As always, please read, review, and enjoy!
After the ordeal with the mysterious molded creature they encounterd at the cable car station, Matt and Emily reached the other side. They were still trying to process what they encountered. A molded creature with the bones of the dead. It wasn't alone after they killed it and they didn't want to stick around any further.
"If the radio doesn't work, we're going to need a plan B." Matt suggested
Emily looked down below the mountain. "Climbing down would just be suicide. Especially in this weather."
Matt nodded in agreement. "I know. We'll need to find a good hiding spot, and figure things out in the morning."
They continued as the two soon found a wooden bridge. Matt stepped on one board, which cracked as Emily noticed something down under.
"No way!" she gasped
"What the hell…" Matt knelt and pulled the board loose, reaching his hand inside finding a cell phone. Both he and Emily recognized whose phone this was. "This is Beth's. I thought the police sweep the whole area."
"Apparently they didn't notice this."
Matt sighed. "Tell me about it. I wish this thing wasn't dead. Maybe something got recorded before they died."
They kept moving, soon finding a cliff top by the end of it. A shrill scream caught our attention.
"What was that?" Emily cried out in a frightened tone
"I have no idea."
They looked behind them to see a small herd of caribou deer appear. Panic and fear began to grip around Emily as she looked around to see her and Matt stand warily at the edge of the cliff. The deer surrounded the two of them as some moved a bit closer. Matt slowly took one step forward as he tightened his grip on the ax before he began to relax.
"Matt? What are you doing?!"
"Get a hold on yourself, Em." Matt took another step. "Just… stay calm. They're deer… they probably just wanna check us out…" he took one step closer to the deer
Emily didn't seem reassured as she whimpered. "No, Matt. They're gonna hurt us."
Matt kept his calm demeanor as he slowly walked closer as the deer began to move aside with careful intent. Emily followed, edging forward as they walked through the herd without much issue. Among the deer were their close cousins, elk as one blocked their path as Matt and Emily stopped. Matt kept the axe held loose at his side, in a non-threatening position. The elk sniffed at him but Matt did not react wouldn't back down, or even more. Emily was trembling behind him while Matt remained clam as moved again, causing the elk to back down to their relief. They emerged from the herd, unharmed and reached a small bundle of rock as they climbed. Now that they were out of danger, Matt and Emily were now on the path that would them to the radio tower.
"If we manage to get someone on the radio-"
Matt cut her off. "We will." he insisted
"We tell them we need help." Emily interjected. "What are we gonna do while we wait?"
"We head back to the lodge." Matt said, suggesting the alternative. "Or make a break for it at the guest cabin."
Emily shook her head. "We should stay here. In case whoever it is needs to get back in touch with us." She interjected
"Let's just make sure that radio works first before we do anything else." Matt advised
They were almost the tower which was just above them across a small snowy clearing. As they approached the base of the tower, a blinding light suddenly flared to life in front of them.
"Damn, this fucking light!" Matt shielded his eyes. "What is this?"
"Motion sensor, maybe." Emily squinted her eyes trying to see. "It's a security light. See." she confirmed, pointing at the light shining on them
Emily bit her lip as she followed Matt, squinting her eyes until they passed the light and could see clearly again. Now at the base of the fire tower, they climbed up the ladders to get the main room of the tower. The more they climbed, the more the wind shifted due to the cold weather. Emily was the first to enter the main room as she opened the trapdoor. Matt entered after her with ax in hand as he closed the door behind him.
"No power in this place."
Matt peered outside. "Maybe there's a fuse outside on the balcony."
Emily opened the door leading to the balcony, which lead her to the circuit box along with an emergency flare gun. After the circuit box was turned on, power was brought forth inside as she headed back for the radio. Acting quickly, Matt hurried over and began working with it until he could get a clear signal. They were overjoyed to hear the ranger service as Emily was the one who spoke through the mic.
"Hello? Anyone there? Hello! Please say something if you're out there, please we need help. Over."
