"What do you boys need this time?" it wasn't that he didn't enjoy the two hunters, but he was a busy angel and he had things to attend to, messengers to guide and messages to deliver, that old schtick and all that jazz. Sam shared a look with his older brother, rubbing a hand over his chin, and looked back to the Archangel when he nodded in return to the unspoken question.

"We found something…. Eer…More like someone."

Gabriel narrowed his eyes at the cryptic response to his question, and at the implication that it was something that they had come across and thought that their best course of action was to call on one of them to help them get to the bottom of it.

"What did you find?"

"Well, we're not exactly sure, Cas was pretty tight lipped around the subject, but I don't think he was even too sure. He said that they were powerful, more so then him, but not as much as you guys. We figured you were better suited for the job."

The Archangel nodded once, more serious then he usually like to maintain for himself, motioning for him to lead the way. The hunter shared one more glance with his brother and stepped off, motioning for the archangel to follow from over his shoulder, and led him down to their dungeon.

"You found a girl and you couldn't handle that?"

Honestly, if he hadn't been so on edge with the introduction, Gabriel may have laughed at the whole ordeal. She didn't look like much, tanned but not too dark, wild dark curls framed her face, what little of it he was able to see as she was looking down at well worn sneakers. They were pushed back with a set of old ruddy looking goggles, she wore a loose leather jacket and a maroon shirt underneath, dark skinny jeans as was the teenager fashion these days and worn black sneakers that had surely seen better days. Leaning against the leg of the chair she sat perched on was an old worn backpack, some pins stuck on the front, from what he could make out were different place she had been before being caught by the Winchesters.

The only thing that stood out was the worn sword that was leaning against the wall next to her, and of course the manacle attaching her foot to the floor, well and truly kept in place.

But what really caught his attention was the pendant she was twirling in her fingers absentmindedly, eyes staring at it clouded over with deep thoughts, and he narrowed his eyes as he tried to place where he had seen it before.

"Where did you find her?"

"In the middle of a bunch of bodies. We tried to find out what had happened. She wouldn't say much. She told Cas about a war though, he wasn't aware of any wars when we asked him about it, and that was all she would say about it."

He nodded, taking in as much of the offered information that he could "Did she slay them?"

"We think so, but we never got her to admit to it."

Gabriel watched her as she pressed her lips to the pendant and went back to twirling it, his mind reeling as he tried to make out where he had seen it before, he knows he has, he recognizes it, but he can't remember where for the life of him. He looked her over closer, eyes narrowing again, when he spotted the premature wings budding under her shoulder blades, the mix of soul and grace that was only seen in one sort of creature.

"I'll see what I can get from her."

"Don't do anything to her."

He sent the hunter an affronted look of offense, "I would never harm a child. Don't ever imply that I would."

Sam held his hands up in a gesture of peace.

"You've got my friends in quite the pickle here, little lady."

Her shoulders stiffened but she didn't look up, instead she tensed and curled her fingers around the necklace she wore with whitened knuckles, curling further in on herself as she did. He took it in and noted it to memory, but wasn't to be deterred, and turned to his next tactic of interrogation that was held for those he refused to lay harm to in order to get what he wanted.

He pointed to the sword, and managed to catch bright eyes watching him point at it, "Where'd you get it from?"

She stared at the sword for a moment, then slowly turned her eyes to him, they were hidden by a web of curls and thus he didn't get a good look at her features that would identify relations. He shook his head sternly at the lack of reply, don't let anyone ever say that he wasn't good with kids, and pointed at it again. "Why do you have it?"

"One requires a weapon when fighting a war."

Finally, she spoke, her voice was soft, like a light rain over a meadow of flowers. But it filled him with a warmth that he remembers from his fledglinghood. It has the soft echo of a soft clap of thunder, and he takes a breath as his mind slowly starts catching up to him piece by piece.

"What war? You're fighting in a war?"

"A war for peace."

"How is killing ten people fighting for peace."

Finally, he must have struck a chord, and she looked up to meet his gaze completely, his breath caught at her eyes. They glowed, like someone else's he knew, bright blue against the dimness behind her. Her features resembled another's strongly, too strongly to be a coincidence, and he almost lost his train of thought at the awe of it all.

"I did it for the peace of the town."

"So, you admit to killing them?"

"I would do it again."

He tilted his head, pulling the spare chair in the corner over to sit in front of her, she stared at him cautiously as he moved, leaning back in her own chair as though preparing for a strike to follow his sudden motions. When he didn't make any ill-meant movements, she seemed to relax a bit more, but still sat on a hair trigger, evidence of the war she was fighting right under everyone's noses.

"Why'd you do it?"

"They were going to destroy the people. I couldn't let them do that."

"Who are you?"

She looked conflicted for a moment, eyeing him suspiciously, "I don't care to know your name so why know mine?"

