author's note: hi! welcome to the rival world of four and tris. i hope you guys enjoy this story. it's my first time writing any sort of fanfiction, so i hope i did veronica roth's amazing divergent characters some justice :) i don't actually go to school in the US, so if i get any aspects of their school life wrong, please correct me. once again, i hope you guys like this! happy reading xx

Chapter 1 – An introduction

Before my life became the perfect case for a police investigation, I was made to believe that humans had kindness naturally ingrained in them. I believed that it was the language deaf people could hear, and the blind could see. But now, this phrase is nothing more than just a string of words to me. I had believed it before, and I had tried to be kind, only to receive abuse and emotional turmoil. It was over for me. Kindness had vanished from my being.

Fear is an obstacle in your journey. It cannot be avoided, not matter how much you tell yourself that it's going to be alright. It appears at times where you need courage the most. It is a hindrance to being dauntless, yet it holds power in its ability to remind you when the limit has been reached. It alerts you when you are in danger; it nags at you when you have gone too far. It is a complicated thing.

Honesty is something that I lack. It's a creature that I want to associate with, but just can't bring myself to, even when I want to. I have never come to understand it, not when all my life I have been fed lies about how worthless of a human I am. He used honesty in the games he liked to play, a game where he always had the upper hand. A game that players were able to cheat in. His cheating strategies were the lies and abuse. I lost the game every time. Honesty always dulled my world, fading it to a never-ending black and white.

Being selfless is a state of mind, a state of mind where you put someone else's needs above yours. I was constantly surrounded by it, but I never knew what it as. He always told me it was for my own good, making it seem like he was being selfless. But he was selfless in a way that no one else ever understood, but all that radiated off of him, none of it became known to me.

They say that knowledge is power. It gradually became apparent that this was false, as knowledge becomes weakness when you don't know how to play the cards correctly. I was never taught how to use knowledge in a war of strength. Knowledge is only something people turn to to prove something or support them. But to others, ignorance is bliss.

As a part of life, what's given to us naturally is choice. Freedom to choose means that sometimes, choices cannot be reverted. Those choices you wish you reverted are usually the ones that were made the most hastily. The choices that harm you and others the most. Those choices encompass the selflessness of giving up another choice, but the selfishness of choosing one choice over the other.