Disclaimer: First Chapter
Story Start!
"Yes, I think that red suits me best, don't you?"
Moka smiled as she looked towards Naruto, who she convinced to come with her shopping. After their session of combat training, what most people would call a death match they simply called combat training, she felt that it needed for her to get some new clothes while she was actually out of her seal. Thankfully, the school store was located on the grounds even if it was a few miles away. The shopping mall was large enough to be a complete date grounds, which she decided would be the grounds for her battle.
A battle of the heart.
Mission: Get Naruto's Blood Pumping.
Side Mission: Suck his blood.
"... Okay? I like the color red in general, but you look good in anything so I can't say." Naruto scratched his head in confusion. Moka had decided that she would try on a rather fancy red dress, showing only slight cleavage, and it went down to her knees. It was a very modest dress, and though it looked fancy with it's puffed sleeves, it was very casual.
Of course, she looked great in it, and that went without saying.
"What is your favorite color then?" Moka asked with a small smile.
This store had a lot of good dresses in a lot of colors.
"Orange for sure."
Yet he picked the one color that wouldn't look great on her, with her silver hair and red eyes, orange was one of the colors that greatly conflicted with her looks. Instead of that color bringing out her beauty, her beauty would bring out the color of the dress even more. Yellow and orange were the only two colors that her hair and eyes didn't mix great with, and he just had to have that color as his favorite.
"I see..." Moka could sense that Mizore was nearby, and going by the flucuations of her energy, she was enjoying that particular failure since she knew of the color clash. She felt more than a small amount of irritation, but she sighed and decided to let go this particular failure. "So, since I've got a guy's opinion then, what do you think would bring out my eyes most?" Moka asked the same question, but worded differently so that she could still try something on to impress him.
She had no dating knowledge, she was going off pure female instinct.
Of which she was sorely lacking after years of being sealed.
-6 Minutes Later-
"... This looks good."
"Yeah, you look ready for a fight, and you'll look good doing it." Naruto stated with a thumbs up. Moka was wearing tight pants that were cut off at her shin, and had rips up the front of them, with the pants themselves being dyed very slightly purple. Her shirt was a jet black with a very low V-neck to it.
"They're comfortable... no skirt though?" Moka knew how most liked the option for panty shots and bare legs.
Naruto shrugged.
"I don't know, I like simple clothes and people who have good bodies look good in tons of stuff. You know more about skirts than me. I guess pants show off the butt more though." Naruto admitted that his only real care was comfort and mobility in his mind. He wanted to give her whatever answer he thought she would find acceptable, since he didn't know anything about clothes.
Moka looked at her reflection.
"I like them, and I do have a good behind." Moka admired her own rear end, and glancing in the mirror she saw Naruto look at her butt. She allowed him to get a few more seconds in under the disguise of looking at herself, before she turned around towards him and flicked his forehead lightly. "No staring now... now lets pick out something for you."
"Nah, I'm... I wasn't staring." Naruto denied after realizing he had been caught.
Moka frowned when she saw that he wasn't blushing yet, his cheeks were the same color as before. So her playful accusation hadn't gotten a blush from him, so she would need to try to get his heart pumping some other way.
"I see... well lets go to the men's section then... after you finish buying these of course. You don't mind paying, do you?" Moka asked with a calculating look. She could very well pay for these herself, and she didn't have a problem paying for them either. She heard guys paid for the first date, and if Naruto considered this a date then he would accept her offer, be it willing or begrudgingly.
She wanted to simply test his reaction.
"I mean, sure?" Naruto didn't have a problem with it.
Moka nodded with a smile
Naruto was completely clueless, though since he was paying she was going to count this as her victory over Mizore and Yukari. She wasn't going to allow a Yuki Onna and Witch to beat her in anything, and counting this as a first date in her books would allow her points in victory.
Moka saw a small ice spike on the ground, and she saw that the ground was turned to ice in some spots.
She kicked the ice spike she was about to step on, right into the trashcan where Mizore was hiding. The trashcan jumped in surprise, alerting Naruto to something being off as he looked around for the source of a yelp.
"What was that?" Naruto asked, and Moka just took his hand.
