"This was an unmitigated success, wasn't it?"

Ozpin sat in his office, Oobleck and The Question beside him as Ironwood stood across from him, Kane and Gordon at his side. The six were having a meeting, specifically an after-action report following the attack on Vale. Gordon stood at attention, his posture stern and rigid while Kane picked his teeth using his knife. Question scribbled notes in the corner while Oobleck took a sip of coffee from his thermos.

"In terms of preventing casualties and reversing the effects of the attack, yes, it's a success." said Ironwood, "The airborne cure has resulted in a recovery rate of 98%. We still have a few people left over who have unfortunately remained affected by the gas, but doctors are exploring advanced treatments to help them join the recovered."

"Wonderful!" said Ozpin, "I trust my students were effective in the field?"

Gordon stepped forward, "They were indeed. They were calm under pressure and were able to deal with unfavorable odds."

"Left their dog behind though." said Kane, picking a piece of meat out of his teeth, "The little guy managed to find his way to us down in the caves, though I have no clue how."

"Still, they should be commended." said Gordon, adjusting his glasses.

Ozpin nodded, turning his attention to Question, "Sage? Your thoughts?"

Question sighed beneath his blank mask, "They were adequate. Wayne has the makings of a great detective. The rest are capable as fighters. All I have to say on the matter."

"From you, that's a glowing endorsement, especially for Wayne." said Ozpin, "Qrow is coming soon and since we're all meeting together for the next gathering, it may be fruitful to invite Wayne into a more active role than he's already taking."

Oobleck swallowed his coffee, wiping the liquid off his face, "That's going to be an issue."

Ironwood raised his eyebrow, "Why?"

"Well," said Oobleck, "Mr. Wayne has explained that now that his mission is complete, he feels it's time he leaves."

"Is it really true?"

Team RWBY sat across from team BSCO, who seemed to lack the B of their group as the three remaining members sulked in their seats. Oliver pouted, tapping his foot in a sad rhythm while Ruby played with Zwei, who let out small barks as she rubbed his belly.

"Yeah, Bruce is no liar." said Oliver, "But damnit, I'm gonna miss making fun of him!"

Yang frowned, "Yeah, me too. Brucie was always a bit uptight."

Weiss raised her eyebrow, "Is there nothing you can do to convince him to stay?"

Victor grimaced, "You know him, he's more stubborn than Ozpin without his coffee."

Clark hung his head, a feeling of general downtroddenness hanging over everyone. Bruce had stated that when he originally formed this team, he was only staying until the conspiracy was foiled. Now that the plan to destroy Vale was thwarted, Bruce felt there was no reason to stay. Once the teams had recovered fully, Bruce began to pack his bags in preparation for his next mission or journey. Clark doubted Bruce was truly on board with this decision, they were friends after all, but a sense of duty pushed him to move onto a new target.

"Ah man, this sucks!" said Ruby, "Not that he was fun to be around, but I'm gonna miss him."

"I don't think he really wants to leave." said Clark, "He's doing it out of a sense of obligation to his missions, I suppose."

Blake frowned, "So he's leaving his friends, even though he really doesn't want to?"

Oliver shrugged, "That's the deal."

Blake leaned back in her seat, a soft look in her eyes. After everything they'd gone through, everything they'd worked towards, now that it was done, was he really just going to up and leave without saying goodbye?

"I mean, it's not all that bad." said Yang, taking a sip of water before slamming her cup down on the table, "None of you guys are leaving at least. Heck, Oliver's well aware of what I'd do if he up and left."

Oliver shifted in his seat, blushing while feeling a small but silent feeling of fear as Yang shot him a conspicuous look. It was true, having entered a pseudo-relationship with Yang, the two were actually pretty close. If there was one thing that being on Bruce's team did besides being an instrumental part of saving Vale, it was bringing them all together.

"Speaking of people who decided not to leave," said Ruby, jamming a cookie in her mouth, "Since when could Oliver fly a bullhead?! Heck, SINCE WHEN COULD CLARK FLY?!"

