A truck puttered along a dirt road in the dead of night, stretching by acres and acres of golden fields of wheat. Inside that truck sat a couple, around 40 years in age, and they were silent. The minutes ticked by as the couple continued up the road before the man chose to speak.

"I'm sorry Martha, I guess it wasn't meant to be." Said the man.

"I know Jonathan, I just wish we could have a boy or a girl or anybody of our own." Said the woman, who was apparently named Martha.

"We could always adopt." Said the man who was named Jonathan.

"I think that's a fabulous idea, but there aren't any foster homes or orphanages anywhere near our farmstead. Smallville isn't even on Vale's map." Said Martha. "We can't afford to make that trip."

"*Sigh*, I know we can't, but know that I wish we could have a little monster of our own anyway." Said Jonathan.

It was then that fate struck, as a streak of fire flew in front of the truck, crashing into the fields to the side of the road.

"WHAT THE DEVIL!" screamed Jonathan.

The truck screeched to a halt as the couple exited the vehicle and observed the crater path caused by the projectile, leaving a trail of smoke behind. The dirt smoldered along the trail, embers nestled along the path. Martha and Jonathan stood in awe.

"What the hell was that?" said Jonathan.

"I don't know." said Martha, "Maybe a meteor?"

It was then that Martha picked something up with her ears.

"I think I hear….Crying," said Martha.

"What, are you sure?" said Jonathan.

"Yes, I'm sure, I think it's…. a baby!" said Martha before abruptly running into the crater.

"MARTHA, COME BACK!" Shouted Jonathan as he raced after Martha.

Martha slid into the crater, blindly walking through the smoke until she came across the projectile in question.

It was a rocket, but not just any rocket, it was a rocket unlike any other. Its design was sleeker than most, with different buttons and symbols all over it. As Martha approached the rocket, a side panel opened with a *hiss*, revealing a surprise inside.

"Oh god." Gasped Martha.

Is that a bird…..or a plane?

"Clark? CLARK?!"

A 12-year-old Clark Kent was dragged from his thoughts as his best friend, Pete Ross, called his name. The boys were part of a class that had gathered in a field outside of school. The open grass field stretched on until an abrupt stop into the forest.

"Clark, are you good? Cause I wanna play ball." Said Pete.

"Heck yeah, Pete! I'm good to go!" replied Clark, running off to join the rest of the class. The boys played football, an activity Clark enjoyed immensely, every day. It was an escape from the reality of the Grimm.

This is the greatest, I wish this could last forever.

*Thump* *Thump*


Clark focused his ears, trying to figure out what he just heard. It sounded like a...Heartbeat.

"THE BALL CLARK!" screamed Pete.

"GAH" Clark gasped as the ball sailed past him, straight into the forest.

"Crap!" said Clark.

"That was a clean pass Clark," said Pete, "How could you miss?"

Clark stared at Pete, listening to his words. However, he found himself catching other things as well. The sweat coming off of Pete's face, his shallow breathing, maybe even his-

"Clark!" said Pete.

"Sorry, I'll get it!" said Clark as he dove into the underbrush, smacking away branches.

What the heck's wrong with me. Why am I so attentive all of a sudden?

The brush was normally a quiet place, but right now it seemed so loud, so alive.

"Grr" grunted Clark, covering his ears.

The brush became louder and louder, cicada's chirps became smoke alarms, sounds of leaves brushing sounded like jetliners. The sound became so loud that Clark fell to his knees.

"MAKE IT STOP!" screamed Clark, beginning to break into tears.

That's when the forest went quiet, dead quiet. Then, Clark heard footsteps.

*Rustle* *Rustle*

"Huh?" said Clark.

Clark listened as the footsteps began to grow louder than they began to become more frequent, by then it was apparent something was coming. Clark was frozen in fear.

A Beowolf leaped from the brush, baring its fangs at Clark.


"CLARK!" shouted Pete.

"Mr. Ross, what's wrong?" said a teacher inspecting the commotion.

"I just heard Clark screaming in the woods!" replied Pete.

"Oh god, they told me a beowolf may have gotten through!" the teacher said, pulling out a Winchester shotgun. "Stay here, I'll take care of it!"

The teacher bore the shotgun with two hands as she rushed into the forest.

"Where are you?!" shouted the teacher. "C'mon you miserable sack of shit, show your hide so I can blow a hole in it!"

It was then that the teacher heard breathing, rapid breathing.

"HANG ON KID, I'M COMING!" screamed the teacher, who began rushing towards the breathing. However, she didn't expect to find the scene that was waiting for her.

Clark was lying on the ground, his shirt torn to shreds, but the bite marks on him were nothing more than bruises. Meanwhile, the beowolf was lying with its head reduced to mush.

"What the hell?" said the teacher.