There was a pause until suddenly…
"Hello?" a ranger spoke, feeling both of them with relief. "Hello… is someone trying to contact us? This is the park ranger service for Blackwood County. I'm not getting your signal very well. Please speak slowly and clearly, over."
"Please, we need help! We're in danger! There's some sort of monster after us!"
"Hello? Please repeat, over."
"We need help! There's some molded monsters here on the mountain with us along with a psycho family! They may have either taken or killed some of our friends! Please help, over."
Just then, the security light down below flared, starling both of them.
"Something tripped the motion sensor. I hope that was a fucking deer." Matt said trying to reassure them
"I read you, ma'am. Please do not leave your position. We will send out helicopters to get you as soon as the storm subsides." The ranger said to them
Emily bit her lip. "What? When? For how long?"
"Dawn, at the earliest. Not until dawn, over."
Before either could say anything, the trapdoor banged loudly causing a panic in both of them as someone or something was trying to enter. Matt held the ax in hand, ready for what came next while Emily cowered.
"It's here. It's coming for me!" she cried out, stepping back
The banging continued until it came to a stop as things seemed to have calmed down for Emily and Matt. Then suddenly, the tower rocked violently and began rocking. Unsure of what was going on, Matt and Emily lose their balance and fell as the tower started tipping. Matt caught a hold on one of the support beams while Emily fell face first toward the window. She slowly opened her eyes to see the glass begin to crack, along with an ominous rumbling sound and a mighty crash that led the tower to fall. The tower plunged into an open cave, which led to the abandoned mines under the mountain. Matt slowly and carefully climb his way out of the tower, shaking ominously as he did so. He looked to see the tower hanging precariously over a long drop
"MATT!" he looked over the edge of the tower to see Emily hanging on the bars. "You gonna do something right now! What are you waiting for?!" the terrified look on her face told it all
"I'm thinking!"
"Don't think you idiot! Help me!"
"Just jump from that ledge right behind you!"
"Are you insane?! There's no way I'll-"
The tower shook violently as Emily was dangling the bars, with her hands barely hanging on.
"I don't… I don't wanna tip it." He looked to Emily. "Em, listen to me. I need you to place your feet on the bars and jump to that ledge."
"I CAN'T!"
"Yes, you can." Emily did as Matt instructed her to do. "On three, we're gonna jump."
"Matt, I…"
Matt leaped toward the ledge, hanging on by his arms. Unfortunately, Emily didn't make the jump as she fell along with the tower as she screamed.
Matt suddenly heard a noise from behind as he cautiously turned around, catching only a glimpse. An elongated clawed hand grabbed him by the feet and began dragging him away screaming, causing a flare gun to fall out of his pocket as it fell below in the mines. Matt was held by one hand as his eyes widened with horror upon what he saw, before being tossed toward meat hooks. Each stuck to his arms and legs as Matt screamed in agony, follow by a white clawed hand to hold his head while another sinks a meat hook toward his neck. Blood rapidly dripping out from his arms and legs as Matt began to lose lifelessness while bleeding out in pain. He ripped the meat hook on his arm as he tried to remove the one in his neck, only for two clawed fists to brutally against his face. His jaw broken off and bloodied, along with a missing right eye while the left eye was completely crushed as blood poured from the base of his skull.
Unsure which part of the sanatorium they were at, Chris and Ashely wandered aimlessly through the cracked and corroded halls of the asylum. They manage to find a couple of flashlights in working condition as they pressed on wary, avoiding the attempt to be found by their kidnappers. They had no idea if the family took the other. Sam and David were a possible, since the two of them were in the lodge. Matt and Emily head left for the cable car station to look for a bag. And that left only Mike and Jessica. Did the family take them first? They don't know whose been taken by the Baker family or not.
Ashely worriedly asked. "You think anyone else got taken with us?"
"No, I… I don't know. All I know is that I was with Fran before I got grabbed by that sick creep." Chris stated referring to Lucas Baker
Ashely bit her lip, thinking about Josh's death and how it affected both her and Chris. "How are we going to tell her Josh is dead? This is going to hit Fran hard. Oh God!"
