"Mmm." I groaned, trying to burrow myself into the pillow. The bed was too comfortable to leave, the silk was too nice to even think of exiting the bed.

My eyes flashed open. "Silk? I don't have silk bedding."

Shooting upwards, I scanned my surroundings. I wasn't at home, but somewhere else. The room I was in looked like something you would find in a nobleman's home. Sublime wooden wardrobes and shelves, a fireplace and purple curtains. The bed I was in had a red silk quilt, black pillows, and white mattress cover.

The opening of a lock alerted me to the door. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists, ready to defend myself against the stranger. The door opened to reveal Jason Blood, with a tray of food in his hands.

I blinked. "The fuck?"

Blood's eyes spotted me and he smiled kindly. "Ah, hello. I am sorry for the confusion you must be feeling." He stepped forward and set the tray on a chest of drawers next to the bed. Jason then stood to his full height, still smiling kindly and introduced himself. "My name is Jason Blood, and I saw what happened last night."

Confused, I cocked my head. "Last night?"

Blood hummed. "You've suppressed what happened. Though I cannot blame you for it."

My mind went back. "I started high school, then I saw the man in front of me and started to dread what he was going to do, nearly getting attention before taking a walk as soon as I got home." I furrowed my brow, trying to think of something that would require Jason Blood to essentially kidnap me. "Oh yeah, that needs to be addressed! I get he's more of a good than an evil person, but come on! Kidnapping!"

I turned to Blood and gave the best glare I could, despite the fact I was fourteen. "And why have you kidnapped me, Jason Blood?"

"Because of what happened last night." He responded, still a kind smile on his face.

"Ah crap, have I landed in a universe where the heroes are all creeps?!"

"Since you can't remember, I shall try to help you regain those memories. Now eat, I shall get you a pair of clothes since the ones you have on are damaged." And with that, he left the room.

Glancing down, I could see he told the truth. The plainclothes I had on were singed, torn and blood all over "Blood? W-What happened?" Patting down my body, I found no wounds on my body.

The tray had a full English breakfast on it, with a glass of orange juice and a banana. My stomach decided that it wanted them and howled loudly, deciding to indulge my hunger, I grabbed the tray and placed it across my lap, before digging in.

The door opened again just as I finished. Jason entered the room with a pile of clothes for me to wear looking like the exact same set of clothes I wore for high school, minus the trainers.

"I do hope I got your size right. Using magic to know someone's measurements and make the clothes isn't my favorite piece of magic." Blood told me as he calmly put the clothing on the foot of the bed. The Ageless Knight then picked up the tray and went to exit the room. "Please try your clothes on then meet me in the library."

The door was closed again, I stared at the clothes while thinking sardonically. "'Using magic to know someone's measurements', that's not creepy at all." Despite thinking that, I went along with it, and got dressed.

The clothing was the same as what I wore before, except without the blood and tears, with no trainers. Though I was still unsure what had caused the blood to appear on my clothes.

Gathering the torn, blood-smeared clothes in a pile. I turned and walked towards the door. I opened it to find myself in a library. Seriously, I opened the door, and there wasn't a door anymore. Startled, I twisted on the spot, only to see a one-way hallway for a small apartment you would see in a city. Plain, grey walls and ceiling with a dark coloured carpeted floor, windows that were covered in beige curtains.

"What a dreary place," I spoke aloud, though once I realized that, I widely scanned the hallway for Jason Blood. Hoping that he didn't hear me. After a moment, I sighed in relief when Blood did not appear and continued to walk down the hallway, only to see another door that was the same as the one I just opened.

"Magic." I sighed. Walking over and raising a hand, I gripped and turned the doorknob and opened the doorway.

Entering past the door, I saw Jason sitting at a desk with a book on the table. When I closed the door, Blood turned and smiled. "Ah, welcome. Please sit." He raised a hand to indicate the chair opposite him.

