Ibara Shiozaki
Ibara was slightly nervous as she stepped into the dorms of class 1-A. It was her first time ever she would be sleeping with Izuku. (in his bed, not in the perverted way like Setsuna had tried to tease her about.)
She had seen how any time one of the girls slept with the boy, the next day it seemed impossible for the smiles to ever be wiped off of their faces and she wanted to know what exactly it was about the experience that did that.
Itsuka had offered to tell her but the vine haired girl had shot the red head down, wanting to experience it for herself. Her curiosity was piqued, and she'd like to find out on her own… Plus she was pretty sure it involved cuddling and she always felt safe in the fluffy haired teen's arms so she'd gladly use whatever excuse she could get to cuddle him more.
Still, as she had never done it before or stayed in the dorms of her sister class before, she was somewhat nervous. For one, she knew the unholy pervert would be present in the next room over, although Pony and Setsuna had assured her their freckle faced 'cutie' did all in his power to prevent the short teen from doing anything foul. Ibara decided she'd rather not know how Izuku had made Mineta hold his tongue after she saw how he'd dealt with the boy previously.
Aside from that, she couldn't help but worry there might be some hostility from some of the members of 1-A due to Monoma's actions. She held no grudge against the class and she knew the girls at least we're all okay with the 1-B students, but that might not have extended to the boys of the class.
She'd have no way of knowing and she didn't want to cause any distress or bring up negative feelings in others. With a small shake of her head, the vine haired teen steeled herself, knowing standing around would help no one and made her way inside.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" She asked as she walked into the main area, spotting just Momo, Kyoka and Mina snuggled up in a pile on the couch. "Oh hello."
"Ah, Shiozaki!" The creation girl in the center of the snuggle pile breamed bright on seeing her. "Here to come see Izuku?"
"Yes I am. Do you know where he is?"
"He's in his room." Mina offered up as she nuzzled into Momo's side, resting her head on the tall girl's breast, Kyoka doing the same on the other side, their faces inches from each other. Neither looked at her like Momo, too busy being lost in each other's eyes.
"Alright, thank you." Ibara bowed slightly, before turning and beginning to walk off as she heard Mina suddenly start making an odd laughing sound.
"H-Ha! Momo! Q-Quit it, you k-know my horns a-haha- are- se-henstive!" Mina snorted. Kyoka's more normal giggle sounded out a moment later as Ibara stepped into one of the elevators.
"Oh come on sweetie, you know neither of us can help that your laugh is adorable." The purple haired girl teased, before she suddenly started laughing more oddly herself a moment later. "A-Ah! Momo n-no! Not the j-ahacks!"
Ibara smiled to herself, unable to help it. That trio were just adorable.
She was on the first floor on the boy's side just a moment after, stepping out and hurrying down the hall, remembering the directions she was given.
She saw her boyfriend's door was cracked open slightly and heard the sound of a TV inside playing slightly ominous music to her confusion. Assuming he'd be expecting her and wouldn't have left the door open if he didn't want people walking in, she opened the door and walked inside. "Izuku, are you- Oh."
She couldn't help the small smile that came onto her face as she saw Izuku sat on his bed, monitor on his desk twisted so he could use it from his bed. His eyes were shut and he had clearly fallen asleep playing some game, looking adorable and at peace.
Ibara gently sat down beside him, uncertain if she should wake him up or not. Her eyes trailed to the controller that had fallen out of his grasp onto the bed and the television that showed her whatever game he'd been playing was just waiting for more input.
The vine haired girl tilted her head with a small hum, surprised that it seemed like a rather dark and dreary game, most of the screen filled with dark blacks and greys and the player character seemed to be a knight in dark armor of some sort.
Curiosity began to take over the religious girl as she picked up the controller. She'd never had the opportunity to play a video game before, nor had she ever exactly gotten the appeal.
She'd seen Itsuka and once Mina playing some, as well as many of the boys but had never tried it herself. 'Well… just five minutes to see why they all like these so much couldn't hurt, right?'
It was two hours later when Izuku woke up, blinking as light hit his eyes and he looked down to the end of his bed, going wide eyed when he saw Ibara sitting there casually kicking the ass of the final boss of his game like it was nothing.
Then she defeated the boss with one last strike, making her let out an excited little gasp before she dropped the controller, throwing both her arms into the air in an adorable gesture of excitement."
"Ha! Victory!" She exclaimed quietly, letting out a small giggle. "I'm starting to see why Izuku and the others like these games now."
"I'm glad you're enjoying it." Izuku spoke up, making the green haired girl jump as she looked back. "Sorry I fell asleep…"
"Oh, it's no issue. I apologize for playing your game without asking… I just got curious is all." The girl said embarrassed and Izuku smiled softly, scooting along the bed and kissing her cheek, making her blush lightly.
