Earth date - April 21, 1903

Dooku's Palace Serenno

Admiral Erthief Tulnol is both honored and terrified to be walking in Count Dooku's palace on Serenno. She knows that her recent loss Ord Mantell cost the Confederacy a great deal of resources. Tulnol hopes that the count will be merciful to her. As she opened the door to the count's office she notices the gloomy design. From the brownish walls to the stained glass windows.

"Admiral." The Count's voice was stern and low. "May I ask why you left Ord Mantell? From what the reports say you had enough troops to counter-attack the enemy."

"I did had the numbers sir, but the droids I was given are obsolete compared to the republic's clones."

The Ishi Tib's voice was starting to get nervous. "We would have been overrun and lose the battle either way."

Dooku stood up from his desk and started to walk toward the admiral. "So you relied on statistics instead of numbers." The Count was now in front of Tulnol, sending up a chill down her spine. "While you paid attention to statistics you forgotten about another factor to warfare. The human factor." Dooku started to walk back to his desk. "The Jedi want the galaxy to think that they are unbeatable and that they can't make mistake. An obvious lie. They too make mistake as you and I do."

"The Jedi are skilled with tactics and combat. They also have the force as an ally." Tulnol said this regaining her confidence.

"That's not the point." Dooku said as he sat down at his desk. "With your act of cowardice our entire military loses support and we look weak!"

"So I was post to stay and fight a losing battle?

"Yes." Dooku gave Tulnol a look that sends chills down her spine. "You are to be demoted to captain and transferred to the Unknown Region Exploration Fleet."

"But my lord, it's a suicide command. The Unknown Regions are a death trap." replied Tulnol nervously.

"You may leave me now captain. Report to your command." Dooku said as he went back to his work. Tulnol knowing that she was fighting a losing battle left the count in peace and went to her new command.

Earth Date - April 23, 1903

New York City, New York.

Liam Nerney, a normal immigrant from Ireland, who dreams of looking at the night skies and finding something new that he will be known for. Till then he has to work as a peddler selling fruit and live as a boarder. As Liam was walking out Mr. Orson Son, the center of the apartment and owner of Son's Groceries, waved high.

"Good luck Liam." said Orson.

"Thanks . Good luck at the store." Liam replied before leaving the apartment. Maybe I'll have enough money to get a new telescope. Liam thought. As he exited the building he looks up at the cloudy skies. "Looks like it's about to rain."

Earth Date - April 23, 1903

Qu'To CIS Naval Dockyard, Dock I-74

The Unknown Regions Exploration Fleet. A waste of resources. thought Tulnol as she stared at a modified Frigate Blasting Star that supposedly can resist against the many dangers in the regions. "Captain, the ship is waiting to depart." said a metallic voice of a droid.

"Good. When I enter the ship, get permission from the Dock Master." replied Tulnol turning to the docking bay.

"Roger Roger." the droid said following the captain. The inside of the Frigate was cold and dark. Fit for an army of droids, but lacks what it takes to win battles. After walking in the halls for five minutes Tulnol reached the elevators to the Bridge.

"Status report." commanded Tulnol.

"All systems are a go. Just waiting for permission to depart." replied a droid emotionless. All Tulnol did was stare at the blackness of space, waiting to be free from corruption. "We just received permission to depart captain."

"Set coordinates for Fuel Station Bravo Delta." She replied. After a few seconds, they were in hyperspace.

Earth Date - May 22, 1903

Miller Manson, New York

Liam was excited and nervous at the same time. He could hardly believe that Thomas Miller was looking for an assistant for his studies. has one of the greatest collections of books on astronomy and a collection of telescopes. Just walking on the grounds is nerve-racking, knocking on the door more so. When the door opened Liam was greeted by a short middle-aged maid. "Hello sir. Are you here for the study assistant position?"

"Yes. My name is Liam Nerney." he replied with a bit of a stutter. The maid looks at him.

"Where are you from ?" She asked.

"Cork Ireland." He replied. The maid shrugs.

"Very well. Please step inside." She replied. Liam stepped inside in awe of the beauty of the marble columns, floor, and paintings on the walls. "Wait here, while retrieve Mr Miller. Oh and if you better not waste his time."

The maid turned and walked away leaving Liam alone and feeling small in the great house. What am I doing here? I don't belong here.

A few minutes later the maid returned without Miller, bringing a sense of dread to Liam. "Follow me ."

To his surprise, she turned back in the direction she came from and he followed. They pass several paintings and maps of the night sky. "This is a beautiful building."

"It is indeed." replied the maid. They stopped in front of a large wooden door, that compared to the rest of the house seemed simple. "When you are inside, you must not touch anything and do not talk unless spoken too. Understand."

"Yes." Liam replied. The maid opened the door and gesture Liam to go in. The study was filled with so many books that some were pilled on the tables.

"Mr. Miller, Mr. Liam Nerney is here about the assistant position." the maid said. Then a man appeared from one of the piles. He about to be in his fifties and was tall.

"Thank you Miss Jones. You may return to your duties." Miller replied and the maid closed the doors as she left. When the doors where closed, Miller looked at Liam for a few seconds. "Well, Liam was it?"

"Yes sir." Liam replied hiding his shaky hand behind his back.

