REVISED! I have REVISED all my chapters!

Summary: Hermione has changed over the summer and it's not just her looks it's her attitude too. But what happens when Malfoy begins to like the new Hermione? You'll have to read to find out! A/N ok I'm going to write both this and Between Fire and Ice at the same time so it will take me a while to post sometimes so plz wait for my postings but it won't be more then two weeks between postings depends on how much time I have. Well R/R! And I don't mind flames but u better be careful wat u say about my story flamers!

Hermione sat on the train in the same compartment as she always had, looking longingly out her window waiting patiently for Ron and Harry to find her.

"Where are they?" she muttered. Her patience was running a little low at this point in time. She had been alone for the whole ride and neither Ron nor Harry had found her yet. 'Maybe they are taking the car again . . . ' She thought trying to think of some reason, any reason, they would have forgotten her.

Just as the she began to rationalize their absence in her mind further, the compartment door opened. Hermione turned and smiled to what she thought was Harry, but her friendly smile soon turned to a scowl as she looked up to see a very tall, very handsome boy. "What do you want Malfoy?" she spat in an irritated voice throw slightly clenched teeth.

"Nothing mudblood . . . " Malfoy smirked, "Just checking on the Dumb ass trio. But I see that only one of you are here so . . ." Malfoy paused as he stepped in the boxcar. He looked round the car trying to look innocent as he did.

He looked her up and down. Hermione had changed a lot over the summer, her hair had gone from some frizzy curls to loose ones, and she had grown slightly taller. Hermione now stood up and was just a bit shorter the Malfoy. He also noticed that she had developed some curves during the summer as her hands fell nicely on her newly developed hips.

"What are you staring at Malfoy?" Hermione growled as she noted the look he was giving her. She peered at him herself. Malfoy had also done some changing over the last summer. He wasn't the little stick boy he once was. He had been working out, and boy, could she tell. His long hair had been ungelled so it lay lazily on his head, and he had grown taller again.

"I could ask the same thing of you Granger," Malfoy snickered as he watched her eyes roam innocently over his body, "Like what you see?" A trade mark smirk crossed his lips.

"Unfortunately yes..." Hermione smiled cockily. She wasn't about to let him embarrass her, so she'd simply have to shock and surprise him. 'Damn him and his smirk...'

"Oh, did someone get a bit of an attitude over the summer?" Malfoy let a grin out. He liked this Granger more. Better looking, and she had an attitude.

"Yes I did." Hermione smiled. "Now leave." She pointed to the door. 'Ok play times over for this Ferret.'

"Why would I do that mudblood?" Malfoy cooed mockingly as his hand cupped her chin.

"Ok if you're going to call me anything, it will be Granger or Hermione not mudblood. I'm not taking your crap anymore Malfoy." Hermione's eyes had a twinkle of fire in them as she pulled her chin from his cold grasp. "And don't touch me," she spat angrily.

"Oh, we have changed quite a bit..." Malfoy slid the door closed, "You know you're cute when you're bossy." He ran the back of his hand softly against her cheek.

"Shove off Malfoy." Hermione slapped his hand away from her. "I told you, do NOT touch me!"

"Oh so that cat has claws." Malfoy smirked, lowering his hands on her hips. "Come now Granger, don't play coy, give me what I want"

"Play coy? Give you what you want? If what you want is a kick in the groin, you're on your way to it. Now this cat has claws, and if you don't want to see them you'll leave. Now!" Hermione opened the door to the boxcar and shoved Malfoy out. "Buh-bye now!" Hermione waved as she closed and locked the boxcar door. She took her seat back at the window and gave a heavy sigh, while she closed her eyes slowly.

Hermione awoke to a rather hard knocking on her door. "Who is it?" She muttered softly as rubbed her eyes slowly.

"It's Ron and Harry, would you open up?" came Ron's annoyed voice.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm coming..." Hermione sat up and opened the boxcar door to see a very tall and very handsome Ron. His hair had not been cut and lay very sexily on his face, covering one of his eyes, and he had gotten muscular from Quidditch practice too. Next to him was a not as tall but also very cute Harry Potter. He, on the other hand, had cut his hair and it was a decent length, he had stayed basically the same, but there was something different about his figure. Hermione couldn't put her hand on it though, and all and all, he was still as cute as he ever was.

"You going to let us in or what Herm?" Ron asked with a playful smile. He ran one of his hands through his silky, fire red hair.

"Oh I'm sorry, Mr. Not-show-up-to-meet-his-best-friend, only friends allowed, sorry," Hermione said, beginning to close the boxcar door.

"It's not our fault!" Harry cut in, putting his foot down so to not let Hermione shut the door, "Malfoy was being a git and started some shit but left us to deal with Goyle. Where he went is beyond me..."