The room's colour scheme was the same as the hallway except the carpet was red. The library being fifty feet in length, thirty feet wide, and ten feet high, with bookshelves eight feet tall and covered every single wall except for the furthest wall, which had a large windowpane.

"...Hello." I responded after a moment, sitting down in the chair. "I'm Mason Kent. I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself." A small sheepish look appeared.

"That's fine. Have you remembered what happened last night?" Blood asked again.

I knew that if the ageless knight kept asking about it, then it must've been important. It was one of the reasons why I didn't try to escape, after all, what would be the point? The sounds of cars honking and the sight of skyscrapers told me about my placement within a city. Being lost in the city and without a phone or money would not have been a smart thing to do. Despite the fact that there was a man with hundreds of experience alongside a powerful demon that could smell me out from miles around.

"No," I answered. "all I remember is taking a walk after school."

Jason mulled something over for a bit, it was as if he was talking to someone within his mind. "Guess Etrigan is can talk in his mind, I think there were a few iterations where he couldn't do that."

Blood finished with his mental conversation and frowned apologetically before facing me. "Then I am sorry, Mason Kent that you must find out a second time." He paused, his frown turning even more down. "But you are a demon."

"Demon...demon...demon." The word echoed in my brain, the word felt so alien to me. Yet, I could feel the truth within it.

Then I remembered.

Ohh, then I have some bad news for you, morsel…

Come on, is that all you've got?

Now die, lowly demon!

Flashes of what happened flooded back in.

...I swiftly rolled to the side, a flash of green lightning struck where I was before.

...found myself inside a forest until I felt a small branch cut into my cheek.

My breath went heavy, my chest bobbed up and down sharply.



Hunnnngggrrryyyy! Hunnnngggrrryyyy! Hunnnngggrrryyyy! HUNNNGGGRRRYYYYY!

A horrified noise escaped me as I pushed myself from the table, though I forgot about sitting in a chair and fell onto my back. The small pain in my head and shoulders wasn't given attention as I crawled backward in fright.

I hit the shelf, however, I mentally scolded myself. "Calm down! Panicking will do nothing but aggravate the situation!" Holding my chest, I slowed the rapid breathing into a leisurely pace.

Hearing Jason hum, I looked up to see him still sitting at the desk. "That's strange, I figured you would already know where you are from."

"I thought I was human!" I yelled. "I didn't know I was a demon until last night!"

Blood blinked at my yell. "There must have been indications that must've tipped you off that you weren't human."

I knew that of course, I had written it down in my 'Personal Diary' the number of times that I heard voices over the years. "I heard voices but the idea of being a demon never entered my mind."

"Hmmm, true. The supernatural mostly don't interact with the ordinary world in an explicit manner, but it does happen." Blood then stood up and walked towards me only to offer a hand.

Sighing, I took the hand and he helped me to my feet. "Now what? I don't think you're going to kill me. You wouldn't have let me eat and have a clean set of clothes."

"No, I didn't."

A small moment passed. "T-Then can I go?"

Jason shook his head, causing me to immediately fear for my life.

"Unfortunately, no. I cannot in good conscious let someone, who might start killing and eating people, go."

Flinching in shame, I looked down. I knew I couldn't fight Jason Blood, let alone beat him. From what I remember, he knew magic and was a master swordsman. "But what about my family?" My voice was weak.

I loved and still love my new family.

The Ageless Knight sighed and looked sorrowful before he spoke. "I'm sorry Mason Kent, but I don't trust you enough to not kill your family."

Tears grew in my eyes before I closed them tight. "That what should I do so I can see them?" A slight hint of guttural and distortion etched into my voice, showing my anger. Anger at not seeing my parents, anger at not powerful enough to force my way home.

"First, you can get some sleep, our lessons will start at nine o'clock, tomorrow morning."

Shocked, my head sharply went upwards to look at Jason, who grew a small smile. "I can't trust you to attack innocent people, so I shall train you until I can." Jason then let the smile drop into a stern frown. "However, I will not treat you with kid gloves. You follow my instructions to the letter, do not talk back to me and don't ever listen to that side of yourself."

