Chapter 1: Conquering the Kendo Club Vice- Captain
I don't own DxD; I just use its characters and techniques. All credit goes to its creator. Same applies for anything that I used from other animes.
Welcome to my new story the Pen-is is Mightier than the sword. This will be a lemon story featuring Issei conquering various swordswoman from the DxD Storyline and on rare occasions other non-swordsman characters. To make things fun it will follow the DxD storyline with aesthetic changes. I alone will decide who joins.
For the students of Kuoh Academy there were certain things that most of the school just never quite understood. One of them was ORC or Occult Research Club. The ORC, based out of the Old School Building, was run by Rias Gremory one of the two Great Ladies of Kuoh and Akeno Himejima the second of the two Great Ladies. Rias had crimson red hair that flowed halfway down her body sharp green eyes that seemed to bore through a person and massive breasts that somehow didn't destroy the Kuoh girls uniform: a white long sleeved, button down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, a black shoulder cape and matching button down corset, and a magenta skirt with white accents. Akeno Himejima had black hair that she kept in a ponytail that flowed down her body and breasts that were slightly larger than Rias's. If you ask the men of Kuoh, Rias and Akeno were impossibly beautiful even by human standards. Those guys would be partially right since Rias Gremory was a full-blooded devil and Akeno Himejima was a fallen angel-human mix who was also a devil thanks to Rias. However, those girls aren't important for now. What is important, is another thing that members of Kuoh Academy simply didn't understand; the enigmatic leader of the Perverted Trio Issei Hyoudou.
(Kuoh Academy)
"Wake up Issei. It's time for lunch." Matsuda Nishikori said calmly trying to wake up his friend from his nap in their shared classroom. Matsuda had slightly light brown skin small black eyes and shaved head that once had black hair with a shovel like face and large ears. Matsuda was known as the 'Perverted Baldy' because of his openly perverted tendencies and his habit of taking dirty photos.
"Come on bro. You know Issei will wake up in a second. Give him a chance" Motohama Domon said calmly. Motohama was similar to Matsuda in facial structure but his black hair was parted in the middle and he had a pair of circular glasses. Motohama was called 'The Perverted Glasses and Three Sizes Scouter' because of his ability to scan a girl once and learn her three sizes without any mistakes.
Then there was the final member and leader of the group, Issei Hyoudou. Issei had brown hair that stayed messy on his face and olive eyes. "I'm up guys I'm up" Issei said calmly as he opened his eyes much to his annoyance. Issei was known as the 'Hidden Dragon' because everyone believed he was as perverted as his two friends, but it was never proven by anybody. They only called him the leader because the two boys listened to Issei's word like it was law and if Issei said quiet they wouldn't do a thing. It was a strange dynamic but one that served their classmates well when Issei chose to use it.
(Scene Skip)
With another day of class over, the first two members of the perverted trio went over to the swim club for their usual peeping but Issei. Issei was a bit different. The target of his affection happened to be in the kendo club. The target for his affection was his classmate Murayama Kirishima who was named vice-captain of the club after only a year.
"As lovely as ever Murayama." Issei smiled as he gazed upon the girl he desired. Murayama had brown hair with bangs that hung over her face and strands that flowed past her shoulders and green eyes, but Issei was particularly drawn to an impressively large pair of breasts. Issei once asked Motohama to use his scouter to find out how large she was and he was pleasantly surprised by the results. Right after learning the number, he told his comrade to never say anything perverted towards Murayama or face his wrath and Motohama immediately caved. Dragon he was very much and Murayama was his treasure. He never grew tired of watching her get undressed and unlike his buddies, he never got caught. While they used peepholes, Issei used a pair of small black x-ray goggles that he bought in secret a year ago and he was extremely quiet. Unless somebody saw him directly he wasn't going to be caught by anybody. Not that he would allow anybody to see him.
"Help us" a voice screamed as they ran towards his location. It didn't take much to figure out what was going on and he was certainly displeased by his comrade's actions.
'Those idiots' Issei thought to himself as he focused his attention on going to save his friends. Issei and his comrades had two rules as far as peeping was concerned. One, never peep on the kendo club because they were Issei's prize and two never interfere with Issei's peeping in any way. They had violated the second rule by running towards him. Running over to save his idiotic comrades, Issei made an absolutely careless mistake, dropping his goggles and leaving them behind.