Clark's eyes widened in surprise, the attention of everyone shifting to him as he rubbed the back of his head, "Well, I guess it was something I've always been able to do. I just never had the energy or determination to do it. Plus, I didn't actually know I could fly until a few weeks ago."

"That doesn't matter though!" said Ruby, "It's still really cool!"

Clark smirked, chuckling to himself, "Heh, thanks Ruby."

Despite the topic changing to something else, Blake was still unsure of what to think about Bruce's departure. On the one hand, she, more than many of her teammates, could understand Bruce's dedication to a pursuit of justice. Her own time in the White Fang as well as her time independent of them fighting for faunus rights were experiences that made it easy to put herself in Bruce's shoes. What he was doing was important, and the results of this team proved that point.

Yet...she also understood that obsessively pursuing this kind of justice wasn't good for the mind. A former...partner of hers was an example of how this kind of mission could become warped into a demented pursuit of vengeance, to spite a world that they feel had wronged them. If Bruce isn't steered away from this kind of thinking, it could be disastrous.

He could become a new Adam Taurus.

Deciding that she should at least try to steer him from this path, Blake sat up from her seat, pushing away her finished plate of food and walking off. Weiss noticed her leave, piping up.

"Blake? Where are you going?"

Blake didn't look back, replying, "You know what I'm doing."

Bruce was going to miss this cave.

Sure, he'd constructed this base of operations on a whim, a place where he could more effectively store equipment, analyze evidence, and gather the team for meetings, but it felt like a second home. Heck, it was more of a home than the penthouse. This was the place where victories and losses were discussed, where plans were made.

It was also the place where everybody freaked out over chili.

To be completely honest, Oliver's chili wasn't all bad, It just didn't have enough salt. Regardless, seeing the entire team react to his cooking was amusing in its own right. Walking into the forensic room, Bruce looked over all of the lab equipment, bringing back memories of all the long hours he'd spent cracking Crane's formula. While he'd taken breaks to go to class, he'd still gone days without food in many cases. While Alfred would often help by bringing him food, Alfred wasn't here.

His teammates were though.

Walking to the central chamber of the cave, Bruce tapped his fingers against the keyboard of his super-computer, smirking as his mind drifted back to the times he had annoyed Oliver with his laptop. Those days were behind him now that not only did he work outside of Oliver's resting place, but he wasn't going to be working with him at all.

A pang of disappointment propped itself up in the back of Bruce's mind, but he quickly buried it. This was his mission, he had to follow it.

Moving onto the meeting table, Bruce ran his hands over it, picking up coffee stains and old crumbs. After Chili night, his teammates made a habit of eating midnight snacks here. It didn't bother him all that much, but occasionally Ruby's loud munching on cookies would grind his gears.

Damn it, he was gonna miss this place.

"A goodbye would have been nice."

Bruce would recognize that voice anywhere, and deep down he felt a small knot of dread appear in his stomach. This was already a hard choice, and she wouldn't make it any easier, but this was what he had to do. The mission came first. Hardening his own heart, Bruce turned around to face Blake.

"I'm not all that good at goodbyes." said Bruce, "I considered a note, but felt that would just be an insult to injury."

Blake narrowed her eyes, "I know you don't really want to leave."

Bruce grimaced, "Of course I don't, we were an effective tea-"

"Oh don't give me that bull!" said Blake, striding forward until she was right in Bruce's face, "We're all more than teammates, we're friends. Best friends."

Bruce hung his head, taking a deep breath in order to keep his composure, "Well, sometimes friendships end."

"But these ones don't have to." said Blake, getting closer to Bruce, her hand brushing against his, "This one doesn't have to."

Bruce's hand twitched, instinctively reaching out and brushing against Blake's hand, but he quickly recoiled it, taking a few steps back, "Blake, I have to uphold my mission. That means pursuing new threats."

Blake stepped back disappointed, "You won't even consider staying?"

Bruce shook his head, "You know me well enough to know I can't let myself get comfortable. I need to move on, tackle new threats."