"Don't worry about it. You clearly had fun." He laughed. Ibara giggled herself after a moment.
"I did. It was rather easy though, I was under the impression video games were supposed to be somewhat challenging. Was I wrong?" Ibara asked, confused. Izuku blinked.
"Uh… w-well it depends on the video game. There's different kinds just like you get different kinds of movies. Even if you like one, you might not like another…" he explained, slowly standing up as he moved over to the console. "I'll be back in bed with you in a moment. Let me just put the game away.
"Oh, okay. Are you okay Izuku? You seem stunned."
"I'm f-fine." Izuku assured, as he pressed the eject button on his console. His game came out and he stared at its title.
'Dark Souls II'
He knew Ibara wouldn't appreciate foul language so he had to mouth this next part but he absolutely had to get it out.
"What the fuck, Ibara?"
Kyoka Jirou, Ochaco Uraraka and Setsuna Tokage
"I still can't believe you managed to get reservations at a place like this…" Ochaco muttered under her breath, eyes wide as she was barely focused on her boyfriend or the two girls with her as she looked around.
They sat near one of the walls of a restaurant in various attire. Izuku sat closest to the window on his side of the table they had in a pale blue suit, almost aqua in its color.
Beside him, Kyoka sat with a choker around her neck with little purple faux-diamond studs, a leather jacket that fit her form nicely, and a shirt that read "Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere." (A gift from Mina that she wore quite often.)
She also had tight fitting leggings with small rips around the knee's and heavy black boots with metal clasps.
Sat across from the purple haired girl was Setsuna, who wore a surprisingly plain lime dress that fitted to her body perfectly, showing off her curves in just the right ways while still allowing her freedom of movement the moment she needed it, grinning widely.
Finally, beside the lizard girl and straight across from Izuku himself was Ochaco, who was in her dress from I-Island, due to not having the money to afford another outfit she deemed 'fancy' enough for this outing.
"So Jirou, if you don't mind me asking, you're like, super into music right?" Setsuna asked, putting her hands onto her chin as she looked at the girl across from her.
"Y-Yeah I guess you could say that." Kyoka nodded. Izuku didn't fail to note how the purple haired girl was trying (and failing) to look anywhere but the green haired girl's pretty eyes. "Why?"
"Well, I'm just curious. I take it you're into rock based on the outfit?"
"Yeah… favorite genre." The shortest of the present girls said, sharing a quick glance with Izuku who just smiled at the answer. "Any particular reason?"
"Well… Honestly I'm pretty interested in some old bands myself and was curious if you've listened to them." The lizard-like girl explained, smiling as she seemed to be lost in Kyoka's eyes.
"I-I guess there's no harm in seeing if I have."
Ochaco and Izuku shared glances, grinning to themselves at what they were seeing, while Setsuna started listing off band names to Kyoka, both sometimes stopping to gush over certain songs.
'Mina would be freaking out so hard if she saw these two right now.' Ochaco mouthed with a light giggle as she watched them, and Izuku smirked back.
'If Mina were here, I'd say they had five more minutes at best.' Izuku mouthed back with a smile of his own. Then suddenly, Setsuna leaned forward on the table and Kyoka instinctively did the same. Izuku grinned wider. 'I take it back. They maybe have five minutes at best on their own, Mina probably would have forced their heads into a kiss right now.'
Ochaco let out a snort, causing Kyoka to look over with a raised brow. "What are you two dorks laughing about?"
"Just how cute you both are." Izuku quickly supplied, with a smirk and a shrug, making Setsuna and the rocker girl blush. Kyoka leaned over with a playful scowl before she pressed a quick kiss onto Izuku's cheek.
"Hey, you don't get to say anything about people being too cute." She said, getting giggles from everyone else. "After all we all know you're the cutest so you'd be a hypocrite.
"Oh but I'd surely rank fourth out of everyone at this table on who's the cutest. I mean you have all looked in a mirror right?" He grinned, getting shoved lightly by Kyoka and hit with Ochaco by a napkin as she flushed as well. Setsuna rolled her eyes as she grabbed a breadstick from the table and thrusted it towards Izuku. He began to eat it, confused as he took it from her hands.
"We're here to eat so there." She snickered, before looking at Kyoka and Ochaco. "And now, we're spared from him."
Both girls giggled, as Kyoka and Setsuna turned back to one another, once again looking into each other's eyes.
"Thanks, he can be adorable but insufferable at times." Kyoka giggled, which Setsuna smiled fondly at. "All of that new confidence of his, and he repays us with so much teasing."
"Oh tell me about it. Of course, it's always fun getting the hunk back." Sestuna said in a sing-song voice, watching as Izuku's face went red.
"Yeah, that's the embarrassed face we know and love." Kyoka snickered, before turning to look at the breadsticks, contemplating if she wanted one herself for a moment. Her gaze was misinterpreted by Setsuna however, who giggled.
