A/N: Yeah, another story, blah blah blah, this story is a self-insert OC, so if it's not your style, then don't read this. If you prefer show watching series then go read the one on Naruto(warning: slow updates). This story will have faster updates than the other one that I had started because the other one is harder for me to write down for me. Anyways, just sit down, get food and enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, then it would have been shit.

Summary: A timid, reserved and ordinary woman from the modern world has no place in a Shinobi ruled world. It's a bad idea in general and should never happen, but the impossible has a habit of making it possible.

Quote: "I'm shy at first, but once I'm comfortable with you, get ready for some crazy shit."- Anonymous

I didn't know I was dead.

Like, how are you supposed to know your dead when you're young and still thriving of that 'Youth'.

It had started off as a normal day, so what would I know?

I had woken up, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast and got ready for the day. I had then fed my cat and dog to distract them from making a mess while I started cleaning the living room. Sweep over there, vacuum over here and put the dirty dishes in the sink.

Simple.I then started on my daily chores. Today was:

1.Get food. Grocery shopping.

2.Get a new table set because someone was a klutz and ruined their old one.

3.Get a new book because books are best.

4.Do the laundry because I was lazy and pushed it off until all my clothes were dirty.

5.Wash Mia and Marco (Cat and Dog)

6.Watch Naruto vs. Sasuke the Final battle for the 13th time(1)

After finishing all of that, it was night time. I sit on my couch after cooking myself some nice ramen while getting out of the Shonen area to watch A Silent Voice. Pretty good to be honest and has a realistic view of depression.

I remember having a vague sense of someone watching me.

I thought it was Mia and/or Marco. I looked at them and they were giving me this weird look of… amusement? I brushed it off and continued watching the movie. I finished my ramen and then got a weird feeling.

It was… inhumane. It felt like someone was out for blood. I got shivers and decided to stay still. It's the people that go out and investigate that die first. No way am I going to go and investigate. I was scared and hugged my Kakashi and Madara plush toys. It comforted me because they were so kawaii and adorable. I was distracted by their cuteness that I didn't notice the back door opening and closing. It was only when I heard the gunshot that I turned around.

Now what I try to say next is not exactly the best explanation of what happens next.

I remember blood. Then I remember blackness? Whiteness? I had lost my sense of color and couldn't comprehend what was happening and what was not. I felt… empty. And it hurt.

I thought I was in a coma. A weird, strange coma. I was then in a room. It had dark walls and a light floor and roof. I made one step forward, but I didn't get to finish that one step. I had started falling, then crashed into the water. The water was dark and murky. I don't know what took over me and decided to dive into the water, but I did. And weirdly, I could breathe underwater.

By then, I had started to think this was a dream.

After some time I started to see stuff.


From when I was born until the sound of a shotgun. The deeper I swam, the more I could recall thoughts and emotions. Once I made it to the ground, the water had disappeared and had been replaced with stars and planets and asteroids and galaxies and universes. But even seeing that, it didn't make me feel insignificant or insecure. And I usually feel like that when I look up at the sky or the ocean.

Then I started to walk. I don't know where but somewhere. I walked and walked and walked, but didn't even feel an ounce of pain. The further I went the darker it got. It kept getting darker and darker until it was pure black. But I kept going. Didn't even hesitate.

The steps I took somehow were like walking normally, but I couldn't see anything to know that I was walking on land. I should have been at least freaked out about this, but I wasn't. Then I came to a stop. No, I didn't just stopped randomly. I literally slammed into something. I turned around but I couldn't move.

I was stuck. When I tried to go back but there was something there too. I tried moving but I was stuck in place. It was like that for a long time. By then I started thinking I was in a coma and due to me never being only just in my mind it had created those weird… visuals. I was so bored because there was nothing to do when you're in a coma. So I started a little story in my head. It had to do with a forbidden love about a demon and angel. Cliche, but it was very entertaining. And I could come up with any ending I wanted.

I was finally starting to get a bit comfortable in this cramped space that I felt weird. Not weird like before I got in a coma, but like as if something physical was going to happen. And it did. I felt the walls around me started to push me out to the bottom. When it stopped, I felt as if the air was suffocating. I realized that I haven't breathed fresh air in a long time. But the air wasn't fresh. It was suffocating. The air felt like it had been added a lot of pollution.

I had started coughing and gasping for help. The problem? I couldn't see shit. Everything was blurry and fuzzy. I could hear crying and people speaking and people grabbing me(?). I could hear panicked voices and I thought 'Is my condition really so bad that I'm coughing and near sighted.' Yeah, nah.

Before I could try and grab anything I had blacked out. I felt sleep, taking over me and blessing me with sweet dreams of when I was in elementary school and things were so simple. I was happy in that dream.

After that, it was a series of comings and goings. Sleep was the main thing that ever happened other than eating and going potty(?). All my senses had shut down and I still kept on coughing when I woke up. Damn pollution. I wasn't officially conscious until a long time after that. It was when I was done with an amazing lucid dream of me being with a loving family and loyal friends. I had woken up and I could see. Still, I was coughing but I could see and had gotten used to coughing when I entered the real world. What I saw terrified me.

