Hey guys, here's chapter 9 of Lincoln Loud: Resurrection.
It was around noon in the Loud house. As usual, each of the kids were doing their own things. Lynn Sr. was at work at his restaurant. And Rita, she was currently sitting on the couch watching tv. In that moment, Rita heard someone cleared their throat, as if to get her attention. She turned to see her son, Lincoln looking at her with his arms crossed.
"Oh, hi sweetie. Did you need something?" Rita asked.
"I'll spend the day with you" Lincoln said in a low voice.
"Huh?" Rita looked at him with confusion.
"You wanted to spend the day with me, right? Well, here's your chance" Lincoln told her.
"Really!?" Rita shot up, beaming with a grin. Lincoln gave her nod of confirmation. "What made you come around?" she asked.
Lincoln sat at the edge of his bed, room being one of the few places in the house that he could have some privacy. At least, that would've been the case if he were the only one in here. With him was second oldest—yet prettiest sister, Leni. Where was she? On her knees, right between the resurrected boy's legs.
"Ahh… L-Leni…" Lincoln moaned his sister's name, holding her head as she bobbed up and down his shaft.
Lincoln felt a familiar pressure build up in his loins. The black-haired boy clenched his eyes, gritting his teeth. He groaned, and then sighed as he released his essence into his sister's mouth; his hot seed filling it before she guzzled it down. Leni slowly removed her mouth from her brother, a bit of his liquid running down the corner of her mouth. She wiped it off with her finger.
"Ahh… I missed this" Lincoln sighed, his arms lazily lying on the side.
"You and me both, baby brother" Leni said, sucking the remaining cum off her finger. "So, are you going to give Mom a chance?" she asked.
As Lincoln looked into her eyes, there was a pause between them.
[End of Flashback]
"Let's just say one of my sisters can be very persuasive" Lincoln told her. "So, what do you have planned?" he asked.
"I was thinking we could make the day about you. What do you want to do, Lincoln?" Rita asked.
Her answer was received in the form of Lincoln's stomach growling.
"Well, right now, I'd like to get something to eat" Lincoln replied while glancing to the side with minor annoyance.
"Burpin' Burger it is then" Rita smiled, twirling the car keys in her hand.
Burpin' Burger…
"Ok, we're here" Rita said as she found a spot in the parking lot. She looked at her son in the passenger's seat, "Lincoln, did you really have to bring your sword?" she asked, eyeing his weapon.
"You never know when we might need to defend ourselves" Lincoln replied.
"Fair point. But leave it in the car for now, ok?" Rita told him as they unbuckled their seat belts.
Reluctantly, Lincoln listened and unstrapped his sword from his back. The two of them exited the van with Lincoln putting his hood on over his head. They entered the restaurant with Lincoln immediately taking a seat in one of the booths. Knowing what her son liked, Rita ordered a triple bacon cheese burger for him, and one of those plant-based burgers for herself. Luckily, there wasn't a line to be seen.
"Ok, our order should be ready in a few minutes" Rita said, taking a seat across from Lincoln. "So, why are you wearing your hood?" she asked.
"Just in case we run into somebody we know" Lincoln replied, "Like right now…" he added, lowing his head to conceal his face as he saw someone familiar approach.
It was a girl with dirty blonde hair that was in a braided ponytail, along with a blue bow. She wore a yellow shirt, a blue skirt and knee-high socks under a pair of brown sandals. Lincoln knew her as Girl Jordan. Although, why people didn't just call her Jordan was beyond him. Granted, there was also a Boy Jordan, but still.
"Hey, Miss. Loud. Never thought I'd see you here" Girl Jordan said, holding a tray of food.
"Hi, Jordan. Nice to see you again" Rita greeted with a friendly smile.
"So, are you ok? I know it's been hard for you and your family since Lincoln died" Girl Jordan said with a sympathetic tone.
"Yeah, it still hurts inside. I wish I could have my baby boy back…" Rita said in a sad tone, covering her heart with her hands. Lincoln pinched the bridge of his nose. "But we'll heal. In time" she added.
"Yeah, it takes time to cope with this stuff" Girl Jordan replied. "So, who's this?" she looked at the boy that sat across from the Loud matriarch.