"I don't know what happened, really Pa!" said Clark.

"I don't know either son, that's why I'm asking you." Said Jonathan.

The two were on a truck ride going home, and they weren't in happy moods. The sun was setting along the old country road as the old red truck puttered along.

"I'm serious, I don't know what's wrong with me!" said Clark.

Jonathan looked at Clark in dismay before sighing, "I have something to show you, when we get back home."

"What is it?" asked Clark.

"It's best that you see for yourself son." Said Jonathan.

As the truck pulled into the farmstead, a worried Martha walked outside and approached the truck. A small country home and red barn with white stripes complete the stead, though the sun was beginning to slip under the horizon.

"I heard about an incident as school, is he ok?!" said Martha.

"Yes, he's as fine as he's ever been, and the beowolf is not." Said Jonathan.

"What do you mean?" said Martha.

"Martha, they found it pulverized next to Clark, alone!" said Jonathan.

"My goodness!" said Martha.

"It's time Martha." Said Jonathan.

"Oh no, not now, it's too early." Said Martha.

"We have to show him, or he'll find it himself!" said Jonathan.

"Find what?" said Clark, "What are you guys talking about."

Martha looked at Clark with sadness before sighing and gesturing him to follow her. The family walked over to the barn.

"The barn? What's so special about the barn?" asked Clark.

Jonathan continued without a word as he pushed open the doors to the barn, observing its musty interior.

"Um, it's the same as it's always been." Said Clark.

"We didn't show you all of it." Said Jonathan.

Jonathan crouched down and cleared the dust off an old trapdoor. As he pulled out and began fiddling with his keys, Clark looked at the trapdoor with curiosity, that curiosity grew as he observed the door, almost seeing through it, and then he did!

What the!

Clark's vision passed through the trapdoor and bore witness to a strange rocket, with different odd symbols, including a strange S.

"Dad, what's a rocket doing under the Barn." Said Clark.

"Oh my god, he can see it!" said Martha.

"Clark," said Jonathan, abandoning even unlocking the trapdoor, stood up. "I don't know how to tell you this-"

"Tell me what?" said Clark, his heart beating faster.

"Well Clark, your birthday isn't December 14th, it's the day we found you in this thing." Explained Jonathan.

"What?" said Clark.

"We didn't know what to make of it, we kinda figured it was an Atlesian science experiment."

"This is a joke, right?" said Clark, eliciting nothing but silence from his parents.

"For real, this is just a messed-up punishment right, I'm sorry, I'll be good from now on." Said Clark.

"Clark, this is all true, we would never do anything to hurt you." Said Martha.

"No no NO, it can't be true, I'm not some science experiment gone wrong, I'M NOT!" Screamed Clark as he bolted from the barn.

"CLARK!" screamed Jonathan as he ran after Clark.

As fast as Jonathan ran, Clark was faster and soon disappeared into the fields of crops.

"Jonathan, did you catch him?" said Martha.

"No, that boy is faster than the truck." Said Jonathan.

Clark sat on a tree branch in the middle of a forest, tears dripping from his eyes. The sun had set and the shattered moon was up, casting a pale light over the forest.


Why, why am I here, who made me?

"Um, are you ok up there?"

The new voice startled Clark as his gaze turned downward to find a young girl, no older than 10, staring back up at him. She had dark red hair was fairly thin. However, what caught Clark's eyes the most was her eyes, they were silver. Clark considered lying but he knew that it wouldn't do him any good.

"No, not really." Said Clark.

"Um, want a cookie?" said the girl.

"….sure." said Clark, hopping from his spot.

The girl pulled out a bag of cookies, (From where Clark didn't know) and pulled a cookie out of the bag.

"Here, I have plenty!" said the girl.

"Thanks," said Clark, taking the cookie and biting down on it.

This is…SO GOOD!

The chocolate had the perfect balance of soft chewiness and crunchy texture. The creamy chocolate didn't hurt either.

"This is amazing!" said Clark.

"Ha, Yang always makes the best cookies!" said the girl.

"Who's Yang?" asked Clark with crumbs coming out of his mouth.

"My sister." Replied the girl.

"You should tell her to pursue a career!" said Clark as he chowed down on the cookie.

"Heh, I doubt Yang would do that, she's going to be a huntress." Said the girl Proudly.

"That's really cool, what do you want to be?" said Clark.

"I wanna be a hunter too!" answered the girl.

Clark couldn't help but smile, this girl was like a ball of happiness.

"Hey, I haven't seen you before, are you new out here?" asked Clark.

"Well, Yes and No. My family is visiting from Patch." Said the girl.

"Oh." Said Clark.

That's sad, she's so nice.

"Are you going anytime soon?" asked Clark.

"Yeah, tomorrow morning, I just wanted to do a little more exploring on my own before we left." Said the girl.