(Scene Skip)
To say Issei was angry the next day was an understatement. Thanks to having to save his idiotic friends, he left his goggles behind for somebody to find them. When he ran into his friends they were about to get attacked by the swim club and Issei stepped in to save them. He promised the girls that he would deal with the guys and the swim club watched Issei dole out a brutal punishment. By the time Issei was done with his two friends they had two black eyes and a ton of bruises. Fortunately for the two, Issei didn't realize that his goggles were back at school until he got home or the duo might be in real danger. 'Just great, there's no way the swim club didn't notice where those idiots were running too. Worst-case scenario the kendo club heard the commotion and discovered my goggles.' Issei thought to himself with a cold fury exuding from his body. Nobody wanted to say a thing because Issei was awake the whole day and everyone knew something had happened.
The awkward silence was finally broken by Murayama of all people walking over to Issei, "Issei can we have a private conversation?" Murayama requested stunning the class and serving to terrify the perverted duo who were aware of Issei's annoyance.
"Of course" Issei said calmly. Internally, Issei was fuming since this all but confirmed he had been caught. Turning towards his buddies, he gave them a death glare which promised even more pain for them later if Issei's suspicion was right.
As he and Murayama walked to the rooftop. Issei was both extremely aroused and extremely displeased by the current situation. Murayama had him by the proverbial balls and if he wasn't careful everything would be over. When they finally arriving at the rooftop Murayama was pleasantly surprised to see they were alone. "I have a feeling you know why I called you up here Issei?" Murayama said calmly as she stood a few feet away from the Hidden Dragon.
"Yes I am, but I must confess I didn't think you'd ask me about it in private." Issei replied with a toothy grin threatening to form on his face.
Murayama frowned a bit since her suspicion was confirmed, "So the goggles I found were yours huh." Murayama said solemnly. After Issei finished his punishment and he and the trio went home, the captain of the swim club went over to the kendo club and told Murayama what happened. On a whim, Murayama decided to look outside the clubroom and found the x-ray goggles and the disturbed area.
"That's right. I've been using them for the past few months to watch the kendo club in secret." Issei confessed easily. One might consider his actions reckless, but Murayama called him out in private so he took a chance.
"Why" Murayama replied. There wasn't anger in her voice but it was almost disappointment and Issei knew it.
"Do you remember the old stories about the brave knight that fought against the powerful dragon and after an intense battle slayed the beast?" Issei explained calmly.
"Yes, but I don't see what this has to do with your peeping." Murayama said in confusion.
"It's very simple Murayama. Because while most kids gravitated towards the brave knight. I felt an almost symbiotic connection with the dragon." Issei smiled.
"You lost me." Murayama said in confusion.
"The reason I peeped at the kendo club was that I possess a rather odd fetish even by most standards, a fetish for swordswoman." Issei revealed causing Murayama to blush in disbelief.
"You mean" Murayama gasped.
Issei walked over to Murayama and placed a hand on the young woman's cheek as he gazed into her eyes "That's right. I found myself wanting to find a swordswoman of my own to face in battle and then conquer and for a time my focus was my childhood friend Irina. However she moved to England for certain reasons and while it was hidden for some time my focus changed when I arrived at Kuoh." Issei smiled as he caressed her cheek with little resistance.
"Your focus became me. You've been spying on me desiring me and me alone. Waiting for a moment to conquer me" Murayama said in a complete daze while not resisting Issei's touch. What he was saying should've made her feel disgusted, but it was oddly romantic.
"That's right. Seeing as how I've confessed you can easily turn me into Sona if you wish." Issei said calmly pulling his hand away.
"I'm surprised you're giving up that easily." Murayama questioned.
"You have goggles that you've confirmed are from me and my confession to the peeping. There's no point in resisting the inevitable" Issei smiled. He was truly helpless in this situation and he hated it but there was nothing he could do.
"I see" Murayama replied unsure of what her next move should be. Unfortunately, before she could respond the bell rang.
"Let's get back to class Murayama." Issei replied with smoothness that she never heard from him before. It made her shudder far more than she cared to admit.
"Right" Murayama replied as they returned to class.
(Scene Skip)
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly and when the bell rang to end the day, five people remained in the classroom: Issei, his two partners-in-crime, Murayama, and another member of the kendo club Katase a girl with pink hair and pink eyes that happened to be Murayama's best friend. She was cute but she wasn't the girl that Murayama was as far as Issei was concerned.
"What's going on Mury it's time to go? We should get away from those creeps" Katase said anxiously standing by the door.
"I got it" Murayama said calmly as she went to pack her things to leave. Issei then received another shock when Murayama used an impressive sleight of hand to take his goggles out of her bag and place them on the ground without Katase noticing.
Issei looked towards his perverted comrades and smiled. "Looks like you idiots are gonna be able to come to class tomorrow." Issei said happily. Murayama made her decision and he could continue his peeping.
