So for this October month, I have decided to make a series of short stories. As many as I can make in this month. I know I am starting a bit late but I came up with the idea after October started. But yes, these are all one chapter random short stories. They will range from different things, but I hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 1: You're a werewolf?!

Lea stared up at his ceiling with tired eyes. Though it was late at night, he had not been able to fall asleep, not even for a minute. It just happened to be one of those nights were his mind was far to restless for his own good.

Finally he sighed and sat up. "If I can't get myself to rest, might as walk out all my energy."

He got up from his bed and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. He headed downstairs and out of his house and took a look outside at the nighttime view. It was already past midnight, and not a soul seemed to be out. But there was one rather obvious thing out aside from him… and that was the moon. Brightly shining in the sky, Lea realized it was a full moon tonight.

Though he knew that meant there would possibly be werewolves out, he knew that there were not any in the area. Or at least that is what he wanted to believe. He started walking though, keeping his eyes open and alert.

Soon enough he exited his subdivision and started to get closer to the park that was just on the edge of it. Like in his neighborhood, it was empty and quiet. Lea let out another sigh as he continued closer to it.

"Looks like everyone is sleeping except for me."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he heard rustling from the bushes nearby. He tensed up quickly, turning his head towards the sound. There was a shadowy figure there, much larger than any human. From the shadows of the bush Lea could see that there were glowing eyes to this creature, and heavy growling coming from it.

"Great… me and by big mouth…" Lea thought.

There was no doubt about what that creature was. It had to be a werewolf… but how long had it been there? And what was it going to do now? It let out a growl again as it peered its head out from its covered hiding spot.

"Now… what was it they said about werewolves? Don't run from them, right? Cause they're much faster and it would be pointless… maybe stay still and show you aren't hostile? Or is that just for a regular dog? Gah! I should have paid more attention in class!"

The werewolf finally started to approach, walking on its hind legs, making its stature even larger. Lea found himself completely frozen. Even if he thought he was supposed to run, his body had locked up on him at the sight of the large beast.

Closer and closer the creature came until it was less than a foot away. It bent over and brought its large face right up to Lea's. It let out a low growl before sharply exhaling from its nose. Lea shut his eyes, finding himself feeling more and more nervous with each passing second. There was nothing he could do at this point. The werewolf was already so close and it looked fairly aggressive from the sound of it.

But… Lea started to look at the beast more carefully. It was no longer snarling, but instead… sniffing? Carefully Lea opened an eye to see the werewolf standing, now on all fours, before him. And now that he was looking… he noticed something.

The way the fur was at the top of the werewolf's head… looked oddly familiar. Not only that but the moon shines brightly on them, since it was a full moon. And that did give plenty of light to see the werewolf. At first he thought it was the moonlight giving the affect, but the more he looked… he saw that the fur was a familiar blue.

Without knowing what else to do, Lea decided to speak what was on his mind. "I-Isa?"

Much to his surprise the werewolf nudged him gently on his side, and brushed his head up and down.

Lea's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. Had he just seen it right? Did the werewolf really respond to him? Was it really… Isa? Now he was sure that he would not be getting any sleep anytime soon.

"Isa… it's really you?"

The werewolf once again nodded and nuzzled up against Lea's side again.

"This is getting weirder by the minute…" Lea thought to himself. Strangely enough, despite how weird the encounter was, he found himself tempted to reach out and feel the fur.

"So since when were you a…" Lea started to say, but then a thought hit him. A thought he was surprised he hadn't realized before. "Wait a minute! Is this why you enjoyed having your hair ruffled when were kids? And why your hair shedded far more than the average person?"

The werewolf… Isa… lowered his head and let out a soft whine. It almost sounded as if he was embarrassed to admit such a thing… which was rather fitting of Isa. As weird as it all was, it started to make more and more sense to Lea. Little things that he never picked up on easily as a child now were as clear as day.

Now that Lea had figured it out, he ended up reached out his hand and placing it gently on Isa's head. His fur was softer than Lea realized, but he started to ruffling it a little. Isa gave a rather happy sigh in response as he stayed there close to Lea.

"You know… this is a bit strange…" Lea responded quietly as he continued to pet Isa on the head.

Isa let out a snort sound, though Lea wasn't too sure if Isa was trying to laugh at it or was finding it rude. But other than that snort, there were no other signs of aggression. As a result Lea ended up smiling. His restless brain had caused a turn of events he had never expected, but it lead to something rather nice.

"You know, this is actually pretty cool. I just wish I had known sooner, but you can talk to me about it, right? I mean when you are back to normal, or human or whatever."

Isa let out another snort reply before leaning up against Lea fully.

Lea wanted to keep smiling, but then he noticed something. "Hey! Don't go shedding all over me! Not cool dude!"

So yeah this was the first one I had to start with. But I got many more ideas for this series. Very random ones too. So thanks for reading!