"Oh, nothing, lets go get you changed into something suitable." Moka knew Naruto discovering Mizore would be the end to the date, and he would invite the girl to join them.
This was a battle.
She was a Vampire, and refused to lose to an inferior opponent. Only the strong and worthy had the honor of being considered her equal, something she would be okay with losing too. A B-class and D-class monster weren't something she was okay with losing even a single point too.
"Uh... Moka... my hand."
"Hand holding is normal." Moka responded back simply, since she was taking this victory as well.
Love was a competition, more points for her.
"Okay, but I think Tsukune wouldn't like it... since you two are..." Naruto hinted to Moka, and she raised an eyebrow. Naruto wiggled his eyesbrows, and raised his pinky up to prove a point to her, and she shrugged.
"I've no interest in Tsukune romantically, though my other personality seems fond of him. I would rather have a partner who can actually stand by my side as an equal, or at the very least somebody who can impress me. I have higher standards than just a man who is nice... though kindness is a bonus." Moka glanced at Naruto to see what kind of reaction he would have to her words. She gained a quirk in her jawline when she couldn't figure out what kind of reaction he was having.
What the hell was that face?
"So, your other Moka is a completely different personality?" Naruto asked her while blinking in confusion. He wasn't sure how that would work. Moka just raised an eyebrow when she realized that until now, he didn't realize the two personalities were completely different. "Honestly, I just thought that pink haired Moka was a wig, and you pretended to be her to live a normal life outside of fighting." Naruto admitted with a shrug.
Moka nodded slowly.
He was very stupid, but strong, kind, and honorable.
"That Moka everyone knows is a fake, a fake personality that I wear when I put that rosary on my chest. Though, I've been thinking of doing away with that persona... we have very conflicting goals now." Moka admitted with some sorrow audible in her voice. It was something that she would rather not do personally, since the rosary was an important memento from her mother... though she barely remembered her. "Eventually, if I keep removing the rosary like I've been doing... she will forever sleep inside of me." Moka glanced at Naruto, to get his reaction.
"Oh... so what caused that change in you then?" Naruto asked curiously.
He wanted to know more about her.
"I've met a person that I aknowledge as my equal is all, somebody who I can't be with if she continues to strive for Tsukune. If the men we love are different, than it makes sense for me to put her to sleep... I'm the real Moka." Moka became more resolute in her words. She wasn't ignorant to her own feelings, though they might not be completely love just yet, she was still a Vampire with high emotional understanding of herself.
She knew other Moka loved Tsukune.
Yet, after trading fists and coming to understand the heart through blows of this man next to her, she had an understanding that she would have a happier future with this man.
"That's kind of sad though... it sounds like you really love the other Moka. You trust her enough to let her live your life, and very rarely get to come out... whoever this guy is, is super lucky to have a woman like you after him." Naruto turned and grinned to her. She sent him an odd look that was a mix between disbelief and confusion.
He really hadn't figured it out?
He was so dense that he couldn't figure out that he was her love interest, since he was literally the only person she enjoyed spending her time with and the only reason she got Tsukune to unseal her in the afternoons.
"Enough about that, what about you then? Your romantic preferences?" Moka asked Naruto, quickly changing the subject.
"Somebody I can have fun with, and that I like. They don't need to be my equal, or as strong as me... though I'm attracted to strong women for a different reason. When it comes to romance though... as long as I like them, that is enough for me." Naruto grinned wide. True enough, sexually speaking he was attracted to women he labelled as strong. The thought that he could have sex with such a woman turned him on, because that meant he wouldn't have to hold back even in the sheets.
He didn't want to accidentally break somebodies hips after all.
Moka gave a soft chuckle, before she smiled.
"Well, simple needs for a simple man... when I think about it, I guess I could have figured that out without asking." Moka couldn't believe that she hadn't already thought of that. Naruto was both smart and stupid, in that when it came to absolute common sense, nobody was quite better than him. His simple logic made complicated things seem like they were something trivial in nature.
She liked that.
Moka reached up and grabbed an ice kunai out of the air, before she flicked it back before Naruto even noticed that it would have stabbed her. Mizore hiding in a potted plant nearby, yelped and rushed out of her hiding spot and jumped behind a mannequin.