"Fine, since we're gonna be shy about it I'll go first, I'm Gabriel." He held a handout for her to shake, but she only looked down at it and returned her gaze to his, and he slowly lowered the offered appendage "Your turn now."

"Iaso. My names Iaso."

"Nice to meet you. You're a Nephilim, aren't you?"

She looked surprised, Iaso clearly didn't expect that sort of question, nor for him to recognize it. She stared at him with wide eyes, her mouth opening slightly in shock "How do you know?"

"I can see your little itty-bitty wings growing in. I'd say by them being so little still that you're not too old. Perhaps a few hundred years old at the most. Who's your parent?"

Iaso shook her head, eyes still wide in surprise, but she had closed her mouth from it laying open agape "What are you? Seeing as you clearly know me."

"I'm an Archangel, sweetheart, The Messenger at your service. You remind me of someone I know."

He gained a shrug and his eyes wandered down to the pendant she had been twirling between her fingers this entire time, and she looked down at it too, holding it close to her chest. He tilted his head as his mind slowly kept on coming to him with the desired thoughts, he recognized that pendant and he was slowly remembering where from-no way.

"Mind if I see that."


But he had finally moved, far too fast for her to respond, and pressed two fingers to her forehead. Curls, soft to the touch, brushed over his fingers as she fell forward and her eyes rolled up, breathing evening out and he caught her as she fell forward. Settling her back against the back of the chair she was chained on, he slowly reached for the pendant, he held it in his hand for a moment, staring down at it with mild shock.

Of all the brothers do to such a thing he couldn't believe it was him. Did he even know? Would he even care if he did?

Gabriel slipped the long chain from around her neck, up over her head, and hid it in his pocket as he turned to knock on the warded door to be let out again. Sam closed the door behind him, eyes filled to the brim with questions as to what he was able to find out, but the Archangel kept him waiting for the information a he shook his head in denial to answering them, he had more pressing matters at hand.

"I'll be back."

He didn't give much more of a warning as he merely snapped out, leaving the hunter standing there in mild surprise, and the young Nephilim sleeping soundly in the locked room in front of him.

"Recognize this?"

He dangled the long necklace by a finger, and the other eyes widened at the surprise of seeing it again, a large dark hand reached up to cradle the pendant in their palm, rubbing a thumb over it in silence.

"Where did you find it?"

"Who did you give it to?"

Bright eyes met his, burning with refined volts of raw energy, a slight tilt to the head in question of the odd request from the younger being.

"A woman in a small South African village. A medicine woman. I gave it to her as a symbol of my love to her. Where did you find it?"

She had surely passed long ago, it had been nearly three hundred years since he had seen her last, and briefly wondered what she had become as time passed.

"I found it on a kid." He dropped the chain into the others palm, nimble fingers curled around the necklace, eyes sparking slightly at the idea that she had found love elsewhere "So she found someone to bare her a child? How would you have it now? That was over three hundred years ago. A descendant perhaps?"

The shorter of the two snorted, "She has wings, Raphael. Small itty-bitty budding wings."

His eyes widened considerably, for once in a long while the Healer was left stunned, unsure as to what he should say.


Gabriel smiled at his older brother, reaching out to pat him on the shoulder, stepping back again.

"Congrats bro. It's a little baby girl."

Raphael stuttered, and had the circumstances been anything else, the Messenger would have cracked up at making his older brother so speechless. It was heartwarming to know he was so surprised though, giving way to the idea that he had known and hadn't cared despite it being against his personality to do so (they had all changed through the attempted Apocalypse), good to know that he hadn't known and seemed shocked at the announcement.

"I have a-a-a- "

"A kid apparently. Go mama for never telling you. Probably for the best given the world we were living in."

"I have a-a-a-a- "

"Good Dad, Raph, you have a daughter. And she's a kick ass fighter too. Killed ten people on her own while apparently fighting some war."

Raphael stared at him with wide eyes that matched the young girls locked up in the panic room down in the bunker under the two Winchester's guard. A slight disapproving shine, perhaps mixed with worry, mixed in with the surprise at the whole turn of events. Gabriel was joyful to see such emotions from his older brother, it meant he cared for her, even if he had never met her.

"I have a daughter who has killed ten people fighting in a heated war."

"Yep." Honestly, he was sure what to say to that inquiry "Wanna meet her?"

Sam Winchester was surprised at the sudden return of the Messenger, with the stunned Healer in tow, and they both demanded to be let back into the panic room down in dungeons. He couldn't really deny them their request and led them down to the lower level, silently uncinching the lock, and pulled the door open.

Raphael stood in the doorway, staring in shock at the young lady that sat back in the chair, her head leaning back as her chest rose and fell with the soft motions of slumber. He was nervous to enter, and his brother coaxed him with a slight shove to his lower back, forcing him forward.

She was small, not too much so, her mother had been on the smaller side too. There was no denying she was hers, his beloved Iona, she had her jaw line. The rounded little nose. The almond shaped eyes. She had his curls, and from what his brother had said, she had his eyes. And he couldn't miss the budding wings growing under her shoulder blades. He couldn't stop the pride from swelling in his chest at the sight of her.