'So he knew I was alone...' Hermione thought tapping her chin lightly, "So why was he here?" she said aloud.

"Huh? Who was here Herm?" Ron asked, cocking his head slightly, a puzzled look on his face.

"Ma-Malfoy..." Hermione whispered softly, not wanting either to hear her.

"Hermione did he hurt you?" Harry grabbed Hermione by the arm and pulled her into him so he could look into her eyes. 'I'll kill that git!'

"No... No he didn't its just well... It's, I can't explain... It was really weird." Hermione gazed in Harry's eyes, gulping as she saw the fury. "But let's not talk about that git!" 'Phew, good save Herm! Good save!' "I want to talk to my best friends who I missed sooo much!" She hugged Harry and then got out of his death grip and hugged Ron. "So what did you guys do this summer?" Hermione questioned, as she sat down tucking some of her loose hair behind her ear. Ron opened his mouth to answer, but he was interrupted by a strange voice that lingered throughout the train.

"We will be arriving at Hogwarts soon. Will the prefects come to the front boxcar please?" Snape's serpent voice ran through the train.

"Oh, I wish he would just fall off the face of the earth." Hermione muttered. "OH NO! We're at the back of the train and I have to hurry before I miss the meeting! I'm a prefect this year!" Hermione kissed both boys on the cheek and began to walk out the box car door, "Buh-bye boys." she said, as she closed the and door began to make her way to the front of the train, which was very hard because of all the last minute traffic of students trying to get changed into robes. Hermione found herself more skipping then running to the front boxcar. Well she would have made it if she hadn't been tripped by Goyle, and she landed into Malfoy's arms.

"Well, well, well. I thought cats landed on their feet?" Malfoy smirked, shaking his head slightly to the side letting his hair fall over his left eye. "Guess you're not a very good kitty Granger."

Hermione pushed herself away from Malfoy, but found she couldn't, as he held her tight. Hermione squirmed, but as she did he tightened his grip. "Let go Malfoy, I have places to be."

"Like where? The Prefect meeting?" he cocked his eyebrow cheekily at her, smirking smugly. She was so cute when she struggled.

"Actually yes." Hermione now placed her hands on his chest and pushed away with all her might, but he didn't loosen his grip on her.

"Feisty little one, aren't we? Why such a hurry to get away?" Malfoy smirked and brought Hermione in closer to him, "I know I've missed you SO much over summer little Granger. Besides, you missed it, the Prefect Meeting, Snape put the announcement on too late. But I can tell you all about it when we get to our common room." Malfoy pushed Hermione away from him as she stumbled back in shock.

"Wh-wha-what? Ou-our common room? What are you talking about?" Hermione's jaw couldn't drop any lower then it already was. This was not way in hell was she sharing a common room with him! No. No! NO!

"You heard me little mudblood we have to share a common room. Why is beyond me." Malfoy smirked, but not for long. Hermione drew back her hand and brought it down quickly to Malfoy's cheek, slapping him as hard as she could. Malfoy didn't know what hit him.

"I told you. Call me Hermione, or Granger! But you will never call me mudblood again, Draco Malfoy! NEVER!" Hermione turned on her heal to leave, but Goyle was in her way. "Move-Now!" Hermione went to push Goyle but Malfoy's hand hit her arm and she spun around to come face to face with him.

"You best not do that again Granger or you will pay!" Malfoy hissed. No one dared hit a Malfoy. No one.

Hermione stood on her tiptoes so her lips were at the ball of Malfoys ear, "I won't have to. I think someone learned their lesson. I mean, you did call me Granger and not Mudblood." She licked her lips and at the same time her tongue lightly touched Malfoy's ear making him shiver. She began to lower herself but stopped. "Oh and I'm not entirely sure you have the balls to make me pay." As Hermione lowered herself, she gave a smirk and a wicked little wink.

"Do it again and find out." Malfoy said cockily 'Damn Granger and her need to touch my ear...' he thought to himself.

"You're not worth my time Malfoy." Hermione yawned to add affect to the statement, and with that she turned to Goyle, "As I said before, move!" with that she pushed Goyle out of the way and walked down the corridor.

Malfoy stood "watching" Hermione walk away. Did she just say that he wasn't worth her time? 'Boy she's got an attitude...' Malfoy thought to himself, "I could have fun with her..." he smirked, and walked to his boxcar compartment.

His father had always said watch out for the cats with claws. This boy would have to watch his new pet kitten carefully.

NEW A/N Hello and welcome to me revise! Hope you like it it's helping me get more ideas for the new chapter! Hope you like!

OLD A/N. SO you like yes no? I no it's not rlly well written cuz I haven't had my beta look at it yet and I'm alliterate which means I can't read very well or write well actually it means I can't write with making a lot of mistakes so I'm rlly srry and I'm looking for another beta or two so plz review and tell me wat u think!