"We're not worrying about that right now." He said avoiding eye contact
Ashely bit her lip with a sad expression as he glanced at Chris. "Chris, about what happened in that room… Josh was your friend."
"Ashely, stop." Chris said turning to her
"I just want to say thank you, for saving me." She concluded not wanting to upset Chris even more
Chris shook his head. "Ash, what was I gonna do? I couldn't let anything happen to you, I couldn't…"
They stood awkwardly in silence upon the implication of Chris's words, with neither of them unsure on what to say. The sound of the thump was heard in the halls as Chris and Ashely headed into the other room, quietly closing the door behind them. Ashely kept a crack on the door just to see who was in the halls, keeping her mouth as a shadow step forth. The shadow revealed a young woman with short cut black hair and pale white skin. She turned right but stopped as she looked near Ashely's direction as she closed the door behind her quickly and quietly. Her and Chris began to hide as they ducked under a desk. They saw a shadow from out of the door come to a stop, as something was dropped before leaving. Once the coast was clear, Chris slowly headed toward the door and silently opened it. To his surprise and Ashely's, he saw it was a walkie talkie on the floor with a note and map attached. The note read: turn to frequency 6117. Ashely did as instructed tuning in on the frequency of the walkie talkie radio.
"You two are smarter than I thought. I had a feeling you'd be reasonable enough to answer."
"Who are you?"
"My name's Zoe. And I'm the one who plans on keeping you alive from my family. The plan was to set y'all on your way out of this mountain, but I don't see that happenin'."
Chris narrowed his eye at the walkie under his glasses. "What do you mean you don't?"
"What I mean is my family has a couple of your friends captured as we speak. Maybe all of them and whether if they're dead or alive is unknown right now. All I know so far, is that two escaped aside from the both of you."
Ashely gasped. "Oh my God…" she trailed off as Chris at the walkie with a suspicious and angered expression on his face
"Why should we trust you? That psycho brother of yours killed my best friend!"
"I'm not responsible for that! Look, I'm sorry about what happened to your friend, but you need to do what I say if you and your friends want to stay alive on this mountain."
"Fine. What do you want?"
"As you know, me and my family aren't exactly "normal" people. Our bodies are contaminated and I can't leave the mountain unless I get it out of me."
"Is there a way to get whatever this infection is out?" Ashely asked
"We need a D series head and arm to create an antivirus serum. Hopefully it'll flush out whatever this infection is and I'll be out of her hold on me. I've already marked it on the map with the walkie I left for y'all. Hurry."
"Wait a minute, what about our friends? And who is this her you're talking?" Chris and Ashely didn't receive an answer back. "Hello? Hello!" Ash said back to no avail
"Isn't this great." Chris said sarcastically. "We have no idea where we are, what happened to our friends, and we're being chased by some insane hick family from hell!"
"But you heard what she said, Chris! Two of our friends just escaped besides us."
"Fran got away, but we don't know who else is with her right now. Sam and David are probably caught right now. Probably Matt and Emily along with them."
"Wait. What about Jess and Mike?"
"They did go to the guest cabin before any of this happened. But if you're asking me right now who's with her, I'm as clueless as you."
"So where did Zoe say this D series head and arm is?" Ashely inquired as she stared at the map
"She said it'd be on the map with the walkie." They looked at the map to find where the D series was located. "In a storage shelter underneath the restraining area close to the clinic. Let's go."
Chris and Ash headed off to find where the D series was located, all the while being on constant alert for any of the Baker family. According to the map, they were in the dormitory area, coming by abandoned room covered in old bloods and some that looked to be recent. They wondered how many people fell victim to being ensnared by the Baker family before the two shuddered the thought right away in order to stay alive. From the dormitories to the administrative section of the sanitorium as Chris and Ash suddenly heard footsteps from behind as they quickly hid in one of the rooms. They stayed silent and kept themselves still, using their effort not to make a sound as the footsteps passed by. After another minute, Chris and Ashely got out from their hiding spots as Chris flickered a switch which light up the room.