This was his daughter.

He took in her appearance and clicked his tongue once in disapproval, "Is she homeless? She does not look well cared for. Do you know if she has a place to stay? How did she come about having a sword?"

"Wow. Raph. You've known of her existence for, like, maybe shy of ten minutes and your already being all 'protective-daddy-mode' its weird but suits you older brother."

The older archangel ignored his younger brother, stepping further into the room, coming to kneel in front of her in silence. He reached a cautious hand out and caressed her cheek softly, his grace touched her mind softly, and she took a deep breath with the waking from a well deepened slumber. Her eyes slowly blinked open, and looked first to the large hand caressing her cheek with a gentleness she hadn't seen from anyone but her mother and what she had heard from the stories she'd been told that her father was also known to have, then to the eyes that matched her own and her breath caught in her throat.

He smiled at her, a soft timid smile, as if unsure on whether or not he was allowed to.

"My daughter."


He nodded to her, a thumb rubbing over her cheek softly, "Yes. I am your father."

"Where were you? Why did you never come?"

"Your mother never told me about you. I loved her with all my heart. If I had known I would never have left your side."

She stared at him for a long moment, unsure of him at first, but the sincerity in his voice cleared any doubts that dared darkened her thoughts. He stared right back, hand still holding her cheek, neither sure what to do next. He was clearly not used to having a kid and she was just unused to having a father in her life. Neither knew the other but at the same time it was as though they had their entire lives.

"You swear. You swear you would have comeback?"

"With my being. What is your name, little one?"

She licked her lips lightly, "Iaso. My name is Iaso."

"Iaso, a goddess of Cures and Healing, your mother had an ironic sense of humor. My daughter Iaso. My little Iaso."

"What's your name?", he smiled at her again "My name is Raphael, little Iaso."

"And you're my dad?"

"Yes. You have my eyes. They shine with their own light. Breathtaking to see."

Iaso stared at the man in front of her, she had never met him in person, but her mom used to tell her stories of him. What he had been like, how his smile was, how gentle he had been, how in love they had been. Always good things. There wasn't much bad to be shared, the worst being when he had to leave, but almost always good things. She had never met him but felt as though she knew him all her life.

Gabriel watched in awe as his brother got more from her in the short minutes, they had been together over the twenty it had taken him, the whole thing was all sorts of unfair, and he would claim paternal power until his last breath.

The young woman slowly leaned forward, curling her arms around his neck, and she felt his arms hesitantly wrap around her in return.

"So, do they lock everyone up in there dungeon or am I just that special?"

Having the warmth of a newfound father against her back was comforting, and though she was strong without him and didn't require him to stand behind her as a sentry, it was still comforting that he would. The two hunters and their angel friend, the ones that had knocked her over the head and taken her with them, stood in front of her. The older of the two finished polishing his firearm and put it back together again, as though he was trying to intimidate her, it didn't have the desired effect, and she gave him a dull look to convey this.

"Nope.", he leaned back in his chair, "Only the ones who kill ten people."

"I didn't kill people. And you had no right to step in when you did."

"Sure, looked like we did. There are people who are dead because of you. We usually gank those who kill others."

"Again, I didn't kill anyone, not innocent anyway.", she set her backpack down and flipped open the top, they watched her closely as she did, and she pulled out a leather wrapped book. It was small and worn, the ends fraying slightly, and she held it out for the taller one on the other side. The one who had inadvertently let her meet her dad for the first time.

"They're called outsiders."

He looked at her in confusion as he unwound the leather strip keeping it sealed and opened the book to reveal the old script on the inside, it was a fancy swirling script, handwritten, and his eyes widened in surprise as he glanced from one page to another. Dean read over his left, Castiel over his right, and the seraph eyed the teenager carefully.

"You are a Nephilim."

"What gave it away?" her curls bounced as she tilted her head to the side "So are they."

A warm hand settled on her shoulder and she turned to follow it up to meet the eyes of her dad.

"Is this to do with this war you are fighting in?"

She nodded at him, and then to her newfound uncle, before turning back to the two hunters and the other one. Iaso wasn't fond of the other angel, she wasn't fond of most foot soldiers, but this was the one who had bashed her over the back of the head with the back side of his blade.

Sam turned a page over in her book and his eyes didn't close in the slightest, remaining just as wide as they had been at first sight of the old-fashioned writing, as they skimmed across the page taking in the knowledge that was being offered.

"Tell us about this war?"

Iaso looked over at her dad again, the look of concern shining in his eyes, and she nodded again despite herself.

"Where do you want me to start?"

"From the beginning."

AN: I figured that I always give them sons, why not do a girl this time, how does having a daughter change everything for the Heavenly family? What kind of father will Raphael be? Will Iaso accept him as her father? Whats this mysterious war theres talk of?