One Month Later:

When word had finally reached his ear that his charge had been hurt while off and fighting in their little squabble, he had been sent into a rage, wondering who would be brave enough to harm his adopted charge and not think that someone would come for her, he demanded to know who they were, even though none of them knew, wanting names and locations.

And, when none of those things could be provided, he dismissed himself to go see to her himself. He didn't trust those hunters and their angel friend as far as he could through them, and he was a very strong angel, and to have his charge left in their care while she was recovering sent chills down his spine.

"Ava?" He called out as he walked down the hallway in the bunker, heading in the direction of the library, "Ava, are you here?" There were voices coming from that direction, that is why he was heading in that direction. "My little Ava?"

He pushed the door open slightly, peering inside, the room was nearly baron, no one stood around looming over anyone, using the wound to their advantage. He opened the door a bit wider and saw the teenager he sought after sitting at a chair on the other side of the door, talking amiably with the Winchester mother, the only Winchester he had an inkling of respect for, as she wound bandages around the splint holding her wrist in place.


Both of them turned at the sound of his voice, the bright blue eyes of his dear Nephilim shined brighter at his appearance, as he stepped into the room with them. Ava was quick in jumping to her feet. "Nis!" running around the chair and ramming into him in greeting, her arms curling around him tightly. He looked down, pressing a hand to the back of her head, his left arm curling around her lower back to pull her closer. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you had been involved in some trouble," he strokes his hand down the back of her head. "I came to see if you were alright."

"You came to check on me?" She looks up at him, pressing her chin against his chest, and smiles at him. "You like me that much?"

"I love you, and you know that, little Ava." He smiles down at her in kind. "Of course, I would come check on you."

She smiled again, turning to press her ear against his chest, listening to his heart beating under her. "I love you too, Nis."

The Power smiled down at her adoringly, stroking his fingers through her soft short hair, thanking the Winchester mother as she stepped around them, leaving the library to give them some privacy. Scratching at the back of her head lightly, he tugged her shoulder slightly, and she pulled back again. "What happened, my little Ava?"

"I jumped off a building."

His eyes widened in surprise, clearly not having come to expect that as a possibility, stilling the hand that stroked the back of her head. "You did what?"

"Jumped off a building, don't worry, I caught myself." She raises her bound arm. "That's how this happened."

Nisroc blinks in surprise, still. "You jumped off a building?"

"It was exhilarating." He knows she's smiling. His Nephilim is fearless. "I wanna do it again!"

"You are not doing it again."

"Why?" She giggles softly. "You gonna catch me?"

"I will ground you."

Ava grinned, pressing her cheek against his chest, he felt her grin. "I could just disappear into the night."

"I'd hunt you down." He tugs lightly at her ear. "I'm rather difficult to evade."

"Okay, I won't do it again."

His chest rumbles when he chuckles at her submission. "What?" He scratches a finger behind her ear, and she giggles again. "Is my daring little Nephilim frightened she may be caught?"

"I'm not scared'a you!"

"You're not?" The Captain pokes at her side lightly and she tries to lean away from his hand. "I'm not doing my job right then."

She giggles, and whether it be from his poking at her side or his statement, he doesn't know, perhaps both. "You're too soft to be scary."

"I'm too soft?"

"Like a pillow." Ava presses herself closer. "A big, soft, fluffy pillow."

"Only for you."

"Only for me."

It was when the teenager sighed for the seventh time in a row, that the other shoe dropped, Dean Winchester glared at her from over his shoulder, leaning heavily over the map table, and was preparing to snap at her when he met the eyes of the one who had come up behind her silenced him with a single harsh glare. After all this time, coming to know the Power Captain rather well, he knew not to push him when it came to those that he was fond of enough to claim as his own.

Her eighth sigh was silenced by the strong arms that curled around her upper waist, pulling back into his chest behind him, and a bristled chin rested on her shoulder.

"What is the matter, my little Nephilim, you've been sighing with such anguish for some time now."

Nisroc had stayed with her, as much as he could, since she had become restricted from leaving the Bunker while her wrist healed, and she was happy he was there.

She made to sigh again, and he pressed his nose to the side of her neck, forcing a choked giggle from her. "Do not sigh again."

"I'm…I'm useless here!" She gesture to the map with her casted hand. "I should be out there fighting at her side! We're partners, for Grandpa's sake!"

"She is well protected with her uncle at her side." He swayed them from side to side. "Your focus should be on healing that arm of yours so that you man join her again."

"I could fight one-handed."

"You will not."

He felt her inhale and was quick to burrow into the side of her neck, she choked on her sigh before she could let it go, scrunching up as best as she could. "Nis, no!" She reached her good hand up and smacked at his face and he fell still as the hit, pulling away to look down at her as she looked up over her shoulder to meet his gaze.

Nisroc raises his eyebrows. "Did you just strike me?"

"No." She nods her head slightly.

He hums. "Did you just lie to me, too?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Nis." She smiles up at him. "Are you hearing things in your old age?"