The light in the room showed them a display board of test subjects, each experimented with a different strain of virus. The pair was even surprised there was any electricity left in this abandoned asylum. There were photos of different test subjects infected with the T-virus, showing zombies and zombie animals to add. A scientist by the name of William Birkin mutated from the G-virus. List of every virus after virus created and events where every viral infection took place since the Raccoon city incident. A parasitic virus called Las Plagas which infected a small European village. All of which tracing back to the Progenitor virus in Africa. Chris stared at the display of the test subjects while Ashely spotted a card on her left laying on a dusty desk.
"I'll take this just in case…" she paused when she noticed a half open file on the desk covered in old and dry blood. "What's this?"
She opened the file revealing some research on a new virus that was created inside this facility. It was called the M Virus that consisted of parasitic organisms living in molded fungi, which could remain in contact with living hosts even in death. That the subjects expose could form a resistance to cold weather and become very resilient. When Ashely turned to the last page, it showed the picture of a little girl. Her eyes widened when she realized that the girl from the picture is the same one from the family photo.
She gasped. "It's her. Chris, look."
Chris raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Ashely. "What?"
"Chris, it's the girl from the photo we saw back at the lodge. Eveline." Ashely showed the picture of the girl to Chris as he walked toward her. "According to this file, it says she got infected when one of their test subjects escaped."
"She wasn't the only one on this mountain though." Chris clarified. "Her parents were with her. What about them?"
"This file is only about her. There's nothing on it saying what happened to her mom and dad." Ashely stated staring at the picture of the girl. "What did the virus do to her?"
"Pretty sure we don't want to know." Chris walked over to the door as he peeked out, finding the coast clear. "We can think about that later, Come on, Ash. The coast is clear."
Chris and Ashely left the room they hid it as they made their way to the clinic, closing the door behind them. They took a right across the hall, making another right to a hallway which showed door that said confidential with a keypad beside it. Ashely pulled out the keycard from earlier as she inserted the card, with a green light blinking before the door opened. They walked down the flight of stairs as lights shone, lighting up the storage. Their eye wide with shock and horror when they saw grotesque creatures in pod tanks. One of them had claws, sharp teeth along with an elongated tongue and its brain exposed on the outside including its skin and no eyes. The other appeared to be a mix of human and amphibian/reptilian with scales, sharp teeth and claws. Both in different variations, covered in some strange black mold that Chris had seen since he was taken. A pack of arthropods scurrying around in a small tube, causing Ashely to step away and shiver in disgust. And the last one which made Chris and Ashely's heart stop as their eyes were set on the behemoth. A pale skinned muscular and hulking man in only a dark trench coat.
"He is… Jesus… He is a big one."
"What is all of this?" Ashely asked terrified, staring at the creature with the outside brain and long tongue
"A mad scientist's wet dream. Whoever set all of this could give Dr. Frankenstein a run for his money. This place is pretty much Monsters 'R Us." Chris muttered as the creature Ashely stared at suddenly flinch, causing both her and Chris to scream from the sudden reaction
"Oh my god, all of this is insane!" Ashely exclaimed, shivering in fear. "I don't think I can take any more of this."
"Yeah. I'm above my limit here, too." Chris admitted
"All I want is to forget what happened to Hannah and Beth that night."
"To be honest…" Chris said softy as he closed his eye for a split second before continuing. "I'm not even sure what Hannah thought she was doing. Not to sound like a dick to the dead or anything, but she was willing to screw Mike with Emily in the same roof as her. That was obviously going to go south from the jump."
"Yeah, well, you know how it is when you're crushing pretty hard over somebody." She admitted in knowing tone, due to her own crush on Chris
Chris bit his lip and shook his head. "Great. So, what you're saying is we put one vulnerable friend in a terrible situation that essentially caused her to run away along with both her and her sister to be murdered." He deduced to what the outcome of the prank set off
"Don't you think you would've run away if it was you?" Ashely desperately asked Chris. "I mean, who likes being made fun of."