A simple glare was my response, my fist clenched. "Damn it, I was just fine being a side character in this universe. Very well, Jason Blood, when I'm strong enough and got this 'demon side' under control. I'm going to beat you, and Etrigan, into the ground and go to my family again."


Next Morning

"Are you sure, Master Jason?" I questioned Blood as we sat cross-legged in a training room.

On my body were something similar to what I was wearing the day before, a plain white no-sleeved shirt, black tracksuit bottoms, and no socks.

"I thought we agreed you would follow my instructions."

"You want someone to follow your instructions without question? Get a slave." I replied with snark quite audible.

Master sighed, I figured he was already regretting making me his student.

"Mason, we need to make sure that you can get your demonic urges under control. Meditating and looking within yourself is the safer way of doing that. Now breath in and out slowly." Master Jason instructed me.

So I did. After all, I agreed to his teaching. Something I was less than enthused about, due to the fact that Jason had kidnapped me. I was perfectly okay with being taught, but with the lingering imaginative thoughts of my demon side attacking and cannibalizing my parents, I was more determined than wanting to fan-boy.

"Breathe in...breathe out." My body followed my thoughts.

"Breathe in...breathe out."

"Breathe in...breathe ou-"

"Be silent."

My eyes shot open, where was I? It was dark-no somehow darker than that, like I was inside a pit of sadness, a pit of rage.

"Who would have thought that a human could take over my body?"

Hearing the guttural, gravelly, distorted voice from behind me. I turned and looked up.

It was massive, standing ten meters away from me, with its sheer height made a crick appear in my neck. Its scaly black and crimson skin more akin to corrupted fire, claws for fingers and toes, with N extra toe at the heels making the feet look like a mutated eagle's. Four glaring orbs, emerald green sclerae, glowing crimson irises with slitted pupils, were on the face in a row, its mouth filled with nothing but teeth filed to fangs. However, the thing's most prominent feature was the black and crimson metallic-looking roots that covered its body, with those roots forming around the face, letting its nose and face to be seen clearly, to form a spiked crown at the scalp. On the back were enormous black boned, red-feathered wings and swishing behind the giant was a black and red shining tail more akin to an armoured snake, a green flame at the end of it.

Blinking, I noticed something very familiar about the being.

"Why is the love child of Urizen from Devil May Cry 5 and Rodin's Demonic Form from Bayonetta, but with a different colour scheme, in front of me?"

"Because I will it, Mortal." The Being said back, thinly-veiled patience covering its anger.

Taking a step back, my mouth opened and closed like a fish, unsure what to say.

The Being scoffed before throwing a hand in my direction. From the palm, a thick spike tipped root flew at me. I shielded myself with my arms, fear of my life ending once more filling my entire body. "Damn it to the Pit!" The Being's swear echoed through the void.

One of my eyes peeked through my arms, only to see the root vibrating violently in the air, a full two meters away from my body. Dropping my arms, the root retreat back into the Being's palm with an unsettling squelch.

"W-W-Who are you?" I asked, stuttering with fear.

The Being scoffed again. "I figured the thief of my body would know who he stole from."

The feeling of terror made me speechless. I gulped, trying to find make my throat less dry.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized weakly.

The void turned cold. No, it turned freezing.

"You…?" It growled, the Being's mouth gritted its teeth and roared, an aura of darkness, crimson and emerald appeared, spinning like a tornado. "You dare give me useless apologies?! You should be bowing before my feet, groveling for mercy before I deliver oblivion upon you!"

A massive shockwave blew me off my feet, I flew for a few seconds before landing roughly on my shoulders.

"Ack!" I hacked and coughed violently.

The void boomed in time with someone walking, looking over, I saw the Being step towards me.

"And yet! I cannot kill you! I cannot possess you! You have memories of my home, one I have not seen, so how can you?!" The Being then crouched in front of me, lording over me with its face a meter from mine. "And what are these memories of yours?! They don't show those miserable Kent's as your parents but someone else, nor do they show any indication of you having the ability to take another being's body?!"