"Ah! Uzumaki Naruto and Akashiya Moka, the very two students who I wanted to see."
Attractive female alert.
Smoking hot hourglass figure, with a bad girl theme to her including covering most of her hair with a bandana. The art teacher for the school, with a bag of art supplies in her hand, was watching towards them.
"Ah... Hitomi-sensei-"
"Ishigami-sensei, please." Hitomi Ishigami spoke with a look over Naruto's face, and she saw the change of clothes that Moka had forced onto him.
The couple were matching it would seem.
He was wearing cut off jean shorts, and a black T-shirt that showed off his pectoral muscles, as well as how toned his arms were. The two of them had dynamite bodies, seeing the two of them together was beauty itself.
"Sure thing Hitomi-sensei." Naruto didn't change the way he addressed her at all.
Casual guy huh?
"You wanted to see... us?" Moka was suspicious of that claim rather instantly. Nobody wanted to see her unless they wanted to force themselves onto her, or were awed by her vampire might.
Why would the art teacher want to see them?
Oh, right, they were beautiful people.
"Yes, I've been seeking new models for a a spulpture I've been working on. Yet, no model I've used can really bring that artistic beauty out. I was thinking that you two together would be great, or even seperate." Ishigami glanced between them.
Moka Akashiya.
A beautiful vampire of unearthly looks and amazing strength, the most attractive girl in the entire school in her vampire form or her human form. The way she moved her body, that was a powerful warrior, but the feminine way that every curve on her body showed womanly strength as well, was unimaginably artistic.
Naruto Uzumaki.
The feminine quality to his face, contrasted to the manliness of his personality, jawline, and body were a sight to see. His golden blond hair and blue eyes, combined with his fair and unscarred skin, were absolutely perfect. The human form in it's uttermost perfect state, because no matter what anyone said, even monsters believed the human form to be the most attactive. Monsters that appeared closer to human form naturally were among the most beautiful, and Naruto gave off the very best of humanity.
Her Aphrodite, her goddess of beauty born from the death of a Titan.
Her Adonis, the peak of humanity, a god in human blood who carried skills even the gods were jealous of.
"Sorry, but I'm always busy doing stuff... and when I'm not, I either like to train with Moka, play Find the Stalker with Mizore, or prank and sexually harass Yukari."
"Yeah, why is she the only one you do that too?" Moka asked Naruto with some confusion.
Naruto shrugged.
"It's just what we do to each other, considering she tried to pour cold water in my shower to shrink me down-" Naruto said referring to his penis. "-and take a picture, and I stripped her naked and covered her in feathers in public... the best of pranks are a little sexual in nature. Anyway, she's a little pervert, and this gives her a chance to get some of it out of her system. It's healthier than keeping it repressed." Naruto shrugged his shoulders a second time just because how he acted with Yukari was mostly for her own mental health.
She wanted to be treated like a woman, but also be treated like a prankster, so he had no problem treating her that way.
He respected her.
"I see... when you put it that way, it makes it understandable. You know, now that I think about it... people never try to understand the motivations of perverts." Moka put her hand on her jaw, and she started to walk hand in hand with Naruto.
They walked right by Ishigami, who was confused.
Did they just ignore her?
"It's like a woman who is a shotacon who keeps porn of it. She's not attracted to it in real life, because she uses other media to curb her impulses. My own mother was like that, she was excited by adorable things all the time, but she married my father despite her odd attractions." Naruto got into the conversation with Moka, who nodded her head.
Ishigami was forgotten.
"I'm still here you know."
"People can't help what their fetish is, because a fetish is hard-wired into your brain and how you were raised. You can't change it, but you can control it. Like how Gin is a peeping tom, but he's still a pretty decent dude most of the time." Naruto used Gin as an example as well. Other than when he was peeping, most of the time he was a good person.
Most of the time.
"How about a challenge then?"
"Challenge you say?" Naruto turned around and faced Ishigami with an interested look in his eyes, and Moka palmed her face.
Challenge, Contest, Fight, Competition, ect.
It didn't matter what the prize was, or what the contest was.
Ishigami had Naruto's attention now.
Chapter End!
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