to decide how to do so.

And that's why they were pacing their study, grey eyes lost in thought. Maggie did have an idea, in all honesty. But they didn't know whether they could pull it off. After all, it was the Hunger Games itself that they were thinking of bringing back, just for this year, but with a twist.

Of course with a twist! Maggie was all about twists.

But they didn't know whether Vladimir would agree to such an idea. Maggie admitted that it was cruel, particularly because they didn't know what they were dealing with. But what else could they do? Start a war against the Districts again? Imprisoning them solely on suspicion? Vladimir had worked so hard to undo the wrongs of his predecessors... Maggie couldn't have him exercise totalitarian control again. Not when he was against it himself.

They sank into their chair with a sigh. Their idea was a dangerous one, and used technology that was still in experimental stage. It was definitely risky.

Maggie was contemplating on resurrecting tributes from the past Games, as a reminder to the Districts that it could be them... But would it be too cruel? They planned on cloning the tributes, so that no real person had to die. Clones weren't people, were they? They were just creations of technology, not nature. Even if they were destroyed... No harm would be done. Nobody would die and Districts would learn their lesson. A win-win situation for all.

Or that's what they were trying to believe. Maggie didn't know for sure; the cloning machine was still in the testing stage. Would those... Clones... Retain their memories? Would they have feelings? Would they be... Human? Maggie shook their head. Clones couldn't be humans. They were artificial, and Maggie knew they had to believe that in order to convince Vladimir. If the President suspected that clones had anything human-like, they'd rule out the plan.

And Maggie couldn't have it that way, the peace of their country depended on it.

So they let out a shaky sigh, pulled out a pen and paper, and started jotting down the points they wanted to go through with Vladimir.

The Districts were in for a shock...

Hello people! Welcome to another story! :D This will be different, because it's an All Stars story, which means that you get to send in already dead tributes from other SYOTs over here!

So if you're wondering why I've posted this when I've already got another story up, the answer is that this is a short, side project which is meant to be fun. Recrudesce will go at its normal pace, and so will this.

A few things to keep in mind:

-The tribute should be dead. No victors or escapees allowed.

-There's no cap on District, Gender, or even age. So if your tribute was in a story where the Reaped parties were over 18, you can still send them.

-I'll be taking around fifteen submissions, but there is really no limit. It can be twelve or twenty as well. However, I'll be taking, at max, only two per person.

-The tributes WILL REMEMBER everything from their life (past life? Real life? Life life?), and that includes their death.

-As for personality, since they are clones, in experimental stage, you have the freedom to either give their original personality or their developed personality. That's up to you.

-I won't mind writing characters that I've already written, but I'd prefer newer characters, ones I haven't written.

-The form is on my profile. Please send your PM titled as Found and Lost, (Tribute Name, Age, Gender, District).


Have a great day guys! I'm so looking forward to this!