Disclaimer: I don't own either A Song of Ice and Fire or Miraculous Ladybug.

"You should not have gone to the festival. We would have more time to prepare," Rugen murmured disapprovingly the moment Ladybug entered the underground tunnel. It was not the first time Rugen had said this to him, but he tried not to huff at the unfairness of the statement, for he had never asked to be dragged to this underground world of becoming a vigilante.

"It was important," Ladybug insisted quietly, taking the black cloak from Rugan, draping it over himself and pulling the hood over his head to hide his unfortunately brightly coloured costume. He loved being Ladybug and its power felt so incredibly right to him, but it is times like this that made him with he had the Chat Noir's costume, for it was far more suitable for reconnaissance missions that Rugen had meant for him to do. With what felt like his best chance of courting Cat ruined by his overprotective sister and the duty of Ladybug, the absence of his partner for such missions weighed heavier on him than ever before. "And Chat Noir?"

He almost regretted asking the question with the silence that fell immediately after. "You know my stance on this."


"But clearly, it bears repeating. We don't know enough about Chat Noir to trust her."

"She's saved my life multiple times."

"Which could be a ploy."

"I don't think it is. You've not seen her passion for justice in action, or you would understand. I would trust her with my life."

"Then you're a fool, child. No matter, we will not discuss this any longer. I will look into her background and if it is evident that we can trust her, we will let her in." The air of finality in his tone irked Ladybug more than he expected it to. "Now go, or do you intend to lose the target for true?"

"She would do this better, you know," Ladybug says quietly, a last act of defiance as he turned to begin the chase, but not before he saw the look of reproach on Rugen's face that made him wince internally. Nevertheless, he vows to continue the push, for he truly believed that she was a worthy partner, accidental as the method of which she came to become his partner was.

Hooded figures were not uncommon in Braavos by any extent during most normal days, but even more so during the Unmasking festivals. A hooded figure scuttering after one of her trainers from the House of Black and White wasn't a particularly unusual sight either, but when the hooded figure moved like her vigilante partner, Arya's attention was definitely drawn.

Even on horseback, his movements were so distinct it was a wonder that, after a quick scan of the perimeter, she observed that nobody else had noticed. She supposes most people hadn't the chance to watch him the same way she did and as often as she did, but it was a dangerously risky move anyway. Considering the fact that he was tailing a Faceless Man, an exceptionally brilliant one too as she could attest from personal experience, Ladybug was a fool. This was another one of his top-secret-mission-he-never-told-her-about then.

Not wanting to lose the opportunity, she wandered in the direction she saw them heading, letting her eyelids begin to droop listlessly as Dany follow her around. From the corner of her eyes, the flash of red from under the cloak confirmed his identity once again (although she was already pretty sure prior to that), and she hurriedly declared herself too tired. Despite Dany's protest, she managed to leave the scene quickly, and then shake Dany off her trail just as quickly (ignoring the possessive stalking that Dany had a habit of doing this time, even though she has already told her time and again to drop it).

Finally free, her displeasure begin to rise as she promptly found a hidden location to transform and begin pursuing the suspicious duo. She had suspected that Ladybug has a true mission besides the Akuma's for a while now, with mounting evidence including the fact that she first met Ladybug before any Akuma sightings, his tailings of dangerous or important figures, and the mysterious need to hide himself from view.

When she had dropped hints of her thoughts though, he had denied it vehemently, stumbling through easily detected lies and she was shocked at how transparent he truly was. She hadn't called him out then, deciding to investigate the situation first, and from what she had gathered, it appears that he has an underground director of sorts who likely gave him the bracelets that granted Ladybug's powers. She didn't know what the underground director wanted from a hero, but all his missions seemed to surround stalking important personage from the Sealord of Braavos and keyholders of Iron Bank of Braavos to the Triarchs of Volantis and the Prince of Pentos. This perplexed her greatly, for she couldn't understand why he might have been chosen. He was a wonderful hero and fiercely inspiring, but given his generally honest personality, he was not one she would pick for undercover missions.