"Oh, this is my nephew, Ray" Rita introduced the two to each other (or reintroduced in Lincoln's case).
"Hi there, Ray" Girl Jordan held out her hand, which Lincoln shook. "Funny, I don't remember Lincoln ever mentioning he had a cousin"
"Uh… I'm sort of the black sheep of the family. No one ever really talks about me" Ray replied, breaking the handshake. "Lincoln's mentioned you though. He said you're a beast at dodgeball" he added.
"Yeah, I can really get into it sometimes" Girl Jordan sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "And maybe I target Lincoln more than anyone else" she added. "Between you and I, I always thought your cousin was kind of cute" a small, embarrassed blush crossed her face.
"You… You did?" Ray asked, a small blush starting to form on his face as well, though it went unnoticed by Girl Jordan.
"Mm-hm" Girl Jordan gave a confirming nod. "Well, I better get going before my food gets cold. See you later" she said as she walked off, leaving the two Louds alone.
"She… thought I was cute" Lincoln said to himself.
"Yeah. I bet you had a ton of girls at school fawning over you, but you probably never noticed or they never told you" Rita said.
"Or they were just never interested in me to begin with" Lincoln countered, "Like Christina. Although, with her, it's kind of understandable" he said, glancing to the side.
"Why? What makes you think she wasn't interested in you?" Rita asked.
"Uh… I'd rather not talk about it…" Lincoln muttered, taking a bite of his burger with a small blush crossing his cheeks.
Rita lightly covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. She had always found it adorable whenever her son felt embarrassed when it came to girls his age. She remembered the time the girls mentioned he gave his male classmates advice on girls… which backfired horribly on him. Lincoln told her that he wouldn't have if the girls hadn't eaten all the chocolate that he and Clyde were going to use to make pies. Rita had a long talk with her daughters about that one, not to mention made them apologize to their brother.
"So, sweetheart, what do you want to do after we're done eating?" Rita asked her son as she rested her chin on the back of her hand.
"Hmm…" Lincoln rubbed his chin.
Royal Woods Movie Theater…
"Wow, I can't believe they actually made a live action Mega Man movie" Lincoln commented as he walked up to the counter.
"Two for the Mega Man movie, please" Rita said to the ticket person.
The ticket person rang them up, Rita handing them the money. They bought their drinks at the concession stand. Lincoln had informed his mother that he was going to the bathroom while she went into the theater. The black-haired boy had done his business, making sure to wash his hands afterwards. He hoped this movie didn't suck. Most video game-based movie did, with a few exceptions just being ok. He thoughts were cut off when he bumped into something… or rather someone.
It was a woman with short, curly brown hair and sunglasses perched on her head. She wore a yellow tube dress underneath a black jean jacket and black high heeled boots. This woman had ample hips with a large ass to match, as well a pair of tits which, if Lincoln were to be honest, were even bigger than Leni's. She had curves in all the right places, giving her that hourglass body shape.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there" Lincoln apologized.
"Oh, no, it's ok, sweetie" the woman replied, "You here by yourself?" she asked.
"No, I'm here with my mom. We're going to see the new Mega Man movie" he told her, "I just hope it doesn't suck" he added.
The woman giggled. "Ok, well, have fun with your mom, cutie" she winked at him before walking past him while running her fingers through his amazing hair.
Lincoln looked over his shoulder to see her looking back at him for a few seconds as she walked. She turned her attention back to the direction she was facing. The eleven-year-old couldn't help but notice she had a sway in her hips the entire time she walked. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find her extremely attractive and sexy. Though it probably didn't help if he had small tent in his pants.
Lincoln shook his head, clearing his thoughts as he made his way to the theater where they were playing the movie he and his mother intended to see.
"Well, that was an interesting little movie. What'd you think of it, sweetie?" Rita asked Lincoln as she drove.
"Honestly, I thought it was going to suck. It was decent at least; not bad, but not that great either" Lincoln replied with a shrug.
"Hey, how about a little treat, huh? I'm thinking fro-yo" Rita offered.
Lincoln tapped his chin as he pondered it over. He remembered the last time he had fro-yo. It was at the mall and he was spending time with Leni after her shift had ended…
"Isn't this fun?" Leni asked, sitting next to Lincoln at a booth.
