Let's Play Pretend

Let's play pretend.

First, we can pretend that I love you.

Having trouble imagining that? Alright, we'll start with something easier. Let's pretend that I tolerate you.

Still too hard to manage?

Thought so.

Let's start again...

Lat's play pretend.

We can pretend that you fell down the stairs this morning, that you didn't manage to stop yourself in time from rolling into the wall, that you dislocated your arm when you slammed against the wall, and that you somehow walked into a door, thereby giving yourself a black eye.

Got that? Good.

Now that your bruises have been explained away, let's continue.

We can pretend that I rushed downstairs to comfort you, that I 'ooh'ed and 'ah'ed over your bruises, that I applied ice-packs and called the principal to tell him you wouldn't be in school today.

We can pretend that you looked up gratefully at me from densely-lashed eyes, not surprised at my caring for you, that you sighed happily and burrowed further into my arms without me objecting. Indeed, as long as we're pretending, we might as well imagine that I tightened my grasp on you, holding you in a protective manner that's second-nature to me - or possibly even first- and that I was glad to have you so close to me.

What next...

We can pretend that we spent the day in bed –

no, not like that! Don't giggle aibou...

as I was saying, we can pretend we spent the day in bed, that I made you your favorite snacks for lunch, and that I hand-fed every morsel to you.

What's that you say? Oh, you want me to pretend that we called the hospital to get your arm fixed? We can't have done that, else your arm would be all better by now...

We didn't call the hospital, because I was being possessive. I didn't want anyone else to touch you, even if it was to heal the wounds you accidentally inflicted on yourself. I was going to try and set your arm, but then you complained that it hurt it too much so I decided to let it wait until later.

We can pretend that we watched cartoons, threw popcorn -you're allergic to popcorn?! - threw little crumbs of toast at each other, giggled and did the hundred-and-one little things that people in love are supposed to do...

don't sigh like that, it breaks my concentration.

I don't care if it was a happy sigh, just don't do it.

Then we can pretend that when night fell - with the unwillingness of a tarnished angel - I tucked you up tightly in fluffy blankets, made you tomato soup, and told you a bedtime story, while playing with your hair.

Yes, I know the last part is true - I was trying to make it ironic.

You don't find it ironic?

yes, well, you could call it sadistic as well, there's a thin line between the two.

yes, that's right, just like love and hate. Very much like love and hate in fact.

Now do you want me to finish the story or not?

You thought it was over already? How silly of you...

sounds of breaking bones, muffled sobs and faint whimpering

You should know I'd never leave a story with a happy ending.

Author's Note: *Shrugs* don't look at me…it's in Bakura's POV, and yeah…I'll write something humorous soon so as to compensate for this…and I will start writing the next part of Hate to Have You Love Me…soon…I promise…hm, not to many people liked Monopoly of Abuse Broken *sighs* guess that I means I should stay around from conversation-based stories…like this one…*shrugs* I'm having fun doing this though so yeah…

Oh, and special kudos to Wildwolf  *winks* as my most frequent reviewer in this fandom.