As though proving her point, the sound of the clashing of swords filled her ears. Flipping out a mirror, she found Ladybug, still cloaked and hooded for what it's worth, fighting Jaqen H'ghar. A second glance rapidly revealed that Ladybug's right thighs must have been cut for he was leaning heavily on his left foot and before she gave herself time to think, Chat Noir flung a carefully aimed stone from the riverbank nearby that caused Jaqen to crumple into a kneeling position. Run, she thought desperately. Run now and don't fight because this can barely buy any time, and the second act is required if Ladybug was to get away.

As though he heard her, Ladybug took off as fast as he could with a wounded leg. De-transforming in an instant, Weasel strolled into view, letting her face light up at the sight of her trainer who was just getting up from his fall.

"Jaqen!" she cried, her voice taking on a tone of excitement. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Weasel," he responded with a nod, his voice almost serene if not for the little hitch that indicated that he was slightly out of breath. It was an effort not to smirk as her heart swelled with pride, knowing that Ladybug had managed to tire Jaqen at least a little, even while injured.

"I don't think I've ever seen you fall," she said, her voice taking an almost gleeful tone of a student amused by her trainer's blunder.

Jaqen tilted his head, pausing for just a second too long that she knew he was using to decide on his story. "I do not trip often, a girl must be lucky to have managed to catch such a sight."

"Indeed." He was doing something worthy of suspicion then, since he opted not to tell of his stalker or to chase the hero. So much for all the talk of telling her the whole truth now that her training had been progressing well. "Are you on your way to the festivals?"

"A man has more important things to do then partake in frivolous games."

"Ah, pity. A girl shall see you in a few days then," Weasel replied, with a cheeky smile. "One must be off to catch her friends." Specifically, finding her precious Spots before Jaqen himself does. Waving, she forced herself to walk away from Ladybug's general direction and head a little further before transforming back to Chat Noir.

Ladybug was an idiot. He should've been more aware, should've realised that the man had realised he was being followed. His carelessness was nearly fatal when the man, abruptly swinging his sword towards him, nearly cut him in half. There had been no signs that he could see and the man was frighteningly swift. Thankfully, he had leapt away instantly, the sword only cutting his right thighs but it left his right leg significantly weakened.

He had drawn his sword immediately and held his ground as best as he could, but with his head lifted, he saw the man's recognition of his mask and it was an effort not to groan. He briefly wondered if it was a bad idea to have gone as Ladybug, for the implication of heroes potentially stalking Braavosi may not go over smoothly with the people, but quickly realises it would be so much worse if he had been seen as Aegon Targaryen instead. Aegon being the target could cause so much more problems, worrying his family greatly and potentially also putting himself in significantly more danger.

As though Lady Luck was shining down upon him (which he supposes she was given that he was Ladybug), the man suddenly crumpled onto the floor, his knees hit sharply by a small object he didn't identify. Seeing his opening, he turned and ran, his heart leaping at the thought that perhaps Chat Noir had helped him, although he quickly realised how unlikely that would be. He was still cloaked and Chat Noir would have no way of knowing the danger he was in.

For the briefest moment before he turned the corner, he had seen Cat emerge from another street and approach the very man he was following, and he had been tempted to turn around to protect her. But she had been friendly with the man, and he had then called her Weasel. Cat, Mercy, Weasel, it was a lot of names for one girl, and despite himself, Rhaenys' voice declaring that she was not as simple as he thought began ringing in his ears.

Focus, he told himself, breathing heavily as he hurried along. Twisting and turning down the alleyways of Braavos, he tried desperately to recall the different entrances to Rugen's tunnel, his head already spinning from the blood loss. He has taken multiple routes with Rugen, he should know where to find them, but he couldn't think straight and his heart was still pounding from the unexpected fight that had just occurred.

He had lost track of how much time had passed and was barely on the edge of consciousness when a familiar mask appeared before him. This must be a dream, he thought, before collapsing into the familiar arms before him.