Clark was silent before a moment before realizing something.

"Hey, what's your name," asked Clark.

Before the girl could answer, a new voice called out.


"Ruby Rose, is that your name?" asked Clark.

"Yeah, and that'd be my dad, I gotta go." Said Ruby, as she began to walk towards the voice. "Have a nice night!"

"You too!" said Clark as Ruby moved out of view.

Clark sat back down, for some reason he felt so much calmer. Clark began to think about the encounter but was interrupted by a growl.


More than one.

A pack of beowolfs soon emerged from the bush, circling Clark.

"What the hell, why won't you guys leave me alone!" said Clark, his earlier happiness replaced by the anxiety that preceded it. The negative energy piqued the grimms interest, and they closed in on him.

"Go. Away." Said Clark, his eyes turning red.

The beowolf bared their teeth, snarled, and leaped at Clark.

"GO! AWAY!" screamed Clark as a ray of heat emerged from his eyes.

The heat from his eyes erased practically everything in Clark's eyesight, burning away all the grimm and cutting trees in half. Clark continued waving his head around in fear, burning away bushes and burning the ground.

"AAAAAAAAAHH" Screamed Clark as he put his hands over his eyes, stopping the heat from leaving.

"CLARK!" screamed a voice Clark recognized as his Father.

"Don't come near me Pa!" shouted Clark.

Jonathan came running to Clark, passing through the ruined forest.

"Hey, Clark, look at me, look me in the eyes," said Jonathan.

"I can't, I'll hurt you!" said Clark.

"OK, then listen to the sound of my voice." Said Jonathan.

"Ok," said Clark.

"You're safe now, I've got you, Clark." Said Jonathan.

Clark slowly but surely felt the heat leave his eyes. Once they did, he removed his hands and looked at his father with tears in his eyes.

"I don't want to be a freak; I want to be your son." Cried, Clark.

Jonathan looked Clark in the eyes and said "Clark, you're not a freak. You are my Son."

The two embrace, father and son, Family.

"Are you sure he's ready?" asked Martha.

"If Five years with his powers isn't enough, then I doubt that he'll ever be ready." Said Jonathan.

The two were waiting at the gate of the airship to the main city of Vale, and unfortunately, the one supposed to board was late.

"That boy better not miss his flight!" said Martha.

"Don't worry, I won't!" said a new voice.

Clark had finally arrived, dressed in a classic grey suit and red tie, as well as thick-rimmed glasses.

"Oh Clark, you look so handsome!" said Martha, cupping her hand to the boy's cheek.

"I get it mom; I don't look half bad." Said an embarrassed Clark.

"Oh stop, you're a looker, you're bound to catch a few girls attention." Said Martha.

"MOM!" said Clark.

"Ah, leave the boy alone Martha, he's got enough on his plate." Said Jonathan.

"Thanks, Ma, Pa, seriously I can't thank you two enough." Said Clark.

"All packed up son?" said Jonathan.

"Yep!" said Clark.

"Heh, then what are you waiting for?! Go get 'em!" said Jonathan.

Clark smiled and said "Goodbye, Ma, Pa, I love you so much!" before boarding the airship.

As the airship began to leave, Martha became worried.

"Oh Jonathan, I know we raised him to good, but isn't a Huntsman too dangerous?" said Martha.

"Heh, with him, not a chance, we raised him right, he won't fall or stray from his path. He's going to do great things!" said Jonathan.

The two watched as the airship left the port, taking Clark Kent to his destiny.

Readers of my other fic, Lightning Strikes, Might be a little confused, DC Heroes Tag instead of just Superman, and that's because one of my reviewers asked if Batman would be in my Fic. I considered it and realized an infinitely more interesting story than just Superman. What if the protagonists would be Both Clark and Bruce, their story forever intertwined. The idea was further inspired when I read Joshua Williamsons recent Superman/Batman series.

I decided then that the new story would be a Superman/Batman Story.

Other DC characters may appear, But it won't be as constant as Lightning Strikes, The MHA Universe is a perfect fit for pretty much the entire DC Universe, But RWBY isn't. Some characters just don't fit, but I will try my Best.

In terms of Ships, You can probably guess where I'm taking Clark, But Bruce is another story, I can't decide so I'll let My Reviewers choose, Blake or Weiss who do you ship Bruce with. I'll try and make it happen.

The Next Chapter will be Bruces Origin, then chapter 3 will launch us into the Main RWBY Narrative.

Alright, you guys have fun with this story, I sure have fun writing it.

Rewrites part 1: Alright, I've decided to go through this story, fixing things I felt unsatisfied with. This chapter is mostly fine, only a few details needed improving.

This Chapter is dedicated to Christopher Reeve, the best Superman.