"Sure is" Lincoln replied, shoving a spoonful of mint chip fro-yo into his mouth.
"Here, try mine. It's strawberry cheesecake" Leni held up a spoonful of her treat to her white-haired little brother.
Lincoln opened his mouth, accepting the treat as his sister fed it to him. Although, some of it had got on the corner of his lips. Leni couldn't help but giggle.
"Let me get that" Leni took a napkin, moistening it a bit with her tongue before using it to wipe the mess from her brother's mouth, "There, all clean!"
Lincoln chuckled a bit before being drawn into a side hug by his sister, the side of her breast squishing against his cheek.
[End of Flashback]
"Yeah, I could go for some fro-yo. Can I get one for Leni, too?" Lincoln asked.
"Sure" Rita replied.
Rita then pulled up into the driveway of the nearest fro-yo place. She and Lincoln got out of the van, this time Lincoln taking his sword with him. They went in with Rita choosing a chocolate brownie combination (that explains where the girls get their chocolate addiction) and Lincoln choosing a mint chocolate chip, along with strawberry cheesecake for Leni. It didn't take long for them to pay.
Exiting the store, they were about to head back to the van when they heard a voice.
"Hey, lady" they turned around to see a shady looking guy, along with two other guys beside him, "Hand over the bag" he told her.
"I'm sorry?" Rita looked at him.
"You heard him…" another guy said, coming from the other side with another guy beside him, bringing the total to five, "Hand over the bag" he repeated.
Lincoln growled, his eyes narrowed as he glared at them.
"No way! If you think I'm going to that, you've got another thing coming" Rita replied, protectively clutching her purse to her side.
"You can hand over the bag…" the main guy pulled out a switchblade, "or we can take it by force" he told her.
"She said no" Lincoln spoke up.
"Why don't you stay out of this, little man? The grown-ups are talking" the man said.
"Stay out of this, sweetie" Rita whispered with concern.
"The way I see it, you have two choices" Lincoln began with his eyes closed, "You can leave us alone and be on your way…" his eyes opened, half-lidded with his irises now crimson red, "or I can end your meaningless existences"
The muggers then burst into laughter, taking the boy's threat as a joke.
"I tried to warn you" Lincoln said under his breath. He handed the two fro-yo cups to his mother and removed his sword from its sheath, the rune third from the tip glowing an icy blue. He then aimed it at the man in front of him, "Stoj! (Freeze!)" he shouted in Latin.
Before any of them knew it, a blue beam of light shot from the boy's sword, freezing the man solid. Lincoln raised his sword above his head, and then brought it down, cleaving the frozen man in two. The man's two halves fell in opposite directions, shattering into pieces as they hit the ground. One down, four more to go.
The other muggers stood there in shock for a moment before one of the ones beside Rita charged at Lincoln with a war cry. The boy turned around as he aimed one of his hands at him. He shot lightning from his palm, paralyzing the man in place. Lincoln clenched his hand, sending the lightning into the man's body. The only thing that could be heard was a loud thumping sound as the man's torso expanded a little. Before they knew it, he hacked up blood as he fell to his knees. He fell to the ground dead as blood pooled around his head. Apparently, Lincoln had used the electricity to make his heart explode from the inside.
The man that was beside him pulled out a gun, only for Lincoln to counter with his lightning again. The lightning hit the gun and traveled up the man's arm, electrocuting his entire body. Soon, he too fell to the ground dead.
One of the men behind Lincoln ran up to him with a knife, stabbing him in the shoulder, which made Lincoln growl in pain through his teeth. Rita screamed in pain as well, wincing as she fell to one knee. The pain was coming from her shoulder, the very same place where Lincoln got stabbed. While there was no injury, she could still feel the pain of getting stabbed nonetheless.
Lincoln looked over his shoulder at the man that stabbed him with a glare. Lincoln took his sword and impaled the man through the abdomen, the weapon coming out through his back.
"Vatra! (Fire!)" Lincoln shouted.
Fire shot into the man's body before he was engulfed in flames, incinerating him. All that was left was a blackened skeleton. There was only one left. Lincoln turned to the last one as he removed the knife from his shoulder.
"Please… j-just spare me…" the final man trembled with great fear.
