Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Power Rangers just the ones I make up in the story.

Title: When Love is Lost

Summary: In 2003, when Kat is caught cheating on him, a wronged Tommy confides in Billy a wish to change the past, and Billy mistakenly transports Tommy to 2019 where he is married to Kimberly and has five children and three grandchildren with her. What will happen next? Will Tommy go back to the past after all, after experiencing life in the future?

Chapter 1: She Cheated on Me?!

Tommy and Kat's Apartment, Reefside

September 6, 2003

1 pm

Aisha and Tanya walked up to Tommy and Kat's apartment door and knocked. Kat didn't answer the door.

"Come on, Kat! We know your home! Open up!" Aisha said.

She was answered with a loud moan.

"Aisha, maybe Tommy's home and they're…you know…" Tanya started to say.

"Tanya don't be ridiculous! Tommy called me 10 minutes ago from work and told me to check on Kat because she was home sick. He couldn't have gotten home that quick!" Aisha said as she knocked on the door again.

Then they heard a guy moan.

Tanya had it and found the spare key under the potted plant by the door. She opened the door and she and Aisha walked in.

They jumped when they saw Kat and a man that wasn't Tommy getting busy in the bedroom.

Tanya stood there frozen while Aisha got out her phone and took a picture. She then hurried Tanya out the door and went home to her and Rocky's apartment.

Rocky and Aisha's Apartment, Angel Grove

2 pm

Rocky and Adam were in the parking lot working on Rocky's jeep when Aisha pulled into her parking spot. She and Tanya got out of the car and went over to the guys.

"Hey babe, you look like you saw a ghost!" Rocky said as Aisha came over.

"More like saw Kat cheating on Tommy!" Tanya said.

"But…that can't be! Kat was home sick!" Rocky said.

"Nope, she faked it! Here, I got proof!" Aisha said as she showed Rocky and Adam the picture she took.

They looked at each other in shock, then looked at the girls.

"I can't…believe it! But I thought they were happy!" Adam said in disbelief.

"Well, ever since Tommy got that job working abroad, he and Kat grew further apart. After he got back, he got that teaching job, and has been working long hours. It was bound to happen," Aisha said.

"So, who's going to tell Tommy about this? One of us has to!" Rocky said.

"More like show him. I'm texting him the picture right now," Aisha said as she made a text with the picture front and center and sent it to him. Now all she could do was anticipate a phone call from him.

Five minutes later her phone rang. She was in the middle of feeding her 3-month-old son, Asher. She answered it.

"Is this some sort of sick joke, Aisha?! Kat's sick, there's no way she could've cheated on me!" Tommy screamed in anger.

"Tommy, keep it down! I'm feeding Asher! Look, call me back in 10 minutes when I'm finished, okay? I'll explain everything!" Aisha said.

"Fine! You have 10 minutes, then after that, you'd better explain everything to me! Got it?!" Tommy said.

"Yep. Got it!" Aisha said as she hung up.

Tommy and Kat's Apartment, Reefside

5 pm

Tommy pulled into the parking lot after getting home from work. He got out of his jeep and stormed to his apartment building. He jogged up the steps and to his front door. He let himself in.

There Kat was, sitting on the couch with a Kleenex box in hand.

"Hey, Tommy, how was work?" Kat sniffled.

"Fine. You can start by explaining this to me," Tommy snarled as he showed Kat the picture on his phone.

Kat got an angry look on her face.

"How…Who took that picture?!" Kat yelled.

"Aisha, after I asked her to check on you since you called in to work because you were "sick"," Tommy shot back.

"That wouldn't have happened if you didn't get those damn jobs!"

"I was being a responsible adult and saving up money for the baby!"

"I got an abortion," Kat said softly.

"You what?" Tommy asked.

"You heard me!" Kat yelled.

Tommy moved closer to her, until he was in her face.

"Get out! I want you gone by the time I get back!" Tommy said in a low voice.

"My pleasure!" Kat yelled at him as she went to the bedroom to pack her stuff.

Blind Snake Pool Hall, Reefside

7 pm

Word spread fast among the ranger men about Kat's betrayal as well as the ranger women. The ranger men decided to take Tommy to a local pool hall to blow off some steam.

"Well, Tommy, my man, what are you going to do now?" Zack asked as he made his shot.

"Make her give me back the engagement ring and take back what I bought the baby," Tommy said gulping his beer.

"Yeah, I can't believe she got rid of the baby. That was a sleazy move if you ask me," Adam said.

"Yeah, her explanation for that was that she didn't want to be a single parent. After she said that, I realized that I'm working too much and need to slow down, but it's too late now. She's on a plane to Australia right now," Tommy said.

Just then Jason and Billy came in.

"Hey guys. Sorry me and Billy are late. We got stuck in traffic," Jason said as he got himself a beer from the bar.

"That's okay, guys." Adam said.

Jason and Billy pulled Tommy aside.

"Hey bro, I'm sorry about Kat. Is there anything I can do?" Jason asked.

"I'm okay, the alcohol is helping. Let's just forget about it and play some pool, okay?" Tommy said as he went back to the pool table. Rocky was racking up the balls.

A few hours later the guys were getting ready to go home when Billy took Tommy aside.

"Hey Tommy, what can I do to help?" Billy asked.

"Help me change the past. Make it right again." Tommy said.

"Maybe you should let the alcohol work it's way out of your system first before making that request, Tommy," Billy said.

"I'm not that drunk, Billy. You got us those infinity communicators. Teleport me back to the day when Kim got on the plane to Florida. I want to make things right with her. I shouldn't have let her get on that plane," Tommy said.

"Okay. I'll do you that favor, but just this once," Billy said as he took Tommy's communicator and programmed some coordinates into it. He placed it back on Tommy's wrist and Tommy pressed the green button. In a flash he was gone.