It took us less than a day to get Rain settled in at HQ. We had her signed up for school within hours, documented as an orphan from distant relatives of ours and with a little help from Zadavia, she had everything a kid her age could ask for when it came to clothes and toys. Ace showed her how to use the virtual trainer along with Rev while Tech managed to find study material to begin tutoring her. Duck and Slam helped me find play and school clothes for her.

At the end of the day with a closet stalked, study booklets and school supplies piled on her desk and all energy depleted from playing with Ace, Rain rested in her bed with small lights dotting the ceiling of her bedroom. The last thing to give her was her new backpack which I set down on the chair of her desk.


Turning she peeked at me from under her thick, green comforter.

"Yes, Rain?"

Nearing, she pulled her comforter back to sit up.

"So, are all of you my parents now? Or none at all?"

I sat on the edge of her bed. Giving her a smile she relaxed with eyes drooping.

"I think the guys all see you like a long lost little niece they never knew they had and now have been united with."

"And you and Ace?"

"Ace and I..."

Hesitating, I chose my words carefully. "You're our daughter, but because of that creep Otto, our timelines are mixed up. We're going to make the best of it though and we want you here with us. We're all a family here in this tower and you're a part of that now."

Rain nodded against her pillow. "So can I call you Mom and Dad?"

Before I could answer her eyes closed. Giving her a kiss on the forehead I gently covered her back up in her blanket to keep her warm. Turning, Ace leaned in the doorway.

On my approach, his arm wound around my back pulling me straight into his chest. He stole a kiss before I gently pushed away.

"What's gotten into you?" I questioned lightly.

Giving me his signature smirk he shook his head.

"I just love ya, Lex."

Our gazes drifted back to Rain sound asleep in her bed. A sigh escaped the leader's chest before he gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I could get used ta bein' called Dad."

"It's suspicious though," I warned. "People might connect the dots. She looks like both of us."

"Then our practices of keeping everythin' behind doors will come in handy. We'll just need to teach her too."

I nodded and quietly guided him from the door. Closing it behind us we stepped further into the hallway when Ace caught my arm. Walking behind me so he could press himself against my back, he planted small kisses along my neck and shoulder.

"Speakin' of closed doors..."

Giggling, I turned to shove him. Startled, he caught himself against the wall as I backed away, hands behind my back.

"You'll have to catch me first, Skipper."

"Eye, eye, first mate," he accepted with a grin before I quietly took off down the hall with him hot on my heels.