Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Power Rangers just the ones I make up in the story.

Chapter 3: A Conversation with Lola

Reefside High School, Reefside

September 6, 2019

4 pm

Lola walked to Tommy's office which was in the left wing of the school, where the science department was. She found office 120 and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Tommy asked.

"It's Lola, Dad. You have to take me home, remember?" Lola asked.

Tommy opened the door.

"Of course I remembered. I wrote myself a sticky note, see?" Tommy said, showing the sticky note to Lola. It said, "Take Lola Home After School" on it.

"You wrote yourself a sticky note? You are so resourceful!" Lola said.

"I know, and now I'm taking this sticky note home and showing it to your mom as proof that I remembered. She'll be so proud of me!" Tommy said.

"Yes she will! Ready to go, then?" Lola asked.

"Yes, now I am. Let's get out of here kiddo," Tommy said as he and Lola walked through the school and out to the jeep.

Tommy and Lola got into the jeep and Tommy started the engine. Tommy started driving.

"So, how old are you, Lola?" Tommy asked.

"You forgot how old I was? Thanks a lot, Dad!" Lola said.

"I had a rough weekend and I forgot some stuff, so sue me!" Tommy defended himself.

"I'm fourteen, Brielle and Bennett are sixteen, and JT and Amelia are almost 23. JT's daughter, Aubree, is one, and Amelia's son and daughter, Peter and Edie, are almost seven months old. JT is getting married to his fiancé Jessica next April, and Amelia is getting married to her fiancé Cody next June. I'm standing up in both weddings," Lola said.

"Wow…this is a lot to take in. So JT and Amelia are the oldest, Brielle and Bennett are the middle children, and you are the youngest? Also, what is Lola short for?" Tommy asked.

"Lorelei." Lola said.

"That's such a pretty name. I see both a combination of your mom and me in you Lola, you know that?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, I'm half girl and half boy, but not enough to be a tomboy, though. I got my black belt in Karate six months ago, and you presented it to me at your dojo, and you were so proud of me that you were crying happy tears. Bennett almost got his black belt two years ago, but he suddenly quit Karate because his girlfriend didn't want him to do it. Thought it made him look and sound obnoxious," Lola explained.

"Karate doesn't make a person look and sound obnoxious! Karate makes a person more level-headed and mature, because martial arts is all about discipline," Tommy said.

"I don't listen to what Veronica says because she's a habitual liar. She actually believes that what's in the tabloids is true," Lola said.

"Man, that Veronica is an airhead!" Tommy said.

"I agree with you. I've called her that quite a few times in my head," Lola said.

"You think like me. That's brilliant!" Tommy said.

"Yeah, turn here," Lola said pointing to a back road that led to the house.

Tommy turned on the back road and drove the quarter mile to the house.

He parked the jeep behind Kim's car in the driveway and got out, Lola following.

"I'm glad we had this conversation, Lola. I'm looking forward to more with you," Tommy said shaking his daughter's hand.

"Me too, Dad, me too," Lola said as she went inside the house.