Chris scoffed. "People don't make of me."
"Not to your face." She said
Chris gasped. "What?"
"Chris, we made her look stupid in front of the guy she liked." Ashely explained. "I can't imagine doing anything worse to somebody than that."
"Let's just find the D series hand and arm so we get the hell out of here." Chris grimaced
He and Ashely checked the containers to see if the D series was stored inside, going through each one that was not destroyed. It was upon checking the last two containers that they found the D series arm and head. Ashely begrudgingly took the arm as it came off from a decaying body, while Chris took the head wrapped around its small body as the pair hold the urge to vomit. Once they exited the room, Chris was grabbed by the neck as he and Ashely saw Jack in front of them. But what horrified them the most was a giant hole in his head beginning to regrow his entire face.
"Where do you two think you're going, huh?" Jack sneered as Chris dropped the D series head due to the strong grip the Patriarch had over him
"No, stay the hell away from us!" Ashely said stabbing Jack in the neck with a pair of scissors, only for Jack to swat her away toward a nearby desk
"You stay right there, girl." Jack turned his gaze at Chris. "As for you, boy, I say we deal with your punishment right now."
Jack threw Chris toward the next room that was one story high. The whole room was a slaughterhouse. Filled with dead bodies covered in bags and chopped up human remains as Chris scrambled to get up. He looked around his surroundings and found out there was nowhere to run, not even hide. Jack jumped down afterward as Chris searched for something to defend himself with, scrounging for a weapon of some kind. The only thing he found however was a lead pipe as Chris took the first swing across Jack's face. The man hardly flinched with his head tilted backwards as Chris took another swing after swing, doing no avail of damage to the pale patriarch of the Baker family. He grabbed Chris's fist, twisted behind his back and shoved him forward toward a table filled with human remains.
Jack advanced on Chris as he put up his fists, taking a swung at Chris once he was close enough. Chris manage to dodge by ducking down and circling around him for an opportunity to strike. But Jack spun around and swung before he could do anything else, hitting the side of Chris's head as he fell against the nearby wall. Chris managed to stay on his feet due to using the wall as a support, only for Jack to throw a right hook to the stomach as he fell to his hands and knees. Jack walked away from Chris, toward another part of the slaughter room and pulled something hanging on the back wall. To Chris's horror it was an industrial chainsaw
"Groovy!" Jack said, pulling the starter and revving the engine of the chainsaw. "Well, what you gonna do now, city-boy?"
Jack came at Chris as he grabbed a hanging leg from a bag and chained human corpse toward the strange man. However, the chainsaw easily sliced through the leg along with the chain in a shower of sparks. All Chris could do at that point was swing more dead corpses at him, and knew it was only a moment of time before that chainsaw finally reached him. Fortunately, an opportunity suddenly happened as the chainsaw blade got stuck on a chain, leaving Jack to turn his attention on getting the chain off the blade. Chris looked around in the meantime for another suitable weapon to deal with Jack. To his luck he found another chainsaw, one fit for a lumberjack as Chris made a run for it. Jack noticed Chris taking the other chainsaw, as he pried off the chain with his chainsaw revving again.
Chris revved the engine of the other chainsaw, glaring at Jack. "En Garde, asshole!" he yelled, charging at Jack with the chainsaw
Both of their chainsaw clashed with each other, showering sparks as Jack pushed Chris aside staggering. Jack moved forward with chainsaw toward Chris as he evaded the bladed saw heading for him. The strange man charged at Chris this time, heading straight for him until a corpse was knocked to Jack. Chris quickly glanced over his shoulder to see that it was Ashely who was lunge the corpse at Jack, as the Baker patriarch wrestled to take the chain off the blade. Chris ran forward at Jack, impaling the chainsaw into him as Ashely stood alongside giving Chris a hand. They used their strength to send the blade across Jack's torso, covered in blood and guts as Jack screamed in panic with his hands were torn to shreds soon after. Jack was left defenseless as Chris and Ashely drove the chainsaw further, starting from his skull while he fell on his knees. The skull was vertically cut in half, follow by the torso as it kept going until the chainsaw went through between his legs. Each half was completely cut in half as they fell on the floor, leaving Chris and Ashely to drop the chainsaw. Both now covered in blood as they vomited away from Jack's severed halves, after processing the ordeal they went through.
