The crowd at Molly' was packed as it usually was on most nights. Being a civil servant hangout, there are often firefighters and policemen and women on every given night, celebrating a good day with a beer or drinking away a bad one with something stronger. Tonight was a good night for Intelligence team though.

"Here's to surviving a hell of a week and hopefully getting a full weekend off this time." Kim proposed as the rest of the team raised their beer of choice.

"I hear that." Kevin said, taking a large gulp of his beer.

"A whole two days off," Hailey commented, smirking, "that's wishful thinking."

"What can I say? I'm a positive person." Kim retorted.

"That she is," Adam said, putting his arm around Kim. Kim chuckled awkwardly, subtly sliding his arms off her as she noticed the glances exchanged between Kevin and Hailey.

After Hailey and Adam's short fling crashed and burned and Kim somehow found herself in bed with Adam again, there were definite tension between the three detectives. The three of them found themselves in a love triangle that definitely shouldn't have been one. Especially since it was clear that Hailey and Adam had no romantic feeling toward each other anymore and whatever they had was brief and casual. And it was also clear that Kim and Adam were the exact opposite.

After months of strained smiles and forced socialization outside of work by Kevin, the three of them found stable ground. Hailey and Adam were friends. Kim and Hailey were friends. Kim and Adam were friends? Friends with benefits who might still love each other? Friends seem to be safe and that's where Kim felt comfortable.

"Where's Halstead? I thought he was coming?" Adam asked, not noticing the small awkward moment. Typical.

"Um, he's helping Antonio move some furniture in Eva's room. But they should be here later." Hailey answered, as expected since she was Jay's partner.

"Ah, that's good. Glad to see him come out again." Adam replied, taking sip of his beer.

There was no need to specify what Adam meant. Life hasn't exactly been kind to Jay in the past two years and it was safe to say his co-workers were worried. Between Erin's sudden departure, everything that went wrong with his stint undercover, Olinsky almost dying, topped off with Jay's father's untimely death and him getting shot in pursuit of his father's killer, it was a wonder Jay was still standing.

The team stood by for months watching Jay become a shell of himself, shutting himself down, throwing himself into work. After multiple decline of support and help, it took a stern sit down with Voight, Al and Antonio for Jay to snap out of whatever funk he was stuck in and took a breath.

Gone was the Jay Halstead they knew not three years ago, always ready with a smartass comment and a grin on his face. Instead in his place was a more somber Jay, hardened by events of life. The smartass comments don't roll of his tongue as easily anymore, neither did the grins but at this point, they were glad to see him make progress to return to his own self. Even if he's not fully there or he might not ever get back there.

"Speak of the devil," Kevin interrupted Adam's thoughts as he gestured to the two men walking in. Antonio pointed to the bar, signaling him heading there for drinks as Jay made his way over to the table.

"What's up?" Jay greeted, taking a seat next to Adam.

"We were just talking and wondering if you were actually gonna show up or not." Adam answered. Jay rolled his eyes.

"I said I was coming, didn't I?" Jay nodded a 'thanks' to Antonio as the older man placed a beer in front of him.

"How sweet!" Adam gushed, "Dawsom getting you a drink. Did you guys have fun redecorating? Picking out paint swatches and china patterns?"

"Watch it," Antonio warned, "We were moving heavy furnitures and putting together heavy furniture as men do." He added, flexing his muscles for good measure.

"Sure tough guy." Adam playfully punched his stomach.

"Oh you want some of this?"Antonio punched back, going into his boxer stance, "Want to take this outside, pretty boy?"

"You guys are idiots," Hailey rolled her eyes, fondness evident in her voice.

"And to answer your questions Ruzek, we did have fun picking out paint color." Jay said, "and we decided on a nice slate grey. Seriously though Antonio, those bright pink walls have got to go and fast."

"Hey, Eva picked it out when she was five! What color did you expect a five year old girl to pick?"

"True that." Kevin agreed, "but what excuse do you have for that hideous peach color wall in your place Ruzek?"

"Ok, ok I get it. It's pick on pretty boy day." Adam raised his arms in surrender. "I'll take it. And to answer your question Atwater, it came like that and I happen to like it. It's very calming."

"Man you can't pay me enough to move anything right now," exhaustion seeped into Kevin's voice. "All I want right now is my bed and 12 hours."

"I hear you man," Adam added, "this week kicked my ass. I love my job but man sometimes I wish it had a clear 9 to 5."

They all hummed agreements but they all knew deep down, they were where they wanted to be. Their paths of Intelligence were varied as they come but they all knew they were meant to be there and wouldn't change anything for the world.

"Speaking of," Kim interrupted the quiet moment as her phone buzzed, "It's Voight. We just caught a crime scene and he wants us there ASAP."

"Man my bed and 12 hours! Is that too much to ask?" Kevin groaned as he put on his coat. "12 hours!"

"Like I said, wishful thinking," Hailey grumbled, following the group out of the bar and into the cold winter night.

Whatever exhaustion or inebriation they had lingering washed away as the chaotic scene they were called to came into view. Firetrucks and ambulances surrounded the small standalone building as firefighters from Unit 51 milled around. Boden stood at the front, barking out orders trying to get the flames engulfing the building in control.

"Everybody get back!" Boden yelled out, waving people away far from the scene. "Give us room to work here!"

The Intelligence unit made their way over to where Voight and Olinsky stood, their attention rapt on the fire.

"Hey boss," Antonio got the two older men's attention. "What's going on?"

Hank shrugged. "We got called in. Boden requested us, saying might be a potential homicide. Thought the fire wa controlled but another small one got started. Just waiting for the signal to go in"

They stood around as the firefighters got the fire under control. After making sure there were no third residual fire anytime soon, Boden made his way over to the group of detectives.

"Hank," Boden offered his hand to Voight, "thanks for coming. Too bad it's under these circumstances"

Hank shook his hand, showing just how far the two have come along in their once hostile relationship. "Of course. Fill me in here though. Why did you need Intelligence at a house fire?"

Boden took off his helmet, somber expression on his face evident. "We got something."

The group took a step closer, curious at what the Chief had to say.

"We got the call about the fire at 9:30 p.m and we arrived at the location 3 minutes later." Boden started explaining. "When we got here, Severide noticed a man running off, away from the building. Obviously we couldn't chase the guy as we had to put out the fire. After we put out the initial fire, we tried to clear the place, do a civilian check. On the second floor, we found a body. Half burn, gone, DOA"


"Female," Boden answered Olinsky, "Brett was on scene and she said she recognized the vic. Worked at Chicago Med."

"Where's the body?" Jay asked. Chief Boden motioned over to the coroner's van parked a few feet away.

"They're taking her over to get a positive I.D. Brett said she recognized the vic but with the way her body was burned, we need to get a positive I.D."

"So why think homicide instead of just being in a wrong place at the wrong time?" Olinsky asked, confused.

Boden sighed and the look on his face told the group that whatever that was about to come out of his mouth wasn't good.

"Hank, the victim was female, about 5'5, brunette and she was a nurse at Chicago Med."

Shocked gasps and small sounds of surprise made their way through the group.

"You're trying to say," Antonio started, disbelief coloring his voice. "You're saying that it's…"

"Yates. I think he might still be alive."