
Children are the most resilient beings in the entire universe. They recover from the hardest of hits: a large part of their recovery is based on their ability to grow, the neural connections in their brains aren't fully developed, and always have room to repair, or take control of other functions when necessary. Alas, a child's brain is the fastest learning thing in the world, as they absorb things like sponges and with no hesitation. What they see, what they hear, is often engrains itself into their heads. Phobias originate usually at childhood, taste aversions too. Likes and dislikes and preformed ideas, the world's stereotypes are taught and absorbed, unconsciously.

Growing up, a child has little control over their environment. They cannot control their income, or even tell people what they want to do; their lives and experiences are developed at the whims of their parents, and they are victims to whatever the world puts them against.

The lack of control becomes frustrating only with time when kids start to realize that it is possible to do something without the help of others. But often kids will begin their track to independence and start to walk on their own paths, usually onto the one laid out before them by society.

One, small brunette's resilience was tested, right from the beginning of her life. Barely scraping into the world with a working heart, she was brought into was the harsh reality. It wasn't a soft entrance as those before her had been given. Her harsh awakening was into pain, a pain that would be forever present in her life. Still, it was her reaction to her hardships that would ultimately alter the lives of others.


Hello and Welcome! This fanfiction has been on my mind for a long time, half-written mostly planned. I'm excited to start the journey of posting it and hearing your feedback.

I'd like to start with a disclaimer: Harry Potter is obviously not mine, and anything from the series is courtesy of my 15-year fandom.

Lots of love from the Middle of Nowhere Asia