The Being's aura disappeared, allowing me to stand unsteadily. "I'm from a different multiverse!" I screamed without hesitation, how could I not? I took this being's body away from him and he'll be stuck inside of my soul for who knew how long. That and I was scared shitless but that was mild, nope it wasn't terrifying what so ever.

The Being's head moved back, its eyes still glaring at my soul. It hummed. "Mmm, you are telling the truth. So I ask again, how does your 'other multiverse' know of my home?"

"U-Um…" I didn't know how to explain, what would happen if someone knew they were nothing more than a story, It didn't appreciate my pause.

"Speak Mortal!"

I flinched violently and simply spoke my truth. "In my home verse, this Multiverse is nothing but a story. Stories my people read and react with awe or sadness...for entertainment."

The void was silent. I kept my breath silent, unsure if I just pissed It off.

"Leave Mortal."

And just like that, I felt myself being pulled back and up into the spotlight.

I woke up from my meditating position wheezing, coughing and panting violently.

"Mason? Mason?!" I felt Master Jason next to me, his hand on my back.

"I-I think I've met the demon inside me." I continued to cough, trying to calm down and explain what happened. "It's angry. I-I...this isn't my body. It was originally the demon's." Jason was silent and let me continue. "I don't know how I'm inhabiting it, t-though it did say it can't attack, kill or possess me."

Master kept silent, no words escaped him. I looked up and saw him thinking internally once again. "Talking to Etrigan, no doubt."

"I think it's best you have a rest now, Mason. You've been able to connect with the demon and that's a good start." Master praised lightly. "Take an hour rest, then we'll start training you in basic magic."

I nodded and exited the training room.


Seeing his student leave the room, Jason sighed. "Am I doing the right thing?" He asked himself.

"It would be better to kill it, something quick like a throat slit."

"I'm not doing that Etrigan." Jason mentally responded. "In a way, he reminds me of us. A human and a demon stuck together."

Etrigan was silent for a moment, only to speak without rhymes. "Yet he is different. A human soul inside a demonic body. He is an abomination and would be tortured for fun in the Eternal Pit."

"But we are not in the Pit, Etrigan." He admonished the Son of Belial. "If we didn't find him, he would've rampaged across Kansas."

"It would've been a glorious sight." Etrigan chuckled.

Jason scowled at the Demon's chuckle. "I will not allow a demon to be free to ravage the earth but I will not murder an innocent who has done nothing wrong."

"And if the mortal soul with a demonic body fails to live up to that expectation, and brings about the world's cancellation?" Etrigan asked.

Blood was silent, the thought had entered his mind but he didn't like to think about it. "If the mortal becomes a demon. Then...then I shall slay him."

"Hmph, and what about that third piece I can smell?"

Jason frowned in confusion. "I don't know, it's frustrating. He obviously doesn't know what it is either. Mason thought he was human until yesterday. Whatever that third piece is, I can only hope it isn't more shocking than he already is."


Sighing, I laid down on my bed. The small lining of fear was still running through my body despite being awake in the real world.

"Fuck." I cursed softly, I covered my face with a pillow and tried to slow my heart down. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I continued to curse only to stop with a heavy sigh. I thought back to what the demon within me had said. "It said 'what are these memories of yours?' that they didn't show the Kents as my parents. Then that means..." Letting a tired but annoyed groan into the pillow, I continued. "That means the demon knows about my past life, not just that I'm from a different multiverse." Another groan of annoyance escaped me, though it was directed at me. "Different multiverse, what the fuck was I thinking?"


Once again, I found myself within the void. My heart started to beat faster and faster, fear flooding my body with adrenaline. Standing up, I turned to find myself in front of the Demon once again. Only to see it sitting in a massive throne-like chair made of grey metal and pale pulsating flesh. Its head being held by a hand, giving off a lazy aura.