(Scene Skip)
Even Issei Hyoudou had to admit that he was getting tired of the game that Murayama was playing with him over the last few days of class. Ever since he had his goggles returned, the brunette made a habit of stripping very seductively for him for him and her underwear had become even more erotic. He was being teased and taunted and he knew what Murayama was after. She wanted him to make the next move and he knew it. The latest stripping session came to an end and Issei put his goggles away knowing what he had to do. "Seems I'll have to teach that cheeky minx a lesson" Issei smiled as he got up from his spot and walked back towards the building as he made his way towards the kendo clubroom in order to bring their game to an end.
Arriving at the clubroom he knocked on the door and waited for about five minutes before the clubroom opened and a smiling Murayama stood in wait, "Come on in Issei" Murayama smiled in victory. As they walked through the lockers and into the main hall Issei was ready and willing to claim his prize.
"You'll regret teasing me Murayama." Issei whispered as they walked through the locker room.
"We'll see" Murayama replied cheerfully.
As they arrived in the kendo hall, the waiting members of the kendo club were stunned to see Issei with Murayama and both parties completely calm. "What's going on Mury? Why did you bring Issei here?" Katase said angrily.
"Issei and I are going to have a little spar Katase and both of us know the stakes" Murayama smiled as she walked to the middle of the hall and grabbed a spare shinai and tossed it to Issei. The stakes were clear to both parties: If Issei won he would claim Murayama as his own, If Murayama won she would turn him into Sona.
"I see" Katase sweatdropped since there wasn't really anything else she could say.
"Sorry, but I won't be using the shinai. If I'm going to fight it will be bare hands." Issei said calmly. It went against his nature to use a sword.
"That's fine with me. Five clean hits gets the win" Murayama said calmly.
"Fine" Issei replied as he took his stance.
While the two of them were determined to fight, Katase wasn't having it. "Hold on. I won't do this unless I know what the stakes are." Katase said angrily.
Issei smiled since it would be amusing to see how the club reacted, "If I win, I get to fuck her" Issei replied before charging Murayama at an impressive speed.
"What the" Murayama gasped before taking an open fist to the stomach that caught her off guard and pushed her back slightly.
"Mury" Katase growled as she charged Issei with her own Shinai. She wasn't going to let her partner be fucked by Issei Hyoudou.
"What are you doing Katase" Issei deadpanned before quickly dodging the strike and slamming his palm into Katase's back causing her to crumple to the ground in pain.
"No way" Murayama exclaimed realizing that he could've ended their fight instantly if not for the five blows rule.
"The dragon never makes it easy does he." Issei smiled.
"Damn you" another member of the club roared as she charged Issei from behind.
"Another interloper." Issei frowned as he took out this girl with a powerful backwards kick.
"Ughh" the girl groaned before fainting as well.
Murayama couldn't believe how effortless he took out the two girls, "Issei that's enough. Your fight is with me." Murayama roared.
"I'm aware" Issei smiled as Murayama continued her charge. This time, Issei easily blocked Murayama's various attacks with his arms and to everyone watching Murayama was in trouble.
Much to his annoyance, another girl decided that she would interfere in the fight, "Damn you Hyoudou" the girl roared as she charged Issei.
"Not this again" Issei groaned waiting until the girl got close before grabbing her uniform and tossing her towards Murayama.
"Shit" Murayama cursed as she collided with the latest attacker and went flying towards the edge of the room.
"That's not two I suppose but I really must do something about the interlopers." Issei frowned though a part of him was getting more aroused. After all, the dragon rarely faced the brave knight alone. He could tell that the rest of the girls in the kendo club were raring to go and since they wanted a fight they could have one. "Alright girls, if you want to face me come on." Issei smiled as he taunted the kendo girls that hadn't already been defeated.
"Stop this" Murayama said nervously before one of the girls stood in front of her.
"Sorry Vice-captain but we won't let this bastard touch you." the girl said proudly. Unfortunately for the girl, Issei easily took out the rest of the club using palm strikes and kicks alone. The kendo club had ten members and soon only two remained.
"That was annoying." Issei growled as he walked towards Murayama and the other girl. He was still barely harmed but this battle was clearly still in his favor.
"Shit" the girl cursed as she charged Issei just for him to backhand her away like she was an annoyance.
"Enough of this." Issei groaned in annoyance. He wasn't interested in these other girls but he was interested in Murayama. True the battle got him charged up, but Issei was still focused on his prize.
"It's just you and me now Issei" Murayama said calmly though she was internally stunned. He took out an entire club worth of girls like it was nothing and had energy for more.
