2 AM.

Tony was still awake in the lab. He had sent the kid to bed about three hours ago and yet he was still working. He had been tinkering with his robot hand on his desk, and his hair, which had been laying so nicely, was now slightly askew after running his hand through it every half hour. The arm was working fine now, and the pen that the kid gave him had some parts that helped fix the stupid thing.

Tony stretched his arms over his head and glanced at his watch. 2:03. He should really be going to bed. Pepper was determined to help change his sleeping schedule, and so far, she had been succeeding when she was around. And when it was a good night.

This night had been good. Had been.

Tony was thrilled to see Peter. Even if he had gotten himself hurt by ANOTHER bully. The kid was eager to spend time with him, and he could see that. And, if Tony was honest, he wanted to spend time with him. Tony almost regretted sending the kid to bed so early. But it was for the better.

It was only recently that the mental anxiety was coming to haunt him.

"I hope the people of earth will remember you"

Tony shuddered as the deep voice came back to his mind. The titan had almost destroyed him. And he should have. But he hadn't. Thanos took the rest instead.

Thanos took the kid. He took HIS kid.

Tony sucked in a deep breathe. Yeah, Peter was his kid. Peter had wormed his way into his heart and Tony didn't regret it one bit. Maybe that's why it felt as if his heart shattered when Thanos had snapped his fingers and-

"Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good,"

"Nope!" Tony said suddenly and took another deep breath. Tony leaned over his desk, his eyes closed, trying to block out the scene in his head. Peter's okay, the gentle thought entered Tony's mind and Tony blew out a shaky breath. He's okay.

Tony ran a hand over his face, feeling his heart rate calm down. He needed to rest. He'll feel better after some sleep. He should.

He sighed and, after a moment of hesitation, turned and walked towards the elevator door. "FRIDAY, turn off the lab." Tony ordered as he pressed the elevator button.

"Of course, boss," FRIDAY's calm voice replied. The doors opened and Tony stepped on, pressing the button for the third floor. After the doors closed, Tony scratched his beard and thought for a moment. Should he change his decision? He needed to get to bed, and his bed was on the third floor but… It would ease his mind if he stopped by briefly.

Yeah, briefly. That'd be fine.

So he quickly pressed the button for the fourth floor instead.

When the ding went off, Tony stepped off and quickly turned to the left. He walked a few doors down the hall before he came to one door in particular. He hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering above the keypad next to the door, but then punched in a few buttons.

The door opened and Tony was thankful for the dimmed lights in the hallway. Peter was still asleep in bed. Tony stood in the doorway for a few moments, just looking at the twin sized bed in which Peter's form was nestled underneath the covers, appearing to be a small lump in the dark. Then Tony felt his feet moving.

He walked slowly, quietly, up to the bed, and knelt beside the head of the bed, where Peter was laying. Peter's head came up from under the covers and was laying on the red and blue pillow, about the same color of his spider suit. His curls stuck up in weird places and Peter was quietly snoring, his eyes shut and his face relaxed.

Tony smiled at the teenager. He reached out his hand and gently brushed away a few curls that had fallen in front of his face. Peter was safe. And if he could, Tony would keep him that way.

Tony stayed knelt at Peter's bed for a minute, which didn't feel long enough at all. Tony then pulled his hand back, stood up and turned to walk back to the hallway.

A tugging in his chest started and he stopped, looking down at the ground. Tony quickly turned back and before he could stop himself with his fears, he walked back to the bed and leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to Peter's forehead.

Tony then pulled back from the teen's bed and looked again at Peter's face. There was no bruise in sight. He smiled and walked out the door. As the door shut, Tony walked down the hallway, his heart already feeling lighter.

Peter was healing. And maybe, just maybe, he, Tony Stark, was healing as well.


Ahhh, Thank you all so much for reading! I had so much fun writing this and releasing my feels! This is the first Fanfiction I've ever posted and I hope to write more in the future of Avengers related fanfics and as well as some other fandoms. Thank you all again for your support. 3

BTW, the title was based loosely off of the Tenth Avenue North song, "Healing Begins." Great song as well. :)