Everything was so huge. I was in a crib, I was sure of that. But everything else was… weird. The room was styled in a traditional Japanese styled room. I would know because I lived for almost six years in Japan and have seen many traditional styled rooms. The room was colored a light blue but had designs in pink. It had futons on a corner that seemed to be constantly used. There was shōji doors that was semi-opened. The floor was made of wood. There was a chabudai table that had medicine and water in a baby bottle, I think by the middle of the room. There was a corner that had toys for babies to use.

I heard a noise then heard someone's running steps. Someone had fully opened the shōji door. A woman went to the chabudai table to grab the baby bottle filled with water and the medicine. She put a pill in the water after opening the baby bottle. She went over to me and I somehow instinctively opened my mouth. She put the water bottle in my mouth and I started to drink it. The woman picked me up and said "Sora, everything okay?" In Japanese.


My name was not Sora and how the hell was she holding me. She then walked out of the room with me in her arms. We passed a mirror and what I saw shocked me. There was the woman. She was very beautiful. She had long aqua blue hair with pretty violet eyes. She had a nice figure that included a nice chest. But what shocked me wasn't the woman's weird hair color and eyes. It was the baby in the arms of the woman that had short paled turquoise hair and pink eyes. The baby seemed to be around a little over a year old.

That baby was me. But it wasn't. I'm not a baby but a grown ass woman with responsibilities and authority. I'm not a fucking baby that can't even take care of it's self. Something was wrong. Maybe I was kidnapped, but that didn't explain why the hell I was a baby. Then I remembered.

I was shot.

In the fucking head.

With a gun.

There was no way a normal human being could survive a shot to the head without dieing. And I was. But I was a baby. So I must've been reborn. Things were starting to make some sense. The crying. The near sightedness.

I had died, then my soul went to that weird place and been reborn.

I had been fucking reborn. Well at least I was reborn as a Japanese. But why the weird hair color and eyes. Maybe I had been reborn into a family with strange genetics. Nope, definitely. The woman was probably my mother. She was taking me towards another shōgi door that was closed. The woman opened it and went inside. The washitsu room that was filled with baby toys and baby books was the room I was placed in. She sat me down on the tatami floor and grabbed one of the baby books and started reading it to me in Japanese.

After finishing the book she set me aside to the toys. Since I thought this was my new life then I should make the best of it and be the kid I never got to be. Well, I was but actually do something with my life. While playing absentmindedly with the blocks with letters I thought of what I should do with this newfound discovery. I had the chance of being a child without being judged. But people would not have the same respect I had when I was an adult. I would be deemed as a child that has no use until at least reaching my teenage years.


Teenage years.

Fucking teenage years.

I have to endure puberty again. Ugh. Even though I was able to not make stupid decisions, that didn't mean I made mistakes. Then there's those raging hormones that I have to worry about.

Damn it.

Okay. I still have like twelve years to worry about. I shall relish these pre-pubescent years and shall enjoy every second of it.

There. I will not think of that until I'm twelve. Then cue freak out and a sobbing fest. Until then, I will think about the present and of nothing else.

Once after that brief check of what's to come, I came back to the real world and realized that I had stacked the block in alphabetical order and in a way of stacking cups. The woman in which think is my mother was looking at me with wide eyes. She was shocked, obviously, but her shocked expression morphed into one of excitement and pride.

"Sora, did you do this?" the woman asks. I didn't know what to do, so I just nodded nervously yes. "Oh my Kami, my little girl is so smart!" my, apparently, mother. "Oh, just wait until your father finds out about this. He will soon be bragging to his friends that our daughters is so smart." My new(?) mom said. Damn it. Now everyone will be thinking that I'm this super intelligent baby. Or is it kid? Toddler?

Well it's one of those. But still, I have to worry about what I'm going to do about my mother's newfound discovery about my superior intelligence. Sigh, how troublesome. Welp, nothing I can do now except decrease my intellect to a minimum. Shouldn't be so hard, right?

A/N: So, how'd I do? I probably should warn everyone that I don't have a schedule on when I update. So please don't get angry when I don't update regularly. On both my stories. Anyway, time to say what that number means. They are to clear any misunderstanding that could happen.

(1)- it's not the one in part one, but the fight in part two. Y'know, the one in which both Sasuke and Naruto lose their arms. Also, if I did the math correctly, then it means the OC has watched Naruto for at least ten days. No, I don't kid, do the math. Seven hundred episodes times twenty minutes equal something then divide that by sixty, then divide that by twenty four, which will equal ten days.

Anyways, I want to warn people who f this before people start getting annoyed at me for saying that I was going to update soon, but never did. Well, I don't have a set schedule, so I'm gonna update at random.

Also, I have seen some of my favorite authors do this and I want to try it out. And it is … asking questions to their oh so loyal readers. I want to get to know my readers more because I don't only want my opinion but also yours. So feel free to comment and/or answer my question on each chapter. So let's start with something simple.

Question: What's your favorite book? It can be anything from stories on fanfics or stories made by actual certified authors.