"Yes I know." Issei smiled licking his lips in anticipating of finally conquering his prize.
Murayama was no fool. If Issei wanted to beat her already he would have done so but he was taking his time because of their deal. Since it would be pointless to continue, Murayama made a logical decision. "I surrender" Murayama said calmly catching Issei off guard.
"What was that!?" Issei said with surprising glee.
Murayama blushed heavily before dropping her shinai and staring at Issei, "If the girls hadn't interfered you would won by now and we both know it. Hell for all I know, the only reason I'm still conscious is because you were bound by our original deal." Murayama admitted.
"Pretty much. I could've beaten you with the first strike but I did want to enjoy the battle." I must confess that I was a bit annoyed when Katase and the others interfered but it was slightly refreshing" Issei said with a toothy grin.
"This isn't one of those stories that you told me about Issei. In this one, the dragon does win." Murayama smiled.
"I know" Issei smiled as he walked over to Murayama the hunger in his eyes clear for all to see. Issei had his hunt and now Issei was going to claim his prize.
Much like the day on the rooftop Issei put his hand on Murayama's cheek and stroked it slowly before planting a kiss on Murayama's lips. As his rough lips teased Murayama's, she quickly opened her mouth and allowed Issei's tongue to enter providing little resistance as she melted to his kiss. 'This is amazing' Murayama thought to herself as Issei's tongue toyed with hers and it was only after two long minutes that he pulled away.
"That was fun Murayama, but we really should get started" Issei smiled as he grabbed Murayama by the hand and led her to the center of the arena effortlessly moving around the defeated bodies like it was nothing. When they arrived at the center of the circle Issei laid Murayama on the floor showing surprising care given how rough he was earlier.
"Issei" Murayama mumbled before Issei crashed his lips down against hers once again placing his hands on the side of her body so he could enjoy the next step.
"Are you ready Murayama? Because now the fun really starts" Issei smiled as he towered above Murayama and made his move. Issei easily undid the black sash tying her robes together before reaching for the white gi and removing it so her braless breasts were exposed to Issei's gaze. "They're even more beautiful than I imagined." Issei smiled happily.
"I thought you saw them when you were peeping." Murayama said bashfully not bothering to hide her body from Issei's hungry gaze.
Issei smiled happily as he leaned down and kissed her right breast with his lips
"Ahh" Murayama moaned not expecting the soft kiss.
"I did see them a few times after you caught me but seeing them up close is different. Motohama was right when he said how amazing they are." Issei smiled as he started to lick Murayama's breasts with his tongue.
"So good" Murayama moaned as she squirmed from the pleasure she was being given.
"You know if I didn't know any better I'd say you were waiting for this Murayama." Issei smiled viciously.
"No I wasn't" Murayama protested but Issei pulled away from her breasts his hungry eyes piercing her own.
"Then why did you give me back my goggles when you caught me the first time." Issei smirked before resuming his work.
"What did you just say" Katase protested having just recently woken up.
"Issei don't tell AHHH!" Murayama cried out before Issei bit her nipple in order to silence her.
A smiling Issei reached for Murayama's hakama pants and slid them off showing off a black pair of panties that had a noticeable wet spot. "Murayama caught me peeping a few days ago and instead of turning me into the council confronted me and decided to return my goggles." Issei smiled snaking his right hand towards her clearly soaked panties ready to tease her lower body as much as he did her upper.
"I. NGHH" Murayama moaned as Issei slid his right hand beneath the soaked panties and cupped her mound.
"I'm sure you noticed that Murayama was a bit more seductive with the way she changed over the last few days. She did so in order to taunt me knowing I'd be watching. She was waiting for this day to come and now it's arrived." Issei smiled teasing her soaked pussy with two of his fingers.
"You're wrong. AHH" Murayama moaned trying to deny the truth but her body was betraying her. Her panties were soaked and she was giving into Issei's touches far too easily to protest.
Issei smiled as he moved to the edge of her squirming frame and slid her panties off as a stunned Katase noticed just how wet her best friend was, "If you're so against it why are you so soaked?" Issei teased.
"I" Murayama started to say but stopped when Issei lifted her body up and flipped her so she was on her knees.
"It's time for the end of our fun Murayama. I'm going to fuck you now" Issei smiled getting up and sliding off his pants revealing an eleven inch penis.
"Huge" Katase gasped seeing the large pillar of flesh exposed
"Thank you Katase and if you want me to fuck you after I'm done with Murayama I will. Right now it's time to claim my prize." Issei smiled bending down and lining up his member with Murayama's pussy.