"What do you know about astronomy?" asked

"I know very little sir." replied Liam tilting his head down slightly.

"Then why do you want this position?" asked Miller curiously.

"I looked up at the stars when I was younger and thought about all of the mysteries that are out there, just waiting to be explored by man." replied Liam. After a pause of silence, Liam spoke. "I'll understand if you want me to leave sir."

To Liam surprise smiled. "Well Liam, I think you are perfect for the position."

Liam was shocked and almost collapse at what had said. "Are you sure sir? I hardly know anything about astronomy."

"But you want to explore the unknown because you want to, not for the money like so many would. I like that in a man." replied who extends his hand for a handshake. "So, do you want the job or not?"

"I do want the job sir." replied Liam as he shakes hands with the man.

"We will begin tomorrow. See you then." Miller said and Liam thanked him and left in joy.

Earth Date - August 22, 1903

Miller Manson, New York

For months Liam has been learning about Astronomy while in 's service faster than either of them expected. Tonight he might even get to use 's telescope. "Beautiful night isn't Liam?"

"Yes sir." replied Liam. "Maybe you'll discover a new planet."

"Maybe." Miller said staring at the night sky. "Do you know what I dream of Liam?"

"What sir?" replied Liam.

"I hope that mankind could one day touch the stars and explore what we can't from down here." Miller said before looking through his telescope. Liam prepped his paper and ink to write down any observations. After a few minutes of patient waiting, Miller began to speak. "What was life back in Ireland, was it?"

"It wasn't the best, but it could have been worse." replied Liam.

"Oh really? Why?" asked Miller.

"Back in Ireland I was a freak because I rather look at the skies than go to a factory." replied Liam. "I came to America to fulfill my dreams and here I am."

Miller sighed and looked back at Liam. "I understand you completely Liam. My parents and schoolmates disliked me for my love of astronomy. Luckily for me, I was an only child or else I wouldn't have inherited my fortune and start my astronomy career."

"Heh. I guess we'll prove them wrong when we make the biggest discoveries that'll be remembered for all time." replied Liam. Miller couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh we will Liam. We will." He looked at his telescope then back at Liam. "Do you want to try?"

Liam was taken aback at this. "You want me to use the telescope sir? Are you sir?"

"Yes. I going to get some water from the kitchen. Till then you can use it." Miller replied smiling.

"Thank you sir." Liam said as Miller was walking back inside. When he was back in Liam walked over to the telescope and began his search of the night sky. After ten minutes have passed he notice something faint and small near Mars that he didn't recognize, then it moved. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Found something already ?" Miller said behind Liam, starting him.

"I think I might have found an asteroid sir. Do you want to check?" Liam replied moving out of Miller's way to the telescope.

"An asteroid would indeed be an interesting discovery." Miller said as he looked through the telescope. "Hmm. It appears that you did indeed find an asteroid. Bring out the maps I have, just to be certain that it isn't a known asteroid."

"Yes sir." Liam said before he went back into the study to grab the maps. Maps are in the drawers Liam remembered. After a minute or two of searching, he found the correct maps and ran out to give the maps to Miller. "I found them sir."

"Thank you." replied Miller as he grabbed the maps and lay them on a nearby table to look over them. After a few minutes of studying the maps, he looked at Liam. "Congratulations Liam. You discovered a new asteroid."

Liam was shocked that he found an asteroid on his first use of the telescope. "Are you sure?"

Miller gave a little laugh. "Yes Liam. I am sure. So, what are you going to name it?"

"Name it? Me?" replied Liam stuttering.

"Yes. You found it and the discovery always name the discovery?" Miller said.

I get to name an asteroid. What an honor. What should I name it? Liam thought "How about Irish Rock?"

"Certainly an interesting name, but a usable name." replied Miller. "Now, let's study the Irish Rock, shall we."

Earth Date - August 22, 1903

The Blasting Star

Tulnol walks into her private quarters filled with dread as she opens her logs. "Captain's log day 121, basic time. We have been exploring this system for 34 days of basic time. We are exploring the fifth planet in the system. It appears to be a red terrestrial planet. Planetary scans show that there is no life on it. I sent a team of droids to collect samples."


"So for this system is easy to pass through. There has so far been no real use of the planets. There are 79 days till the end of our mission and we can return home." she said. "I hope that I'll be able to take a battle command soon, instead of an exploration fleet. End Log."

Beep Beep. The bridge is trying to alert the captain and she answered. "What is it droid?"

"Captain, we ah. We are intercepting some kind of message." Tulnol jumped out of her seat when she heard what the droid said.

"What does it say?" asked the captain.

"It appears to be some kind of code of beeps." the droid replied.

"Record it and send a copy to me immediately." she commanded. A possibility of intelligent life. This is my chance to regain my command.

"Sending a message to you captain." said a droid from the bridge. Tulnol unlocked her terminal and listen to the message of beeps.

"What are you saying?" asked the captain. She comm the bridge. "Captain to the bridge. Can you locate the point origin?"

"We are trying to but the transmitter used is either old or broken." replied the droid.

"Find it droid." the captain commanded. Whoever sent the message could be old or dead by the time we find them. She thought. But if they are still alive, then I will find them and claim there world for the Confederacy.