Blake turned away from Bruce, hurt that he was willing to throw it all away for the mission. He was unwavering in his position, and one voice wouldn't change that. Realizing that her arguments were useless, she sighed, "Can I at least see you off?"

Bruce narrowed his eyes, thinking about the question for a moment before replying, "It's the least I can let you do."

The sun was setting on Beacon, casting a soft orange glow over the bullhead landing pad as the duo walked down the path. Blake couldn't help but feel dejected, she had failed to sway Bruce from his path, and now he was leaving. The best she could do was hope that he wouldn't go the way Adam did, but there were still some doubts in the back of her mind. As the two approached the pad, Bruce walked up to an engineer with a welding mask on his head working on the bullhead.

"Excuse me, will the repairs be done soon?" asked Bruce.

"Well, I'm sorry to say it," said the engineer, turning around and pulling his mask up to reveal Victor, "But this thing's not going anywhere."

"Victor?!" said Bruce, stepping back in surprise, "What did you-"

"He did what he had to do!"

Yang came in from above, landing right in front of Bruce with Oliver in her arms. Putting Oliver down, the archer whispered a thank you to his partner before walking up to Bruce, "C'mon Bruce, you really think we could let you go, just like that?"

Hearing more noises behind him, Bruce turned around to find that Ruby and Weiss had appeared behind him, preventing him from leaving. Realizing there was a shadow over him, Bruce looked up to find Clark floating down from the sky.

"What is the meaning of this?!" said Bruce, "Are you actually sabotaging my exit?"

"Heck yeah we are!" said Ruby, "Because there's more to life than just a mission!"

"This isn't your business!" piped Bruce, "What happens to me doesn't affect you!"

"Of course it does, we're your friends!" said Oliver, "Plus, BSCO isn't BSCO without the B."

As soon as the words left Oliver's mouth the area became silent, with most of the team shooting him less than friendly looks, with Weiss in particular sending him an excessively aggressive growl. Oliver backed up, putting his hands up in an innocent manner, "What?! What did I say?!"

"What did you say?! B is short for...Oh forget it!" said Weiss, turning her attention back to Bruce, "The point is, you still have things to gain from remaining at Beacon for the time being."

Bruce frowned, "This is stupid."

"No, this is friendship."

Clark landed softly on the ground, touching down with his own two feet as he put his hand on Bruce's shoulder, "Bruce, I've known you ever since I arrived here in Beacon. You were one of the first people I ever really got to meet."

Bruce frowned, "We were arrested."

"Ok, not the best introduction, but the point is I know you." said Clark, "I don't want to stop you from pursuing your mission, everyone here knows that that's impossible. What we came here to do was convince you to stay just a bit longer."

Bruce narrowed his eyes, "How much longer?"

"The end of the year." said Clark, "Then after that, we swear we won't screw with you about this again."

Blake looked at the rest of her teammates in disbelief. While she considered the possibility that a few of them would try to stop Bruce too, she didn't expect them all to ambush him in such a surprising and organized way. There was only one explanation for this.

Clark and Ruby had somehow rallied the rest of the team together. They may not be the smartest teammates, but they made up for it with plenty of heart.

"So...What do you say?" asked Clark, flashing a smile.

Bruce put his hand on his chin, stepping away from his teammates to obtain a semblance of isolation in order to properly make the decision. Weighing the pros and cons of the situation, Bruce obsessed over the decision for an agonizing ten minutes, eating up the patience of the team.

"Ugh, I'm so tired of waiting!" said Ruby, "Is he gonna decide or what?!"

"Don't rush him!" piped Weiss, slapping Ruby in the back of the head, "You'll lower our chances!"

"Oww!" whimpered Ruby.

Bruce finally turned around, marching back to the team as they grew quiet, awaiting his answer. After a moment of trepidation, he finally opened his mouth.

"I won't be staying." said Bruce.

A wave of disappointing groans erupted from the team as Yang suddenly strode forward, "Are you serious?! After all of that, you're just gonna-"

"I wasn't finished." said Bruce.