Murayama knew that the beast in front of her would ruin her for any other man and a part of her was soaked just thinking about it, "Any chance you'll be gentle because it's my first time." Murayama wondered with a blush on her face.
Issei smiled happily since Murayama really had submit to him, "Nope!" Issei replied before slamming into Murayama taking her virginity with a fiercesome strike and going all the way to her womb with the first thrust.
"Ahhh!" Murayama screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure as Issei's taking of her virginity was the last step she needed for her first orgasm.
"You're pretty tight but I should be okay" Issei smiled as he began moving inside Murayama not giving her a chance to recover.
"So big! It's splitting me apart!" Murayama yelled with pleasure. Like many in the school she wondered about the Hidden Dragon's true nature and when she found the goggles she saw her chance. His confession shocked her and she spent the rest of the day wondering whether or not to actually turn him in. In the end, she returned his goggles because she was curious. What would it be like to have the Hidden Dragon send his gaze towards her? What Issei felt as she watched him in secret with nobody being the wiser.
"Mury" Katase said in disbelief as she watched her proud friend be completely dominated by Issei Hyoudou. She remembered her friends more erotic underwear as they changed, she remembered the extra sway in her hips and she knew what it was all about. She knew that the moment Issei walked into the clubroom, Murayama was his.
"Katase don't worry about Murayama, she's going to be just fine. In fact I think she'll enjoy this" Issei smiled as he continued to move inside the kendo club vice-captain.
"So good. Keep going Issei" Murayama cried out happily. .
"Trust me Murayama. We've got a long way to go and I want to savor this moment." Issei said happily continuing his efforts. The ease with which he moved inside Murayama was actually shocking and Issei loved it. All the frustration he felt as he watched Murayama the last few days was being unleashed.
"Keep going Issei. Make me yours you damn dragon." Murayama roared in pleasure.
"Will do" Issei smiled grabbing Murayama by the neck and pulling her towards him in a powerful kiss that only served to stun the watching Katase and the other kendo club members that who were slowly waking due to the moans of their vice-captain. As he pulled away he could feel Murayama's body succumb even more to his efforts and he loved it.
Five minutes later and Murayama was finally giving into Issei's thrusts. "I'm going to cum Issei" Murayama screamed out loud.
"Me too Murayama. I'm going to blast a load right inside of you." Issei said happily.
"Do it Issei. Fill me up with your damn seed." Murayama yelled out.
Issei happily approved of the request and picked up speed to get a few more strokes in, "Here we go Murayama. I'm CUMMING" Issei roared sending a powerful load into Murayama's gaping pussy.
"CUMMING" Murayama roared as the powerful load filled her pussy to the brim and she collapsed onto the floor with Issei's seed pouring out of her.
"That was fun but now it's time for your second hole" Issei smiled as he pulled out of Murayama's gaping pussy in order to take her second virginity for his own. At least that was his plan.
"Wait" Katase yelled out stopping Issei in his tracks.
"What is it Katase?" Issei groaned in annoyance before turning towards the pinkette. His annoyance quickly faded when he realized that Katase was naked just like Murayama. In fact most of the kendo club were naked just like their captain.
"Why don't you fuck me while Mury recovers. It looked like you guys were going at it pretty hard" Katase said calmly trying to hide the burning arousal she was feeling. She wasn't the only one who wondered about Issei's true nature and seeing it in action was truly spectacular.
"Very well" Issei smiled as he hungrily walked over to the pinkette in order to continue his fun.
(Scene Skip)
Issei left the kendo clubroom three hours later and with a slight limp having devoured not only Murayama and Katase, but all ten members of the kendo club. "That turned out far better than I expected. Wouldn't you say so Ddraig?" Issei smiled seemingly talking to nobody. All of the sudden, a red gauntlet with a green circular jewel in the middle and three sets of small red spikes that lead to a set of long yellow spikes appeared on his left arm.
"Yes it was partner. I'm glad you got to finally enjoy your wish after all this time." A deep and gruff voice said happily.
When Issei mentioned a symbiotic connection to a dragon as a kid, the reason was because of the gauntlet that just appeared on his arm. The gauntlet was the Boosted Gear a sacred gear that acted as a prison for the Heavenly Dragon Ddraig. Because of this gauntlet the 'Hidden Dragon' had a second name and one that wasn't known to the normal part of Kuoh but the hidden side. That name was the Red Dragon Emperor.
That's it for the first chapter and I hoped you had fun with this nice little display. Next Chapter Issei has to deal with the more supernatural side and it leads to a very pleasant encounter with another legendary figure in the school.