"I could feed you one as well if you want." She chuckled, making Kyoka blush before she nervously looked over.
"I… wouldn't be against that." Kyoka admitted. Setsuna smiled wider at that, going to grab the breadstick. Before she could though, Ochaco couldn't contain herself any longer and let out a small squeal.
"Aww! You two are so cute together." She gushed, before getting a teasing smile as she leaned over. "When's the wedding?"
At that, Kyoka went nuclear before she pushed herself up from the table. "Excuse me, I need to wash up!"
After she squeaked that out she hurried off towards the bathroom embarrassed.
"Uh… Is she okay?" Setsuna asked while blinking, getting a nod from her boyfriend and Ochaco.
"Oh yeah, she's just really easily flustered. Always helps when someone she likes goes to help calm her down though." Izuku said, before drinking his water. Setsuna tilted her head at him expectantly. The freckled teen put his glass down with a smirk. "What? I may be pretty but I still can't follow her in the women's bathroom. A certain lizard girl she might or might not have a crush on however…"
"Crush? That's ridiculous," Setsuna said as she stood up with a very light blush, "But I'll go make sure she's alright anyways. Be right back."
As soon as she was gone, Ochaco rose a brow before leaning across the table with a grin. "Okay, you're more confident nowadays but normally never like this unless… You're in shipping mode!"
"Can you blame me? Look at the two of them! Kyoka so obviously liked her and I'm pretty sure Setsuna likes her back based on those looks they were giving each other." Izuku chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm guessing based on Kyoka's other crushes Setsuna fit her type. Might need to fluster them a little but is it so wrong to try to give them a little nudge in the right direction?"
"Well, I can go spy on them and see." Ochaco giggled, rising up from her seat.
"Isn't gossiping Mina's thing?"
"Would you rather I didn't go?"
"Of course I want you to go!" Izuku said, leaning back with a massive smile, chuckling as he watched her hurry off into the bathroom as well. He took another sip of his water before looking around, smiling at seeing it was a decently packed place. It was mostly full of couples and all of them seemed to be having great dates which was a nice atmosphere to be in when you were out on a date yourself.
He jumped as his phone went off and he rummaged through his pockets, pulling it out and smiling at the texts Ochaco was sending him.
My Fluffy Muffin: They're just talking. Still adorable though. They get along surprisingly well.
My Fluffy Muffin: Ah! Oh my god Izuku!
Kyo: "They're just teasing us. I know. A crush? I mean…"
Set: "Yeah, though bet we'd totally make a kickass couple I'd have bet."
Kyo: "Yeah probably… and… I mean I wouldn't say no to a kiss…"
Set: "Well ask and you might just receive."
Kyo: "…I said that out loud? …Oh what the hell."
My Fluffy Muffin: Uploaded JPEG 'SetsunaAndKyokaKiss'
Izuku grinned wide as a few photos came in of Kyoka and Setsuna not only kissing, but clearly getting more passionate and into it as the photos went on. They were just as adorable together as Izuku expected.
Then finally the last one showed Setsuna's eyes open, looking towards the camera.
My Fluffy Muffin: Uh oh. Izuku help they spotted mebhfg
My Fluffy Muffin: Spying you two? That's my job. Me and Kyoka are going to have to punish Ochaco properly for this.
My Fluffy Muffin: Sent MP4 'KissingOchacosCheeks'
Izuku couldn't help but still smirk at the video that came through, an incredibly embarrassed and bright red Ochaco being attacked with kisses on either cheek by Kyoka and Setsuna, the latter of whom was filming while Ochaco called for Izuku's help that even if he was there he probably wouldn't be providing for once.
Because god damn were they adorable.
"Excuse me sir, but you can't watch porn recordings in here." A deep yet feminine voice spoke up, making Izuku jump as his face flushed.
"W-What?! I'm not!" He quickly defended himself as he realized what the video of his three girlfriends getting intimate in the bathroom might look like from an outsider perspective. He could almost hear the smirk in the stranger's voice as they continued.
"Ah I see. Well you cannot livestream porn in this restaurant either." The voice suddenly dropped into a much more familiar one as the stranger walked in front of him, revealing it to be Midnight who was grinning as she winked. "After all, I've tried."
"…. I did not need to know that." Izuku deadpanned, making her laugh. "What are you doing here, Miss Midnight?"
"Oh please Izuku. We're not in school. You can call me Mom." The woman teased with a smirk. Izuku rolled his eyes as he smiled fondly, deciding to play along.
"Alright then, Mom, what are you doing here?" He asked, managing to briefly catch her off-guard before she gave a much more normal and genuine smile of delight.
"Oh I'll tell you in a minute. In the meantime, you're on a date with some of your girlfriends right?" She asked, getting a nod.