Her eyes widening, Yang stepped back, letting Bruce breath a little, "I won't be staying after the end of this school year. After that, I'm gone. In the meantime, I'm sticking with you guys."

The groans stopped, swinging directly into cheers as the team erupted in jubilation. Clark laughed, walking up to Bruce while rubbing the back of his head, "It's good that you didn't say no, otherwise there may have been issues. See, I sorta-"

"Contacted Alfred and got him to cancel my pilot?" said Bruce.

Clark's eyes widened in surprise as Bruce called it as it was. He had indeed done this as a back-up plan, "Well...yeah."

Bruce sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "I need to tell Alfred to stop talking to you. You're enabling each other way too much."

"Hah! You can try!" said Clark, patting Bruce on the back with a hearty slap.

"Ok then!" said Oliver, stepping in, "Now that we've got all of that sorted, we should celebrate! How about we try my all-new Chili recipe!"

"NO!" shouted the rest of the team, their response fast and loud. Oliver recoiled at such a forceful reply, shrinking in the background a little as Victor stepped forward, "So...takeout?"

"Takeout." agreed the team, walking off as Oliver slumped in sadness. Feeling a light tap on his shoulder, Oliver looked up to find Yang flashing a smile at him.

"Hey, don't worry about it," said Yang, leaning in and planting a kiss on his cheek, "We're hot enough already."

Walking off, Yang winked at Oliver as she left, prompting him to start stumbling after her in a lovestruck walk. With only the two of them left, Blake and Bruce elected to follow the team back to the cave.

"I didn't think you'd budge." said Blake, walking alongside Bruce.

"Well, I'm stubborn, but I'm not immovable." said Bruce.

Blake smiled, brushing her hand against Bruce's, "Oh I'm well aware, Wayne."

Bruce chuckled a little at the playful name, "Well, at least I'm not as stubborn as you, Belladonna."

Taking the initiative, Bruce took Blake's hand, holding it on their way back to the dorms to order takeout. As the two walked together, they felt a certain modicum of togetherness. Nothing was going to tear these friends apart.


The elevator moved up the shaft, smoothly ascending as Cinder tapped her foot from within. The attack on Vale had in some ways gone poorly, but in truth, it had done its job. It was likely that despite the attack being thwarted, Ironwood would take extra precautions to guard against another attack like this, setting him up perfectly. Now that that was done, Cinder left to meet up with Luthor to recruit another ally, leaving Emerald and Mercury behind.

The scroll in Cinder's pocket rang, prompting her to grumble as she pulled it out and answered it, "Hello?"

"You know it's me."

Cinder sighed, "What happened Slade? You didn't show up after the attack. Torchwick and Crane were nabbed, but Anarky escaped Vale custody."

"I'm recovering after a less than ideal fight." said Slade, "I was trying to cull some of our opposition, people not on the list of course."

"And you failed." said Cinder, "How?"

"There were...complications." said Slade, "I wasn't able to finish them."

Cinder frowned, "Failure will not be tolerated, Wilson. You're the best assassin in the world, act like it."


The elevator reached its destination, prompting Cinder to hang up.

"I have to go, we'll finish this discussion later."

Ending the call, Cinder strolled into Luthor's office, passing his desk and making her way to a meeting room. Opening the doors, Cinder came upon the man of the hour sitting across from a black-haired man in a business suit.

"I assure you, Mr. Lacroix, there is a reason to become personally involved." said Luthor.

"I will not, My time as Komodo is done." said Lacroix, "I already assist you with Stellar-Moor's services, nothing more is needed."

"I suggest you truly consider the offer Lex is making, Mr. Simon Lacroix." said Cinder, "There are benefits that will be made clear soon."

The man turned to Cinder, suspicious eyes drilling into her soul as he stood up, "Who is this, Lex? You said this meeting would be private!"

"I did, and she will not disclose anything that leaves this room." said Luthor, "I promise."

Smirking, Cinder walked over to a seat at the table, sitting down when she noticed a scowl on Luthor's face, "What's wrong, Lex? Lose a toy?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." said Luthor, "Metallo was destroyed in the Vale attack, a costly sacrifice."