"Hey, hey." Chris put his hand on Ashely's shoulder. "You okay? Are you okay?"
Ashely gasped. "Oh my god. I can't believe we just did that." She said staring at the sawed-in-half corpse of Jack Baker
"Well, it was him or us." Chris assured her. "Mostly just him to be honest."
Ashely looked at Chris concerned. "What about you? Are you alright? Is anything broken?"
Chris scoffed out a laugh. "Just a little bit of my pride and maybe a couple of broken ribs." He joked. "But other than that, I'm alright."
"Think we can still use that?" Ashely asked, referring to the chainsaw
Chris revved the chainsaw engine, but it did not start as he dropped it on the floor. "Not anymore, and I don't plan on waiting for another member crazy killer family to find us here." He looked at Ashely. "You got the D series head and arm?"
"No, It's…" her eyes suddenly widened upon realization. "Oh, no!"
Ashely and Chris left the slaughter room, running up the stairs to the room they were to find the D series head and arm were gone.
"Damn it." She swore, feeling guilty. "I should've taken them with me when I helped you. I'm sorry, Chris."
"Yeah, but… Jack probably would've figured out what we were up to. There would have a pretty big chance he'd try and get rid of them." Chris said, assuring her
"Where did they-?" Ashely is cut off by a familiar voice
"Please, NO!"
"That sounded like Sam. Sam!" Ashely cried out as Chris covered her mouth
"Aside from maybe Zoe, we don't need anyone from the crazy killer side of the family to know where we are." He whispered to her. "Let's heard where she's coming from, and just try to stay quiet." He instructed
They ran quietly as Chris and Ashely continue to follow the sound of Sam's voice. Going from hallway to hallway until they found the source of Sam's voice in a room with double doors, as the pair went inside with flashlight in hand. The light showed a figure, slumped in a chair. They approached the chair as Ashely turned it, revealing the slumping figure in the chair to be Sam.
"Sam! Is she dead?!"
Chris put two fingers on her neck and close to her mouth. "No, she's still breathing." He reassured Ashely as she let out a sigh of relief. "She's knocked out."
"What is happening? Where's David?" Ashely asked concerned as both her and Chris were unaware of someone entering the room
"I don't know. I don't-"
Lucas suddenly appeared behind Chris as he dropped the flashlight in the dark room.
"Chris!" Ashely screamed, fumbling her back pocket for the scissors she used on Jack. "NO! get back!" she spat, stabbing Lucas in the eye
"Fucking bitch!" Lucas pulled out the scissors in his eye. "LIVE AND LEARN!" he then landed a fist on Ashely's face as she fell, with Lucas pulling the scissors off his eye while it began to heal. "Live and learn."
In an abandoned mine, someone laid unconscious on a broken elevator floor with a few rocks beside her. This was Jess as she let out a moan, slowly getting up with a few scrapes and bruises on her body including on her face. She weakly got up on her feet, still in the clothes she was taken in as she saw a pair of miner boots and a miner's jacket. She walked over to the boots and surprisingly fit her size as she put on the jacket. She heard groaning nearby following the direction of the voice as she saw it was someone in overalls, covered in black mold with Jess pulling off the mold on the person as her eyes widened to see it was David before he fell.
"David?" She softy said holding her unconscious friend, hearing an eerie scream which frightened her
Resident Evil: Blackwood will be on hold for now until further notice. Stay safe and good day.