His condition was worse than she thought, her anger and frustration at being left out of whatever Ladybug was doing disappearing in the instant he collapsed into her arms. Her heart thudded frantically as she hastily carried him down the place she found Plagg's ring months ago. Laying him across the floor, her hands trembled slightly as she started to treat him, for once grateful for all the emergency treatment her ridiculously overprotective parents had made her learn long ago.

If only she hadn't been busy fuming and watching Ladybug, she'd have paid more attention to Jaqen and not reacted only when it was too late and he had already gotten hurt. It was an effort not to panic as she tried to focus on stopping the blood from seeping out of his body and not on his increasingly shallow breath. She couldn't forgive herself if he doesn't pull through this, for not only was protecting him her responsibility as his (albeit possibly self-appointed) partner, he had also been the first person in Braavos to truly show her an unconditional kindness in a while, a light in her crumbling world.

Chat Noir hadn't really needed it, but it was a wonderful gesture nevertheless. She was merely upset after a disappointing day after failing, yet again, to land a role of her choice. She hadn't been meaning to drown herself truly, she never does. It was only that when she was upset, the act of sitting on the edge of the isolated bridge's railing gave her some comfort in the form of the idea that if she wanted to, she could end it right there and then. A reminder that it was her choice to continue, her choice to stand and fight, her choice to live against the odds.

Although there had been an increasing number of suicide in recent months, the desolate bridge was always isolated and she wasn't expecting any interruption to her lamentation. She had been suitably unnerved when a quiet cloaked figure found his way next to her with a quiet "Hey" and a less composed individual might have fallen into tumultuous river in shock, although he was probably prepared for that outcome.

She contemplated not replying, but finally gave a quiet "Hey" that clearly did not convey her message not to be disturbed, for he went on. "Today's been frustrating, hasn't it?"

"What would you know of it?" she snapped despite herself, before reproaching herself for reacting. The House of Black and White training had clearly not been paying off as quickly as she (and the rest of her family) might have hoped, for she was still fierce and temperamental and prone to anger more often than not. He turned to give her a smile, so bright it almost hurt to look at, and she immediately noted the odd red mask with black spots he wore, and the second red hood below the black hood he wore that almost made her laugh at the ridiculous outfit choice. "Nothing of your day, but mine has been harrowing."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! I put so much effort to get away from family pressure, and I just barely succeeded when suddenly a… mentor has just dumped a random bunch of responsibilities on me." He grimaced. "Plus the mentor also jumbled things up a little, and made the responsibilities even harder than before, although I shouldn't complain too much for he has been very helpful nonetheless."

"Is that why you have that Cheetah mask?"

"That's not a Cheetah mask!" he cried indignantly, and this time, she did laugh.

"Then what is it?"

"Never mind the stupid mask, how's your day?"

"Very much not your business."

He blinked, as though not quite expecting that answer. "Aww… but could I know?" he asked, in an almost whiny tone, his lips pulling into an adorable pout that he seemed unconscious of.

She turned away from him to look into the river, kicking her feet leisurely as she considered for a while, before finally deciding, "I suppose it doesn't matter, since I don't know you and you don't know me anyway."

"How do you know that?" Cheetah (as she had mentally named him) demanded childishly. "Maybe I am someone you know under the mask." As though immediately regretting what he said, his eyes widened and he slapped his hands across his mouth.

She laughed. "I would know if you are. It's just that… I've been working at this place for a while now, and I've never been allowed the main role because I'm not as pretty as the other girl, and I know that she is much more suited for she is much prettier than I. But recently, she quit the job and so there was only me left for a while. So I actually had a chance of getting the main role for once because I'm the only one who has been trained with enough skills to play a main role. And, even better, we were going to be doing one of my favourite works soon."

"How are you not pretty enough for a main role? You're the most stunning girl I've met in a while!" Cheetah had interrupted. She knew he must have been saying it to cheer her up, to make a girl he thought was on the verge of a suicide feel better, but the sincerity and genuine incredulity of his tone made her blush anyway.