The Power quirked an eyebrow, "My age?" And bent swiftly to scoop her up from the floor. Ava shrieked, curling her arms around his neck, he was giant compared to her and the ground was so far away now. "You are only digging yourself a deeper grave, my little one."

Two could play at that game.

The Captain turned, catching the eyes of the Healer as he did, with his charge in his arms and they shared a brief smile.

They really did each other so much good. Him, more so for her, then the other way around.

They had all breathed a sigh of relief when the mighty Captain had claimed her as his own, taken her under his charge.

He carried her from the room, and when the door had securely clicked shut behind them, he buried his face back into her neck. The Nephilim child shrieked, fingers digging into his shoulder, scrunching up on herself like a turtle did when danger was sighted. She laughed lightly when he found a particularly sensitive spot under her ear and rubbed his nose into it, the youth tried to pull away, but he pulled her closer and she shrieked again when he pressed his lips to the spot he found.

"Yohohour beheheheard mahahahakes ihihit sohoho muhuhuch wororhohorse!"

Nisroc chuckles into her neck, sending tingles over the sensitive skin, and caused a bright squeak to escape her. "You love my beard."

"I dohoho nohohhot!" She shrieks when he nuzzles his chin into the curve of her neck. "IhIhIhI'm gohohonnaahahaha shahahhahave ihihit ohoffofff!"

"I dare you to try." He kisses her neck lightly, an airy giggle elicited at the action, and he lets up for the moment. "I'd just use my wing, then." He manages to poke the side of her belly. "On that poor defenseless belly of yours." He kisses her cheek lightly. "Do you want me to show you what that would feel like?"

"Noho!" She giggles brightly. He chuckles and pulls away again. She settles against him, her dark head tucking into the side of his neck, resting lightly on his shoulder.

"Nis?" He hums in acknowledgement to her question. "Why'd you claim me?"

"Because I love you." The way the Power says it, with no hesitation, makes her smile slightly.

"Like…..Like you were my dad…?"

He smiles down at her, walking them towards the room that had been given to her when her departure was not made clear that it was not in the near future. "If that is what you want, then, yes."

Ava smiled, laying her head back down. "I'd like that." He shared the same smile, pushing the door open with his shoulder, he hefted her upwards as he approached the bed, and dropped her playfully on the bed. The Nephilim girl laughed, flailing about, falling limply on her own bed with her limbs laying askew. The Power Captain chuckles and sits on the edge of the bed, patting one of his hands over her belly. "You should be taking it easy while you can."

She gave a dramatic sigh and fell back, her eyes closing. "I can't just sit here!"

"Technically, you're laying here."

She opened one eye to glare at him in exaggeration. "You're not helping."

"My apologies," he curled his fingers into her left side and pulled her in close to him, digging the fingers into that side he'd captured, and she shrieked in laughter as she curled up on her side, her back pressing against the side of his right thigh. "Let me help."

A set of small fingers curled around his wrist, the other locked in the grasp of a thick plaster cast, and he chuckled at her vain attempt to free his hand from her tortured side. Being the nice angel that he was, he bowed to her desire, and moved his hand, burying it into her lower belly instead. She shrieked again.

"Nihihis!" She squirms under him. "Yohohohou're tohohoturing a crihiihihihiple!"

"I'm being mindful of your broken arm." He wraps his free fingers around her casted wrist and lifts it up and away, up over her head. "See, it's out of the way." He reaches up and digs a finger into the revealed underarm and her laughter intensified. "Dahahahad!"

He stops so suddenly, staring down at the Nephilim child that he had claimed as his own, and she slowly calmed down, giggling every so often, and turns to look back up at him. Her face is red, whether it be from the exertion from their playful moment or from the embarrassment from the proclamation, Nisroc didn't know.

Ava averts her gaze, though being claimed as she was by him, it was another thing to declare someone the title of being their parent. "I'm sorry for overstepping."

The Captain beds forward, his bristled chin brushing over her forehead as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "Don't be, I knew what I was doing when I claimed you, I am honored you would think of me as a father."

She smiles up at him, and he returns it in kind, laying next to her on the bed, he raises his arm when she tugs o his sleeve to curl under it so that she could rest her head on his chest.

"I love you, Nis…." She falls silent for a moment and he knows she is not sure of herself just yet. It's a big step to take. "I love you….dad…."

There's no hesitation when he responds. "I love you too, my young daughter."

The Nephilim, his Nephilim child, looks up at him from her position against his chest, and he looks down to meet her gave in kind. "Did you just….Did you just call me your daughter?"

He nods, exhaling softly, scratching lightly at the back of her head "Everyone deserves to have a family. Including you, little Ava. If I am to take the role of your 'father', then, I believe, that you would take the role as my 'daughter'." He rubs their noses together. "Is that not what you wanted?"

She smiles up at him, a daughter smiling to her father, and kisses his nose softly. "It's exactly what I wanted." The teenager lays back down again, snuggling in close to get comfortable, and his arms tighten around her comfortingly. "I love you, dad."