"But a sacrifice nonetheless," said Cinder, turning her attention to Lacroix, "Now, back to business. We're asking you, Mr. Lacroix, to join the fray as the great archer you once were."

Lacroix grimaced, "I won't, I swore off assassin work after I became a businessman."

Before becoming CEO of Stellar-Moor, Simon Lacroix was an assassin named Komodo. He was a highly skilled archer assassin, even taking control of a clan of various weapon-based assassin organizations before retiring to form his own company. This was all to support his son without a violent lifestyle, but that didn't matter much now.

Cinder nodded, "We understand that there is no monetary value in becoming an assassin again, but there is one thing we can offer you that will."

Lacroix raised his eyebrow, "And what is that?"

Cinder smirked, "Oliver Queen."

A dark look overtook Lacroix's face as he leaned closer, interested, "Queen is the reason my son is dead, but killing him won't be enough."

"That's why if you choose to help us with this, I will personally deliver Queen industries as a company to you as a subsidiary, gift wrapped and all." said Luthor.

Lacroix stood up from his seat, looking at both Cinder and Luthor. After a moment of thinking, a smile stretched across his face, "Queen dead and his company mine? That's a deal I can't refuse. Just one question, what do you have against him."

"We didn't deem him a threat at first, but it was his bullhead that delivered the cure to the fear gas attack." said Cinder, "He needs to go, and so does his company."

Lacroix nodded, "Then Komodo's arrows are yours to guide."

Luthor nodded, getting out of his seat and going to shake Lacroix's hand, "Thank you, Komodo, for doing business with us."

"Blah Blah Blah, business business business. It's all so drab!"

The three in the boardroom jumped up, startled as the sinister voice made itself known. Cinder drew her weapons, crystallized glass swords, brandishing them as she looked around, "Who was that?"

"Whoever it was," said Luthor, "They certainly weren't invited."

"Where's the fun in going to a party you're invited to? People expect you to be there!" said the voice, "Crashing a party where you aren't expected? That's fun!"

"Show yourself!" shouted Cinder, "I'll burn you!"

"Ah ah ah!" said the voice, suddenly emanating from behind Cinder, "I like fiery ladies, but not that fiery!"

A blade pressed up against Cinder's neck, forcing her to drop her weapons as Luthor and Lacroix turned to face the interloper. Laying eyes upon his face, the two stumbled back in disgust.

"What. Are. You?" asked Luthor.

"Me? I'm a clown, you dummy!"

The man was dressed in a dark purple suit with a white flower tucked in his shirt pocket. He had clammy skin so white it looked as if it was painted on his skin rather than being his skin. A deep red lipstick permeated his lips, his mouth stretched into a never-ending grin. His wild eyes darted around, acting as a doorway to chaos as they contrasted with his lime-green hair.

"I've been watching you work, all this time." said the man, "Scheming, conspiring, eviling! It's all very very impressive! There's just one problem, none of it is Jubilating or funny! It's all boring standard-issue conspiracy to take over and destroy things! It needs some pizazz!"

Cinder clenched her fists, "Who are you?! What do you want?!"

"Ooh! Questions, and simple ones! Here goes nothing!" said the man, taking a deep breath before exhaling, "My name is Joker, and I'd like to apply for a position in your company!"

So...you might be wondering why this came early and without the other chapters. Truth is I couldn't wait to release this! I liked it so much! I also didn't want you guys to wait super long, so I decided to release now! After a final chapter of Lightning Strikes, I will write and release the first chapter of the crossover!

This is the final chapter for a while, until the crossover is done in fact, but I can't wait to do Volume 3!

I'd also like to thank you guys for 100 Favorites! Thank you!


Logbook: Thanks for the feedback as always! :)

DNWorks: Thanks for the feedback as always! :)

Shadow Joestar: Thanks for the feedback as always! :)

DCDGojira: I like the scene! You'll have to wait on the Ace thing. Happy early birthday!

Thanks for the feedback as always! :)

Goodbye, for now!