DISCLAIMER: None of the characters in this are mine they all belong to DC. The OC though is mine.

Utter crack inspired by Pinterest.


Wally West, The Flash, stood before the crystalline touchscreen checking his schedule. Usually, he simply blew by the Board but today was different. He input his ID and instantly an image of him and the monitor schedule for the next six months appeared. Batman's doing no doubt.

He grinned at his photo. "Hello you handsome devil." He scanned the board, seeing no problem until—His eyes widened. He was scheduled for monitor duty on December 20. That was opening night! Oh no. Heck no. He took his crimefighting very seriously, but monitor duty on opening night? That was where he drew the friggin' line! An expression of firm resolve claimed his features. This had to be set to rights now.

He made his way down the halls and to the monitoring room, knowing that Superman was on duty. Sure, he could tell Bats, but then he'd have to endure the infamous Bat-glare. So, yeah, he was definitely taking the easy way out. He sped towards the older man, finding him slouched in the rigid yet weirdly comfortable chair, the huge screen covering the world's happenings before him. He stared at the studded vacuum of outer space aside the monitors briefly before glancing down at Superman.

"Hey Supes?" He leaned against the column, fingers tapping with restlessness.

"Hmm?" He held his phone in hand, its screen filled with colorful candies. He switched two candies to make a four-way match.

"You got me down for monitor duty on December 20." Clark only nodded, switching more candies to form a color bomb. "I can't do that night, because it's opening night."

"Really?" He switched the color bomb with a red jellybean.

Wally cleared his throat. "Yeah. It's Star Wars episode nine opening night with the exclusive extra five minutes of screen time. I can't miss that!" He reasoned.

"I understand." He switched four to make a fish.

He rocked on the balls of his feet. "So, you'll change it?"

"Yeah." He watched the candies fall in place, cascading several times.

Wally's heart leapt. Yes! He refrained from doing a celebratory dance. "Great! Thanks, Supes!" He sped away to find something to satiate his cavernous appetite.

Superman smiled with satisfaction as the words 'Sugar Crush' filtered from his cell phone. He'd been stuck on that level for 12 darn days. He scanned the monitors before blinking. Wait. Hadn't Wally just been talking to him? He shrugged and went to level 548, on which he immediately lost his last life.

Wally did a last-minute check on his costume and zipped out of the alley into the extensive line. He checked his watch: 5:00pm. Good. He should have at least a somewhat decent spot. He set his lawn chair against the window of the neighboring store and sat down, opening his cooler to reveal 15 turkey sandwiches, six bags of skittles, a bag of assorted fun-sized chocolate bars, and 10 colas (which he wouldn't touch until he was inside the theater). He'd learned his lesson last year. He'd lost his place because he had to go take a wiz.

He sat in this lawn chair, conversing idly with a teenager dressed as a Jedi. "Wow, so your parents don't mind you sitting outside a movie theater until midnight?" He scanned the crowd of elaborately dressed people in front of and behind him with somewhat happiness. Usually he felt like a sore thumb in the world but in these moments of fellowship he felt like he belonged.

The boy, Robbie, whose dreadlocks were pulled into a man bun (ugh) with a padawan learner's braid, grinned brightly. "Dude they're coming dressed as Han Solo and Leia. They just sent me for the tickets and the experience."

"Oh." He reached in his cooler and withdrew a cola. "Cola?" He sent a smile to a few passersby who just stared at him like he was some sort of freak. He only sent them a playful smirk.

"Sure." The boy took the proffered can. "Gummy bear?" He offered a large Ziplock bag overrun with the gelatinous treats.

"Don't mind if I do." He grabbed a handful and tossed them into his mouth. His eyes shifted over the cars lining the street, the bustling sidewalk across the road, and the streetlights illuminating their pathway. Vaguely the scent of garlic bread wafted to his nostrils.

"Hey. Did you see the guy dressed as Chewbacca?"

He nodded emphatically. "Who could miss him."

"His costume is awesome though. He's got the height too. Though…I don't know how."

Wally shrugged. "Must be—" His cell phone trilled a whistle, notifying him of a message. "Excuse me." He checked it. It was Superman.

'Where are you?'

He raised an eyebrow. Since when did Clark check up on him. 'In line to see Star Wars: Episode 9.' He pressed the send button.

A moment later his phone whistled. He heaved a sigh and checked it. 'WHAT?! You're supposed to be on monitor duty Wally.'

He nearly face-palmed, realizing Clark hadn't heard a word he said two weeks ago. 'I told you I wouldn't work on opening night.'

The reply as expected was near immediate. 'Villains might be committing crimes!'

He could just imagine Clark's disapproving frown. Big Blue was wrong though. 'No villains are committing crimes on opening night.' It was true, he'd spotted at least five of their major enemies in disguise, dressed up in costume no less. He paused then added another message: 'In fact Gorilla Grodd is in the same line as me dressed as a 9 feet tall Chewbacca.' He sent the message with a grin, wondering if Superman's eyebrows were still attached or had receded into his hairline.

A second later: 'He's what?!' Here there were several angry and shocked emojis. 'Are you going to do anything about it?'

He snorted and rolled his eyes. 'I'm sure as heck not gonna let him sit in front of me that's for darn sure.' He pressed send, perking up when a ripple of excitement fluttered through the line.

"I think they just opened the doors!" Robbie jumped to his feet, eyes shining with anticipation.

Near manic excitement flipped in his belly. Finally! His hours of effort would finally be rewarded. He refrained from using his superspeed to pack up all his belongs, doing so at a sedate pace. He clicked over to his messenger.

'Gotta go! The line is moving.' He turned his phone on silent, not wanting anything to disturb him on this most sacred of nights in this most sacred of entertainment temples.