"Hmph" Lincoln snickered.
Lincoln raised his arm, a shadowy aura surrounding it. The man screamed as his body was draped in shadows, leaving only his face exposed. As Lincoln raised his arm, the man could feel himself be raised into the air.
"Shadow Coffin…" Lincoln coffin, stopping when the man was high enough in the sky. Lincoln clenched his fist, "Shadow Burial!" he shouted.
A horrified scream was all the man could muster before he was crushed to death, a shower of his blood raining down onto the ground. Luckily, neither Lincoln nor Rita had gotten of said blood on them.
"I crushed him with more force than what was necessary, so there wasn't any pain and it was over quickly" Lincoln said to no one in particular.
"Lincoln…" Rita looked at the bodies around them.
"Oh, right" Lincoln raised a shadowy hand and snapped his fingers. Dark portals opened up underneath the dead bodies before they were sucked into them, "Now for this little wound…" He held up his sword to his face, the rune at the very bottom glowing a teal color, "Zarasti! (Heal!)" he chanted, several waves of energy pulsing out of his weapon.
There was a somewhat cooling sensation as Lincoln felt his wound seal up and heal. Rita felt the sensation as well. Once the light dissipated, Lincoln twirled his sword in his fingers before retracting it back into its sheath. Lincoln turned his head, looking at his mother, his eyes having returned to their original color.
"You ok?" He asked as he approached her.
"I… I'm fine, honey…" Rita replied as she slowly stood back up, though not completely sure how to react to this whole situation.
Lincoln gave a nod as he took his two fro-yo cups from his mother, and then casually headed to the car, as if nothing happened.
Rita, however, could only stand there with her mouth agape, her left eye twitching a bit.
The Loud House…
Rita opened the front door; she and Lincoln having come back from their little outing. The sun had long since set by the time they had come back.
"So, uh… did you enjoy yourself today, sweetie?" Rita asked a bit nervously, closing the door with her foot as Lincoln walked past her.
"Hmm…" Lincoln thought it over, "I guess today wasn't a total waste" he shrugged.
"Does that mean—"
"I'm still thinking about that. Don't get ahead of yourself" Lincoln cut her off midsentence with a roll of his eyes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go give Leni her fro-yo" Lincoln said as he began making his way upstairs.
"Lincoln…" Rita called out to him, the black-haired boy stopping and looking over his shoulder at her, "What was that? Those powers? And when you got stabbed, it was like I could feel that pain shooting through me. What's going on?" she asked.
"Yeah, let's just say I learned a thing or two while I was in hell" Lincoln told her, "As for the thing about feeling my pain; your soul is bound to mine, so whatever pain is inflicted to me, you'll feel. In a manner of speaking" he added.
There was a pregnant pause between the two of them.
"… What are you, Lincoln?" Rita asked, raising an eyebrow, "I mean, are you still human?"
"Not entirely" Lincoln began, "I'm what you'd call a Spawn. A Hell Spawn, to be exact"
"I… I-I, uhh…" Rita stammered at a loss for words, unable to respond to that.
"Other than you, the only ones that know about my powers are Lucy and maybe Haiku. So, I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention any of this to the others; Especially Leni, ok?" Lincoln said. Rita could only reply with a nod, "Thanks. Oh, and one more thing…" he added.
"Hm?" Rita looked at him.
"I saved you, but that doesn't mean I like you. I did it to repay you for reviving me; nothing more" he said with red eyes. Rita gave a saddened look.
The boy continued his trek upstairs. When Lincoln was out of sight, Rita walked over to the couch and grabbed a nearby trashcan. She held the edges of the trashcan before releasing her disgust in the form of vomit. Watching her son fight and kill people had caused bile to build up in her stomach. It was only until now that she was able to release it.
This had to be one of the most messed up days of her entire life. Well, so far…
Looks like that's the end of this chapter. I wonder what Rita thinks of her little boy now that she's watched him kill people. Hopefully the rest of the family won't have to witness what she just witnessed (Lucy might though).
This chapter marks the first time Lincoln has run into Thicc QT and certainly won't be the last. Although, he doesn't know that.
If you have any ideas for the next chapter or future chapters, say it in a review or feel free to message me.
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