"Ochaco, Kyoka and Setsuna yeah. They're all in the bathroom right now but they should be back any minute." He chuckled.
"Glad to hear it. I'm also glad to see this whole situation you got yourself in, this whole scenario is going great for you. A lot of people would take it for granted I'm sure, but you're clearly doing something right considering not a single one of the girls I've seen with you seems to be unhappy with it." She said, smiling as she looked down. "It takes a lot of work for just one relationship to work so this… Just well done, kid. I'm proud of you Izuku."
Izuku flushed slightly at that , looking up at her with a soft smile. "Thanks. It's really nice to hear that."
"No problem, kiddo. Well then, if you'll excuse me, I'm not here for no reason. I have my own date to attend to." Midnight smirked, gesturing with her head to a table behind him as he took a sip of his drink. Izuku looked over and almost spit out all of his water at who he saw.
His date went amazing that day, but he'd be unable to think of anything except the fact that that was the day Inko Midoriya and Nemuri Kayama, as well as Kyoka and Setsuna, started dating.
And he loved it.
Itsuka Kendou and Hadou Nejire
Izuku saw the world in slow motion as a spiraling wave of energy shot towards him. It was slow on its own, easy to dodge with his speed usually.
But usually there weren't also two massive hands about to clap together on either side of him, ready to squash him in the middle.
Thinking quickly, he realized his only option was to go up, which he did, bending his knees and launching himself straight towards the roof with as much power as he could muster, his hands and feet's landing on the roof itself.
There was a loud clapping noise as the hands collided together, before their owner suddenly let out a pained yelp as she had clapped her hand with the wave of energy from his other opponent in-between them instead.
Izuku jumped back to the ground, kicking off it at the last moment and flipping in the air onto his feet, backing away with a grin at the fact he managed to pull the recovery off.
"Woo. That was pretty impressive, Zuzu!" Nejire called out happily as she hovered in the air. "Sorry about your hands, Kendou! Oh, but then again are they okay? Do they get more durable when they get big? Or-"
"Hadou!" The redhead got her teammate to stop talking with a quick shout, as she opened her enlarged fists. "I'll tell you later. He's still standing for now. We'll never get our prize if we don't beat him!"
Izuku smirked, getting into position to run. Then Nejire smirked right back, making him worried.
"Oh right! In that case I have an idea! Quick, make a windstorm!"
"Wait wha- AH!" Izuku had to brace himself as Itsuka suddenly began batting at the air rapidly with her hands, kicking up more and more wind. It wasn't the most polished move as it didn't look like something the girl was completely used to doing yet based on her technique, but it was still strong enough that Izuku was struggling to keep his grip on the ground.
"Handy Combo: Wave Storm!"
Izuku's eyes widened as Nejire sent out multiple spiral energy waves at him, sending them all into the path of the wind which caused them to go in completely random directions all around him, preventing him from running to safety.
"Now Kendou!"
The 1-B student stopped creating the wind but before it all dissipated and could give Izuku safety, the girl bolted forward, smashing her fingers through the floor to take a grip and essentially throw herself forward, grabbing Izuku with her other hand and running him into a wall.
"Ha, Gotcha!" She smirked as he shook his head being let go and dropped to the ground. Nejire flew over with a smile of her own, landing beside the two.
"Yeah, yeah you did. Guess I still need to work on my evasive maneuvers." Izuku said, groaning slightly as he pressed his hand into a crick in his neck. He then looked up and gulped when he saw the predatory smiles on his two girlfriends faces.
"So, you know what that means Zuzu?"
"….R-Right… Yeah, g-go ahead."
"Yay! Oh but before we do…" The third year stopped, before walking over to the nearby entrance and grabbing her bag she had taken with her, bounding back over happily. She pulled out two small plastic tubes that Izuku recognized on sight, making him gulp. "We should do this properly. Here, for you!"
Itsuka grinned as she took the one offered to her, twisting it and revealing a red lipstick. "Ah thanks. Not normally a lipstick girl… but I can make an exception this time."
"Great!" Nejire beamed, before twisting her own tube and revealing her own blue lipstick that she quickly. Once both had the make-up applied, they turned to Izuku who just smiled nervously.
"Uh… you b-both look a-amazingly pretty."
"Thanks, Fracture. Now, you know what you agreed to happening If we caught you…"
Both girls pounced him, grabbing him and assaulting his face with kiss after kiss as he laughed and kicked slightly from how it tickled while they gave him no mercy, his face going more and more red.
It wasn't until an hour later that Izuku walked out the gym, with a face a shade of red never seen before by the human race, not that they would see it anyways as it was all covered by the millions of red and blue lipstick kiss marks all over him.
One thing no one missed? The million-watt dopey smile on Izuku's face as he stumbled away, giggling to himself far too happily.