"Oh, shut up. Don't bother with telling me sugary lies, I know how I look." He frowned at this, and looked for a second like he was going to argue, but she continued before he could say anything. "Anyway, this new girl joined. Normally, when someone new joins, they have to go through at least three months being a stagehand, helping out with dressing up roles and shifting props. So I didn't think it was going to be a problem, even if she may be slightly prettier than I was, because we were going to do my favourite play in two months time. But… but then… " Her voice caught in her throat and she swallowed to clear it.

"They cast her for the main role?" Cheetah asked sympathetically.

"Yes! She had no prior experience and didn't know how to do anything! I'd understand if she was a stunning beauty like the girl who quit but she wasn't! To make it worse, she was to play Nymeria, and she is Lyseni with Valyrian features, and they would rather cast a Valyrian-looking Nymeria than let me play! I know what you're thinking. Valyrian features? That must mean she is gorgeous. But she isn't, I have seen Valyrian features that actually looks dazzling, and hers were pretty enough, but not… it's not…"

She wasn't that upset. She already knew she wasn't pretty, she had known for as long as she could remember with comments like horseface and endless comparison to her ever more beautiful sister, but when she dressed up and made up she could look a little pretty. She had even gotten a few compliments before dressed up for rehearsals and the likes. And Nymeria wasn't even ever stated explicitly to be stunningly gorgeous anyway so why couldn't she play. They had never let anyone skip stagehand roles but just because they didn't want her to play Nymeria? She wasn't that upset though, she wasn't! And she wasn't going to cry.

She bit her lips as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks anyway, and turned her head to face away from Cheetah. Feeling something light land on her legs, she looked down to find a blue handkerchief on her lap, where he had dropped it casually.

"Your bosses are fools," he told her earnestly as she picked up the handkerchief to clear her eyes. "I don't know what they were thinking, but they've missed out on probably the world's best Nymeria. Haven't you thought of switching to another company? One that will treat you more fairly?"

It's not that simple. It's part of my training with the House of Black and White and I can't just switch when I want to, she wanted to say, if only her training wasn't a secret. Even speaking to a stranger, she knew she couldn't risk mentioning something like that. "Most of the other companies are full," she replied, with a sigh. "They're definitely not worth this though," Cheetah told her firmly, angling his head towards the rushing water.

In her rage, she had nearly forgotten that he had come talk to her because he had thought she was going to jump. She gave him a small smile. "I wasn't going to."

There was a pause, and she thought that he was going to scold her for wasting his time for sure. He is a stranger anyway, she told herself, he can yell all he wants and it won't matter a whit to me. Yet for some reason she couldn't comprehend, it mattered and she had to fight the urge to wring her hands together anxiously.

"Truly?" he finally asked.


When he looked up, the only thing in his eyes was worry. "You promise?"

The choice of wording and tone was so innocent that it brought a true smile to her face. "I do."

He broke into his shockingly bright smile again. "I'm glad," he told her truthfully. "I have a feeling that the world would be so much less brilliant without you in it."

She couldn't find a response to that, the compliment so ridiculously grand it blew her far out of her comfort zone. Fortunately, she didn't need to, for he was already hopping up. "Well, I have to go because I've kind of jeopardised my own mission and I'm going to be in so much trouble," he told her with a sheepish smile. "Take care and be careful though!" She barely had the chance to respond with a "You too!" before he was already darting down the alley.

She had stared down at the handkerchief in amazement. 'I've jeopardised my own mission' he had said, and not 'you've jeopardised my mission', even though he probably only stopped doing whatever he was going (in hindsight, probably stalking some other important figure) because of her. It was delightful and refreshing to have someone not tell her it's her fault, even when she couldn't help but feel like this time it was at least a little her fault.

A pained groan snapped her out from her thoughts and she found Ladybug widening his eyes at her presence. "Chat Noir?"

A/N: Because I wanted Aegon to have blue hair and since blue hair aren't that common and we both want his identity safe, Tikki gave Ladybug a red hood.