I simply cocked my head with a blank look. "Okay, I swear he's like Rodin and Urizen from those games."

"Like I said Mortal, it is because I will it, that I am in this form."

My mouth opened, only to stay open as the dots connected in my head. "Oh. You know of my past life, you've seen them."

"I've experienced them like they were my own, Mortal." The Demon spoke, a slothful wave of its hand summoned numerous white circles, within them were visions of my past life.

My earliest memory to my last. Seeing them had brought forth tears to my eyes that fell down my cheeks. Eventually all of them, apart from two, disappeared.

The two that remained were visions of the beings that inspired the Demon's look. Urizen from DMC 5 and Rodin's demonic form from Bayonetta.

"These demons are beings that respect the most. So I shall take their forms to show my power and superiority."

"They got beat though." I muttered.

"What was that?!"

Throwing my hands up in a placating manner. "N-Nothing. They're awesome, you're awesome!"

"At least you recognize my power." The Demon then raised its head and sat up in a regal manner. "Now Mortal, we must have an agreement."

Taken aback, I stuttered out. "O-Okay?"

"I cannot kill you or posses you and I can accurately guess, from your past life's memories and the life you now lead, that you won't let me go. We will need to live with each other, so I ask that you allow me to take control from time to time, in return I shall not hold back the demonic power we share if you call for it."

I frowned and immediately answered back. "No."

The Demon narrowed its eyes and leaned forward. "No?" It growled.

"Simply no. I cannot trust you enough to not kill innocents. I'm not Jason Blood, I will not let you have any freedom unless I am sure you won't do that."

The air turned freezing once again.

"I offer you power beyond compare and you spit it back in my fac-"

I interrupted him. "I'm not spitting it back in your face." Thinking quickly, I made a counter-offer. "How about this? I know that you took over when that Imp, Azad attacked me and ate him."

"Yes, he was delicious." The Demon licked its lips.

I shivered, not from the cold, but from the Demon's action. "Yes...that. Now, if you let me have your power when I call for it. I shall…" I gulped, knowing that this might've damned me to the fiery abyss for eternity. "I shall let you experience what I feel, and allow you to...eat other evil demons we come across."

The Demon's grin was something that etched itself within my head, for all time. It was jubilant, all teeth, from ear to ear and promised nightmares on anyone he would've seen it.

"Oooohhhh." The overjoyed moan of pleasure added to my nightmares. "We definitely have an accord, Mason Kent."

Before I left, a thought struck me."By the way, I never knew your name."

The Demon looked off into the void before staring back at me. "I have no name, for my name would only have been given to me by the being or beings who spawned me."

"T-Then shall I name you." I then immediately added with. "I-I-I mean, I've given you memories and experiences of life. In a way, I've practically raised you." Looking down was all I could do. I knew the Demon could read my thoughts so I didn't think of anything.

"Very well."


The Demon scoffed. "I do not care what you call me. For the name shall only be between us and in the grand scheme of creation. The name is insignificant."

"O-Oh." You could feel the disappointment I had when I heard that. In spite of that, I still racked my brain for names of any kind that sounded awesome for a demon.

Then I thought of one that made me smile.

"How about…"


Right, was this chapter bad? I know it is slow but I need to get through the beginning as quickly as I can. The next chapter will have a time skip, though don't expect another chapter for a bit as I'm in Bristol for a University trip.

Oh, please look to the previous chapter, as I've changed a few things around and added a few sentences like the 'Hungry' part. Someone had pointed out that it wasn't something that needed an 'M' rating. I've never written Gore before so I originally didn't know what to put down, hope it aptly describes what I envisioned.

Please tell me if it was bad in a constructive manner, this is something I do for fun and I want to share my fic with you all. Please don't spread hate like an anonymous review that I deleted that literally just said this fic was 'horseshit drama.'

Anyway, see you all next time.

UPDATE (23/03/2020): Expanded the reasoning why Mason told the demon how he could have known about Hell.